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The struggle


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Nov 14, 2017
Stanwood WA
I grew up with slow lane parents (at times exhibiting sidewalker mentality), began working as a paper boy at age 13 and held some kind of job almost ever since. I bought and maintained every car I ever owned and while in process became a jack of MANY trades as anything I wanted, I had to figure out how to save for / negotiate for. Upon getting married, completing my bachelors in marketing and auto technology, and starting a family, the aspiring dreams of building / owning a business faded as the anticipated outcome of obtaining a good paying job after college never seemed to pan out to the magnitude we needed to get ahead and I shifted to simply trying to survive and take care of my family.
My wife was raised with silver spoons. Having never really understood the need to scrimp / save / live on a shoe string budget. My father in law introduced me to Rich dad, Poor Dad while I was finishing college. I've always enjoyed what my wife terms as "self help" books primarily focused on entrepreneurship / financial independence. I feel as though reviewing that material really created a level of discontentment in me with working for others generally, as I began to understand how much money my employer was making from my hard work. While I didn't let that stop me from constantly evaluating how to be more and more effective in whatever job I worked, I do think it helped me look to the glass ceiling that would keep me from progressing in a company. Fast forward through the last 17 years of various jobs / working for others (including getting sucked into a few MLM's as I was chasing the dream). I've found an industry I truly enjoy working (whether I was paid to do it or not - audiology), but still due to a larger family and only a so-so income, I've looked for and found many side jobs (mostly flipping cars) I can use to make and extra buck to get out of debt / make financial progress. I've lived the priniciple of work before play and on account of our financial situation, I've become a workaholic so procrastination / unproductive activities don't steal my time mostly - there have been some tv shows my wife / kids have convinced me to watch with them at times and upon completion - I despise TV so badly I'm tempted to throw a hammer through the screen so as to not indulge / waste any more time (or allow my family to waste any time).
I've appreciated the methods / thought processes proposed by MJ in the fast lane millionaire. I've had a lot of ideas that have spawned from listening to his audiobook and now it's time to begin effectively executing them.
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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Welcome and thanks for the introduction.


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Nov 11, 2016
Canada (Vancouver)
What is your first execution?

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