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Goal-Setting Hangups I need Help figuring out....

Anything related to matters of the mind


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Dec 5, 2018
Hi All,
Two-Part Question on Goal Setting, i.e. Micro-Goals:

Part One:
A lot of times, projects I am working on can come down to waiting for a follow up E-mail or Call in order to proceed with the next steps forward, which may be Set of Steps "A" or Set of Steps "B", depending on the reply/answer/call/mail/text I am waiting for. Sometimes, this is an outcome out of our control (the return call/mail.etc), and it can really hinder your progress on that specific project.

How do you folks work it into your goal-setting? Right now, I move on to other items, but it is still sticking out like a sore thumb...begging for attention, but you've already left a message or sent an E-mail asking for a reply, etc...VERY do you folks handle this type of goal roadblock?

Part Two:
This is kind of related to Part One, because, these "waiting for follow up" roadblock-hindered project goals need to be treated as if using a completely seperate system if goal-setting...
and I now wind up using the micro-goal process on my other ongoing projects, but there is no unity, because I have to tend to this roadblocked goal path in one way or another.

How can I unify my approach.

I hope this was not too vague...please let me know

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