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"Imagine living in a world where illness is optional." Individualized Nutrition


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Nov 14, 2011
@MJ DeMarco - Have you come across this yet? You seem to be getting more and more interested in health & wellness in recent years.

Came across this really interesting company during my research into the health industry...

"Imagine living in a world where illness is optional"

A very powerful vision statement for this company I came across recently.


Apparently, they are developing this technology that can create 100% personalized and individualized health plans based on the genetic makeup of your DNA.

I don't think Viome does the DNA testing (they do gut health testing), but there are other companies out there who are doing something very similar.

The simplest way I understand it is this:

Imagine if you and your sibling are born into a family that has a genetic history of diabetes (or cancer, or whatever it is).

Those genes are within you and your sibling.
  • Certain foods you eat (beets for example) could trigger that disease to become active within YOU.
  • While those same exact foods (beets for example) could actually help prevent that disease from becoming active in your sibling.
When you send in your DNA samples, they send you a detailed report of the foods you should eat, and the foods you shouldn't eat.

Up until now, doctors give general blanketed health advice, which may one day be obsolete.

While the vision statements on this company's website are powerful, I've had a friend speak to doctors in this field, who say that this technology is still 3-4 years away from being as accurate as they like. Also, other doctors who cured their own diseases using this same type of food-based natural approach say other factors play a role (environmental conditions, stress-levels, lifestyle, etc.) and that food may make up 35% of it.

Also, the other objection for this type of technology (The microbiome (gut) testing, instead of the DNA) is that it fluctuates from week to week, and isn't a long-term indicator like your DNA testing. Idk if there are other companies who are active with the DNA testing, but I hear talk of it.

Companies like this are paving the way for really great innovations that may disrupt the health industry. Their leadership team and advisory board looks strong too: About | Viome

With the more samples they are collecting, AI could combine all of this data together to create something very powerful for the masses.
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