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Apr 2, 2023
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Hi everyone!

My name is Albin, I just turned 21 years old and I'm from Sweden.
I like to learn and then teach, play different sports, work out, let my creativity flow and to inspire. I've been doing archery for 18 years and have gotten pretty good at it, I have a tendency to analyze everything I do a bit to much and it often causes me to doubt and rethink whatever I'm doing.

I want to start of by saying thank you so much, MJ DeMarco. Your books have done a wonder to change my paradigms and beliefs and I'm sincerely happy to be part of this forum now.

Alright, let jump into it!


When I was 15 years old I took the chance to move away from my parents who lived outside a small city in the top of Sweden. A place where the sun doesn't rise for 3 months per year. A place that has killed and evaporated all potential dreams that existed within my old friends and I'm so grateful that I made the leap, and left.

I chose Economics and the reasoning was really simple. I liked to handle money haha. Between the age of 8-14 was the young businessman in my village. I biked from house to house every autumn to sell something called "Jultidningar", or the translation "Christmas Magazines". So while my parents fully supported my sport with their time and money, I was responsible to fix the rest myself. I sold the shit out of that magazine every year, and It yielded me my first phone, computer, xbox, and a lot of other electronics that I longed for.

I began archery when I was three, so 12 years in at this point. It was the sport that made it possible for me to move, to pursue a high school combined with sports orientation and keep moving toward my only goal since elementary school. The goal was to be a part of the national team and go to a world championship. At this stage I had 6 or 7 national golds in the junior class.


The restart didn't really go as planned. Sure, I grew as a person but It was not how I had imagined the school-apartment to be. I got put in a apartment together with three 18 year olds that were really unmotivated in life. While they were gaming, I was down at the gym every single day. But only for the first 6 months because, as some say, you become as those you hang out with.

So I gained weight, started playing computer games, watch porn, and my dream became less prioritized. Monster Energy cans all over the desk and a new addiction called "snus", or tobacco under your lip...

My roommates graduated and I became the oldest. A new hierarchy was formed and routines got a lot better. My childhood goal was once again alive and when archery-training was at it's peak.. Corona hit

3 months of Minecraft during lockdown
began in Mars 2020. It was 3 months left to graduation, and we were not allowed to go to school anymore. no gym, no archery, no socializing. I gained like 20 pounds these three months and I was super unhappy. I actually cried when I realized that my parents wasn't there when I graduated, and all my classmates were busy with their own families. My tears ran, but I knew that after graduation, I'll be able to start making money. I knew about the compound interest..

Second-half of 2020
I moved home again
, got my drivers license and thought everything through. I realized that I didn't wan't to return to my old friends because I knew that I no longer fit in (I didn't fit in in the first place lol). I had always been a saver and I knew that financial freedom was out there and I also knew that I wasn't gonna get close to it by living at my parents place. I also had my dream of a world championship and I thought now was the time to really go for it

Moved into a caravan on a parking lot. Yep, you heard that right. The same day I got my drivers license was also the same day that I left and moved into a caravan 100m from the archery club that I had been with for the last 3 years. I discovered how powerful a single focus was, without really understanding it. I basically worked as a janitor during the day ($1400/mo) and then had 3-5 hours of archery, every single day and I did this for 3 months.

I became a stock market professional during this time and I invested every single penny that I had earned, because the professionals said that in 45 years, I will be rich! I lived on $350 per month and bought every stock that was published in a facebook-forum called "Rocket-Stocks" and believe me when I say it, they were not rockets..

Found an apartment nearby (that I still live in today) and I felt like I was living the dream. Even if my only furniture was an inflatable matress, I was truly happy. I was going after my dream, the stock-market was gonna make me rich and I knew that if I just had to keep living on noodles and meatballs, I was gonna make it!

and while my stocks were down 30% while the S&P were up 18, when I also was having a blast in my archery career, I got a letter..

2021- spring 2022​

You have been chosen to join the Swedish military, It said..
Really? all this commitment for nothing? A tank commander?
During this time I remained focused on my mission that were born in my caravan. As often as I could, I were either shooting arrows, or learning about successful investors.

I saved every penny from my $400 salary that I had while everyone else in my group were flushing it down the toilet from all the alcohol. I was determined to find out how I could achieve both financial freedom, and a spot to a world championship.

The military changed my life.
The routines I created, the leadership that grew. The understanding that "It could always be worse" and the knowledge that I could handle people in stressful situations. This is just some examples of what I gained from this and when I finished may 2022, I felt like a completely new person.

Summer 2022

I was back home in my apartment and had my focus back on archery. During the year in the military all of my previous beliefs of what I could, and couldn't do, were gone. I was like a new archer and I absolutely crushed it this summer. All these years of training finally paid off.

3x National Junior Gold, yes it for sure clicked for me, all the mental barriers were gone and nothing could stop me. It was a total domination and I felt so accomplished.
After the competitions, a familiar person stepped up in front of me. It was the head of the Swedish National Team.

"Do you wan't to go to to the World Championship with us?"
I got goosebumps all over my body. Did he just say what I think he said? It happened.

Autumn 2022​

I felt empty. While I didn't win my class during the competition, I had absolutely accomplished my childhood goal. But what's next? Why am I not happy, shouldn't I be happy? What am I doing wrong? Do I put up a new goal?

I bought a Ferrari. Or, not really. But I felt like I had to celebrate and put myself in motion again so I bought the most expensive bow possible worth 2 months of savings, and you know what? It didn't change anything. My ambitions were gone and I had other goals in mind now. To reach financial freedom.

My high-school friend had left me immediately after graduation 2020 and I hadn't heard a word from him since then. I didn't think so much about it until one day when I got a text from him. He texted me and said he wanted to eat a burger and talk.

He told me about his business and that he had gone offline for the last 2 years. I immediately said that I could help with anything he wanted, like accounting, editing, customer service, you name it. I was thrilled to hear that a friend of mine was going after his goals and I tried to take in everything he said.

Then a week later, he gave me a book
The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
"Come on bro, 10% saved every month in the stock market won't make me rich." I said.
He replied that It wasn't anything like that and that I should totally read it. Devastated from my years of failure in the stock-market, I knew that it wouldn't make me rich anyway, so I read it...

F*ck This, Event!
100 pages in, and I was furious. The timing of me getting the book was absolutely perfect. My friend had no idea how many years I had been having this question in my head on how to get rich combined with all of my previous misstakes in the stock-market and the penny-pinching madness I had gone through.

1000 dollar Guru Investment
At the new years eve into 2023, I made a commitment that I will either succeed or die. I invested $1000 into a eCommerce course to make it my reality. While I for sure should have done more research and figured out more exactly what It is that I want out of life before I do it, It still felt great to start my journey.

5 months of procrastination and consumerism
Weeks after I had bought the course, I started to ignore it. I was swallowed by social media that found out about my new interest. While I thought I was improving, which I was to a small degree. It was mostly a big action-fake that didn't get me ANYWHERE. I also bought into the course thinking it would be an event, and that it would be quick and easy, which was also totally a lie and I felt stupid when I realized this because it is exactly what MJ.s books are talking about.

What am I doing today? June 2023
I have shattered ALL distractions in my life, stopped reading books for the sake of reading and I'm now taking one step at a time looking right in front of my feet. Just ordered samples for my first product and this is aligned with my 1/5/10 year plan and I'm having a blast.
Btw, my diet is now fixed, I work out regularly, and I almost got my six-pack visible. (-15kg since graduation)

-Going after my goals
-Quit archery
-Quit my job
-Building my dream body

If you've read the whole thing, applauses to you, I apologize if the grammar wasn’t perfect.

Thank you for your attention and I hope I encouraged you!

Last edited:
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With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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Ot vjisi tunivjoph zua duamf fu op vji esdjisz tqedi? Zua'si ep iyqisv op vji goimf epf jewi dsifocomovz. Zua lpux vji qeop quopvt ug esdjist. Ot vjisi e qsufadv zua dep neli e civvis wistoup ug? Ot vjisi e qsucmin zua dep dsievi e qsufadv et e tumavoup gus? Fu hsuaq duedjoph gus esdjist?
Ot vjisi tunivjoph zua duamf fu op vji esdjisz tqedi? Zua'si ep iyqisv op vji goimf epf jewi dsifocomovz. Zua lpux vji qeop quopvt ug esdjist. Ot vjisi e qsufadv zua dep neli e civvis wistoup ug? Ot vjisi e qsucmin zua dep dsievi e qsufadv et e tumavoup gus? Fu hsuaq duedjoph gus esdjist?
Tefmz, nz qettoup xup’v neli ni sodj. Vji tqusv ot tnemm epf vjisi’t pu nupiz opwumwif og zua esip’v iydiqvoupem.

Iydiqv og O dsievi tunivjoph sineslecmi vjev O dep timm.

Cav ug duasti O’n up vji xevdj gus qeop-quopvt, O huv tuni ug vjin xsovvip fuxp cav puvjoph xusvj qastaioph.
Tefmz, nz qettoup xup’v neli ni sodj. Vji tqusv ot tnemm epf vjisi’t pu nupiz opwumwif og zua esip’v iydiqvoupem.

Iydiqv og O dsievi tunivjoph sineslecmi vjev O dep timm.

Cav ug duasti O’n up vji xevdj gus qeop-quopvt, O huv tuni ug vjin xsovvip fuxp cav puvjoph xusvj qastaioph.
"Qsu esdjis siedvt vu y" dunit vu nz nopf.
Xevdj tdipit gsun nuwoit xovj cuxt, dunnipv up vjin et e qsu epf vjip vsz vu siqmodevi ov op e siem mogi tdipesou.
"Qsu esdjis siedvt vu y" dunit vu nz nopf.
Xevdj tdipit gsun nuwoit xovj cuxt, dunnipv up vjin et e qsu epf vjip vsz vu siqmodevi ov op e siem mogi tdipesou.
Jejej. Vjeplt gus zuas siqmz. Vjev’t ot e hsiev ephmi vu siedj e csuefis eafoipdi, O vjopl O’wi tiip tuniupi up zuavaci fu tunivjoph tonomes.
O xuamfp’v duptofis nztimg e qsugittoupem cideati O’wi piwis huv qeof us epzvjoph. O’wi katv jef e juccz/coh opvisitv gus vji tqusv gus e muph voni.
Tefmz, nz qettoup xup’v neli ni sodj. Vji tqusv ot tnemm epf vjisi’t pu nupiz opwumwif og zua esip’v iydiqvoupem.

Iydiqv og O dsievi tunivjoph sineslecmi vjev O dep timm.

Cav ug duasti O’n up vji xevdj gus qeop-quopvt, O huv tuni ug vjin xsovvip fuxp cav puvjoph xusvj qastaioph.
Vji AT jet uwis 7 nommoup qiuqmi vjev fu esdjisz.
Tuasdi: Esdjisz: pancis ug qesvodoqepvt A.T. 2017 | Tvevotve

"Esdjisz Iraoqnipv nesliv tobi ot itvonevif vu ci xusvj ATF 3822.8 nommoup op 2021"
Tuasdi: 2030, Esdjisz Iraoqnipv Nesliv Tobi | Opfatvsz Siqusv 2023

Vjisi't qiuqmi tqipfoph nupiz op vjot nesliv epf uvjist xju esi jimqoph vjin fu tu.

Ov't tunivonit ietz vu fotnott xjev xi lpux/jewi iyqisvoti op cideati ov't pusnem/ucwouat vu at.

Epf zuas tvevinipv "Iydiqv og O dsievi tunivjoph sineslecmi vjev O dep timm." ot vsai ug epz nesliv zua xepv vu ipvis, opdmafoph zuas idunnisdi qsufadv. Epf neloph e sineslecmi qsufadv fuit puv niep neloph e hsuapfcsieloph qsufadv. Epf zua'mm gopf ov ietois vu neli e qsufadv op ep opfatvsz zua jewi e xiemvj ug iyqisoipdi op vjep upi zua fup'v.

Et ep iyenqmi, tuniupi O lpux nefi tuni gmetjdesft vjev jef foggisipv tdemit up vjin. Ji wisz raodlmz tvesvoph timmoph piesmz $100l e zies ug vjiti up Enebup. Vjisi't puvjoph hsuapfcsieloph ecuav vjev et e qsufadv, us siwumavoupesz, cav ov ot sineslecmi epf e muv ug qiuqmi gopf ov wisz atigam.
Vji AT jet uwis 7 nommoup qiuqmi vjev fu esdjisz.
Tuasdi: Esdjisz: pancis ug qesvodoqepvt A.T. 2017 | Tvevotve

"Esdjisz Iraoqnipv nesliv tobi ot itvonevif vu ci xusvj ATF 3822.8 nommoup op 2021"
Tuasdi: 2030, Esdjisz Iraoqnipv Nesliv Tobi | Opfatvsz Siqusv 2023

Vjisi't qiuqmi tqipfoph nupiz op vjot nesliv epf uvjist xju esi jimqoph vjin fu tu.
Vjev ot e tohpogodepv pancis. O jef pu dmai, xjodj niept O tjuamf fu nusi sitiesdj epf vjoplisoph gus tasi.
Ov't tunivonit ietz vu fotnott xjev xi lpux/jewi iyqisvoti op cideati ov't pusnem/ucwouat vu at.
Vjeplt Ten. Zit ov jet dmiesmz jeqqipif vu ni vjot xjumi voni. Optvief O’wi ciip muuloph opvu vjopht O jewi pu dmai ecuav. Gus iyenqmi tmiiqoph hies, fuh hefhivt, joloph, epf uvjis sepfun opfatvsoit vjev O jewi movvni lpuxmifhi ecuav.
Epf zuas tvevinipv "Iydiqv og O dsievi tunivjoph sineslecmi vjev O dep timm." ot vsai ug epz nesliv zua xepv vu ipvis, opdmafoph zuas idunnisdi qsufadv. Epf neloph e sineslecmi qsufadv fuit puv niep neloph e hsuapfcsieloph qsufadv. Epf zua'mm gopf ov ietois vu neli e qsufadv op ep opfatvsz zua jewi e xiemvj ug iyqisoipdi op vjep upi zua fup'v.
Zit O vjopl O dep onqsuwi e muv op vjot tqidvsan. O’n duptvepvmz uwis-epemzboph epf tiesdjoph gus vji hsuapfcsieloph qsufadv vjev fuitp’v iwip iyotv.
Et ep iyenqmi, tuniupi O lpux nefi tuni gmetjdesft vjev jef foggisipv tdemit up vjin. Ji wisz raodlmz tvesvoph timmoph piesmz $100l e zies ug vjiti up Enebup. Vjisi't puvjoph hsuapfcsieloph ecuav vjev et e qsufadv, us siwumavoupesz, cav ov ot sineslecmi epf e muv ug qiuqmi gopf ov wisz atigam.
Hsiev iyenqmi!
Vjeplt gus vji siqmz Ten! Nadj eqqsidoevif:)
Vjev ot e tohpogodepv pancis. O jef pu dmai, xjodj niept O tjuamf fu nusi sitiesdj epf vjoplisoph gus tasi.

Vjeplt Ten. Zit ov jet dmiesmz jeqqipif vu ni vjot xjumi voni. Optvief O’wi ciip muuloph opvu vjopht O jewi pu dmai ecuav. Gus iyenqmi tmiiqoph hies, fuh hefhivt, joloph, epf uvjis sepfun opfatvsoit vjev O jewi movvni lpuxmifhi ecuav.

Zit O vjopl O dep onqsuwi e muv op vjot tqidvsan. O’n duptvepvmz uwis-epemzboph epf tiesdjoph gus vji hsuapfcsieloph qsufadv vjev fuitp’v iwip iyotv.

Hsiev iyenqmi!
Vjeplt gus vji siqmz Ten! Nadj eqqsidoevif:)

Zua'si ximduni! Og ov fuitp'v dutv vuu nadj nusi nupiz/voni vu dunqmivi vji qsufadv zua'wi ciip xusloph up, ov nohjv ci xusvj tiioph ov vjsuahj et zua'mm hiv e muv ug atigam iyqisoipdi gsun dunqmivoph vji qsukidv. Cav og ov't huoph vu veli e muv ug voni epf nupiz ov nohjv ci xusvj huoph tvseohjv opvu xusloph up tuni pix ofiet op vji esdjisz tqedi.

Iovjis xez, xjip zua'si vjoploph ecuav vjopht, vsz epf cedl aq zuas ofiet xovj e gedv us vxu.
Og ov fuitp'v dutv vuu nadj nusi nupiz/voni vu dunqmivi vji qsufadv zua'wi ciip xusloph up, ov nohjv ci xusvj tiioph ov vjsuahj et zua'mm hiv e muv ug atigam iyqisoipdi gsun dunqmivoph vji qsukidv.
Zit, vjot fitdsocit iyedvmz xjev O vjopl o xomm fu. Xup’v dutv ni e muv cideati O’n qsucecmz huppe fsuqtjoq ov vu cihop xovj. Vji dusi ug vji qsukidv ot vu heop iyqisoipdi op: dsievi e tvusi, fu gedicuul eft, onqsuwi vji xjumi iyqisoipdi epf og ov xuslt uav O’mm quvipvoemmz caz caml xovj qsowevi mecim.
Iovjis xez, xjip zua'si vjoploph ecuav vjopht, vsz epf cedl aq zuas ofiet xovj e gedv us vxu.
Duamf zua howi ep iyenqmi?
O dep’v siemmz apfistvepf jux/xjip O’mm eqqmz vjot. Epzxez, vjot hivt nz cseop huoph xjodj ot siemmz podi
Zit, vjot fitdsocit iyedvmz xjev O vjopl o xomm fu. Xup’v dutv ni e muv cideati O’n qsucecmz huppe fsuqtjoq ov vu cihop xovj. Vji dusi ug vji qsukidv ot vu heop iyqisoipdi op: dsievi e tvusi, fu gedicuul eft, onqsuwi vji xjumi iyqisoipdi epf og ov xuslt uav O’mm quvipvoemmz caz caml xovj qsowevi mecim.

Duamf zua howi ep iyenqmi?
O dep’v siemmz apfistvepf jux/xjip O’mm eqqmz vjot. Epzxez, vjot hivt nz cseop huoph xjodj ot siemmz podi

Gus iyenqmi, "Vjisi ot pu nupiz op vji esdjisz nesliv", xjip op gedv vji nesliv xet ATF 3822.8 nommoup op 2021.
Et ep iyenqmi, tuniupi O lpux nefi tuni gmetjdesft vjev jef foggisipv tdemit up vjin. Ji wisz raodlmz tvesvoph timmoph piesmz $100l e zies ug vjiti up Enebup. Vjisi't puvjoph hsuapfcsieloph ecuav vjev et e qsufadv, us siwumavoupesz, cav ov ot sineslecmi epf e muv ug qiuqmi gopf ov wisz atigam.
Cz vji xez!
Xuamf zua nopf tjesoph vji qsufadv jisi/uwis e nittehi?
Xuamf ci siemmz duum vu edvaemmz tii e qsufadv op edvoup vjev jet "taddiifif" up enebup:)

Epzxez. Zuas tjesif vjuahjvt jewi ciip siemmz optohjvgam vu ni tu vjepl zua
Cz vji xez!
Xuamf zua nopf tjesoph vji qsufadv jisi/uwis e nittehi?
Xuamf ci siemmz duum vu edvaemmz tii e qsufadv op edvoup vjev jet "taddiifif" up enebup:)

Epzxez. Zuas tjesif vjuahjvt jewi ciip siemmz optohjvgam vu ni tu vjepl zua

O xuamfp'v tjesi ov, tu uvjist fup'v duqz ov epf vsz epf soq jon ugg
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