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  1. K

    Writing an e-book

    Recently I started writing an e-book on the topic of self-improvement. More specifically, it is more about young men in this weak, modern-day society and how to improve themselves in it. In my opinion, it is a complete guide on masculinity (but not Andrew Tate-like) and finding purpose in your...
  2. Nolat

    Publishing ebook on own website

    Hello everyone, Im looking for a good way to self publish a short ebook on my own website. Does anyone already have experience with this topic and can suggest their favorite way to accomplish? thank you for your help!
  3. Fox

    This FREE book will teach you how to build a successful web design business

    2023 update: This book has had close to over 50,000 downloads from my Youtube channel and directly from Amazon. And the reviews have been pretty solid... . The book is my advice for a Web Designer / Freelancer on how to get more clients, understand what businesses want, and to get...
  4. S

    Building an eBook Writing & Publishing Business (Best Strategy to Reach US/UK/Canada Clients)

    Greetings Fastlaners, I hope you are all doing well during these turbulent and unprecedented times. 2021 has been learning, stretching and challenging one for my team and me. By the close of the year, I had a couple of opportunities to build other businesses besides my web design and digital...
  5. Tim Wallace

    What Do You Think of This?

    I have recently published a short step by step guide ebook (35-pages), which guides you on how to properly work on Amazon's Mechanical Turk. The major pitfall of MTurk (as it's called), is there is so much crappy work mixed in with the decent tasks available. So it is the norm for an untrained...
  6. stefanoesposito

    I've designed an innovative rhythm guitar course which solves a problem, but it doesn't sell as I expected

    Hi everyone, I never write but I often read the Forum, The Millionaire Fastlane has literally changed my life and my approach to business. Finally I write here of my entrepreneurial project in the field of music education, which I have been dealing with for years. In practice, I created an...
  7. O

    Franchise, Publish or Both?

    Him: "Franchise my business? I think it's a terrible idea, people buy into a franchise for the name, I don't have a well known name. On TV years ago, a trendy local hair salon was looking to build a name, then franchise it. They got nowhere. You're technically not selling a franchise, just an...
  8. Not Most People

    Little-known Free & Legal Audiobooks/Ebooks Resource (USA/Canada only)

    I just wanted make people aware of an awesome resource that you can use to access a huge library of audiobooks, ebooks, tv shows, and movies thats 100% free and legal. The app is called Hoopla. The way it works is you login to the app using your library card number, so you do need a library...
  9. RealDreams

    GumRoad account suspended for no reason

    I released an e-book (priced 19.49$) on Gumroad a few months ago. Mind you, I only made 2 sales so far. Tonight, someone bought the product and guess what, chargeback after 20 minutes. And not only that, apparently my account was suspended, too. Without any explanation. I used GumRoad as a...
  10. Varun

    Secure options for ebook hosting and delivery on website?

    I have a website up and running, close to 40 articles in. Going to write an ebook soon. As far as I know, I can either use Paypal for payment and then manually deliver it myself, or redirect them to a URL(very easy to pirate), or use some sort of hybrid payment and automated delivery system...
  11. D

    The Alpha Dadbod: less time doesn't have to mean lower standards (free Amazon book)

    My first book just went live on Amazon! Until Friday, as a thank you to this community, I am offering it free on Amazon. It's targeted at Dad's primarily, but there is a ton of useful info and I hope it will be helpful to some of you. I'd be honored if you downloaded and let me know what you...
  12. J

    Youtube Channel Monetization

    Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a great day. So I have been running a Youtube channel in the men's advice niche for about 6 months. I have 5,000 subs and get about 2,000 views per day. I want to monetize my audience somehow but 1) I'm not sure quite how yet (thinking about writing an...
  13. V

    Writing my first Non Fiction eBook

    Hey all, After silently reading in this forum for a couple of months, I feel it is time for my own Execution Thread. So here I go. ABOUT ME I went the typical slow lane so far. Went to university, got a marketing degree, did a traineeship (ridiculous pay) and stayed with the same company...
  14. Jon Anthony

    Everything I Learned From Blogging $0 to $15k/month

    EDIT: Follow my journey thread here: EXECUTION - [Progress Thread] The Blogger's Lifestyle Journey What's up, guys. I just introduced myself about an hour ago, and figured I'd start right off by adding a ton of value upfront. My name's Jon. I've been blogging and running a self-development...
  15. Niko

    How to best promote my upcoming Meditation book?

    Hi, My project I have been working on my first online business for a few months now and my very first product will be a Meditation book in French (currently writing it). My question: What method/process would you recommend me to best pre-launch/launch this book? - What should be the launch...
  16. Niko

    European mind watching US gurus

    Hi everybody, I am a 45 year old office worker from centra Europe. I am impressed to see how some of you are either becoming millionaire or just reaching a level where they can be financially independent with revenues generated from their online businesses. I understand the English-speaking is...
  17. Rachel888

    On track to retire by age 27! Rachel from KY

    Hey guys! First time poster here, but what an absolute dream to have found a forum with like-minded people. The only person in the world I have met who is as ambitious as me and shares the same goals and values as I do is my fiance, Andrew... so at least I am lucky in that regard! But a whole...
  18. Nekoemon

    I'm writing an eBook and there are those quotes...

    Hi Fastlaners I'm writing my eBook now (slightly turbocharged by reading and swallowing the Fastlane) and the main question popping up to my mind is the legal matter of quotes. If I want to quote a famous sentence from let's say Beethoven, I guess there isn't much to worry about. But what if I...
  19. H

    I'm the guy who sold 100 ebooks in 4 years

    Hi everyone, I'm an ex-addict who found a book on how to quit. When I found the book, I decided it was so awesome and one-of-a-kind that I contacted the author and negotiated for translation rights. I thought it was very valueable information that could change people's lives and help them a...
  20. JahvonCreamCone

    I created a sales page for my ebook, how should I go about getting sales without a email list?

    Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. I'm a total beginner here. I just finished creating a long form sales page for my book, which is now ready to be sold. I know my niche, I know who my customers are, and I know where to find them. The only problem is, my book is $100+, which isn't too...