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New Contributor
Jan 18, 2018
Denver, CO
Hello Everyone!!!

I grew up in the state of Colorado, and I went into the traditional route, such as go to college, get a degree and then get a job. Afterwards, once I finally got a job, it was basically paper pushing and I absolutely hated it, I just felt that I had a "gut-feeling" that it wasn't right, the hours, the fake sense of happiness people felt coming in and out of work. Something was simply not right and I felt that I was the only one who kept on questioning, such as why Monday-Friday and only measly 48 hours(Saturday & Sunday) of being "free". Even though, Sunday you really really free for a true "24" hr experience. After a couple of years after graduating, being in the lousy workforce, I saw and read The Millionaire Fastlane & I'm currently reading Unscripted and I felt that these two books are truly different from the other books that I have seen or read from Amazon. And I decided that I need to make a change in the right direction because all of these 9-5, Monday-Friday, work until 65, does not cut it, what so ever, it is clear to me than ever before.

Thank you!
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