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$500,000+ revenue on Shopify!

Sanj Modha

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Feb 16, 2016
In Your Newsfeed
I posted this over at FB and it made some dents. I think it could help someone here too:

Today marks an important milestone for me. It's one year of going full time on Shopify. I have 3 stores now with an excess of $500,000 in revenue (2 are newer launched in the last few weeks). Profit is $200,000.

I'm not here to brag or to release any dumb course. I'm here to inspire. To quote Biggy Smalls "It was all a dream...".

I'm actually embarrassed to post this because I know guys in here making these figures A MONTH. But you gotta start somewhere right?

This store took a dip recently due to FB ads playing up but that taught me an important lesson. I'll post it below.

I started with a vision and a road map to success. Here are my top 10 tips for achieving the same:

1) Follow the right people and unfollow the rest. Most gurus are bullshit.

2) Get into a routine. I meditate, power pose (see Amy Cuddy's video on TED), and do some stretches before starting my day. How you do anything is how you do everything.

3) Read for 30 minutes EVERYDAY. Wow...I wish I knew this when I was 18 years old. Read anything and everything. Start with sales, marketing and mix it up with fiction. I alternate between the two genres.

4) Don't work weekends. Seriously, I haven't worked a weekend in years. Spend time with your loved ones, your kids, your dog. Money cannot substitute that.

5) Learn processes. Bruce Lee called it right. Success is about stripping everything away and processes help you do that.

6) Do not rely on any one thing for your income. This is my biggest mistake to date. I was focusing on FB traffic without considering email marketing or Adwords. Now I use all 3 in my arsenal to generate sales. I'm actually in the process of replicating this revenue with Adwords traffic only.

7) "Offer value first" - I'm sorry but that's bullshit. You don't open a store in your local mall to give things away. You do it to make money. I know people will disagree but that's the cold hard truth. If you don't believe me - watch Kevin O'Leary on Shark Tank. Offer a sizzling product to the right audience and you will make money. Truth.

8) Be a nice person. Yeah the world is full of douche bags but you don't need to be one of them. I'm heavily influenced by eastern philosophies and I live in India now so I guess it's easier but if you're struggling in life, close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale for 10 seconds. It's a Zen practise I use all the time.

9) Network, network, network - find people who propel you forwards. Join a pack of lions. Become the leader.

10) If your productivity sucks. Go use the Pomodoro Technique. It works!

I didn't get here by myself. I met some extraordinary people who mentored me, showed me the path, ridiculed my ideas but ultimately shaped my character. I thank you all and you know who you are.

Gary Vee walks into any room thinking he's the best but also realizing that his work doesn't matter. Make your ego your friend and drown out that negativity.

I'm the proud son of working class immigrants. I didn't know anything but I learnt it all. Success isn't born. It's made.

If I can do it so can you. I also want to thank the entire team at Shopify for making this possible. My goal for next year is $1m/store.

Good luck.
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Oct 31, 2011
Gulf Coast
I posted this over at FB and it made some dents. I think it could help someone here too:

Today marks an important milestone for me. It's one year of going full time on Shopify. I have 3 stores now with an excess of $500,000 in revenue (2 are newer launched in the last few weeks). Profit is $200,000.

I'm not here to brag or to release any dumb course. I'm here to inspire. To quote Biggy Smalls "It was all a dream...".

I'm actually embarrassed to post this because I know guys in here making these figures A MONTH. But you gotta start somewhere right?

This store took a dip recently due to FB ads playing up but that taught me an important lesson. I'll post it below.

I started with a vision and a road map to success. Here are my top 10 tips for achieving the same:

1) Follow the right people and unfollow the rest. Most gurus are bullshit.

2) Get into a routine. I meditate, power pose (see Amy Cuddy's video on TED), and do some stretches before starting my day. How you do anything is how you do everything.

3) Read for 30 minutes EVERYDAY. Wow...I wish I knew this when I was 18 years old. Read anything and everything. Start with sales, marketing and mix it up with fiction. I alternate between the two genres.

4) Don't work weekends. Seriously, I haven't worked a weekend in years. Spend time with your loved ones, your kids, your dog. Money cannot substitute that.

5) Learn processes. Bruce Lee called it right. Success is about stripping everything away and processes help you do that.

6) Do not rely on any one thing for your income. This is my biggest mistake to date. I was focusing on FB traffic without considering email marketing or Adwords. Now I use all 3 in my arsenal to generate sales. I'm actually in the process of replicating this revenue with Adwords traffic only.

7) "Offer value first" - I'm sorry but that's bullshit. You don't open a store in your local mall to give things away. You do it to make money. I know people will disagree but that's the cold hard truth. If you don't believe me - watch Kevin O'Leary on Shark Tank. Offer a sizzling product to the right audience and you will make money. Truth.

8) Be a nice person. Yeah the world is full of douche bags but you don't need to be one of them. I'm heavily influenced by eastern philosophies and I live in India now so I guess it's easier but if you're struggling in life, close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale for 10 seconds. It's a Zen practise I use all the time.

9) Network, network, network - find people who propel you forwards. Join a pack of lions. Become the leader.

10) If your productivity sucks. Go use the Pomodoro Technique. It works!

I didn't get here by myself. I met some extraordinary people who mentored me, showed me the path, ridiculed my ideas but ultimately shaped my character. I thank you all and you know who you are.

Gary Vee walks into any room thinking he's the best but also realizing that his work doesn't matter. Make your ego your friend and drown out that negativity.

I'm the proud son of working class immigrants. I didn't know anything but I learnt it all. Success isn't born. It's made.

If I can do it so can you. I also want to thank the entire team at Shopify for making this possible. My goal for next year is $1m/store.

Good luck.

The first person replying to this that asks him what he sells is getting banned from the thread.

Thank you for sharing this.


Expect success, but prepare to fail.
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May 21, 2016
Very inspiring!

If you do not mind sharing the answers to few questions:
  • When you started your first shopify store, did you start with one product and gradually add more? Did you continue in the same niche you chose at the beginning or did you have to move around?
  • Do you still handle packaging and shipment yourself or have you outsourced it to fullfillment centers to take care of it for you? If so, how soon did it happen and are there any lessons you would like to share?
Thank you :)

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