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Don't know how to start? Here's something you can do in 5-10 min

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Nov 29, 2017
New Jersey
I saw this in a video from @SEO Guy, so all credit goes to him.

I'm not going to get into insane specifics or long-winded business models. I'm just going to give you instructions that you can follow in the next 5 minutes so you can get high off a drug called Value.

Value is a very addicting drug; once you get high once, you'll probably do it again.


  1. Brain.
  2. Internet.
  3. iPhone or Android.


  1. Do a Google search for a local business that's selling things. It could a car dealership, a pet store, a thrift shop... whatever.
  2. Check if they have photos of their items online.
  3. If they have photos, save them to your phone. Write down the name of the item and any other relevant info (car mileage, jacket size, etc.).
  4. Download these apps: OfferUp, LetGo, Craigslist (if you know any other marketplaces, download those too. I'm sure you could use Facebook Marketplace too... not sure though.).
  5. Post photos of the items on these apps, along with good descriptions.
  6. Answer inquiries and direct people to the seller. Give them the address of the shop that's selling the item.

It's that easy!

If you're new to the Value Game and you're still in the stage where you just sulk around, hate the world and act like you can't make a change, you might be saying things like:

  • "That's stupid, it doesn't get me any money."
  • "This post was a waste of time, I need $1,000,000 by next month."

You might also have the impulse to ask 7,400 questions, such as:

  • "Does this go against OfferUp's Terms of Service?"
  • "What if the owner sees that I'm posting their items?"

Just stop asking questions and get to work. These questions are just a procrastinatory (actual word) measure that your brain created to prevent you from taking action. Deal with problems when you actually have them.

Just do it.

The point of this exercise isn't to make you a millionaire overnight... it's to take the first step in switching your brain from consumer to producer. It's to switch from "I can't do anything, I have no skills, blahblahblah" to "Okay, maybe I can provide some value...".

You will feel how it feels to provide value to a local business, as well as understand how easy it is to help people if you just try.

I sold a car for a dealership with about 10 minutes of total work. I posted, got some interest, talked to some of the people on the app, and set up one guy to head to a local dealership the next day. He bought a pimpin' Cadillac. I didn't ask for any money from the dealership. He's happy and the dealership is happy, and therefore I'm happy.

I could easily observe all the angles, optimize this plan, and turn it into a business.

But that's not my focus right now. I'm working on other stuff.

But just doing it opened my mind up to a whole new way of providing value. It also opened my mind up to how damn easy it is to get started.



  • You're spending your time productively instead of wasting it on bullshit.
  • You're allowing your brain to feel the effect of providing value. You can fantasize and action-fake all you want, but until you help someone then you just won't understand what providing value is about.
  • You get to test your copywriting and sales skills.
  • Now that you understand how to provide value, your brain will come up with all sorts of crazy ideas based around this principle. You could easily make a business off this if you examine the angles, plan it out and remain consistent.


  • Takes 10 mins away from your Fortnite, Porn & Doritos night. Tragic, I know...

Stop telling yourself you can't make a difference and GET TO WORK!


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Nov 29, 2017
New Jersey
P.S. because I know some people will read this and STILL tell themselves that they have no skills or talent or money blahblahblah...

I don't really know what to say to those people...

They're just completely delusional (sorry for being harsh) and WANT to be helpless and hopeless.

Anyone can make a difference and provide value.

Just take the first step - then worry about the second.


Jeff Noel

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Oct 26, 2018
Quebec, Canada
B-B-But... My Fortnite stats.......

Great post. Got me to put up a few of my own things for sale right now, tonight !

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