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    Click fraud: don't let your ad dollars go to waste

    We've been running click fraud prevention for our Google Ads for over a year now, so I thought I would share our results: It's pretty clear the investment is well worth it if you are spending a significant amount in advertising. For the $700 we've paid in software fees so far, we've...
  2. O

    Free Google Ads Guide For eCommerce Brands

    Thought this might be useful for some of you! We just wrote a Google Ads guide for eCommerce businesses taking their first foray into PPC (Free and no email required) ⬇️
  3. O

    Free Google Ads Guide For eCommerce

    Guide > Google Ads Guide For eCommerce | Snowball Creations This does not cover how to set up your google ad account but does try to give a load of more high-level advice to follow all born from what works for my agency and our clients over the years. I think this community is more weighted to...
  4. Senecal

    [NEED GOOGLE ANALYTICS 4?] GA4 + Google Ads, GTM, Conversion tracking help

    Do you need to set up GA4 but don’t know how to? Do you want GA4 on your site but don’t wanna go through the steep learning curve? Do you have other “tracking” problems you need fixing? Maybe you’re running ads but no conversions are showing. hint: broken conversion tracking Or your data...
  5. D

    What is the difference between cost per click and pay per click?

    Hello friends, How many of you know the differences between cost per click and pay per click activities? These two have different aspects and I want to know the awareness among people for these incredible marketing methods.
  6. Envious

    Growing a Pay Per Click Business (Agency?)

    I've started a new progress thread that is going to be focused on scaling pay per click freelancing until it becomes a high income cashflow business. I hate the term Agency, but what I do know is that I don't wan't to get stuck in the weeds being a freelancer. While there is nothing inherently...
  7. ANR

    PPC / Google Ads: Client Changing Domains, Want Me to Set Up A New Ad Account. Better to Keep Original?

    Got an PPC client with £300k's worth of past data in an ad account. They are changing domains from .com to and have brought me in to do a similar thing with their ad accounts... (moving from an existing ad account to a new ad account they have set up) In my opinion it would be...
  8. PizzaOnTheRoof

    Game-Changer? New Google Ads Lead Form Extension...

    If you're not aware, Google is rolling out new lead gen forms in beta at the moment. It started rolling out in Octoberish and I just got access in my account. I see this as a MASSIVE advantage for those that can jump on...
  9. radar81

    Advice to Gain Hands On PPC Campaign Management

    I'm based in Chicago and operate a small web design and development agency. I'm looking to expand my services to offer PPC campaign management (all Google initially). I have a client with a $30k/mo ad spend campaign that is in horrible shape, and they want me to immediately take over management...
  10. ProcessPro

    Finished building my 1st E-commerce store. One question.

    My aim is to take the shortest route to the first sale. The problem is that I've run my site through SEO tools and there is a lot of SEO work to be done. Do I have to fix those SEO things before running my first PPC campaign (which I assume is the fastest way to my first sale)? Or can I run...
  11. CoreyinMN

    Google Ads Mistakes That Cost You Money

    They are everywhere... When you search for information on Google Ads you see TONS of success stories. Warm and fuzzy tales of how a local brick and mortar or cutting-edge start-up put a dollar into the Google Machine and started getting 10 times that out of it. And it was soooo easy. All...
  12. CoreyinMN

    Who Is Seeing These New AdWords Conversions?

    I've been noticing new conversions mysteriously appearing in some of my AdWords accounts {see image below]. I did not put them there. I searched for some information on them but got nothing. QUESTIONS: 1) Who else is seeing this? 2) Do you have any more information on them? Pssst... @Andy...
  13. S

    I admit it... Im an action-faking wantrepreneur (Aus)

    Ive been lurking a bit, getting a feel for the forum - and i’m absolutely blown away by the sheer amount of value shared by the community. Ive decided to become a part of the fastlane community and with that, its time for me to write an intro. A brief backstory A combination of poor life...
  14. Hvazquez07

    Here's How To Win At Facebook Ads And Build An Audience FAST

    Hey guys, I thought I'd start by contributing something that has been working really well for me over the past 60 days when it comes to Facebook ads. Many of you have a product or a service that requires some sort of education (you're a digital marketer, a consultant, a fitness coach, or you...
  15. eqttrdr

    Facebook Ad Spend vs Audience Size?

    Currently in uncharted waters now.... and trying to plan out future growth... Have a single digital info product with 2 upsells in our funnel Doing PPC on Facebook and currently up to spending $1,300/day on ads with an audience size targeting of 1.8mil. At this level we are about 90% ROI...
  16. K

    Lead/Call Generation Website

    Product/Service the lead is for : $100 Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Target, Best Buy Rebate Voucher for $1.95, Call for more information! My employers charge the banks, insurance companies, etc... $4.50 per lead/call they send us. I was thinking that $4.50/call was easy to make a profit off of with...
  17. Turbo

    Ecommerce & PPC Top Gun for Hire- I make my clients 7-figures a month online!

    Ecommerce & PPC Top Gun for Hire- I make my clients over $1 Million a month online! How’s business? How are sales? Are you killing it, or just treading water? Frustrated with your marketing strategy? The ecommerce seas are rising rapidly- will you end up surfing the waves or washed up on the...
  18. eliquid

    Paid Advertising Crash Course

    I was asked to write this for another forum and I got permission to share it here. But first, I want to give you some background on why I wrote this... I have been purchasing PPC ads since 1998 and I cut my teeth on both ecommerce and lead generation campaigns for almost a thousand different...