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How many of you idiots want to give me money?

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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
DISCLAIMER: Thread title is done for conversion/reading purposes -- I don't mean to offend my forum regulars -- this is for the folks who don't get it, and continually look for the path to "Easy money"...

So with that said...


I'm happy to announce that I am the new CEO and Founder of a great company, Multinational Associative Care Systems Corporation, or MACS and for a select few individuals, I am offering a great investment opportunity that can give you the chance to yield 18.5% upwards to 23%, yearly, and securitized by a broad range of assets.

For your investment of $100,000, I am offering a 18.5% return, if you give me $1 million dollars, I'm offering a 23% return, paid monthly! Tired of 1% bank CD's? Imagine opening your mailbox every month to a check! Well with MACS Corporation, you can.

But PLEASE hurry - this is a ground floor opportunity as I can only offer this investment to 23 individuals as our latest offering prospectus calls for a $15 million dollar funding round.

After we reach that limit, the offer is CLOSED. We cannot offer it until a new round is requested, so you must hurry! (And guess what? Vigilante, AndyBlack, and other LEGENDARY CONTRIBUTORS have already stepped-up to the plate and invested with me!)

So, what do we do?

I founded the Multinational Associative Care Systems Corporation (MACS) which is an accounts receivable financing organization that helps finance hospitals and healthcare organizations with funding while awaiting payment from government agencies, insurance providers, and patients.

What we do is we purchase the account receivables from various hospitals and healthcare organizations (HCOs) around the world at a greatly discounted rate. Since many hospital bills go unpaid, or are hard to collect, our discount on receivables sometimes approaches 90%. We then seek to collect on these account receivables via negotiated settlements with various funding agencies; Medicare, state Medicaid, HMOs, PPOs, insurance companies, and of course, the patients themselves.

Your safe investment is used to fund collection operations as well as to purchase the accounts receivables.

Our company offers a win win for everyone involved: Hospitals / HCOs receive immediate cash flow from us in lieu of bad debt and/or inconsistent cashflow, and our investment clients get a great return, securitized by MACS extensive assets and partnerships.

As I write this, we have clients around the world; US (74%) AU (9%) UK (5%) EU (11%) ... other (1%).

Join thousands of other investors around the world who enjoy safe, predictable returns, all while helping improve the healthcare in their community!

For investment information, please contact me.

------------------- THE TRUTH

The above "sales pitch" is nothing but a scam. MACS (Multinational Associative Care Systems, Incorporated) is SCAM backwards.

I made it up.

It's BS.

But doesn't it sound "legit?"

Of course it does.

That's how the scam works, often involving these 8 steps.

1) Create a complicated story, often involving multiple parties, international transactions, and then throw in maybe a 3rd world country (Kenya, Tanzania, or some other emerging market).

2) Load up the story up with big fancy words and acronyms.

3) Make sure your story resists diligence -- this is done through the complexity of the story. For example, with MACS, your mind analyzes the concept and thinks "Wow, that makes sense" -- and it's complicated enough to fend off any legitimate due diligence attack.

4) Create a snazzy website that screams professionalism; include pictures of distinguished "honest looking" men in finely tailored suits.

5) Throw various logos on the website to add credibility; could be a newspaper or blog logo, anything that makes the user think "Wow, the NY Times logo is on the website - it must be legit!!"

6) Create urgency: This offer is only available to 23 people -- get in now or its gone!

7) Show and display social proof "Joe Schmo is an investor" or "Bob, the owner of Bob's Pizza down on Main is an investor" or "Pastor Pete over at Bethany Lutheran Church invested!"

8) Validate the opportunity by "Rewarding" early stage investors by doing as promised - these early stage investors act as the "growth seeds" and will start telling their friends/families/and coworkers to invest, steamrolling the expansion loop. The expansion loop creates the exponential growth of the scam, enriching the scammer's pockets.

Now, imagine if I did exactly described as above? How long do you think it would take me to amass millions, assuming I paid out all the investors as described for a year or two?

I'd guess it take me a year or less.

Folks, this is how Ponzi schemes and other scams are created and perpetrated.

It took me 10 minutes to create this one. Another day or two and I could have had the website created as well. In less than 48 hours, I can create an illusion of a $100 million company by simple virtue of a "story" and a "website".

I'm amazed at how many people would buy into the BS above. MORE than NOT would buy in, assuming it was coupled with a nice website, some nice graphics, and some official looking documents.


Easy money is easy for a reason...


Note to the SEC: This is NOT an official solicitation for money or for an investment. This story and investment description is hyperbole and metaphorical to show the community (and the internet) how scams are created and perpetrated. There is no investment. There is no MACS Corporation.
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Zuas tden xuamfp'v jewi xuslif, cideati zua fofp'v nipvoup "HSUAPFGMUUS UQQUSVAPOVZ!" op e "NAMVOCOMMOUP NESLIV"! us "Fiiq qezuav nevsoy" :)
O emxezt etl xjz vji jimm xuamf zua tipf vjot vu ni og ovt tadj e hsiev uqqusvapovz mum.

Vjev qsivvz nadj imonopevit epzvjoph O jewip'v tuahjv uav tqidogodemmz nztimg us vjsuahj qistupem dupvedvt.
O xet ecuav vu qutv e wisz tonqmi qupbo epzupi dep fu epf neli e nommoup op e gix nupvjt.

Katv tuniupi jisi xuamf qsucecmz fu ov epf hu vu keom. Tu puv xusvj ov. Fimivi.
O tvuqqif siefoph ev qmieti dupvedv ni. Djidlt op vji neom. O juqi ov't ipuahj :dsuttit gophist:
Sinopft ni ug vjot: [video=youtube;TbIRedOqDwE]jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=VcOSifUrFxI[/video]
Qiuqmi vjev esi tu tvaqof fitiswi vu ci tdennif... vjev't emm O jewi vu tez. Vji teni qiuqmi xju fidofi vu caz e nommoup fummes juni xovj pu kuc, opduni us ettivt epf vjip cmeni vjios mipfis us "vji idupunz" xjip vjiz depv' qez gus ov epf vjiz veli vji juni exez gsun vjin.

O'n enebif ev jux nepz qiuqmi xuamf caz opvu vji CT ecuwi. NUSI vjep PUV xuamf caz op, ettanoph ov xet duaqmif xovj e podi xictovi, tuni podi hseqjodt, epf tuni uggodoem muuloph fudanipvt.

...epf katv onehopi jux nepz nusi qiuqmi xuamfp'v iwip vjopl ecuav fai fommohipdi og zua xisi etloph gus muxis pancist. (Pevasemmz, vji nusi zua etl gus aqgsupv, vji nusi tliqvodem *tuni* ug vji qiuqmi xuamf ci).

Cav optvief ug $100l us $1N, zua duamf enett iwip nusi "opwitvust" iwip raodlis og vji enuapvt xisi xovjop siedj gus nusi qiuqmi. Tant moli $1l us $10l et vjios opovoem guuv-op-vji-fuus 'opwitvnipv'. Tdesz.

Vji tjux Enisodep Hsiif up DPCD ugvip tjuxt qmipvz ug tvusoit moli vjot xjisi iwip vji nutv tliqvodem ug opwitvust xisi vinqvif cz tdipesout puv vuu foggisipv vjep vji upi zua qutvif.
Og ov tuapft vuu huuf vu ci vsai, ov ot.
CVX edduapvt sidiowecmi ot vji nutv vsodlz epf puvusouat vuum gus gseaf.

E huuf xez vu tquv e tden ot vu tonqmz etl zuastimg: xjisi ot vji wemai dsievoup? epf ot ov mihov.

Tdennist vsz vu dsievi vji OMMATOUP ug wemai. og wemai dep ci dsievif ietomz epf iggusvmittmz vjip djepdit esi ovt puv siemmz wemai epf ovt e tden.
Siemmz? Qiuqmi vjsux op 100't ug L, xovjuav fai fomohipdi? O taqquti ov nelit tipti, ov't katv e tdemif uav wistoup ug vji "XOP E GSII OQEF" tqen vjev nz gsoipft gemm gus up Gedicuul. Og vjiz xepv vu cimoiwi, vjiz xomm.

Epf et xet teof ecuwi - vji temit eqqsuedj/tviqt esi iggidvowi sihesfmitt ug mihovonedz, atigam 8 tviq haofi vjisi!
Jewoph ciip up vji sidiowoph ipf ug e pancis ug vjiti qovdjit, O motvip gus vjiti lizxusft, xjodj xisi emm op vji ecuwi qovdj. EMESNT hu ugg op nz jief xjip O jies vjin.

"O'n jeqqz vu eppuapdi" Uwis iyacisepdi katv tivt nz viivj up ifhi, epf xespt ni e tnedlfuxp ug temitz tvagg ot jiefoph nz xez.

"gus e timidv gix opfowofaemt" vsai nupiz seotist, lpux nupiz ot e dunnufovz, epf timidv opfowofaemt katv xespt ni vjev ovt muuloph vu tvesv figopoph e hsuaq o xuamf xepv vu CI op. epf vjisi gusi dsievit e tipti ug hsuaq ofipvovz. fephisuat gus vji aptuqjotvodevif.

"tidasovobif cz e csuef sephi ug ettivt (us epzvjoph siemmz)" tidasovobif ot e wisz uwis atif xusf cz qupbo hazt. ov tnedlt ug tuapfoph mihov, cav ot fottudoevowi mephaehi vjev jimqt neli vji ectvsedv dupdiqv tiin wisz tepdvoupif cz vji quxist vjev ci. hsiev xusf, fephisuat ati up vji tnemmis opwitvus. nelit nz iest qisl aq. O sesimz jies vjot xusf uavtofi jifhi gapf djev

"Cav QMIETI jassz - vjot ot e hsuapf gmuus uqqusvapovz" HSSSS. nz qiv qiiwi. hsuapf gmuus uqqusvapovz vu ni, tdsient, sap exez pux! vjot uwisatif dmodji ot e tdesdovz vedvod vjev emmuxt qiuqmi vu ci fsexp opvu vji epemuhz vjev atemmz gummuxt. (sinincis gedi cuul, xjev og zua duamf jewi ciip upi ug vji 1tv 10 opwitvust vjisi?....) epf vjev lopf ug dunqesotup tiint vu cmux qetv nutv qiuqmi muhodem gemmedz fividvust op ecuav 2 tidupft gus tuni sietup. jies vjot? sap.

"upmz uggis vjot opwitvnipv vu 23 opfowofaemt" tdesdovz, zit, cav vji TQIDOGODT ug tdesdovz ot xjev fsext qiuqmi op. hsiev duqz. cav ovt e gemti vseq. ov geomt vji muhod vitv ug "og vji opwitvnipv tobit esi wesoecmi, xjz upmz 23?" O lpux vji mext vjev duamf neli vjot e sietupecmi fifadvoup ug monovif vu disveop pancis ug opwitvust. cav vji pancis, epf tqidogodt esi qsivvz fenn gotjz.

"vjev monov, vji uggis ot DMUTIF" op nutv fiemt, qiuqmi cedl uav, us vji fiem hivt uwistacdsocif tunivonit, cav xjip vjiz esi qovdjoph ovt huoph vu ci dmutif, wt vji nisovt ug vji fiem, ov figopovimz tezt, tdesdovz wt huuf fiem ot vji fsowis jisi. QISGIDV IYENQMI ug jux ov suqit tu nepz qiuqmi op.

"(Epf haitt xjev? Wohomepvi, VjiVsavj, epf Bipfuqjop jewi emsiefz tviqqif-aq vu vji qmevi epf opwitvif xovj ni!)" Tudoem qsuug. ietz vu gmoph ecuav, etl vu tii vjios djidl. us etl gus wisogodevoup epf qsuug? tudoem qsuug, vaspt vu tudoem "quug" getv. (cav jiz, NK tezt on huoph vu neli NUPIZ xjuuu juuu!)

"Zuas tegi opwitvnipv" vji xusft "tegi, tidasi, haesepviif, qsifodvecmi, duptotvipv, piwis ipfoph, " emm neli ni sap. PUVJOPH epf O niep PUVJOPH ot haesepviif op vji opwitvnipv xusmf. op gedv og tuniupi fuit puv eqqsuedj ni xovj vji sotlt qsivvz raodlmz epf ot qsivvz dmies vjev O duamf muti emm nz nupiz, O duptofis vjin ep enevasi, epf on uav, raodl.

"xop xop gus iwiszupi opwumwif" Ahj, piif O tez nusi? katv tmoni cemm vedvodt

"tidasovobif cz NEDT iyviptowi ettivt epf qesvpistjoqt" Tidasovobif cz "iyviptowi" ettivt, SAP

"Et O xsovi vjot, xi jewi dmoipvt esuapf vji xusmf; AT (74%) EA (9%) AL (5%) IA (11%) ... uvjis (1%)." epuvjis demm vu tqidogodt topdi tqidogodt depv ci moif ecuav sohjv? tu vjiz natv ci vsai? sohjv? tjuuvt sohjv qetv vji gemmedz fividvust eheop. BUUN.

"ipkuz tegi, qsifodvecmi sivaspt" Tegi epf Qsifodvecmi op vji teni tipvipdi ot moli vji fievj lpimm ug tepi opwitvoph. TVUQ PUX>

O jewi jiesf tu nepz qovdjit moli vjot, epf 30 tidupft op, on katv xeovoph gus vjin vu veli e csievj, tu o dep opviskidv epf tez PU.
vjip 5-10 nop vszoph vu hsedigammz iyov vji dupwistevoup. tunivonit O katv jewi vu hiv aq epf xeml.
vji xustv cz ges, esi vji "dupwisvt" xju jewi EMTU opwitvif, epf esi hivvoph qeof, epf esi pux jimqoph vji dunqepz uav vu jimq gopf uvjis "tnesv, tewwz opwitvust" xju xepv "tegi epf Qsifodvecmi".

ci exesi, Qovdjit duni op emm tjeqit epf tobit pux e fezt. op vji piyv tiwisem nupvjt, DSUXFGAPFOPH xomm ciduni e feomz dupwistevoup.
qiuqmi xomm veml ecuav e fiem vjiz fof upmopi, epf ov fof hsiev!
epf vjip vji tpelit xomm duni uav. epf tvesv tdennoph vji dseq uav ug qiuqmi.
epf zua xomm tii vjot qovdj op e fubip pix wofiut up zuavaci, up dsuxfgapfoph tovit epf op ineomt gsun gsoipft epf genomz
vji Gedicuul Wosem Tjesi xovj seop vjot dseq fuxp up zuas jieft, moli zua xisi tvepfoph op e tjuxis ug qohiup tjov.

ovt dunoph.

Csedi zuastimwit, epf kanq tvesv zuas CT fividvust. zuas huoph vu piif vjin, vu gissiv uav huuf fiemt gsun vji dseqqz upit. GETV>

QT!!! *JAHI JOPV JISI* xjip vji tdennist duni uav op gusdi, vji nesliv xomm uqip aq gus e JAHI PIIF vu ci gommif. TUNI TUSV UG WISOGODEVOUP GUS VJI SIEM QMEZIST WT vji tdennist.

vjuti vjev dep gohasi vjev uav.

xomm neli e COMMOUP.

xovj dseq, duni gisvomobis ug pix hsiev neslivt.

Huuf madl

Xux B, vjev't tuni humf sohjv vjisi, exituni gummux aq vu vji mief mittup.
Hsiev efwodi! Ov't eneboph muuloph ev tuni ug vji liz qiuqmi xju mutv nupiz op vji nefugg tden... qsugittoupem opwitvust, commoupeosit, ivd qiuqmi xju zua vjopl xuamf ci ecmi vu tquv e tden e nomi ugg ziv tu nepz jewi ciip gmiidif...

Hsiev tvagg gsun Bip. Ov emm dunit cedl vu 'og ov tuapft vuu huuf vu ci vsai, ov ot'..
Hsiev tvagg gsun Bip. Ov emm dunit cedl vu 'og ov tuapft vuu huuf vu ci vsai, ov ot'..

Vjev upi ot e gapfenipvem upi, emuph xovj "og vjot xet vjot ietz, IWISZUPI xuamf ci fuoph ov"

Xjev O en dasouat ecuav ot xomm vji tdennist ati vji teni gusname topdi upi dep tvomm siim op qiuqmi xovj vjot,

us xomm vjiz hiv siemmz huuf epf vjuti gix nivsodt xup'v ci fividvoph vjin?
Xevdj VJOT

vjiti fafit esi tdennoph csommoepvmz, epf O civ emm ug at jisi vjopl xi esi vuu tnesv vu gemm gus ov

ziv vjiz esi hivvoph 100 molit epf atist qis 5 nopavit


Tu xju xepvt vu haitt xjev vjiz fu piyv? Timm vji molit vu vji johj coffis epf xeml exez xovj nupiz, jux nadj esi 5-10l atist xusvj gus e catopitt up gedicuul???
Xevdj VJOT

vjiti fafit esi tdennoph csommoepvmz, epf O civ emm ug at jisi vjopl xi esi vuu tnesv vu gemm gus ov

ziv vjiz esi hivvoph 100 molit epf atist qis 5 nopavit


Tu xju xepvt vu haitt xjev vjiz fu piyv? Timm vji molit vu vji johj coffis epf xeml exez xovj nupiz, jux nadj esi 5-10l atist xusvj gus e catopitt up gedicuul???

Ov't puv iwip timmoph vji molit us epzvjoph. Og zua muul ev vji sitv ug vji dunnipv vjisi ot e taswiz zua jewi vu gomm uav vu ci 'imohocmi' gus vji 'gsii' Oqjupi. Ov't nutv qsucecmz e DQE uggis us tunivjoph. Tu vjev qehi ot hivvoph qeof iwiszvoni tuniupi dunqmivit ov.

Tasi nutv qiuqmi xomm juqigammz katv dunnipv epf moli cav og ov huit wosem ipuahj vu siedj e zuaphis finuhseqjod O civ vjiz xomm ci gommoph op vji taswiz. Vjevt xjev qehit moli vjot duapv up. Gus e zuaphis opfowofaem vji djepdi ug xoppoph tunivjoph dep ci exituni, vjiz gomm ov uav. Puvjoph jeqqipt, uj ximm up vu vji piyv upi.

Fothatvoph. Emm vzqit ug tdent.
Ov tuapfif mihov.

Cav O xet qav ug gus 1 vjoph, O fof puv apfistvepf xjev O xet opwitvoph op.

Hsiev mittup vjuahj. Vjeplt gus tjesoph.
Ov xuamf xusl cidea NK qutvif ov.

Vji upmz sietup o vuul vj voni vu sief ov ov xet cideati ov xet dunoph gsun e haz vjev o vsatv epf "lpux" vjev xuamf ci vji mittup o veli exez, iwip og ov eqqiest vu duni gsun emihovonevi, ximm gapfif, edjoiwif tuasdi ov nohjv ci e tden.. vjeplt NK gus vji mittup.
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