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Is Coding Essential to building a Business?


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May 2, 2024
How important is it that I learn coding? I want to make my business with my own hands however is this a step that I need to do? I feel odd asking this because I feel like I am looking for an easy way out because I know that violates C and E in CENTS if there is an easier way. I think I should learn it, however I need feedback and outside opinions, learning coding gives me Control at the cost of time but looking at an easier way violates Control AND Entry but gives me more time to focus on different aspects such as sales or marketing. I feel dumb asking it as it already violates 2 Commandments but I have many conflicting thoughts on where and what to start at. ( I have yet to begin a business so I am currently in a Learning Stage.)
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Dec 22, 2014
Los Angeles
That's why you hire a coder or a technical co-founder. There's enough of them out there where you are never going to be at the mercy of just one of them, which is what Control is really about.

Boy Muhammad

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Aug 10, 2022
Kebbi, Nigeria
Yes it's essential, if you're young and can't afford to hire a programmer, you'll be better off learning on your own at least know enough to get the V1 out, it'll take time and it's frustrating but you can get it done.

I've been there, I'm currently building a web app too, I've tried Y-Combinator co-founder matching, ZERO, I've tried bringing my friends on to work with me, ZERO, I had to roll up my sleeves and get to work.
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