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  1. torizen

    Hello from Northeast US

    Hello everyone, I've dealt with all four seasons for decades. My contributions will also be based on lots of life experiences, however, I'm looking forward to learning from others. My education and background consist of technology and business courses and jobs/projects. I'm the older IT person...
  2. rmrpereira

    Technological newbie question around becoming a Virtual Assistant (part time)

    Hello I’m wondering whether someone can point me with the right guidance around this question about becoming a virtual assistant: I am going to start really soon being a virtual assistant to a therapist, specifically for booking her sessions as a result of messages she receives asking for a...
  3. flyingguitarist

    Bill Gates's insights on AI . How it will affect Industries & Future of Work

    Just received the software OG's insights from his newsletter AI is about to completely change how you use computers What are your thoughts on this? Right now I'm just filled with questions.. How will it impact businesses, what kind of new business would emerge out of this (other than he...
  4. for

    The importance of being in early

    Hi everyone. I've just finished reading "The Great Rat-Race Escape". I mostly read it leisurely and didn't think too much about the non-fiction parts. But there's one chapter that stuck with me. Chapter 42 discusses how creating a successful business is all about taking advantage of change and...
  5. Rune

    Soft test: WanderVault, the portable backup solution with NAS features

    Hello, Introduction: This is my first post to this forum, so I'm not really sure how to go about this. First I will introduce myself a little. My name is Rune, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Belgium. English is not my native language, so pardon my spelling mistakes. I, together with my...
  6. meira1026

    Feedback on improving healthcare

    I have a proposal for a new business idea and would like to pose a few questions: 1. On a scale of 1-10, how efficient is our current healthcare system (ability to access needed care?) 2. What, if anything, could be done to improve the system? 3. Do you have trouble remembering your medical...
  7. C

    Non native app developers, which technology do you use?

    Hello developers I want to create an app without coding it twice. What technologies do you suggest? My strengths are Java, C#, JavaScript, React I'm aware of React Native, Ionic, Flutter. My app will be probably quite big because there are 5 roles and each of them will have different...
  8. A

    Hi I'm Axe Colver, Interested in SEO

    Hi I am Axe Colver from the US, I'm new here and looking forward to share and ask for great idea especially in SEO Internet marketing. I do love SEO work with latest updates today! Hope I can find here useful tips and share my strategy as well, Bdw I also love to play the piano, watch movies...
  9. Dark Water

    Can't say enough good things about owning a Chromebook - one of the best tools to work online

    As far as business tools go, I think a Chromebook is a valuable asset for anyone working online, whether that's web design, copywriting, etc. I initially bought a Chromebook so that I could have a distraction free computer that was purely meant for work. And it worked wonders. Chromebooks can't...
  10. P

    Desperate Tech Entrepreneur Needs Advice

    I really need some advice on my current work situation, which is unfortunately a very long story, so I apologize and ask you bear with me. Everyone in my life is either too close to the problem (with the risk of having a special interest), or not knowledgeable enough in this arena to give very...
  11. MartijnS

    Dutch/Canadian Software Ninja

    Hi guys and gals, I'm a software/web developer, have been for 20 years now, and I've also been moving more into entrepreneurial side. I've started a moderately successful pay for use website with a business partner of mine (Yoga Pose Sequence Builder - An App Designed For Yoga Teachers), and am...
  12. J

    How do we fit the revenue stream with our purpose?

    Dear community, This is the first time reaching out to the community, so I hope this isn't completely out of place. As a company we are trying to break through from idea to actual business. The idea is to provide a price-comparison solution similar to for instance SkyScanner, however specific...
  13. JamesDB

    (Question) Who has experience with selling prototypes?

    How would you approach top tier technology companies with fully functioning prototypes that could help them do xy better/faster/cheaper by a factor of 3+ ? We have been working on a part of a product but then pivoted along the way, now we have a piece of (predictive A.I. etc.) technology left...
  14. B

    all eggs in amazon not so good

    This Amazon seller lost $400,000 in sales after being attacked by self-proclaimed 'virus of Amazon' interesting!
  15. Lex DeVille

    19 Crimes Talking Wine

    Been a fan of 19 Crimes since they launched their first labels. The storytelling is on point and they capture an awesome vibe. Now they're stepping it up again with Augmented Reality and talking wine labels. I haven't checked to see if other wines do this, but it's really cool and great for...
  16. Michael Burgess

    Quantum Valley: the Silicon Valley of The North

    Have you ever heard of Quantum Valley? I'm sure most of you are familiar with Silicon Valley in California - a geographic region that is home to a huge tech and business ecosystem. Quantum Valley is a similar thing in Kitchener-Waterloo (Ontario, Canada). It's known as "Quantum" Valley...
  17. DaanM

    Daan / Located in Belgium / Tech startups

    Hi guys, As requested, a quick introduction about myself. So I'm from Belgium, Trumps favourite country :). Belgium is pretty wet & windy but today it's Californian weather. Anyway, professionally I've been pretty busy with building tech startups. I was a co-founder of which I...
  18. ADR

    Entrepreneur to IT Career back to Entrepreneur

    Hi All, I was born in Miami FL and I am a 29 year old IT professional. After owning two small businesses (DJ Productions and Convenience Store), I decided to pursue a career to spend more time with my family. Now I realize I was one the right track but doing it wrong. If I combine all my...