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Finally Starting to Knuckle Down!

B3n Doyle

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May 2, 2018
Hey everyone,

My name is Ben and I'm in the UK.

At 34 I'm finally starting to get serious about creating the financial freedom that I've always dreamed about.

I run a local pet care company with my wife called Pet Checkers and as far as small businesses go, it does OK. Turning over around £100k annually and we employ 4 part-time staff but the issue is that all of our income is directly tied to time.

Want your dog walking? That's £13.50 for 30 minutes.

Because we only work one-on-one with the animals (that's what sets us apart from the competition) our ability to make really good money is severely limited.

I talked to my wife about franchising etc. but she likes the fact that it's small. The business pays for her to work a 'job' she loves and not have to work at a job she hates and she's really happy with that.

Me, not so much!

So I wrote an article on our website that reviews a certain product relating to dogs in June last year. That one article makes between £800 - £1,200 per month in affiliate revenue. I managed to completely detach my earnings from my time and the lightbulb went off!

My problem is that I have a million ideas, start them all and focus on none of them so over the past few months I've taken that money and poured it into several ideas and because I've not given them the time and attention they need, they've all gone nowhere.

So I went to get some help (hypnotherapy) to try and sort out my focus. Not sure if it's just a placebo or not but I'm now laser focussed on a brand new project (affiliate website). I'm only a month in and I don't expect it to earn anything for at least a few months but when it does, I fully expect it to be the idea that retires me.

So after reading the Millionaire Fastlane , I thought I'd jump into the forum and hopefully share my (currently limited) experience and hopefully learn a few things too!


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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Want your dog walking? That's £13.50 for 30 minutes.

So about $18 USD, not bad! That would work out here in the affluent areas.

So I wrote an article on our website that reviews a certain product relating to dogs in June last year. That one article makes between £800 - £1,200 per month in affiliate revenue. I managed to completely detach my earnings from my time and the lightbulb went off!

Ahhh yes, a test of making money while off the clock. Addicting ain't it?

Welcome aboard Ben!

B3n Doyle

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May 2, 2018
So about $18 USD, not bad! That would work out here in the affluent areas.

Yeah, we're the most expensive in our area at what we do but still, when you consider that we operate mostly between the hours of 10am - 3pm there's a (very) limited amount that we can earn. And I'm not gonna get my Aston Mart!n working for $18 per half hour!

Ahhh yes, a test of making money while off the clock. Addicting ain't it?

Welcome aboard Ben!

The idea is awesome, but it doesn't excite me and I don't know if that's a bad thing or not? Money has never excited me and I'm generally quite indifferent towards it. If I lose it, I shrug my shoulders and go again. When I make it I don't get excited.

What does excite me though, is freedom and choice and not having to think, 'Can I afford it'.

Thanks @MJ DeMarco, not just for your kind welcome, but for the book also, it's taught me a lot! :)


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