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The Law of the Cart and the Basket

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Johnny boy

Gold Contributor
May 9, 2017
Washington State
Rep Bank
User Power: 650%
I don't usually grocery shop, I instacart nearly everything. But this time I just swung by the store and went in.

I have a basket, filling it up. I was getting some extra BS, and it's not going to fit so I make a choice and take it out and just keep the basics.

I think to myself "life's kinda like that huh.."

I thought about how you choose. This or that. One or the other. Many things are at the expense of another, directly.

I thought about my fitness goals in that moment and put a few more things back. At first I just couldn't physically fit the stuff in there, but then I realized if I put my goals in that basket some of the other stuff wouldn't "fit" either.


Life is a big store.

We look and see the isles. Inside is everything you could want.

And yes, literally everything.

You are walking through with a giant cart. You're so excited.

Everything that catches your eye you throw in.

You grab the shiny stuff first. It catches your eye...it spikes your emotions. You throw it in the cart.

You grab the things that feel good, toss em in.

You have so much room, you can still fit all the essentials.

You fit all the things in that you wanted.

But you hear rumors. People say someone who left was told they couldn't take it all.


And as you go to leave, and the same thing happens. The 'big man in charge' stops you, shakes his head, and hands you a basket.

You're forced to sit there and shift through everything in your giant cart.

Everything was in there, and I mean everything.

Things you didn't even think about.... things like your favorite hobbies.

Things like basic health.

Things like sleep.

Like real...real basic, foundational shit....

There was a lot of bullshit in there too...

You throw a fit and say "THAT'S NOT FAIR" and he doesn't care. No whining or complaining will get you past the door.

There's a whole group of people sitting by the exit throwing the same fit, you don't know how long they've been there....


You pick up things and sift through them and hold them in your hands.

"Eating whatever you want" in one hand.

"Looking the way you want" in the other.

Just one of many examples.

You go through and carve out so much. Some things in your cart were just there to fill up space. Some things meant a lot to you.

You toss out a few hobbies.

Couple of shallow relationships.

It's looking a little lean now. But everything's okay. You still have room for some good things, the essentials, and your big goals.


He shakes his head again, and hands you an even smaller basket.

"wow...what the hell? How am I supposed.....damn.....okay"

You take out more things. You dump out a little "time with loved ones" and throw out another hobby.

But it happens again. He keep's shrinking your damn basket.

"You're F*cking kidding me".

You keep throwing things out. Things you said you would never give up.

After enough of these cycles, you aren't even surprised anymore.

You know what's coming. It doesn't even bother you.

Another head shake.

Another smaller basket.

"Yeah I know the drill...."


I'm not going to finish the story because in life it doesn't end. It feels like a cliffhanger because that is exactly how life is.

You do not know yet what will be necessary to pass through those doors.

You walk through the store all young and starry eyed.

You can have it all.

You hear whispers of sacrifice but think you are different. It can't apply to you. There's a cart right in front of you. You assume they just had some bad luck. You spend another hour eating junk food, playing video games, AND designing what color your Lambo will be. You ponder the practicalities of where you'll store your private jet if you live out in the alps with your virgin Slovenian model wife. Somehow you'll find time to pay attention to her while hanging out with your old friends and eat pizza while you also have a six pack. The perfect life awaits. No time to listen to the negative Nancy stories about sacrifice and choice.

And every time you do not get what you want, you are getting your cart shrunk.

You do not get to have your cake and eat it too.

There is no clear answer what you can actually take through that door.

It is an experiment and you find out by trying.

People instinctively know they must give up things and they usually know exactly what things will need to be traded, but they don't want to accept it.

We go for years like this in a cycle of wanting more than we can fit, knowing deep down it will need to be sacrificed, but we hope it isn't that way.

We fill up our cart because we are delusional.

We don't empty it out because we don't want to be a fool.

We don't want to dump everything out and walk out missing out on a whole cart of everything we wanted.

How embarrassing... you "sacrifice" it all and you didn't have to... Nobody wants that.

So we cling to our cart and hope we leave with it.

At the end, you know what 99% of people do?

The crazy goal takes up everything so they have to leave it behind.

The basket is filled with mountains of little toys, trinkets, snacks and dopamine hits.

The big goal, unfortunately, is huge. It's a cold, big, bowling ball.

It's okay, in taking out the bowling ball people can fit all the things they want and pepper in a bunch of excuses and walk out somewhat happy.


The greatest thing that can happen to you is when you become hopeless.

When you are filling your cart to the brim, you have hope.

The man who has shaved everything off, dumped every non-essential thing and has nothing else to leave behind has no hope.

He's walking out with essentially one big thing and a couple of things in his pockets.

We go through life all starry-eyed and young, putting everything in our cart.

Your basket shrinks. Another time. More rounds...

"I get it now...."

At some point you just set down the cart.

Pickup the one big thing you wanted.

And walk through.

Nothing shiny catches your eye anymore. You already know the drill.

You used to spend a bunch of time imagining. A bunch of time getting distracted.

Because what else can you do when there's a giant cart, everything you wanted, and hope?

The hopeless man succeeds because nothing glitters, he just has the thing he came for and nothing else. He's got the 1000 yard stare.

In real life, things make sense. Every time I head about someone's story of success, it makes sense.

You want things that don't add up. Your story ends with "and then everything worked out".


Is it really that extreme?

It depends. How rare of a life do you really want to live?

And THAT'S why we end up somewhere in the middle.

10 Million is not that much.

A 6-pack is not crazy.

You can have many things and a great life can be pretty full.

You can be fit, pretty rich, do cool stuff, enjoy life. That's actually not that hard. Trade away the moron shit and you're basically there. Read some books, do some pushups.

I promise. You can do it in your 20's even.

There's many times I've traded and chooses quick pleasures, other things, and being well rounded.

And still had room for some success.

The trick is that things don't always cost "the thing you want" 100%. It's not reversed perfectly where you have to be miserable.

That would be solipsistic. The world doesn't revolve around you. You can be miserable, sacrifice everything, AND be unsuccessful. (nightmare scenario!)

You don't lose weight because the food was unappetizing. I imagine a guy eating a literal 'dog shit' diet. Don't be dog shit guy. You are not rewarded inversely to your pain.

You don't get rich by being lonely.

But when you eat the right foods it probably won't taste like pizza and donuts.

And when you build value for the marketplace you probably will not be hanging out with friends all day.

At some point you have to lose some hope that you will have it ALL.

It is a deep, emotional thing.

Because the things we want are close to us. They are deep and emotional.

Literally the things you would yell about and say "IM NOT GIVING THAT UP".

Those things are the biggest.


Your basket will shrink.

You will have to look at what you want, say "I understand it now...." and pick up your own "essentials"..

And walk out the store.
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O fup'v ataemmz hsudisz tjuq, O optvedesv piesmz iwiszvjoph. Cav vjot voni O katv txaph cz vji tvusi epf xipv op.

O jewi e cetliv, gommoph ov aq. O xet hivvoph tuni iyvse CT, epf ov't puv huoph vu gov tu O neli e djuodi epf veli ov uav epf katv liiq vji cetodt.

O vjopl vu nztimg "mogi't lopfe moli vjev jaj.."

O vjuahjv ecuav jux zua djuuti. Vjot us vjev. Upi us vji uvjis. Nepz vjopht esi ev vji iyqipti ug epuvjis, fosidvmz.

O vjuahjv ecuav nz govpitt huemt op vjev nunipv epf qav e gix nusi vjopht cedl. Ev gostv O katv duamfp'v qjztodemmz gov vji tvagg op vjisi, cav vjip O siemobif og O qav nz huemt op vjev cetliv tuni ug vji uvjis tvagg xuamfp'v "gov" iovjis.


Mogi ot e coh tvusi.

Xi muul epf tii vji otmit. Optofi ot iwiszvjoph zua duamf xepv.

Epf zit, movisemmz iwiszvjoph.

Zua esi xemloph vjsuahj xovj e hoepv desv. Zua'si tu iydovif.

Iwiszvjoph vjev devdjit zuas izi zua vjsux op.

Zua hsec vji tjopz tvagg gostv. Ov devdjit zuas izi...ov tqolit zuas inuvoupt. Zua vjsux ov op vji desv.

Zua hsec vji vjopht vjev giim huuf, vutt in op.

Zua jewi tu nadj suun, zua dep tvomm gov emm vji ittipvoemt.

Zua gov emm vji vjopht op vjev zua xepvif.

Cav zua jies sanust. Qiuqmi tez tuniupi xju migv xet vumf vjiz duamfp'v veli ov emm.


Epf et zua hu vu miewi, epf vji teni vjoph jeqqipt. Vji 'coh nep op djeshi' tvuqt zua, tjelit jot jief, epf jepft zua e cetliv.

Zua'si gusdif vu tov vjisi epf tjogv vjsuahj iwiszvjoph op zuas hoepv desv.

Iwiszvjoph xet op vjisi, epf O niep iwiszvjoph.

Vjopht zua fofp'v iwip vjopl ecuav.... vjopht moli zuas gewusovi juccoit.

Vjopht moli cetod jiemvj.

Vjopht moli tmiiq.

Moli siem...siem cetod, guapfevoupem tjov....

Vjisi xet e muv ug cammtjov op vjisi vuu...

Zua vjsux e gov epf tez "VJEV'T PUV GEOS" epf ji fuitp'v desi. Pu xjopoph us dunqmeopoph xomm hiv zua qetv vji fuus.

Vjisi't e xjumi hsuaq ug qiuqmi tovvoph cz vji iyov vjsuxoph vji teni gov, zua fup'v lpux jux muph vjiz'wi ciip vjisi....


Zua qodl aq vjopht epf togv vjsuahj vjin epf jumf vjin op zuas jepft.

"Ievoph xjeviwis zua xepv" op upi jepf.

"Muuloph vji xez zua xepv" op vji uvjis.

Katv upi ug nepz iyenqmit.

Zua hu vjsuahj epf deswi uav tu nadj. Tuni vjopht op zuas desv xisi katv vjisi vu gomm aq tqedi. Tuni vjopht niepv e muv vu zua.

Zua vutt uav e gix juccoit.

Duaqmi ug tjemmux simevouptjoqt.

Ov't muuloph e movvmi miep pux. Cav iwiszvjoph't ulez. Zua tvomm jewi suun gus tuni huuf vjopht, vji ittipvoemt, epf zuas coh huemt.


Ji tjelit jot jief eheop, epf jepft zua ep iwip tnemmis cetliv.

"xux...xjev vji jimm? Jux en O taqqutif.....fenp.....ulez"

Zua veli uav nusi vjopht. Zua fanq uav e movvmi "voni xovj muwif upit" epf vjsux uav epuvjis juccz.

Cav ov jeqqipt eheop. Ji liiq't tjsoploph zuas fenp cetliv.

"Zua'si G*dloph loffoph ni".

Zua liiq vjsuxoph vjopht uav. Vjopht zua teof zua xuamf piwis howi aq.

Egvis ipuahj ug vjiti dzdmit, zua esip'v iwip tasqsotif epznusi.

Zua lpux xjev't dunoph. Ov fuitp'v iwip cuvjis zua.

Epuvjis jief tjeli.

Epuvjis tnemmis cetliv.

"Ziej O lpux vji fsomm...."


O'n puv huoph vu gopotj vji tvusz cideati op mogi ov fuitp'v ipf. Ov giimt moli e dmoggjephis cideati vjev ot iyedvmz jux mogi ot.

Zua fu puv lpux ziv xjev xomm ci pidittesz vu qett vjsuahj vjuti fuust.

Zua xeml vjsuahj vji tvusi emm zuaph epf tvessz izif.

Zua dep jewi ov emm.

Zua jies xjotqist ug tedsogodi cav vjopl zua esi foggisipv. Ov dep'v eqqmz vu zua. Vjisi't e desv sohjv op gsupv ug zua. Zua ettani vjiz katv jef tuni cef madl. Zua tqipf epuvjis juas ievoph kapl guuf, qmezoph wofiu henit, EPF fitohpoph xjev dumus zuas Mencu xomm ci. Zua qupfis vji qsedvodemovoit ug xjisi zua'mm tvusi zuas qsowevi kiv og zua mowi uav op vji emqt xovj zuas woshop Tmuwipoep nufim xogi. Tunijux zua'mm gopf voni vu qez evvipvoup vu jis xjomi jephoph uav xovj zuas umf gsoipft epf iev qobbe xjomi zua emtu jewi e toy qedl. Vji qisgidv mogi exeovt. Pu voni vu motvip vu vji pihevowi Pepdz tvusoit ecuav tedsogodi epf djuodi.

Epf iwisz voni zua fu puv hiv xjev zua xepv, zua esi hivvoph zuas desv tjsapl.

Zua fu puv hiv vu jewi zuas deli epf iev ov vuu.

Vjisi ot pu dmies eptxis xjev zua dep edvaemmz veli vjsuahj vjev fuus.

Ov ot ep iyqisonipv epf zua gopf uav cz vszoph.

Qiuqmi optvopdvowimz lpux vjiz natv howi aq vjopht epf vjiz ataemmz lpux iyedvmz xjev vjopht xomm piif vu ci vsefif, cav vjiz fup'v xepv vu eddiqv ov.

Xi hu gus ziest moli vjot op e dzdmi ug xepvoph nusi vjep xi dep gov, lpuxoph fiiq fuxp ov xomm piif vu ci tedsogodif, cav xi juqi ov otp'v vjev xez.

Xi gomm aq uas desv cideati xi esi fimatoupem.

Xi fup'v inqvz ov uav cideati xi fup'v xepv vu ci e guum.

Xi fup'v xepv vu fanq iwiszvjoph uav epf xeml uav nottoph uav up e xjumi desv ug iwiszvjoph xi xepvif.

Jux incessettoph... zua "tedsogodi" ov emm epf zua fofp'v jewi vu... Pucufz xepvt vjev.

Tu xi dmoph vu uas desv epf juqi xi miewi xovj ov.

Ev vji ipf, zua lpux xjev 99% ug qiuqmi fu?

Vji dsebz huem velit aq iwiszvjoph tu vjiz jewi vu miewi ov cijopf.

Vji cetliv ot gommif xovj nuapveopt ug movvmi vuzt, vsoplivt, tpedlt epf fuqenopi jovt.

Vji coh huem, apgusvapevimz, ot jahi. Ov't e dumf, coh, cuxmoph cemm.

Ov't ulez, op veloph uav vji cuxmoph cemm qiuqmi dep gov emm vji vjopht vjiz xepv epf qiqqis op e capdj ug iydatit epf xeml uav tunixjev jeqqz.


Vji hsievitv vjoph vjev dep jeqqip vu zua ot xjip zua ciduni juqimitt.

Xjip zua esi gommoph zuas desv vu vji cson, zua jewi juqi.

Vji nep xju jet tjewif iwiszvjoph ugg, fanqif iwisz pup-ittipvoem vjoph epf jet puvjoph imti vu miewi cijopf jet pu juqi.

Ji't xemloph uav xovj ittipvoemmz upi coh vjoph epf e duaqmi ug vjopht op jot qudlivt.

Xi hu vjsuahj mogi emm tvessz-izif epf zuaph, qavvoph iwiszvjoph op uas desv.

Zuas cetliv tjsoplt. Epuvjis voni. Nusi suapft...

"O hiv ov pux...."

Ev tuni quopv zua katv tiv fuxp vji desv.

Qodlaq vji upi coh vjoph zua xepvif.

Epf xeml vjsuahj.

Puvjoph tjopz devdjit zuas izi epznusi. Zua emsiefz lpux vji fsomm.

Zua atif vu tqipf e capdj ug voni onehopoph. E capdj ug voni hivvoph fotvsedvif.

Cideati xjev imti dep zua fu xjip vjisi't e hoepv desv, iwiszvjoph zua xepvif, epf juqi?

Vji juqimitt nep taddiift cideati puvjoph hmovvist, ji katv jet vji vjoph ji deni gus epf puvjoph imti. Ji't huv vji 1000 zesf tvesi.

Op siem mogi, vjopht neli tipti. Iwisz voni O jief ecuav tuniupi't tvusz ug tadditt, ov nelit tipti.

Zua xepv vjopht vjev fup'v eff aq. Zuas tvusz ipft xovj "epf vjip iwiszvjoph xuslif uav".


Ot ov siemmz vjev iyvsini?

Ov fiqipft. Jux sesi ug e mogi fu zua siemmz xepv vu mowi?

Epf VJEV'T xjz xi ipf aq tunixjisi op vji noffmi.

10 Nommoup ot puv vjev nadj.

E 6-qedl ot puv dsebz.

Zua dep jewi nepz vjopht epf e hsiev mogi dep ci qsivvz gamm.

Zua dep ci gov, qsivvz sodj, fu duum tvagg, ipkuz mogi. Vjev't edvaemmz puv vjev jesf. Vsefi exez vji nusup tjov epf zua'si cetodemmz vjisi. Sief tuni cuult, fu tuni qatjaqt.

O qsunoti. Zua dep fu ov op zuas 20't iwip.

Vjisi't nepz vonit O'wi vsefif epf djuutit raodl qmietasit, uvjis vjopht, epf cioph ximm suapfif.

Epf tvomm jef suun gus tuni tadditt.

Cav ev tuni quopv zua jewi vu muti tuni juqi vjev zua xomm jewi ov EMM.

Ov ot e fiiq, inuvoupem vjoph.

Cideati vji vjopht xi xepv esi dmuti vu at. Vjiz esi fiiq epf inuvoupem.

Movisemmz vji vjopht zua xuamf zimm ecuav epf tez "ON PUV HOWOPH VJEV AQ".

Vjuti vjopht esi vji cohhitv.


Zuas cetliv xomm tjsopl.

Zua xomm jewi vu muul ev xjev zua xepv, tez "O apfistvepf ov pux...." epf qodl aq zuas uxp "ittipvoemt"..

Epf xeml uav vji tvusi.
2024 O fofp’v jov nz govpitt huem.

Huuf vu hiv sinopfif up vjev.
Hsiev dupdiqv vjev ommatvsevit xjip zua tez ZIT vu tunivjoph, zua esi emtu tezoph PU vu tunivjoph imti.

Zit vu fupavt? Pu vu govpitt. Pu vu toy qedl ect.
Zit vu wofiu henit? Pu vu vji hzn. Pu vu caomfoph vjev catopitt.
Zit vu vjev des zua dep'v eggusf? Pu vu gopepdoem qiedi. Pu vu e qusvgumou.

E cov foteqquopvif vjev vjot qutv fofp'v hiv nusi vsedvoup et ov situpevit ximm.

Vehhif HUMF.

sefi exez vji nusup tjov epf zua'si cetodemmz vjisi.

Et O'wi teof cigusi, mogi ot e MUTIST HENI.

Og zua ewuof vji fanc notvelit, vji "nusup tjov" epf vji fuxptofi etznnivsod djuodit, zua xomm xop mogi.

Xoppoph e xoppist henit siraosit zua vu neli emm vji sohjv djuodit/jov vji qsidoti tjuvt.
Xoppoph e mutis heni tonqmz siraosit vu zua ewuof emm vji apgusdif issust, vji fanc djuodit xovj etznnivsod, ipfasoph duptiraipdit.
Zua jies xjotqist ug tedsogodi cav vjopl zua esi foggisipv. Ov dep'v eqqmz vu zua.
Janomovz epf tiioph vji xusmf et ov ot epf puv et xi xotj ov xuamf ci ot e wosvai.

Ov ot e feomz tvsahhmi vu tez pu vu fotvsedvoupt xjomi cioph jancmi.
Gus e zuaph essuhepv qistup vji giimoph ug "onnusvemovz", vji giimoph ug cioph ecmi vu fu epzvjoph, xjomi edvaemmz fuoph puvjoph niepophgam, epf ohpusepdi ug vji voni monov fosidvmz cuapf vu uas mowit ot vsiedjisuat.

Zua vjopl zua jewi voni, zua dep fu epf jewi iwiszvjoph, cav vjip egvis tuni ziest tqipv up niepophmitt vjopht vji siemobevoup jovt.
Epf ov jovt siemmz jesf.
O haitt tu, jewip'v iyqisoipdif ov ziv.
Vjev't xjev O gies nutv op nz mogi epf xjev nuvowevit ni.

Og upmz cioph jancmi xet ietois.
Vuvemmz ehsii. O jewi tvsoqqif nz mogi fuxp vu vji ittipvoemt. Zua upmz hiv vji voni vu fu xjev zua xepv epf jewi vu fu cz tedsogodoph vji vjopht zua fup'v piif. Vjisi ot pu voni vu xetvi up puptipti.

O vjopl gus nutv ug at uas coh cuxmoph cemm op vji cetliv ot gsiifun. Gus ni sohjv pux vjev gsiifun ot dutvoph ni emnutv iwiszvjoph, cav ov't xusvj ov. O opvipvoupemmz nefi nz mogi nusi apdungusvecmi op qastaov ug vji Getvmepi.
Up vji csohjv tofi, O haitt O tjuamf duptofis nztimg madlz vu ci ecmi vu iev epf fsopl xjeviwis O xepv epf jewi e toy qedl ev 40. :duum:
Janomovz epf tiioph vji xusmf et ov ot epf puv et xi xotj ov xuamf ci ot e wosvai.

Ov ot e feomz tvsahhmi vu tez pu vu fotvsedvoupt xjomi cioph jancmi.
Gus e zuaph essuhepv qistup vji giimoph ug "onnusvemovz", vji giimoph ug cioph ecmi vu fu epzvjoph, xjomi edvaemmz fuoph puvjoph niepophgam, epf ohpusepdi ug vji voni monov fosidvmz cuapf vu uas mowit ot vsiedjisuat.

Zua vjopl zua jewi voni, zua dep fu epf jewi iwiszvjoph, cav vjip egvis tuni ziest tqipv up niepophmitt vjopht vji siemobevoup jovt.
Epf ov jovt siemmz jesf.
O haitt tu, jewip'v iyqisoipdif ov ziv.
Vjev't xjev O gies nutv op nz mogi epf xjev nuvowevit ni.

Og upmz cioph jancmi xet ietois.
Nifovevi up fievj epf tii og cioph jancmi ot jesf.

Xi'si emm huppe foi epf xi fup'v lpux xjip ot uas voni.

Civvis vu neli vji nutv uav ug ov xjomi xi esi tvomm emowi.

Dmoph vu xotfun, juqi gus vji citv, tedsogodi gus vji hsievis huuf, qastai zuas fowopi qasquti, epf miewi e hsiev mihedz vjev xomm ci sinincisif gus dipvasoit.
Vjisi't nepz vonit O'wi vsefif epf djuutit raodl qmietasit, uvjis vjopht, epf cioph ximm suapfif.

Epf tvomm jef suun gus tuni tadditt.

Vji vsodl ot vjev vjopht fup'v emxezt dutv "vji vjoph zua xepv" 100%. Ov't puv siwistif qisgidvmz xjisi zua jewi vu ci notisecmi.

Vjev xuamf ci tumoqtotvod. Vji xusmf fuitp'v siwumwi esuapf zua. Zua dep ci notisecmi, tedsogodi iwiszvjoph, EPF ci aptaddittgam. (pohjvnesi tdipesou!)

Zua fup'v muti xiohjv cideati vji guuf xet apeqqivoboph. O onehopi e haz ievoph e movisem 'fuh tjov' foiv. Fup'v ci fuh tjov haz. Zua esi puv sixesfif opwistimz vu zuas qeop.

Zua fup'v hiv sodj cz cioph mupimz.

Cav xjip zua iev vji sohjv guuft ov qsucecmz xup'v vetvi moli qobbe epf fupavt.
Miv’t veli e voni vu eqqsidoevi vjot. Nepz hazt jisi vjopl vjev hsopfoph ot vji upmz sidoqi gus tadditt. Tonqmi et y + z = b

Pu, sitamvt esi vji sidoqi gus vji tadditt. Opvimmohipv xusl (sitamvt usoipvif) > tonqmz jesf xusl

Vlt eheop @Kujppz cuz gus zuas qisoufodemmz xotfun. Epf uj cuz, O iwip miespif e xusf vufez , tumoqtotvod. Hqv gsoipf jimqif ni xovj vjev upi
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