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Marley T

Read Fastlane!
Mar 5, 2018
Most of my ideas come naturally, the two main things these ideas stem from are
  • The environment I'm in
  • Problems in that environment that occur often

To most of you this is probably obvious stuff but not for all.

when I was seventeen I did about 4 days of labouring for some extra cash and within my first 8 hours I noticed there was a problem to be solved (all building sites are different of course but for this one imparticular) that problem was along the lines of organisation I could explain the idea but I would be rambling for a good two paragraphs.

My point is often times alot of ideas are waving you right in the face. Nothing is perfect and your job is to make it better. For instance my idea I got from my 4 days labouring would make many labourers jobs easier making it easier for the bricklayers meaning houses get built quicker (in theory) that brings value to many people in the construction trade.

Now look at your own life and think what problems do you come across in your environment that could benefit others in a similar position. Like I said this is pretty obvious stuff, I doubt the person who invented sun screen lived in Antarctica. Start with your work place, is there a problem you or your co workers keep coming across, now fix it.

When I was 13 I moved to Canada from the uk sometime around September. Me and my mum noticed something we thought was absolutely ridicules a drive through for a card machine my first thought was Jesus how lazy are these people and then boom winter hit and that same drive through was bieng used by me and my mum. whoever came up with the idea was probably sik of the cold and thinking I want to keep getting out of my warm car to an absolute minimum.

Either let your hatred make you grumpy or let it make you creative.

Thanks for reading, just trying to bring something to the table.
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