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  1. Save and Invest to $10 million?

    Save and Invest to $10 million?

    Why saving and investing + time is the worst idea, unless you have no other ideas.
  2. Spenny

    Why stocks, bitcoin, and crypto will NEVER be Fastlane.

    I invested in stocks for a while and thought the same way: "Ah, but stocks will bring me to the Fastlane" - nope. Never was, never will be & never should be. I only invested in stocks because they should have an intrinsic value - crypto has no use except for the black market. But my experience...
  3. B

    Need some actual feedback... i feel like im falling back..

    Okay so i have been working on my venture to freelancing & dropshipping artworks as a stepping stone but i just feel like everything im doing isn't going to get me to the right road, i started getting myself involved in the AI market but i am thinking whether to skip it and go straight on to...
  4. M

    Offering Copywriting Services For Free?

    Hello. I've been working and improving my marketing copywriting as well as recently getting into SEO and website copy. I won't go any deeper than that since that would be meaningless. My question for the forum is simply: Should I offer copywriting services for free to acquire knowledge? Since...
  5. AayushT8999

    I started My own newsletter I need advise.

    Hello My friends. So I created this thread to show you guys My progress of how I created an newsletter and also ask for genuine advise from members better than Me. Looks like all I needed was harsh replies with a little bit of embarrassment(though the embarrassmentwas not little I ambarresed...
  6. MJ DeMarco

    Can money buy happiness? Scientists (finally) say yes.

    In light of the "To hell with getting rich, I just need to own my time" threads around here I give you the following: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/03/08/money-wealth-happiness-study/ I don't like citing WAPO, but I'm familiar with these scientists so I feel I can post this. The...
  7. A

    Most of us ain't getting rich, and that's okay

    I'm not rich and I don't know if I'll ever get rich. If I said, "only %5 of the members on this forum will get rich", you'd automatically think that you're in that %5. And that's simply not true. You're probably not. I'm sorry. And that's completely okay. You don't need a private jet, a...
  8. MJ DeMarco

    This 33 year old "retired early" eating bugs and landfill shopping...

    My best attempt at a Babylon Bee style article. As I mentioned on the INSIDE, The Millionaire Fastlane website was recently redesigned. As such, I satired a FIRE success story. https://www.themillionairefastlane.com/fire_millionaire_retire_early_success_story.html Enjoy! I had a blast...
  9. monnffffiiiiiii

    My blog attracts 20k users/month (and growing). Thoughts on monetization?

    I have been writing this blog since April 2021. The only thing I have been focused on so far was writing and SEO. Tbh I didn't think I'd ever reach this point, but there it is. Now I am looking for ways to monetize it without driving people off. Blog monetization isn't rocket science...
  10. monnffffiiiiiii

    I'm back

    Hello, It's me Monnfiii. Do you remember me? I am back (temporarily, at least). What's up? Last time I was here, I was doing an internship and had just started a blog. Since then, I have grown my blog from 0 to 14k viewers/month, grew my Medium income from $10/month to $1.2k/month...
  11. Stanisław

    Slowlane BS or a Good Strategy ?

    A moment ago I have seen this video - View: https://youtu.be/Qqr9KKb1SXQ I have watched it because it is said that this guy has a good camera presence and that is a skill that I am working on that will help me explode my INCOME. This dude is retired at 31 with two kids so that does not sound...
  12. doster.zach

    Would everyone living to 1000 years old make the slowlane viable?

    I was thinking about the idea of working 40 years (over 50% of the average human life) just isn't the best thing for most people. But what if we lived to be 1000 years old? I thought about what would change if we lived 2, 3 or maybe even 10 times as long as we do now. I'm not sure much would...
  13. Prince33

    What's wrong with this 'FIRE' retirement plan?

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WScd62Xjh6I Well the elephant in the room is her and her husband are pulling in around 200K to even play at these numbers. But combined with a low cost of living country I can how it's possible. I know the principals of why FIRE isnt wise. But I'd like to...
  14. kristianbrnada

    Like minded people in Munich GERMANY

    Hello! I'm new on the forum here and would like to know if there are some members from Munich GERMANY who would like to meet up in person, connect, talk and discuss about entrepreneurship, financial freedom, books and much more!? My name is Kristian, I am 21, athletic, studying Engineering &...
  15. Harman

    The F.I.R.E. mindset at work

    Saw this news article lauding the success of this couple This couple retired in their 30s, live off the grid and spend $40,000 a year — CNBC I know so many people that see this story as the ultimate in success. The headline packs a particularly hollow punch. But the best part, my absolute...
  16. MJ DeMarco

    From FIRE to DIRE...

    A nice take on this FIRE movement where people think they can scrimp and cheapskate their way to an early retirement (I retired at 35!) with less than $1M saved by leveraging Wall Street. The stock market’s downturn could mean a painful unwinding of the FIRE movement Reminder: Real financial...
  17. MJ DeMarco

    The absolute BEST book you MUST read!

    A reader emailed me last week and asked the following question: I've read all three of your books and I can't thank you enough, you've changed my life. [Redacted] What other books do you recommend to help me get started on my Fastlane? While I appreciate the compliment, there are two mental...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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