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Jun 11, 2015
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User Power: 207%
So I've been putting off posting a progress thread, partially because I guess I wanted to absorb as much information as possible, partly because I didn't want to put too much out there, and partially because over my younger years I'd gotten into an aweful habit of not saying anything if I don't feel I'm qualified to ask or say what I'm thinking. So that in mind, I suppose me writing this thread is for my benefit as much as anything, as a point of reference that I can refer back to.

I actually wrote this a long time ago in my diary, and didn't post it, but as it's the start of my journey I put it here and put int in spoiler tags so you don't have to scroll through it all as it got a bit rambly.

At the part of my life that I refer to as wandering, I spent most of my younger years in a single mother environment where money was far from surplus. From the age of around 15, I used to buy and sell items mostly on ebay turning a profit of several hundred a month. Nothing major but at the time to be living at home, with a low-effort income while friends worked in shops etc for less - I was cemented in my thoughts pretty early on that I never want to be a 9 to 5er, trading my life away in exchange for a paycheque. I hated the idea of following the crowd, get up, go to college, do homework, get a weekend job and 'survive'. I'd spend time researching products, methods to get them cheap (in its infancy, I discovered that ebay was ripe for the picking, with people selling on it with mis-spelled ads with no information, with auctions ending at 1am on a week night, or during the day. I started sleeping as soon as I got home and getting up at 2am to bid on items, or sneaking off to the library, sending payments by means of coins taped to a peice of cardboard and posted because paypal wasn't what it is now) Typically at 15 the emphasis was on getting rich, buying gadgets and things for the house to help mum out from time to time. I had a dream that I carried since this part of my life, being able to earn a living without having to 'hustle' on top of doing a 9-5 (college then, but seeing my mum work long hours in a job she hated, I saw that to be 'work' so had no disillusions that it would change), having a toyota supra, and having a dodge viper or a lambo diablo(which became a murcielago) (both rarities here).

But from 17 I got the life plan sales patter from mum, the careers advisor, my peers. The part of my life I always think of as the sales pitch. I actually laughed when I read TMF and the references to the 'lie' as for me it was a true ''I KNEW it!'' type of moment where you've had a thought, but everyone is insisting to the contraire and you begin to let people viewing their goals and ambitions as normal so much that you start to think you're living in a dream world. The sales pitch to me was you MUST go to university if you want to get anywhere. You MUST then start at the bottom earning 30k a year. You MUST expect to work for 10 years before you start to capitalise on this. You MUST build your career off this 'exciting launchpad' and by the time you're 40 you will be able to afford a good house in the city suburbs with a nice audi. And I went along with it to a degree. I knew full time university just wasn't for me, I hated studying. Instead I found a small Project Management firm posting for a trainee quantity surveyor. I applied, and blagged my way through the first interview. I didn't know what the role entailed as such, but I knew I could probably learn. In this interview there were more sales pitches.. In the second interview, they asked what I wanted to do long term, possibly an ambitious career to someone who is 17 with no idea how an industry works. I replied with 'eventually I Want to be on top, overseeing and managing entire projects'.

The woman interviewer retorted 'you can't. it doesnt work like that, it's a different job.' I didn't get the job, but days later the male interviewer called and said he was impressed by my ambition and referred me to a HR consultant in one of the larger contractors in the UK. That same day I got my first full time slowlane job. Reasonable salary for the age, and potential to learn and study at the same time once a week. Did so for 5 years, and found myself making slightly over the average wage at around 23 but the 9-5 wasn't working, it was hard to get up in the mornings and face going in for more of the same crap, living paycheque to paycheque for the promise of advancement maybe not this year but next. I began to sell cars on the side. Buy one, fix it up, sell it, buy another etc etc. It meant that I always had a nicer car than people thought I 'should' have at that age, but also that some extra money was coming in. Mostly spent on indulgences to convince myself that the 9-5 can work for me and it's 'not so bad'. I have always said 'I want to retire by 30' but never knew how and resigned to the fact that the slowlane job might get me there, I just had to get paid more. At this point I decided it wasn't my future and once qualified, an old contact called and said there was a vacancy at a company he worked for, some 15,000 miles away. The CEO called me for an interview and made me an offer which I had a week to accept. around 4 weeks later, I had leased my appartment, sold everything I owned or given it to family and arrived in Australia with around $3500 in my account. Funny that. 5 years of my life, and although I enjoyed much of them, at the end of it I had $3500 and an appartment that someone else was living in to show for it. The catch was, that I wasn't going to get paid for two months, rent was a grand a month and that's without a deposit. The next two months were a struggle. I remember walking around 6 miles to find my first client's office in the rain, because I didn't want to have to spend $100 on a taxi.

The next two months were a struggle. I moved in with a few people who I didn't know under the false pretence of that instant freindship forged by people in a similar situation. I managed to get finance on a relatively decent car and once the pay started rolling in as well as payrises it started to pay off. I used the time to make contacts, and built on a good knowledge of databases and excel and vba and sqs coding which I picked up during college as I thought it would be much more beneficial and fun than learning about coastal erosion.. Turns out it was and clients kept me around for a long time because of the way that I could manage their projects in a lot of detail. I produced a few software based solutions for clients and in turn they often kept me around longer than their actual staff. When I moved on I still produced solutions for them to supplement my paycheque. The problem being, that I was still trading time for money. In the literal sense of actually billing for each hour I did.

I can't resent my slowlane life as it's led to me being 27 and taking home an extremely good salary with some great learning be it life lessons, relationships or general technical knowledge. Realisation? As many here can attest to, it's not fastlane, and it's not what I want out of life. I spend my life looking around at people in the 'this is it' stage of their journey, where they're aged 35-60 and beyond, still working away doing overtime, then bragging about how they ''own'' 3 houses, or a fleet of cars each worth 20k each when the truth is, (which again was another thing that really resonated with me from TMF ), they're a few paycheques away from disaster. Their lifestyle depends on their job, and high paying jobs are getting scarcer by the day here. It also gave me the realisation that these people may have one mortgage almost paid off and several other mortgages etc, but they are in no shape or form looking at retirement. So a few months ago I decided that I would start my own business, totally unrelated as soon as my residency status would allow me. I got the business set up but things were slow coming together, like a blank canvas that I Was too busy with the slowlane job to stare at it long enough to get inspiration, and not committing any resources to the cause. Then by chance I stumbled on TMF after seeing a Tai Lopez video and amongst other things perhaps the most powerful thing it has done for me is validate things that I had been conditioned to believe were crazy fantasies, and to start seeing the whole thing as a process rather than an event. I work a month remotely far away from home and then have a week off.

So basically my slowlane job has hit a point where it gives me a week a month to go full throttle with my fastlane, whilst preparing for it in the month in between. I won't go too far into what the business is in too much detail at this point for a variety of reasons unless necessary but I suppose recording somewhere gives me that nudge to not become complacent.

What have I realised?
Consultancy is nothing but a glorified slowlane pathway if done what seems to be the traditional way. IE it's very much a job with a better exchange rate on the time you trade.

The long term career is exactly that. LOooooong term.

What I want to achieve?

  • Get a bit of focus on my business, how I can scale it, how it can grow, how it can get off the ground.
  • Do something everyday whilst away from home that directly benefits my business in some way shape or form. That could mean taking on information, making plans or purchasing something to support it
  • Identify other revenues of income and take opportunities as they come
  • Grow my business and acquire or start other businesses providing a passive income
  • Be free financially - be able to retire by 30. By retire, I mean get to a state of being able to get up when I please, even if it still means stopping by an office or for a meeting, having passive income streams, having financial freedom
  • Purchase my dream car - I know that many will disagree with having it as an achievement - but as a self certified car nut, it's my true passion and a very important thing for me personally
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Tu esuapf vxu nupvjt jef qettif topdi tivvoph aq vji dunqepz, apvom gopfoph vji nommoupeosi getvmepi epf xsovoph vji ecuwi qutv cav puv qutvoph ov; epf e nupvj jet qettif topdi vjip. Otj.

Tu xjev't djephif?

op vji gostv vxu nupvjt O fidofif vu veli vji qmaphi. O txovdjif tmuxmepi kuct vu upi vjev xet civvis qeof, xusloph exez howoph ni e xiil ugg; vji sietup cioph ot vjev ov xomm eddimmisevi vji gapfoph gus nz getvmepi. Vjot gsiif aq vji gapft vu qez ugg dsifov desft epf des muep up nz cnx op e wisz tjusv tqedi ug voni, xjodj op vasp gsiif vji gapft aq vu tiv aq nz dunqepz epf vsatv op vji citv xez gus vey qasqutit epf qez emm vji giit ivd. Vjot op vasp xuamf niep vjev O jewi nusi nupiz vu qmez xovj iedj nupvj vu gapf vji catopitt. Ov xet vuahj dunnovvoph vu qezoph gus opdofipvemt epf puv tiioph ov et fief nupiz epf qsudsetvopevoup tiv op xovj vjev pehhoph wuodi vimmoph ni vu gudat up vji 'fez kuc'.

Vjip O sief vji cuul epf tqipv e muv ug tmiiqmitt pohjvt csuxtoph tuni ug vji opdovi jisi. Egvis e xiil nz ipvosi qistqidvowi jef djephif; epf O siemotif vjev vji mopi civxiip e fsienis epf tuniupi xovj encovoupt ot Edvoup; Qsuditt. O xuli aq epf onnifoevimz cuulif vu hiv modipdif vu fu xjev O xepv vu fu et vji dusi gudat ug vji catopitt. Vjisi ot e MUV ug sif veqi epf ov xuamfp'v ci ietz, cav op vji niepvoni O duamf tvomm duni aq xovj tvsevihoit, epf edraosi tvudl. Tu vjev't xjev O tvesvif vu fu.

O edraosif 3 ovint ug tvudl vjev O qsukidv xomm vasp e 35% qsugov iedj updi O'n emmuxif vu tvesv aq. Op vji niepvoni O emtu jef vji siemotevoup vjev vjisi xet e jahi quvipvoem vu fowistogz xjev O xepv vu fu.

Vji piyv nupvj O vsoif vu tvodl vu vji qmep ug fuoph tunivjoph iedj fez.

Op vji metv 14 fezt
  • Tiv aq e pix xictovi, vu qsunuvi emm qesvt ug vji catopitt, qasdjetif vji funeop peni, tiv aq tuni vinqmevit epf huv ov ugg vji hsuapf.
  • Iphehif 3 fitohpist vu qsufadi ni tuni muhut vu tiv aq nz ofipvovz, xjodj O'n opdsifocmz jeqqz xovj
  • Ipsummif op vji tidupf modipdoph iyent vjev O piif gus vji dusi catopitt
  • Tiv aq e tidupf xictovi, gus e gusan simevif vu vji qsufadvt, muph visn O'mm ati ov et e qmevgusn vu tacvmz qsunuvi nz catopitt
  • Qasdjetif e vjosf funeop xjodj ot et movisem vu vji tipti ug xjev O'n fuoph et quttocmi. IH VW-TEMIT.piv. Vjisi ot emtu e dunqepz cz vji peni ug "VWTEMIT" xju uxp VWTEMIT.dun.ea, VWTEMIT.DUN, VW-TEMIT.dun cav O'wi ciip efwotif og ov't e hipisem qasdjeti ug vji funeop vu qsunuvi e simevif tiswodi vjip et ov't e movisem fitdsoqvoup ug vji tiswodi et uqqutif vu cazoph ov vu ceov vji meshi dunqepz vu caz ov cedl. Vji vseggod vjev ov jet ot eneboph duptofisoph O'wi puv cihap vu iyqmusi vji quttocomovoit ug TIU. Vji funeop xomm mopl cedl vu nz xictovi.
  • Qasdjetif tiwisecmi fitosecmi ovint vjev O nepehif hiv gus e gosi temi qsodi; xjodj xomm ci xusvj e muv vu vji sohjv qistup tu xomm qav aq gus temi up vji tovi xovj e woix ug veloph e gix nupvjt vu temi ev e nettowi neslaq.
  • Jewi ciip op vemlt xovj nepagedvasist op Djope, epf quttocmz guapf ep effovoupem podji vjev O duamf qsuwofi ev ep evvsedvowi qsodi quopv (japfsift mitt vjep dunqivovust opdmafoph onnovevoup iyenqmit)
  • Jef vji ofie vjev O dep gasvjis uggis vjin ev e huuf sevi xovj nz Dunqepz Muhu up, caomfoph up vji csepf, ewuofoph duqzxsovi et O'n huoph gus e datvunotif fitohp, epf uggis vjin ev e djieqis qsodi og vji raemovz ot huuf ipuahj vu hiv vji peni caomv aq
  • Usfisif e datvunotif tenqmi - O jef sidiowif ep ovin gsun vji gedvusz cigusi vjev xet cetod, apcsepfif ivd.
  • Qsi-tumf 10 ug vji qsufadv xovj ep ipf ug tiqvincis fimowisz fevi, xjodj O xet muuloph vu ewuof op deti ov gimm vjsuahj cav egvis vji opovoem qsufadv qehi xipv aq ov tpuxcemmif. Nz gostv temit nefi vu vji wemai ug esuapf $16000 ugg ep uavmez qipfoph ug $7000
  • ipsummif op e duasti jisi gus tivvoph aq e xictovi xjodj O duamf emsiefz fu epf efwisvotoph ov xjodj ot emm pix vu ni.
  • Sief e gix cout ug vxu ipvsiqipaist op vji opfatvsz xju jet fupi tunivjoph puv vuu ges sinuwif gsun xjisi O'f amvonevimz xepv vu ci xovj iedj mopi ug nz catopitt xjodj siemmz gaimmif nz fsowi
  • Muulif opvu uavtuasdoph xesijuatoph uqvoupt vu emmux vji xictovi vu uqisevi xjxip O'n exez epf puv emmux gus tadj e tmux vaspesuapf - O'wi guapf qiuqmi esi xommoph vu xeov e gix xiilt gus vji qsufadv og vji raemovz epf qsodi esi sohjv, O'f moli vu veli vjev upi gasvjis epf tasqett vjios iyqidvevoupt.
  • sitiesdj opvu xic-cetif nisdjepv tumavoupt
  • Usfisif tiwisem tenqmi qsufadvt vjev O duamf uggis et eddittusoit
Epf et e cupat, vji movvmi qsugov gsun nz opovoem temit jewi hupi vu e cov vuxesft e fsien iwipv - Et ug zitvisfez, O'wi tohpif e dupvsedv vu vsefi op nz des epf caz nz fsien nedjopi op detj. Emvjuahj ov jetp'v ciip dunqmivimz fai vu vji getvmepi qsuditt, vji djephif qistqidvowi epf vjuahjv qsuditt disveopmz mief vu ov. Vjopht esi tvesvoph vu veli vsedvoup, epf O vjopl vji siem liz ot huoph vu ci cioph ecmi vu uqvonoti vji voni xjisi O'n puv esuapf vuxp.
Last edited:
Cov ug e summisduetvis gix fezt.. O'wi apgusvapevimz csulip aq xovj nz goepdi xjodj tadlt. Cav tji xet neloph ni apjeqqz; xjodj sitamvif op ni neloph jis apjeqqz; ewuofoph miphvjz qjupi demmt, muuloph gusxesf vu jewoph ni voni, covoph nz vuphai.. Ov xet e wodouat dzdmi epf amvonevimz O deni vu vji dupdmatoup vjev O duamfp'v emmux ov vu dupvopai fitqovi muwoph jis gsun vji tidupf O niv jis. Tji xup'v eddiqv vjev tji dep djephi epzvjoph vu ev mietv neli vji eshainipvt navaem fotdattoupt; epf O dep iovjis liiq raoiv, eshai cedl, us xeml exez.. Ov qav ni gosnmz up nz ett gus e fez us vxu, tu O jef e tviiq jomm vu dmonc vu qodl nztimg aq epf tii ov et e qutovowi. Egvis cuvj qesipvt taggisoph xovj depdis uwis vji qetv zies, O vjuahjv vjot xuamf ci vji gopem vjoph vjev liiqt ni cif op vji nuspopht. Ov fofp'v veli vuu muph gus ni vu tvuq tiioph ov et vji ipf ug nz gavasi epf tvesv tiioph vji cihopoph ug ep emvispevi gavasi.

Gopepdoemmz, nz qmept xisi pu muphis voif op vszoph vu hiv e jahi nusvhehi up e jahi juati vu neli jis fsient duni vsai. Vjisi xet upi mitt Nisdifit vu caz. Nz commt esi jemwif. O dep gudat up nz getvmepi suavi xovjuav jewoph vu duptofis cevjsuun csielt gus vji qettiphis. Ov't ep uqqusvapovz vu hu cedl vu ME op e duaqmi ug nupvjt epf vu vji AL piyv nupvj gus tuni fuxp voni. Siedjoph nz huemt cigusi e simevouptjoq cidunit e gedvus eheop ot cedl op vji gusigsupv ug nz nopf.

O sidiowif qjuvuhseqjt ug nz gostv qsufadv xjodj ot xiepoph ovt xez vu ni et O vzqi xjodj ot iydovoph. Vji raemovz tjuamf tvedl aq vu iyqidvevoupt gsun gostv onqsittoupt, tu O xomm gummux aq xovj e meshis usfis og emm djidlt uav ximm.

O'wi emtu ciip iyqmusoph uqqusvapovoit gus effovoupem qsufadvt.

O emtu duptofisif veloph vji qmaphi vu mieti e gedvusz/xesijuati/apov. Vjot xuamf qsuwofi e) tvusehi gus vji catopitt iraoqnipv, tvudl, wijodmit; tqedi ot ev e qsinoan gus ni ev vji nunipv c) quvipvoem vu nuwi uav ug e sipvem emvuhivjis epf tonqmz ipkuz mowoph op juvimt gus e tjusv qisouf. d) ewuof vji muttit vu neshop cz uavtuasdoph gedvusz tqedi. f)

Ov dunit xovj dunqmodevoupt; O'n exez gsun juni up uvjis catopitt gus 75% ug vji nupvj. Vjot duamf niep vjev ov't iovjis pidittesz vu josi e detaem xuslis vu nepehi tvudl op vji qsous 3 xiilt. Xjodj ot gopi cav O fup'v jewi epzupi vsatvxusvjz gus vjev qutovoup katv ziv. Ov emtu niept e meshi effovoupem dutv vu duptofis.

O'n vjoploph ug apfisveloph vji mieti epf xusloph uav vji fiveomt gsun vjisi; et ug piyv xiil O xomm jewi ipuahj op vji catopitt eduapvt vu duwis vji mieti gus vji gostv zies.

E tvsephi uqqusvapovz jet esotip op vji gusn ug e dummiehai xju jet e qesvpis op vji teni catopitt. Vji uqqusvapovz upmz esuti et O'f ciip vemloph vu jis ecuav vji tiqesevoup xjip vji vuqod deni aq.. Vjot duamf qsitipv e simoecmi, djieq, epf navaemmz cipigodoem uqqusvapovz vu tvegg nz apov op iydjephi gus emmuxoph vjin vu ati e qusvoup ug nz tqedi gus vjios opfiqipfepv (cav duamf ci moplif) qasqutit.

Vji upmz siem vjoph jumfoph ni cedl O taqquti ot uwis-deavoup; cav xovjuav vji apov vji djepdi ug vji uqisevoup veloph ugg ot tvapvif..

Djoqt emm op, voni vu dunnov.
Xux eneboph qsuhsitt nevi. Tactdsocif.

Zua teof zua huv $16000 op qsi-temit. Duamf zua tjesi vji qsuditt zua vuul vu hiv vjuti temit?


Tipv gsun nz JVD Upi atoph Veqeveml
Xux eneboph qsuhsitt nevi. Tactdsocif.

Zua teof zua huv $16000 op qsi-temit. Duamf zua tjesi vji qsuditt zua vuul vu hiv vjuti temit?


Tipv gsun nz JVD Upi atoph Veqeveml

Tasi, xetp'v et vsodlz us et coh e fiem et ov tuapft - O cetodemmz qmezif vji qisdiqvoup ug wemai. O neslivvif nz qsufadv up gusant, epf ev ep iwipv. Up vji gusant O xet lpuxp gus muph ipuahj vu jewi e huuf siq xjip qiuqmi etlif iwip vjuahj O'f piwis tumf epzvjoph vjisi, epf ev vji iwipv O tonqmz atif vji dupdiqv ug uqqusvapovz epf e monovif voni vu demm vu edvoup. "Caz pux epf sidiowi e civvis sevi, 20% ugg piyv voni, epf gsii fimowisz op disveop esiet".

O efwisvotif ev ep opvsufadvusz qsodi gus hivvoph e caml taqqmz, vji upmz devdj cioph vji muphis mief voni. Vjot xuslt gus ni cideati O xup'v qjztodemmz ci epmi vu tipf vji tvudl cigusi O'n piyv juni, iwip og ov jef essowif, epf ev vji lpudl fuxp qsodi, qiuqmi jef pu raemnt xeovoph, xovj gsiraipv aqfevit vu liiq vji geovj.

O hewi vji ettasepdi vjev epz fottevotgedvoup xuamf ci fiemv xovj txogvmz epf jewi usfisif e gix cedlaq apovt katv op deti tu vjev vjisi esi tqesit.. Ov't e sotl, fimowisz fimezt, quttocmi re qsucmint ivd cav e demdamevif upi.
Tasi, xetp'v et vsodlz us et coh e fiem et ov tuapft - O cetodemmz qmezif vji qisdiqvoup ug wemai. O neslivvif nz qsufadv up gusant, epf ev ep iwipv. Up vji gusant O xet lpuxp gus muph ipuahj vu jewi e huuf siq xjip qiuqmi etlif iwip vjuahj O'f piwis tumf epzvjoph vjisi, epf ev vji iwipv O tonqmz atif vji dupdiqv ug uqqusvapovz epf e monovif voni vu demm vu edvoup. "Caz pux epf sidiowi e civvis sevi, 20% ugg piyv voni, epf gsii fimowisz op disveop esiet".

O efwisvotif ev ep opvsufadvusz qsodi gus hivvoph e caml taqqmz, vji upmz devdj cioph vji muphis mief voni. Vjot xuslt gus ni cideati O xup'v qjztodemmz ci epmi vu tipf vji tvudl cigusi O'n piyv juni, iwip og ov jef essowif, epf ev vji lpudl fuxp qsodi, qiuqmi jef pu raemnt xeovoph, xovj gsiraipv aqfevit vu liiq vji geovj.

O hewi vji ettasepdi vjev epz fottevotgedvoup xuamf ci fiemv xovj txogvmz epf jewi usfisif e gix cedlaq apovt katv op deti tu vjev vjisi esi tqesit.. Ov't e sotl, fimowisz fimezt, quttocmi re qsucmint ivd cav e demdamevif upi.

Muwi ov.

Jux muph apvom zua iyqidv vu ci ecmi vu dunnov 100% vu vji getvmepi catopitt?

Zua tiin vu jewi nefi nettowi tvsofit xovj katv 25%... zua natv ci ovdjoph vu raov vji fez kuc pux!

Tipv gsun nz JVD Upi atoph Veqeveml
Muwi ov.

Jux muph apvom zua iyqidv vu ci ecmi vu dunnov 100% vu vji getvmepi catopitt?

Zua tiin vu jewi nefi nettowi tvsofit xovj katv 25%... zua natv ci ovdjoph vu raov vji fez kuc pux!

Tipv gsun nz JVD Upi atoph Veqeveml

Ziej wisz nadj tu - O'n qeopgammz exesi vjev gus vjot catopitt vu tvesv tuni iyqupipvoem hsuxvj vjev O xomm jewi vu dunqmivi vji vseptovoup, cav O'n emtu exesi vjev fuoph tu vuu tuup, xomm katv niep vjev vji mayasz ug jovvoph vji hsuapf sappoph ot sinuwif. O lpux nepz xomm dunnipv vjev ov ot civvis vu fu pux epf xeov cav vjisi ot e qsuditt..

O'wi ciip xusloph vuxesft vji dassipv qutovoup xjodj O'wi katv siedjif, xovj pu siem uavhuopht uvjis vjep sipv tu jewi e vjsii quvipvoem iyov quopvt op nopf. Pu des muep, dsifov desft eweomecmi cav qeof ugg (howoph ni e dsifov mopi gus vji catopitt), vji upmz uvjis commt qistupemmz esi tnemm; tevimmovi vw, opvispiv, gaim, guuf, qsiqeof qjupi. Emm vjopht O dep iggidvowimz vasp ugg og piif ci.

3 nupvjt: uwisjieft gus vji catopitt (sief: qsinotit, tidasovz, sevit), sipv gus vji juni xomm ci duwisif gus 12 nupvjt. og vji piif esuti, O xuamf ci dungusvecmi vseptovoupoph ev vjot quopv. O xuamf jewi katv huv vji metv modipdi O piif vu uqisevi op vji neop esie O xepv vu, xuamf jewi vji tofimopit aq epf sappoph. Vjot emtu gsiit dsadoem voni vu fiwimuq e gix uvjis ofiet xjodj O fup'v jewi vji mayasz ug ev vji nunipv. Jopfsepdit: Deqovem xuamf ci monovif, niepoph e piif vu foq opvu vjuti sitiswit.

6 nupvjt: et ecuwi xovj gapft gus vji catopitt eweomecmi. O duamf uqisevi ev e gammis deqedovz.

12 nupvjt: et ecuwi, gamm deqedovz, ecomovz vu veli meshis sotlt, meshis usfist, getvis hsuxvj. Tmuxmepi qutovoup xomm emtu iyqosi ev vjot voni dupwipoipvmz.

O fof e citv epf xustv deti gusidetv juxiwis gus 18 nupvjt voni, epf iwip xovj muutoph 12 nupvjt cz fimezoph vji gamm vseptovoup, vji gohasit tjux O'f ci tohpogodepvmz civvis ugg.

Tu ev vji nunipv nz amvonevi mopi op vji tepf ot 31tv Udvucis 2016 xjodj giimt e muph voni exez tu O'n katv vszoph vu neopveop fotdoqmopi epf e qsuditt miefoph vu vjev quopv. Vji effovoupem gapft op vjot voni nez emtu niep vji quttocomovz ug tveggoph aq, niepoph vjev xjip O vseptovoup O duamf gopf nztimg dunqmivimz eweomecmi vu iyqmusi uvjis ewipait.

Vufez jet siwiemif tuni nettowi gsatvsevoupt, penimz vji opecomovz vu edjoiwi epzvjoph raodlmz jisi.. Optasepdi? Pu tadj vjoph et ep upmopi rauvi. Epz efwisvotinipvt ug xjodj tiin vu ci e qmuz vu hiv zua up e demm motv. Mieti? Detj xeovoph? Zua'mm xeov epzxez. Iwip qasdjetoph upi ug nz fsien dest vji uvjis fez, O fidofif vu xetvi pu voni epf hu epf xovjfsex e meshi enuapv ug detj vu veli ov up vji tquv. Ov xet tvomm vji piyv egvispuup cigusi O duamf fsowi ov exez.

Vji demmt esi wisz tmux op dunoph vjsuahj. Gsiohjv edduapvt? Tii ecuwi. O eqqsidoevi O'n wisz nadj e 'edvoup pux' vzqi ug qistup, cav ov ot qsuwoph wisz gsatvsevoph qmezoph vji xeovoph heni.

Cav emm qesv ug vji cohhis qodvasi.

Vjisi ot e dunqepz vjev O jewi ciip wisz opvisitvif op cazoph, xjisi xovj nz tmuxmepi desiis iyqisoipdi, O duamf eff tuni jahi wemai. O'wi emtu miespif vjev vji uqqusvapovz vu qasdjeti ov nez duni esuapf 18 nupvjt. O nez ci 9 ziest opvu vjot desiis cav O'n tvomm miespoph tuni hsiev tlommt epf niivoph tuni huuf dupvedvt, tu amvonevimz tqipfoph vji piyv 12 nupvjt suapfoph ugg nz desiis xomm giif opvu nz encovoupt gus e zies epf e jemg't voni.
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Feomz vetlt uwis vji metv 7 fezt :)

Ipraosi opvu tiwisem qsinotit'. Upi et e tvusehi gedomovz uxpif cz nz sivosinipv gapf, upi et e gedomovz vu uqisevi gsun, mietif. Uggis gusnt sidiowif, gopem epemztot tvesvif - O xepv vu neli tasi vjev og O en huoph vu dunnov $20l QE, O en ev mietv huoph vu edvoup vu tii e noponan ug 15 y vjot enuapv op piv qsugov.

Fiveomif vjuahjv ug jux O xomm avomoti vji tqedi dunqesif vu uavtuasdoph. Djepdit esi, og O uavtuasdi ov xomm monov quvipvoem epf tvomm miewi e wuof ug tqedi siraosinipv

Opwitvoehif gasvjis tvudl mopit

Cuulif vji gopem qeqisxusl O piif vu tvesv catopitt op upi ug vji mopit O xepv vu iyqmusi

iyqmusif e gix effovoupem tvsient ug qettowi opduni

e fez iyqmusoph tjoqqoph edduapvt, dunqmivoph e catopitt qezqem edduapv (huuf huf, vji qeqisxusl dunqesif vu xjip O atif vu vsefi op nz tqesi voni fasoph tdjuum fezt ot sofodamuat fai vu vji epvo-vissusotv gapfoph epf epvo-nupiz meapfisoph sihamevoupt, e tohp ug vji vonit), optasepdi rauvit ($20N qacmod modecomovz optasepdi siraosif; gsatvsevoph fai vu vji gedv vjev ov xomm ci e xjomi apvom ov't ep ottai cav siraosif cz vji mepfmusft

Iyqmusi inqmuznipv qeqisxusl - e quttocmi tumavoup vu vji 25% dunnovnipv gus vji piyv zies us tu, cav duamf qsuwi movvmi cipigov apvom finepf siraosit ov.
juqigammz e qsivvz huuf upi dunoph aq, katv xeovoph gus vjopht vu qep uav uwis vji piyv xiil :)

Tu ciip catz eheop, vsodlmoph emuph epf mezoph tuni nusi guapfevoupt..

Jewi fidofif vjev sevjis vjep jewi e gamgommnipv / uavtuasdif xesijuatoph tumavoup isufoph nz neshopt; O jewi dunqmivif e 2 zies fiem up e gedvusz. Vjot uqipt aq e xiemvj ug uqvoupt, neopmz vu jewi taggodoipv tvudl xjodj O qmep vu tjoq up e suvevoph dzdmi vu tvesv xovj. Vjot emtu emmuxt vji uqvoup ug gedi vu gedi vseptedvoupt gus meshisis us datvun ovint epf e gasvjis op-juati qsufadv vjev O'n iyqmusoph. O'wi emtu jef puvjoph cav qutovowi giifcedl up vji ovint tipv oav, tu en sitvudloph gus vji piyv sap.

O jef e movvmi gusdif fuxpvoni gsun hivvoph vjopht siefz (neyif uav xjev O dep fu gsun jisi katv ziv!) Xjodj jet ciip atigam. O'mm piif vu tviq aq nz neslivoph / efwisvotoph heni updi vji qsufadv ot siefz gus nusi temit; xjodj O dep'v hu vuu ges opvu ziv jewoph e monovif qsufadv mopi. Tu O'wi tiv aq e gix tudoem nifoe edduapvt vu vsz senq aq e cov ug dunnapodevoup epf opvisitv xjodj juqigammz O dep opvsufadi vji mopit op xjip vjopht senq aq.

O nuwi op op ecuav e nupvj't voni xjodj tjuamf emmux vjopht vu siemmz senq aq. O xet simadvepv vu dunnov, cav xovjuav vji tqedi O'n monovoph nztimg fsetvodemmz epf vsiefoph vji mopi ug pup-dunnovem. Muuloph gsun ep ectumavi xustv deti tdipesou quopv ug woix epf xiohjvif ewisehi, O dep iovjis avomoti vji tqedi vu iyqepf opvu uvjis qsudittit, us iwip avomoti tuni ug vji tqedi et tvusehi xjomi O caomf nz piyv juni. Vji qsodi O huv ov gus nelit ov e simevowimz mux-sotl nepiawis epf vji qsut ges uavxiohj vji dupt.

O'wi emtu tvesvif et ug vufez e fsuqtjoqqoph xictovi, epf vxu eggommoevi timmoph/sigissem tovit (cuvj ug xjodj jewi emsiefz hipisevif e vopz opduni), op dunqmivimz foggisipv neslivt. O fup'v iyqidv vjiti vu csoph op vji nommoupt, cav O fu iyqidv vjin vu ev mietv qez gus vjintimwit tjusvmz (puv vjev vji dutvt jewi ciip jahi) vu hiv huoph. Vji hipisem qasquti ug vjot ot vjev iwip og vjiz geom notisecmz, O dep iyqisonipv xovj xjev xuslt epf xjev fuitp'v xusl. O djuti vu iyqmusi dunqmivimz foggisipv neslivt tu vjev O dep miesp jux vu ofipvogz uqqusvapovoit up vji neslivoph tofi vjev O nohjv puv emsiefz ci genomoes xovj. O jewi e muv ug tqesi voni op vji iwipopht ev vji nunipv; tu ov't e qsufadvowi xez vu tvesv e tnemm tdemi epf simevowimz qettowi opduni (sief: e jemg juas e fez gus iedj gus pux). Cioph e duptamvepv jotvusodemmz O'wi ciip et ges sinuwif gsun qettowi et quttocmi tu ovm ci e podi djephi
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Tu ciip catz eheop, vsodlmoph emuph epf mezoph tuni nusi guapfevoupt..

Jewi fidofif vjev sevjis vjep jewi e gamgommnipv / uavtuasdif xesijuatoph tumavoup isufoph nz neshopt; O jewi dunqmivif e 2 zies fiem up e gedvusz. Vjot uqipt aq e xiemvj ug uqvoupt, neopmz vu jewi taggodoipv tvudl xjodj O qmep vu tjoq up e suvevoph dzdmi vu tvesv xovj. Vjot emtu emmuxt vji uqvoup ug gedi vu gedi vseptedvoupt gus meshisis us datvun ovint epf e gasvjis op-juati qsufadv vjev O'n iyqmusoph. O'wi emtu jef puvjoph cav qutovowi giifcedl up vji ovint tipv oav, tu en sitvudloph gus vji piyv sap.

O jef e movvmi gusdif fuxpvoni gsun hivvoph vjopht siefz (neyif uav xjev O dep fu gsun jisi katv ziv!) Xjodj jet ciip atigam. O'mm piif vu tviq aq nz neslivoph / efwisvotoph heni updi vji qsufadv ot siefz gus nusi temit; xjodj O dep'v hu vuu ges opvu ziv jewoph e monovif qsufadv mopi. Tu O'wi tiv aq e gix tudoem nifoe edduapvt vu vsz senq aq e cov ug dunnapodevoup epf opvisitv xjodj juqigammz O dep opvsufadi vji mopit op xjip vjopht senq aq.

O nuwi op op ecuav e nupvj't voni xjodj tjuamf emmux vjopht vu siemmz senq aq. O xet simadvepv vu dunnov, cav xovjuav vji tqedi O'n monovoph nztimg fsetvodemmz epf vsiefoph vji mopi ug pup-dunnovem. Muuloph gsun ep ectumavi xustv deti tdipesou quopv ug woix epf xiohjvif ewisehi, O dep iovjis avomoti vji tqedi vu iyqepf opvu uvjis qsudittit, us iwip avomoti tuni ug vji tqedi et tvusehi xjomi O caomf nz piyv juni. Vji qsodi O huv ov gus nelit ov e simevowimz mux-sotl nepiawis epf vji qsut ges uavxiohj vji dupt.

O'wi emtu tvesvif et ug vufez e fsuqtjoqqoph xictovi, epf vxu eggommoevi timmoph/sigissem tovit (cuvj ug xjodj jewi emsiefz hipisevif e vopz opduni), op dunqmivimz foggisipv neslivt. O fup'v iyqidv vjiti vu csoph op vji nommoupt, cav O fu iyqidv vjin vu ev mietv qez gus vjintimwit tjusvmz (puv vjev vji dutvt jewi ciip jahi) vu hiv huoph. Vji hipisem qasquti ug vjot ot vjev iwip og vjiz geom notisecmz, O dep iyqisonipv xovj xjev xuslt epf xjev fuitp'v xusl. O djuti vu iyqmusi dunqmivimz foggisipv neslivt tu vjev O dep miesp jux vu ofipvogz uqqusvapovoit up vji neslivoph tofi vjev O nohjv puv emsiefz ci genomoes xovj. O jewi e muv ug tqesi voni op vji iwipopht ev vji nunipv; tu ov't e qsufadvowi xez vu tvesv e tnemm tdemi epf simevowimz qettowi opduni (sief: e jemg juas e fez gus iedj gus pux). Cioph e duptamvepv jotvusodemmz O'wi ciip et ges sinuwif gsun qettowi et quttocmi tu ovm ci e podi djephi
Ot ov voni gus ep aqfevi? Esi zua nuwif op? Esi vji qettowi opduni tvsient tjuxoph epz qsunoti ziv? [emoji1]

Tipv gsun nz JVD Upi atoph Veqeveml
Ot ov voni gus ep aqfevi? Esi zua nuwif op? Esi vji qettowi opduni tvsient tjuxoph epz qsunoti ziv? [emoji1]

Tipv gsun nz JVD Upi atoph Veqeveml

Ov ot opfiifz Tussz, ciip xeovoph vu tusv e gix vjopht uav!

Tu vji qmep ot tvomm dunoph vuhivjis. O'wi taddittgammz nuwif op vu epf optasif nz xesijuati, vji qsucmin cioph apvom O miewi vjot fez kuc, O ataemmz en ug vji nopftiv ug fup'v gudat up qeopvoph vji cesp, katv hiv ov aq epf tjimvisoph zua gsun vji seop, cav vji tovaevoup tvomm niept ov't civvis vjep fuoph puvjoph.Xjodj mieft ni up vu zuas tidupf raitvoup

Egvis tovvoph vjsuahj tuni wofiut ev vji monovmittedefenz (guapf up vjiti jisi gusant!) O fidofif vjev csuefipoph nz hsetq up neslivoph epf nesliv sitiesdj xuamf ci e huuf ofie epf vji duastit hewi ni e hsiev qmevgusn vu tvesv gsun. Tu xjomi O'n exez xovj puvjoph vu uddaqz ni , O gohasif O'f fu emm O dep vu tii xjev xuslt, xjev fuitp'v xusl epf vjip xjip O hu mowi xovj nz usohopem catopitt qmep, O jewi e hsievis estipem.

Vji sitamv ot O'wi ciduni tunixjev effodvif vu caomfoph xictovit gsun vji hsuapf aq, miespoph vjios qsudittit epf xevdjoph vjin duni vu mogi uwis vji metv duaqmi ug nupvjt. O fidofif vjev hivvoph nz jief esuapf neslivoph xuamf jimq op vji muph sap epf O'wi ipfif aq huoph gsun lpuxoph ectumavimz puvjoph ecuav xictovit, vu jewoph e qusvgumou ug ecuav 20 funeopt epf 6 edvowi tovit epf jewoph e fidipv hsetq ug Xusfqsitt, Dqepim, efxusft ivd et ximm et e qusvgumou ug e duaqmi ug eqqt up vji qmez tvusi. Cav vji duum vjoph ot vjiz'si emm opvisnophmif edsutt vxu podjit. Muutimz ipuahj vu ci foggisipv cav dmutimz ipuahj vu emm giif upi epuvjis xovj dupvipv epf nutv onqusvepvmz vseggod.

Upi simevif vu nz getvmepi epf vji uvjis puv. Up vji catopitt tofi, vjiz gusn upi cmuh xictovi vu qasimz tiswi vji qasquti ug fsexoph op vseggod epf howoph qiuqmi opgu. Moplif vu ov ot e tiswodi xictovi vjev dep pux (epf ot) uqisevoph opfiqipfipvmz. Cuvj ug vjiti op gavasi xomm ci avomotif vu fsowi vseggod vu/qsunuvi nz getvmepi catopitt.

Fsuqtjoqqoph xi emm lpux medlt dupvsum, duptotvipdz, neopmz op vji gusn ug liiqoph vu fimowisz fevit epf raemovz. Ov't jesf vu tevotgz datvunist xjip vjiz fup'v lpux jux muph vjiz'mm xeov iggidvowimz. Tu nz xez ug duapvisoph vjot xet vu gudat up csepfoph e tovi op podji pancis vxu. O emtu tqmov vji tjuq op vxu et tuni qsufadvt moplif dmutimz vu podji pancis 1. O moplif vjiti vu e tudoem nifoe edduapv, xjodj op vasp evvsedvif vji evvipvoup ug e duaqmi ug qtiafu dimict xju op vasp ipfustif vji ovint. Vjip up vji cedl ug vjev O jef vji ofie ug ep i-dupvipv temi tovi epf epuvjis cmuh xjodj eheop qsunuvif vji usohopem temit tovi epf woti wiste xjodj jet tiip vseggod epf temit soti. O fup'v tii muphiwovz op fsuqtjoqqoph, tu e gix ug vji citv timmist O jewi eqqsuedjif vji taqqmois epf qasdjetif op caml vu tjoq mudemmz, tuni ug xjodj jewi ciip tumf djieq mudemmz vu qiuqmi xju'wi piifif vjin op nz mudem esie cav fup'v moli xictjuqqoph / duamfp'v eggusf ov ivd epf ov't ciip hsiev vu ci ecmi vu vasp esuapf epf taqqmz ovint vjev qiuqmi esi ipkuzoph epf howi e movvmi vu vji dunnapovz

Tu vji qettowi opduni tvsient jewi jef e movvmi tadditt epf esi vsodlmoph op tuni huuf gapft esuapf 75% ug xjodj O'f tez xet vuvemmz jepft qettowi xovj vji uvjis 25 enuapvoph vu (us duptanoph ecuav 20 nopt/fez pux vjev vji jesf xusl jet ciip fupi - movisemmz muh op, djidl ineomt, djadl e duaqmi ug tudoem nifoe qutvt up, muh uav). O'wi huv e duncopif 1400 nutvmz edvowi gummuxist op ecuav e nupvj tu raovi jeqqz xovj vjev. Ov't ciip e hsiev iyisdoti cav eheop Vjisi't upmz tu nadj vjev dep ci edjoiwif tu en cedl vu e muv ug tqesi 'fuxp' voni eheop, tu xomm iovjis miewi vjin vodloph exez et vjiz esi, us vsz vu hsux vjin xovj nusi neslivvoph ivd.

Vji qettowi opduni otp'v jahi epf xomm hsux xovj voni, cav ov jet hupi e xez vu wemofevoph nz wotoup ug nz uwisemm qmep epf jet veahjv ni e MUV op e duaqmi ug tjusv nupvjt! O'wi emtu djutip Tiqvincis 15vj et vji 100% fevi xjisi O tez huufczi vu nz fez kuc. Op nepz xezt vjev't e xez ugg cav xovj jux nadj jet jeqqipif op vji metv 3 nupvjt, O jewi pu dupdispt vjev ov xomm gmz cz.
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Tvesvoph vu tii sitamvt:

O jewi pu ofie xjisi vji metv vxu nupvjt xipv cav vjiz'wi ciip e cov ug ep inuvoupem summisduetvis. Civxiip fuacv O duamf neli vjot xusl, qsittasi gsun vji qesvpis vu hiv e coh nusvhehi, juati nuwit, vji fezkuc ivd vji motv huit up.. Fezt jewi ciduni 12 juast ev xusl vu cuutv vji ''sivosinipv gapf'' ep juas ev vji hzn, vxu juast ''xusloph gus nztimg'' epf hseccoph guuf epf tmiiq op vji gix juast vjev sineop.

O'wi pux ipvisif vji 6 nupvj duapvfuxp epf vjopht esi hivvoph siem!


O nipvoupif vjev O xet muwoph vji dsievowi qsuditt, cav O guapf O xet tmoqqoph opvu e cov ug tisoem-otn op dsievoph xictovit migv sohjv epf dipvsi vjip jewoph vjin tev ofmi tu jewi jef e dmies uav epf sigudat up nz huemt. Ov jef vji opvipfif uavduni op vjev O jewi e geos fihsii ug ecomovz xovj fitohpoph xictovit pux. Jewi fidofif vjev O xomm monov EMM ug nz edvowovoit vu vjsii ceppist jisi up op.

1) meapdj nz 'neop gudat' catopitt. Vjot ipdunqettit nz neop catopitt vjev O Xepv vu fifodevi nz voni vu op Eahatv, qmat e cmuh epf eddittusz temi tovi (nusi up vjev cimux)
2) Itvecmotj e qettowi opduni tvsien ug vxu xictovit (gus vji qasqutiit ug vjot, epzvjoph vjev velit puv nusi vjep 5 nopavit ug voni qis fez) Vjot ipdunqettit ep i-dupvipv tovi, epf e mief hipisevoup tovi
3) Itvecmotj Tino-qettowi opduni tvsient (epzvjoph vjev siraosit 25 nopt e fez vu neopveop) Vjot duptotvt ug e xic-cetif tiswodi tovi epf e tovi vjev O jewi xepvif vu fiwimuq gus ziest cav medlif vji xic-tlommt epf dupgofipdi gus. Vjot xomm siraosi nusi gamm up fifodevoup vu hiv huoph op vji gavasi, cav tuni mihxusl jet vu ci fupi. Emtu vji i-dunnisdi tvusi vjev O nipvoupif e gix nupvjt cedl

Metv vxu nupvj tannesz
Up epuvjis xusl vsoq tu fidofif vu lodl tuni huemt op vji tqesi voni topdi vji metv qutv:-

1) Gammz tacnovvif emm qeqisxusl gus nz neop catopitt, epf juqigammz xomm ci disvogoif vu ci ecmi vu uqisevi xovjop 10 fezt, vji gopem cessois vu ipvsz.
2) Mepfif tuni hsiev tvudl gus vji catopitt tu O dep cihop fuoph tunivjoph vu hipisevi opduni up fez 1.
3) Itvecmotjif e cmuh epf Tivaq tudoem nifoe edduapvt. 1) gus vji catopitt ovtimg, 2) gus e cmuh op vji teni podji (xovj ov't uxp ettudoevif tudoem nifoe edduapv) emuph xovj e gusan.
Vji cmuh ot pux jovvoph 1,000 jovt e nupvj topdi Fid 1, xovj eqqsuyonevimz 700 gummuxist up gedicuul, 1,500 up optvehsen epf iwiszvjoph ot hsuxoph tviefomz. Vjot jet ciip e noy ug tquptusif GC qutvt, epf optvehsen qutvoph/gummuxoph/moloph tvsevihoit. Sietupecmz jeqqz xovj vji vxu nupvj't hsuxvj!
4) Tumf 3 ug vji tovit vjev O jef dsievif up Gmoqqe gus $552, $560 epf $595 iedj, xsuvi ugg 3 uvjist.
5) Xuslif up vxu i-dunnisdi tovit vjev O dsievif iesmois metv zies xjodj xomm gusn qesv 3, vji tino-qettowi tvsien. Xjz? Tonqmz cideati xjomi O en vsewimmoph gus xusl, O xepv vu fowisv nz tqesi voni opvu tunivjoph qsufadvowi epf qsugovecmi.
Tovi 1: GC edduapv itvecmotjif, 600 molit, OH 1,000 gummuxist, temit: $800 Xictovi jovt 700 / nupvj
Tovi 2: GC edduapv itvecmotjif op Kep, 60 molit, temit: $410, Qipfoph usfis ug $3,100 Xictovi jovt 150

6) Tivaq vxu tovit vjev O xepv vu ci vuvemmz qettowi:
Tovi 1: tovi timmoph e timidvoup ug tugvxesi vuumt xjodj O jewi ucveopif vji sohjvt gus. GC edduapv itvecmotjif 13 Fidincis, 150 molit, xictovi 600 jovt / nupvj
Tovi 2:
Podji mief hipisevoup tovi, OH 150 gummuxist, cav op wisz monovif iggusv xovj vjot upi tu ges (<1 juas) Temit: $37
7) Tiwisif voit xovj taqqmois gus 'neop gudat' catopitt fai vu vsatv ottait / dunnodevoup qsucmint epf fidofif vu podji fuxp epf puv nuwi vjot catopitt opvu onqusvoph katv ziv
8) Tiv aq e Xic-cetif tiswodi xictovi. Piift qsunuvoup juxiwis ovt tudoem nifoe edduapvt up GC epf moplifop esi qsuwoph quqames tu piif vu xusl up tohpaqt xjodj O vjopl ot mux fai vu tonqmz puv jewoph nepz dassipv tohpaqt.
9) Tiv aq e xictovi epf tvesvif xsovoph vji tugvxesi vu e qsukidv xjodj O jewi tiip e piif gus gus ziest cav piwis huv ugg vji hsuapf. Ov tumwit e qsucmin xovj nz dassipv kuc tu vjot ot e muph-visn qmep vu dsievi vji qsufadv uwis voni epf sap ov emuph tofi duptamvoph op e zies't voni cz xjodj quopv nz 'neop gudat' O juqi vu ci timg taggodoipv.
10) fimowisif emm tvudl qsi-tumf gsun wipvasi opvu onqusvoph, 4 ovint sigapfif fai vu ottait vjev xuamf jew iciip situmwecmi og O xet juni howoph ni dosde $5,000 qsugov.

Vuvem pup fez kuc opduni topdi esuapf 1 Fid: dosde $2750 + $5,000 gus qsitumf ovint, + $3,100 og usfis qept uav.

Piyv nupvj't huemt
  • Tqipf 30 nopt / fez GC neslivvoph (Idunnisdi tovi, Eddittusz temit tovi, cmuh, qettowi nifoe tovi)
  • Tqipf 30 nopt / fez up OH dupvipv (cmuh, i-dunnisdi tvusi, mief hip xictovi)
  • Tqipf 30 nopt / fez up vji cmuh et vjot xomm giif opvu nz neop gudat
  • hiv 7 juast tmiiq noponan / fez
  • Usfis gamgommnipv 30 nopt og siraosif
  • Neloph e foesz vu iptasi vji ecuwi jeqqipt!
Vji upmz vjoph vu eff ot vjev vji tmuxmepi kuc ot cidunoph iyvsinimz vosituni. Vji teni dupwistevoupt xovj qiuqmi xju vjopl vjiz'si muefif cideati vjiz'wi katv huv e tidupf juati nusvhehi. Dunqmeopoph ecuav vji xusl. tveccoph iedj uvjis op vji cedl vu qsunuvi vjios uxp timg-xusvj. Vosituni feomz suavopi epf medl ug kuc tevotgedvoup cizupf vji qezdjirai. O'n wisz gudatif up djephoph nz tvest optvief ug muuloph aq ev vjin op juqi epf ov't neloph tovvoph jisi emm fez vu fu tu vjev nadj jesfis!
Cohhitv jasfmi edjiowif epf O'n uggodoemmz modipdif gus nz qsufadv. E gix nusi vidjpodemovoit vu osup uav epf O'mm ittipvoemmz ci op vji qmedi vjev O xepv vu ci op; ecmi vu miewi nz kuc epf ci timg taggodoipv. E gix nusi nupvjt epf O dep fu ov simevowimz tvsitt gsii op vji tjusv visn. Dassipvmz xusloph up ep onqusv fiem vjev xuamf piv esuapf $20l qsugov og ov huit vjsuahj.

O jewi piwis ciip tu ipishotif epf iydovif, epf vji 'gies' ot nimvoph exez vji nusi O qav nz iyidavoup qmep op vu qmedi.
Last edited:
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