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Bedouin in the desert


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Jul 22, 2018
Antwerp Belgium
Hi all and @MJ DeMarco

I am an entrepreneur with a background in software development. I'm from a third world country named Belgium were we love to do things 180 degrees south of efficient. I have read both books and am ready to start making a difference.

The first 3 years of my professional life I was a temporal prostitute for a meat factory (AKA software consultant). After my gazillionth client, that loved to do things in the most contra productive way, I suffered a "F*ck this" moment (not an event).

I quit my job and became a self-employed temporal prostitute. After reading the books I came to the conclusion I still was not my own boss.
At least I am my own PIMP right?
Wrong. I own 250,000 euro of debt that will eventually make me a house owner and a very nice BMW (for only 60 payments of 700 euro, VAT excluded). All two months of unemployment away of being gone and will force me to move back in with my parents.

I went from a slowlane-ing employee, to a side walking self-employed bitch that gets hired by big companies and there big bosses to make their wet dreams come true. And if that wet dream changes tomorrow, I will be out of a job or throwing months of hard work in the trash. (pardon my language)

So I already have a bunch of projects littering the desert of desertion (I own that small dune to the right) and I am action-faking the next one.

I think I know what is wrong with me (missing a clear WHY I think).
But I would love to hear from you guys how you keep yourself from action-faking.

@MJ DeMarco I probably ticked every box by now and you are already like, "This boy ain't gonna make it". But that's why I am here. Because I want to make a difference.
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