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Is it worth to create an app?


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Apr 20, 2018
Hi guys, i want to know your opinion in app development.
would you create an app to solve a problem or a necessity?

i'm reading the the millionaire fastlane and maybe i should finish the book before asking but what do you do first? find a problem to solve and then create something to solve the problem, to add value to people's life? or maybe you already know how to make an app so you decide to make one and then look for the niche?
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Oct 8, 2017
or maybe you already know how to make an app so you decide to make one and then look for the niche?
Never do this. Never.

You must always start with: find a monetizable problem that you can solve. You'd be surprised how often people in the market say "yeah I want that", and then don't actually open their wallets.

You want to know:
  • Is this a genuine pain? Are they hankering for this? (passively: their words sound convincingly to be that, actively: you have a funnel site that ends with a "it's not ready give us your emails" page)
  • Do they have money and will they give it to you? There is no point starting anything in a niche where people fundamentally don't have money, or just treat it as a hobby that has little value to them, or are already amply catered for.
  • How many of them are there? You can get vague measures of this from: crappy products making ongoing sales, activeness of boards/groups related to that area, google adwords search rates, etc
Only then should you even start thinking about making an offering in that area. And you should only start making an app if that comes out as the best solution among many options. The statistics are clear: almost no apps make money.

Start with the market first, and vigorously interrogate it, or you'll just annihilate your chances of success.


a worthy successor indeed
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Apr 30, 2011
don't develop an app unless you're okay with losing the cash to develop it or can do it yourself (developer).

If you're going to do it anyway at least prove the concept before jumping into development.

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