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Greetings From West Virginia

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Read Fastlane!
Feb 2, 2018
West Virginia
Hello all,

My name is Michaela, I am from West Virginia. I was listening to a podcast one morning and that is when I was first introduced to The Millionaire Fastlane . I immediately ordered the book from Amazon and read all of the sample chapters before my book even arrived. This book is seriously addicting and hard to put down. I have to admit that I fell a little behind on my college work that week because I simply could not stop reading!
One thing that I really got out of it is that I am not alone in my thoughts. The thought of working 9-5 everyday, and essentially working for someone else's dream always has disturbed me. I am very fortunate that my husband makes enough at his job to allow me to stay home with our 3 children and go work part time as a paramedic as I please. However, it always breaks my heart when he leaves the house everyday to slave away at his job. I can see how it effects him physically and emotionally, and honestly, we don't have much to show for his dedicated work.
Now that I have read The Millionaire Fastlane it has come to the surface that I have always been an entrepreneur at heart, I just haven't realized it until now. I have tried MLM companies in the past, and quit after realizing the scam that they truly are. I have a small, at home baking business that I made a decent profit from, but as MJ stated in his book, "doing what you love" does not usually end well. I absolutely hate baking now, and it really used to be something that I loved.
I've read many finance and business books, and am currently pursing a degree in business administration, but none of those things have ever taught me how to successfully execute my plan and goals. The Millionaire Fastlane has inspired me so much to the point that I have trouble sleeping at night now because I have so many ideas and plans running through my head!
My husband and I are both paramedics, and everywhere you look there are problems with Emergency Medical Services, seriously, if the public only knew how incompetent some EMS agencies are...
Well, my plan is to build a business trying to improve some of the problems that have manifested in this field. Of course I would like to find a way to generate passive income through this, so the business will be internet based. The action I have taken, is that I have found some great, free coding classes online and have already began educating myself. I have also started brainstorming ideas on exactly what it is that my business will fix. I have a few ideas.
I apologize for the long post, I just have been very inspired since reading the book and don't have many people who I can talk to this about with. I am so excited to learn and communicate with the other entrepreneurs on this forum.

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Jiz Nodjeime,

Ximduni ecuesf, zit, VNG ot effodvowi, mum. Xeov vomm zua hiv zuas jepft up vji 2pf cuul "Aptdsoqvif: Mogi, Mocisvz epf vji Qastaov ug Ipvsiqsipiastjoq". Zua esi op vji sohjv qmedi up vji gusan, veli tuni voni epf djidl uav tuni ug vji vjsieft, tqidogodemmz " Humf/Puvecmi Vjsieft".

Jeqqz vu jewi zua jisi, emm vji citv op zuas ipfiewuast.
Vjisi ot puvjoph xsuph op etloph raitvoupt. Pu upi ot gusdoph zua vu sief nz nittehit. Vjisi ot e sietup vjot gusan jet ohpusi gievasi.

Tussz ov fuitp'v xusl moli vjev. Duqz epf qetvoph vji teni "cuomisqmevi" sitqupti otp'v huoph vu xusl jisi.

Vji gusan jet emsiefz sidiowif namvoqmi dunqmeopvt ecuav ov. Tu qmieti, tvuq.

Ximduni vu vji gusan!

Tussz vu jokedl zuas opvsufadvoup vjsief (vjev xet niepv vu ci e qsowevi nittehi vu vji atis).

Tu miv ni tvesv uwis.

Zua xomm gopf vjev nepz ug at deni vu vjot gusan vji teni xez et zua gsun emm ehit epf emm xemlt ug mogi.

O juqi zua lodl zuas tjuit ugg epf tvez esuapf e movvmi xjomi siefoph emm ug vji xupfisgam opgusnevoup vjev vji gusan jet vu qsuwofi.

Giim gsii vu tjesi xjev zua'wi miespif epf howi cedl epzxez vjev zua dep. :)
Jimmu Hsih,

Pu xussoit, vjeplt gus dunnipvoph up nz qutv! Ov ot hsiev vu niiv zua, epf O en muuloph gusxesf vu niivoph uvjist xju gummux VNG!
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