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Sep 2, 2017

Well, I'm posting this mainly to become accountable. I joined a couple months ago after reading both of MJ's books. Wasn't sure what the path forward would be at the time, but I was beyond ready to start the journey. However, I had very few valuable skills(Still do =P)! Began a few things to start improving. I've read a TON of posts here, few more self improvement books, and most importantly of all I began to practice seeing the world differently in my daily interactions. I really focused on seeing areas that could be improved, how value was being generated from seemingly mundane things, and how the market sort of weeds out what's acceptable and what isn't. The last one was especially difficult, because I rarely agree with things that have become popular.

After a couple months of that, I have a small list of about 47 ideas I could genuinely work on that are "CENTS" worthy. I have also gotten about two thirds of the way through a fairly comprehensive web design course, mainly because it would be useful for a large number of those ideas. After completing this, I will start working on Photoshop as well. Long term, I believe these skills will be an asset.


During all this I took action on starting an eComm trial run. Here's what that looks like so far:

1) Started with a small order of 30 units on an item my wife was familiar with. Ordered from China, everything looked good... until it arrived. Was clearly a less than perfect knock off of the real item. Aggravating, but we listed them on eBay with a disclaimer. Sold out in a couple days, despite the warning! Positive reviews despite not being authentic, nobody seemed to care. Profitable.

2) Ordered around 70 to go again, paid for by the profit. They also sold really well, more positive reviews. Began to branch into a few more items.

3) As stock of that 70 got low, ordered 160 more. Order came in two shipments, and 100 of them are currently held in customs for undisclosed reasons. Was told to just wait a while. Also aggravating. New items I was researching are set to come in this week.

4) Sold the remaining units from the second order of 70 and last order of 60 in less than a week. Ordered another 100 from a different manufacturer, so will have 200 to post if customs releases the order. Hopefully I can get all 200 up at once.

So! Started this for less than 100 bucks and plan to just keep rolling the profit into it. So far, so good. If the new manufacturer is authentic, it would help. Once the other items we picked come in, I will have a total of 9 items listed. Just going to run and gun with it and learn as I go. I didn't have a solid plan to start out for this, since I was just trying it out to learn the platforms. I will make a written plan before long though, and try to break it into long term and short term goals. I definitely don't want to keep selling knock off stuff, but if the people buying it aren't concerned...maybe I shouldn't be? Dunno yet. Ideally I want to have a small catalogue of authentic items(reading up on how to source things better...China is sketchy!).

I guess, in conclusion, just start doing something! lol
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