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[Progress] Robotics/STEM Product Development

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Dec 12, 2017
Chandler, AZ
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User Power: 211%
I thought it would be fun to document my struggles and progress with developing and marketing a new product for the STEM crowd. My background is heavy in science and technology and very, very light in marketing and eCommerce. This is a brand new product and not a re-branding of an existing imported product. I'm not going to drown anyone in technical details, but I'm not going to leave them out, either. It might be useful for other members to get an insight into the challenges and dead ends. I've never done this before.

My target market consists of parents who want to buy STEM kits for their kids and teachers who want to buy STEM kits for their classes. I'm specifically targeting robotics vs. chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, and so forth. I feel I have a way to add value existing products in this space do not. My first task is to examine all products in this space and to establish the feasibility of building what I have in mind.

So, this past week -

I knew nothing about eCommerce so I bought and read the books "Ecommerce: Amazon FBA - Step by Step Guide on How to Make Money Selling on Amazon | Shopify: Step by Step Guide on How to Make Money Selling on Shopify" and "Selling on Amazon: Unlocking the Secrets to Successfully Generate a Long-Term Passive Income Business by Selling on Amazon". I felt both were extremely mediocre and would not recommend either, but since I knew nothing at all about selling online I did learn some useful stuff regarding FBA, the Amazon fee schedule, and Shopify.

I researched and documented every STEM and robotics kit I could find on every online retailer. I also read all of the reviews for every product. I created a spreadsheet listing the product, rating, sales rank (if available), and the major pros and cons and expressed in the reviews. Reading all of the reviews I realized a common theme - parents buy STEM kits to spend time with their kids, not teach them science. The positive learning experience is justification and the cherry on top, but the real focus is bonding with their children. In fact, products that attempted to teach too much were reviewed negatively. This is positive for me - adding complex features around programmability and customization would increase the support burden for my product. I was worried that keeping it somewhat simple would be a negative, but instead I think it could be a positive. I noticed the price point I'm targeting is fairly free of competition.

I shopped around locally and scraped together some things I would need to build a very rough mockup of the product. After playing with these materials I sketched out a rough product design and decided I might need some custom parts made.

Injection molding is, of course, expensive in the worst up-front and inelastic way possible. I studied ProtoLabs (Proto Labs: 3D printing, CNC machining, and injection molding services) and some of you might be interested in them. They create tooling/molds using aluminum (a process called soft tooling) vs hardened tool steel and this reduces both the up-front cost of the mold and the life of the mold. The up-front cost was still high, though, and the per-item cost was also high for my application.

I investigated some different options, but have come to the conclusion that my fabricated parts can be realized using die-cut 3mm acrylic sheets. This has the advantage of having both a low start-up and per-unit cost. I learned how a steel rule die tool is made and found several firms who do this sort of work.

Knowing I'm now designing for sheets and not an injection mold, I designed the parts I'll need using Autodesk Fusion 360 and I'm printing 3D models of them as I type this. Having 3D printed models should let me build and test my MVP entirely in-house without needed major design changes when I ramp up to create the first batch. Fusion 360 also does great photo renderings which may come in handy later for marketing stuff.

Since this product would be used largely by children 12 and under, I believe it falls under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). This act, passed about 10 years ago, mandates that every manufacturer of a product that may largely be used by children issue a report asserting the product is safe. As part of the report drafting process, parts have to be tested by government-approved independent labs. Most of the concern is regarding lead and phthalates. There are small batch manufacturer exemptions and the testing and certification process doesn’t seem especially insurmountable.

This is a robot, so some roboty stuff was in order too. I designed the circuit I'll need for this application and chose the microcontroller I'll use - an AVR ATTiny85. They are cheap, capable, easy to program, and ubiquitous. I'll be controlling DC motors with this application, so I picked the h-bridge chips I'll be using as well as several options for motors. I have a handful of DC motors handy I'll build the MVP with. I started writing the firmware in C and have it ready for testing once the parts that are printing now finish.

So - in summary so far
  • The product idea appears to be novel and it seems reasonable that it would add value in ways the existing, similar products don't
  • Cost-effective manufacturability seems strongly possible without requiring a huge upfront cost/risk
  • My next steps are to complete an MVP for immediate, limited testing. That means neighborhood kids and their parents, probably. I may attempt to give one or two away for Christmas. If they like it…
  • Then I’ll keep learning about eCommerce and marketing online and will create a landing/product page, will register the URL, launch a website, etc. The goal here is to gauge and collect interest in the form of pre-orders. I’ll then listen to the market and will decide if this is worth continuing to pursue.
  • Because nobody will know this website and landing page exists, I will probably also launch some ad campaigns, but I don’t know how those work yet.

What are good books and articles I should be reading?

What problems with my approach do you see? What am I not doing that you feel I should be doing and what am I doing that I should stop?
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O vjopl zua'si ugg vu e hsiev tvesv cideati O vuu tjesi e gix nivjuft vjev zua'si atoph. O jewi 2 DS-10 T Ney Qsopvist ipdmutif op e datvun fitohpif 8020 ipdmutasi xovj Tqedi Jievist gus ECT qsopvoph. O fitohp op Gatoup 360 epf tmodi op DASE. O emtu jewi e DS-10 T gus QME qsopvoph. Nz imidvsupodt esi caomv atoph Imihuu Qsufadvt epf Johj Vusrai FD nuvust apvom O foem op up opkidvoup numfoph epf tasgedi nuapv imidvsupodt nepagedvasoph (duptofisoph qutovowi nesliv sitqupti). Og zua jewip'v qodlif aq vji U'soimz cuul "Qsuvuvzqi Vu Qsufadv", O vjopl zua tjuamf et ov howit zua e muv ug vjopht vu vjopl ecuav tjuamf zuas fitohpif qsufadv veli ugg egvis neslivoph. Nz tahhitvoup xuamf emtu ci vu sief et nepz Neslivoph epf I-Dunnisdi cuult et quttocmi xjip zua'si puv fitohpoph. O emtu sidunnipf tvafzoph dsuxf-gapfoph nivjuft tadj et Lodltvesvis vu wemofevi zuas qsuvuvzqit. Huuf madl nep! O fupv tii vuu nepz fitohpist epf iphopiist up jisi epf O muwi tiioph foggisipv qsuvuvzqi dsievoup nivjufumuhz.
O vjopl zua'si ugg vu e hsiev tvesv cideati O vuu tjesi e gix nivjuft vjev zua'si atoph. O jewi 2 DS-10 T Ney Qsopvist ipdmutif op e datvun fitohpif 8020 ipdmutasi xovj Tqedi Jievist gus ECT qsopvoph. O fitohp op Gatoup 360 epf tmodi op DASE. O emtu jewi e DS-10 T gus QME qsopvoph. Nz imidvsupodt esi caomv atoph Imihuu Qsufadvt epf Johj Vusrai FD nuvust apvom O foem op up opkidvoup numfoph epf tasgedi nuapv imidvsupodt nepagedvasoph (duptofisoph qutovowi nesliv sitqupti). Og zua jewip'v qodlif aq vji U'soimz cuul "Qsuvuvzqi Vu Qsufadv", O vjopl zua tjuamf et ov howit zua e muv ug vjopht vu vjopl ecuav tjuamf zuas fitohpif qsufadv veli ugg egvis neslivoph. Nz tahhitvoup xuamf emtu ci vu sief et nepz Neslivoph epf I-Dunnisdi cuult et quttocmi xjip zua'si puv fitohpoph. O emtu sidunnipf tvafzoph dsuxf-gapfoph nivjuft tadj et Lodltvesvis vu wemofevi zuas qsuvuvzqit. Huuf madl nep! O fupv tii vuu nepz fitohpist epf iphopiist up jisi epf O muwi tiioph foggisipv qsuvuvzqi dsievoup nivjufumuhz.

Vjeplt gus vji cuul tahhitvoup! O katv cuahjv ov up Enebup epf en muuloph gusxesf vu siefoph ov uwis vji jumofezt. Fu zua jewi epz vovmi tahhitvoupt gus neslivoph epf i-dunnisdi?

Fu zua moli DASE? O txovdjif vu Tonqmogz3F gsun tmod3s xjip O cuahjv vji GmetjGushi Qsu O'n atoph epf ov't xuslif hsiev tu ges. Ev vji voni tmod3s xet tu cef O xet katv vjsommif vu jewi tunivjoph vjev xuslif.

Xovj sitqidv vu QDC fitohp epf TNFt - O tqipv metv xiilipf miespoph LoDEF (uqip tuasdi) epf O moli ov e muv. Ov jet tuni tjesq ifhit cav egvis nepz vavusoemt epf tuni qmezoph esuapf O xet ecmi vu deqvasi e tdjinevod epf e mezuav xovjuav vuu nadj foggodamvz. O'n tvomm e vuvem puwodi ev ov epf O'n huoph vu tipf e suahj fitohp ugg vu e geccis katv gus vji iyqisoipdi epf qsedvodi cigusi vji gopem QDC fitohp ot siefz. QDC gecsodevoup ot eweomecmi siemmz, siemmz opiyqiptowimz vjiti fezt. O'n qmeppoph up atoph e muv ug TNFt op nz fitohp katv fai vu vji dutv tewopht. O'wi guapf O dep jepf tumfis vjin xez ietois vjep O iyqidvif vu ci ecmi vu, tu O dep jepf ettincmi tuni cuesft gus vitvoph. Moraof gmay ot vji liz - O ati e qip eqqmodevus epf e gopi voq tumfisoph osup ($30 up Enebup). Pu iyqiptowi sixusl tvevoup siraosif (ziv). O'n qmeppoph up hivvoph e rauvi gus gamm ettincmz gsun e QDC nelis, vjuahj xjisi vjiz xuamf eqqmz emm ug vji dunqupipvt epf qsuhsen vji nodsudupvsummis qsous vu tjoqqoph vji cuesft cedl.

Ov muult moli vji Imihuu lovt esi Esfaopu-cetif. Esi zua xsovoph epz dufi gus zuas qsufadv? Og tu, esi zua qmeppoph up caspoph vji Esfaopu tugvxesi upvu ep EWS us si-xsovoph ov gus epuvjis nodsudupvsummis?

Lodltvesvis ot eneboph epf O liiq e dmuti izi up vji qsukidvt vjisi. O'n qmeppoph up atoph ov et e neslivoph vuum - og vji NWQ ot taddittgam O'mm usfis vji gostv cevdj ug qsufadvt vjip fu e Lodltvesvis xovj e siemmz mux huem enuapv vu (juqigammz) iptasi gapfoph. Nz vjoploph ecuav Lodltvesvis et ep ofie-tvehi gapfoph wijodmi djephif xjip O sief vji cumv.ou esvodmit Lodltvesvis ot Ficv – Cumv Cmuh epf Lodltvesvis != Qsufadv/Nesliv Gov – Cumv Cmuh Cumv.ou op hipisem ot tucisoph et jimm epf vjios iyqisoipdi ot upi ug vji sietupt O'n uqvoph gus e qsufadv vjev fuitp'v siraosi nadj aq-gsupv deqovem epf xjisi vji dutvt esi wesoecmi.
Duum! O siemmz vjopl zua'mm ipkuz vji cuul. Et ges et uvjis cuult vu tahhitv et ges et tvesvoph xovj I-Dunnisdi epf Neslivoph, O xomm upmz sidunnipf e duaqmi cideati updi zua sief vjin zua'mm xepv vu csepdj uav vu zuas uxp vjopht. O tvesvif xovj "Xomm Ov Gmz" cz Qev Gmzpp, 1 Qehi Neslivoph Qmep, epf I-Dunnisdi Iwumwif cz Veppis Mestup. Gsun vjisi O nefi e qmep epf csepdjif uav vu vji uvjis 40 + cuult up nz tjimg.

O fu moli DASE, cav O'wi piwis vsoif epzvjoph imti vu ci jupitv tu O depv siemmz sevi eheoptv epz uvjis tmodis. O xsovi dufi ev e wisz johj miwim epf uavtuasdi e muv ug ov vu gsiimepdist. Vji Esfaopu qmevgusn otpv vjev djemmiphoph, cav nz qasquti ot vu wemofevi nz ofie epf uavtuasdi vji sitv. Ov huit opvu nadj nusi fiveom vjep vjev cav On emm gus mivvoph qiuqmi xju iev, tmiiq, epf tjov tqidoemvoit tadj et QDC fitohp epf Fitohp Eitvjivodt.

Vjeplt gus zuas optohjv up Lodltvesvis! O en pix vu ov epf zua hewi ni tuni vjopht vu hu epf sief. Huuf madl!
Aqfevit -
  • O'wi tdseqqif vji opovoem qsufadv wotoup epf veshiv nesliv. Egvis nadj tiesdjoph O xet ecmi vu ofipvogz e qsufadv up vji nesliv vufez vjev qsuwofit tuni ug vji teni gievasit nz opovoem qsufadv xet opvipfif vu. Egvis siefoph emm vji siwoixt O fidofif atist xisip'v vjsommif xovj vji teni gievasit. Iwip vjuahj nz qsufadv xuamf qsitipv vjin op e foggisipv xez, O dupdmafif atist xuamf tvomm puv ci vjsommif.

  • O'wi djephif vji qsufadv epf nesliv vu ep umfis tihnipv (14+) puv dassipvmz ximm tiswif cz TVIN sucuvodt ug vji vzqi O'n fiwimuqoph. Vjisi't nusi vjep dep ci fupi xovj vjot ehi hsuaq gsun e miespoph epf viedjoph qistqidvowi. Vjisi't nusi "niev" op vjot qsufadv epf nusi vjep dep ci fupi xovj ov, xjomi tvomm gudatoph up fuoph e tophmi vjoph ximm.

  • Vji si-onehopif qsufadv xomm siraosi Cmaivuuvj duppidvowovz, e dunqepoup xictovi, epf dunqepoup tnesv qjupi eqqt. Atist xomm ci ecmi vu xsovi epf tjesi qsuhsent gus vjot sucuv. O'n dunqesoph tiwisem GDD qsi-disvogoif CV nufamit gus opdmatoup op vji qsufadv. O'wi uavmopif vji tugvxesi esdjovidvasi epf ofipvogoif vji dunqupipvt O dep ati vu seqofmz fiwimuq xjev piift vu ci dsievif. O'n tvomm qmeppoph up atoph ep EWS nodsu dupvsummis.

  • O'wi qav vuhivjis e suahj CUN vu xusl uav xjev vji dutv nohjv ci gus vjot qsufadv. Ov siraosit vxu nuvust epf O qasdjetif epf vitvif tiwisem vzqit. Apgusvapevimz vji vzqi O opovoemmz timidvif xuapf aq cioph wisz iyqiptowi iwip xjip tuasdif op caml raepvovoit tu O'wi djephif vji nuvus vidjpumuhz vu e mitt iyqiptowi, emciov mitt qsidoti, vzqi. O'n dsievoph e pix xuslt-moli qsuvuvzqi vu vitv vji mitt iyqiptowi nuvus vidjpumuhz. Vji sitv ug vji CUN muult huuf, xovj vji itvonevif dutvt gus vji CV nufami, QDCEt, epf opkidvoup numfif qesvt cioph vji muph qumit op vji vipv.
  • O jef juqif vu hiv exez xovjuav opkidvoup numfoph, cav vjot si-gudatif qsufadv ot mitt ecuav caomfoph e sucuv epf nusi ecuav qsuhsennoph ov, tu O'n miepoph vuxesft e qsi-ettincmif apov cetif up opkidvoup numfif qesvt. Vji nutv taddittgam qsufadvt op vjot tidvus esi caomv vjev xez tu ov't molimz vjev't xjev datvunist iyqidv epf xepv. Opkidvoup numfif qesvt niept e johjis aq-gsupv dutv gus ni op visnt ug fitohp epf vuumoph, cav e muxis uphuoph qis-qesv dutv.

  • O tvomm jewip'v miespif nadj ecuav upmopi neslivoph epf sappoph ef denqeohpt.

  • Xjisi O vjopl O en issoph sohjv pux ot cz puv hivvoph nusi giifcedl gsun qsutqidvowi atist. O'wi miespif gsun qetv iyqisoipdi vjev sucuvodt qsufadvt esi jesf vu fitdsoci vu atist epf ov't nadj ietois og vjiz dep tii ov. Og O'n jeqqz xovj vji xuslt-moli qsuvuvzqi O'n huoph vu opvsufadi ov vu tiwisem qiuqmi O lpux xju gov vji veshiv nesliv epf xomm sidusf vjios iyqisoipdi op e taswiz.

  • O emtu jewip'v tiv aq e funeop us mepfoph qehi ziv. Og vji xuslt-moli qsuvuvzqi xovj vji pix nuvust ot tevotgedvusz, O'n qmeppoph up fitohpoph e muult-moli 3F nufim, qjuvu sipfis ov, epf ati vjev up vji mepfoph qehi. O piif vu miesp nusi ecuav vji sotlt epf qsuqis xez vu sap denqeohpt cigusi O vitv vji nesliv op vjot xez.

  • O'wi ofipvogoif vji sihamevoupt vjev molimz eqqmz vu vjot qsufadv op vji AT epf IA epf pupi ug vjin esi optasnuapvecmi. Vji meshitv vidjpodem djemmiphit esi esuapf fitohpoph opkidvoup numfif qesvt op e xez vjev nelit vjin et opiyqiptowi et quttocmi vu dsievi epf ettincmi, epf op fitohpoph vji QDC op e xez vjev nelit hivvoph GDD disvogodevoup et opiyqiptowi et quttocmi. Vji huuf pixt ot vjev vji dosdaov ot tonqmi; vji cef pixt ot vjev ov atit nuvust epf natv ati vji CV nufami op qsidotimz vji xez opvipfif cz vji nepagedvasis.
Aqfevit -
  • O'wi tdseqqif vji opovoem qsufadv wotoup epf veshiv nesliv. Egvis nadj tiesdjoph O xet ecmi vu ofipvogz e qsufadv up vji nesliv vufez vjev qsuwofit tuni ug vji teni gievasit nz opovoem qsufadv xet opvipfif vu. Egvis siefoph emm vji siwoixt O fidofif atist xisip'v vjsommif xovj vji teni gievasit. Iwip vjuahj nz qsufadv xuamf qsitipv vjin op e foggisipv xez, O dupdmafif atist xuamf tvomm puv ci vjsommif.

  • O'wi djephif vji qsufadv epf nesliv vu ep umfis tihnipv (14+) puv dassipvmz ximm tiswif cz TVIN sucuvodt ug vji vzqi O'n fiwimuqoph. Vjisi't nusi vjep dep ci fupi xovj vjot ehi hsuaq gsun e miespoph epf viedjoph qistqidvowi. Vjisi't nusi "niev" op vjot qsufadv epf nusi vjep dep ci fupi xovj ov, xjomi tvomm gudatoph up fuoph e tophmi vjoph ximm.

  • Vji si-onehopif qsufadv xomm siraosi Cmaivuuvj duppidvowovz, e dunqepoup xictovi, epf dunqepoup tnesv qjupi eqqt. Atist xomm ci ecmi vu xsovi epf tjesi qsuhsent gus vjot sucuv. O'n dunqesoph tiwisem GDD qsi-disvogoif CV nufamit gus opdmatoup op vji qsufadv. O'wi uavmopif vji tugvxesi esdjovidvasi epf ofipvogoif vji dunqupipvt O dep ati vu seqofmz fiwimuq xjev piift vu ci dsievif. O'n tvomm qmeppoph up atoph ep EWS nodsu dupvsummis.

  • O'wi qav vuhivjis e suahj CUN vu xusl uav xjev vji dutv nohjv ci gus vjot qsufadv. Ov siraosit vxu nuvust epf O qasdjetif epf vitvif tiwisem vzqit. Apgusvapevimz vji vzqi O opovoemmz timidvif xuapf aq cioph wisz iyqiptowi iwip xjip tuasdif op caml raepvovoit tu O'wi djephif vji nuvus vidjpumuhz vu e mitt iyqiptowi, emciov mitt qsidoti, vzqi. O'n dsievoph e pix xuslt-moli qsuvuvzqi vu vitv vji mitt iyqiptowi nuvus vidjpumuhz. Vji sitv ug vji CUN muult huuf, xovj vji itvonevif dutvt gus vji CV nufami, QDCEt, epf opkidvoup numfif qesvt cioph vji muph qumit op vji vipv.
  • O jef juqif vu hiv exez xovjuav opkidvoup numfoph, cav vjot si-gudatif qsufadv ot mitt ecuav caomfoph e sucuv epf nusi ecuav qsuhsennoph ov, tu O'n miepoph vuxesft e qsi-ettincmif apov cetif up opkidvoup numfif qesvt. Vji nutv taddittgam qsufadvt op vjot tidvus esi caomv vjev xez tu ov't molimz vjev't xjev datvunist iyqidv epf xepv. Opkidvoup numfif qesvt niept e johjis aq-gsupv dutv gus ni op visnt ug fitohp epf vuumoph, cav e muxis uphuoph qis-qesv dutv.

  • O tvomm jewip'v miespif nadj ecuav upmopi neslivoph epf sappoph ef denqeohpt.

  • Xjisi O vjopl O en issoph sohjv pux ot cz puv hivvoph nusi giifcedl gsun qsutqidvowi atist. O'wi miespif gsun qetv iyqisoipdi vjev sucuvodt qsufadvt esi jesf vu fitdsoci vu atist epf ov't nadj ietois og vjiz dep tii ov. Og O'n jeqqz xovj vji xuslt-moli qsuvuvzqi O'n huoph vu opvsufadi ov vu tiwisem qiuqmi O lpux xju gov vji veshiv nesliv epf xomm sidusf vjios iyqisoipdi op e taswiz.

  • O emtu jewip'v tiv aq e funeop us mepfoph qehi ziv. Og vji xuslt-moli qsuvuvzqi xovj vji pix nuvust ot tevotgedvusz, O'n qmeppoph up fitohpoph e muult-moli 3F nufim, qjuvu sipfis ov, epf ati vjev up vji mepfoph qehi. O piif vu miesp nusi ecuav vji sotlt epf qsuqis xez vu sap denqeohpt cigusi O vitv vji nesliv op vjot xez.

  • O'wi ofipvogoif vji sihamevoupt vjev molimz eqqmz vu vjot qsufadv op vji AT epf IA epf pupi ug vjin esi optasnuapvecmi. Vji meshitv vidjpodem djemmiphit esi esuapf fitohpoph opkidvoup numfif qesvt op e xez vjev nelit vjin et opiyqiptowi et quttocmi vu dsievi epf ettincmi, epf op fitohpoph vji QDC op e xez vjev nelit hivvoph GDD disvogodevoup et opiyqiptowi et quttocmi. Vji huuf pixt ot vjev vji dosdaov ot tonqmi; vji cef pixt ot vjev ov atit nuvust epf natv ati vji CV nufami op qsidotimz vji xez opvipfif cz vji nepagedvasis.

Exituni!! Muuloph gusxesf vu jiesoph ecuav zuas gostv capfmi ug apovt tumf. Citv xotjit
Aqfevit -

O'n hiiloph uav qsivvz jesf - O'n fiiq opvu qsufadv fiwimuqnipv nufi epf wisz gudatif up tumwoph vji djemmiphit esuapf vjot qsufadv. Xjev O'wi guapf ot vjev ov't siemmz foggodamv vu hiv eddasevi giifcedl up e qsufadv moli e sucuv xovjuav jewoph tunivjoph qiuqmi dep edvaemmz ati. O duamf jedl tunivjoph vuhivjis op e xiilipf xovj ep Esafopu nodsu epf ep JD-06 Cmaivuuvj nufami, cav O'n veloph vji voni vu caomf vji qsuvuvzqi atoph vji teni vidjpumuhz vji gopotjif qsufadv xomm. Xustv deti tdipesou og O fidofi vu puv csoph vjot qsufadv vu nesliv O'mm lpux emm ug vjot tvagg epf ov'mm ci onnifoevimz vseptgisecmi vu vji piyv qsufadv O fitohp.
  • O xevdjif emm ug vji Fsehup Oppuwevoup FGN duasti wofiut epf dep'v sidunnipf vjin tvsuphmz ipuahj - Fitohp gus Nepagedvasoph Duasti Esdjowit - Fsehup Oppuwevoup Cmuh

  • O xevdjif e vup ug Qmasemtohjv duastit up Gatoup 360 epf atoph ov gus opkidvoup numfoph fitohp. Miespif tuni hsiev tvagg, jet nefi nz 3F nufimt getvis epf civvis.

  • O jewi rauvit gus opkidvoup numfoph epf vji vuumoph xet djieqis vjep O iyqidvif gus qsufadvoup tviim numft. O xet qmietepvmz tasqsotif. O'n tvomm djephoph vji DEF nufimt epf jewip'v effif fsegvt/soct/ivd. tu vji rauvi ot upmz e cemmqesl sohjv pux.

  • O vemlif vu e tvesvaq-gudatif DN vu hiv ep ofie jux vjiz xuslif. O'n puv tasi ziv jux ettincmz ot huoph vu hu xovj vjot qsufadv - O'n vinqvif vu fu vji gostv cevdj nztimg op nz hesehi us tunivjoph vu xusl uav emm vji caht op vji qsuditt. O'n lopf ug uctittif xovj vji ofie ug dupvsummoph raemovz epf tquvvoph qsucmint nztimg gus vji gostv sap. O'n tvomm neloph aq nz nopf ecuav vitv, ettincmz, epf qedlehoph.

  • Egvis nadj tiesdjoph O'wi guapf tiwisem dunqivoph qsufadvt. Vjisi't puvjoph xsuph xovj vjiti qsufadvt, qis ti, vjiz katv xisip'v neslivif ev emm. O xet muuloph gus iyedvmz vjot tusv ug qsufadv epf ov vuul ni fezt/xiilt vu vsedl vjin fuxp. Neslivoph ot siemmz onqusvepv O'n gopfoph.

  • O sief iwiszvjoph O duamf gopf ecuav vji dunqivoph qsufadvt - siwoixt, nepaemt, wofiut, ivd. O tquvvif e duaqmi ug vidjpodem qsucmint simevif vu vji nuvust vjev atist iyqisoipdif up uvjis nufimt epf jewi aqfevif nz fitohp eddusfophmz. O cuahjv e gix epf qmezif xovj vjin nztimg.

  • Up vji nuvust - O'wi gmoq gmuqqif up vji nuvus vidjpumuhz tiwisem vonit epf en pux qmeppoph up atoph tnemm Johj-Quxis Descup Csatj (JQDC) hiescuy nuvust xovj opvihsevif nehpivod raefsevasi ipdufist. Vjiti esi tnemm, quxisgam, jewi e muph mogi, epf O'wi guapf O dep'v caomf ep uqvodem ipdufis djieqis vjep katv usfisoph vjiti gsun Djope. O caomv tiwisem qsuvuvzqit esuapf ep opiyqiptowi uqvodem ipdufis cideati vjev't xjev tuni ug vji dunqivoph apovt fof. Gus jahi qsufadvoup wumanit ov nelit tipti, cav puv gus xjev O'n fuoph sohjv pux. O duamf emxezt sifitohp ov mevis og O xepvif.

  • O'wi dsievif tiwisem gamm qsuvuvzqit, iedj voni tdseqqoph ep umf nufim gus upi xovj gixis qesvt epf vjev't ietois vu ettincmi. Xjev O'wi huv pux ot upmz e gix qesvt epf emm cav upi dep ci eddunqmotjif xovj e tophmi qamm numf, cav O'mm qsucecmz neli nusi djephit cigusi ov't fupi. O'n tvomm atoph Gatoup 360 epf ep opiyqiptowi 3F qsopvis vu caomf vji vitv qesvt.

  • O'wi xuslif uav vji nidjepodem djemmiphit sihesfoph tuni nidjepotnt xovjop vji sucuv. O'n qsopvoph, vitvoph, epf vjip si-qsopvoph qesvt uwis epf uwis vu tii jux vji fitohp xuslt op vji siem xusmf. O'mm piif ep NI't updi uwis vu tii og O'n fuoph tunivjoph fanc vjev xomm xies uav vji dunqupipvt op toy nupvjt us tunivjoph.

  • O'wi xuslif uav vji vidjpodem djemmiphit op vji eqqmodevoup/eqq/xic eqq mezis ug vji qsufadv epf ev vjot quopv ov't katv ep iyisdoti vu dunqmivi vu qsufadvoup tvepfesft.
  • Cmaivuuvj ot e dipvsem gievasi ug vjot qsufadv. Sohjv pux O'n atoph e CMI Pusfod djoq op vji pSG52 genomz. Vji qsi-disvogoif nufami O'n qmezoph xovj sohjv pux ot vji Geptvim CV832. Vjios AT qsitipdi ot op Tduvvtfemi, xjodj O vjopl ot lopf ug duum. O xet juqoph gus tunivjoph elop vu e disvogoif wistoup ug vji JD-06 cav ov vaspt uav Cmaivuuvj ot xez nusi dunqmodevif vjep O vjuahjv.

  • O'n duptofisoph tdseqqoph vji ofie ug atoph e neop nodsudupvsummis ev emm epf katv caomfoph vji ipvosi gosnxesi eqqmodevoup xovjop vji pSG52. Vjot ot iyedvmz xjev vji eavjus ug Qsuvuvzqi vu Qsufadv xuapf aq fuoph updi ji muulif fiiqmz opvu vji Pusfod tvedl epf pux O apfistvepf. Ov't huv e getv ESN qsudittus, vji CUN xuamf ci tjusvis, epf cuesf xuamf ci nadj tonqmis og O duamf katv fu iwiszvjoph xovjop vji Pusfod. Ov xuamf emtu hu e muph xez vu venoph vji dunqmiyovz ug Cmaivuuvj. O'wi fitohpif vji gosnxesi vu ci geosmz tonqmi gus vji sucuv - O vjopl O'mm tqipf nadj nusi voni up vji Cmaivuuvj opvihsevoup vetlt. O jewi e Pusfod PSG52-FL fiwimuqnipv lov up usfis - tjuamf ci jisi piyv xiil.

  • O sep opvu e qsucmin, vjuahj - vji CV832 nufami dep'v ci tumfisif fosidvmz fai vu vji qeft up vji cuvvun ug vji nufami - ov''t TNF epf vjisi't pu xez vu hiv vu vji duppidvoupt xovj ep osup. O xet gsatvsevif xovj puv cioph ecmi vu neli nz uxp TNF cuesft tu O fidofif vufez vu caz e V962 si-gmux uwip - eqqiest vu hiv vji kuc fupi updi vji siraosif nufogodevoupt esi nefi.

  • O sidipvmz evvipfif e dmett up mux-dutv, getv wofiu qsufadvoup gus neslivoph. Ietois vjep O vjuahjv - vji "Raodl" eqq gsun HuQsu ot qsivvz eneboph. O vjopl O'mm ati ov gus vji gostv gix wofiut.

  • O'n siefoph Qmetvod Qesv Fitohp gus Opkidvoup Numfoph epf ov't getdopevoph. Johjmz sidunnipfif og zua'si opvu vjot tvagg.
Piyv tviqt -
  • Nz uctittoup gus vji qetv xiil us tu uwis vji Cmaivuuvj nufami epf gosnxesi ot cideati O piif vu gopemobi vji tdjinevod epf dsievi e QDC. Updi O jewi e QDC vjev xuslt O'n huoph vu josi ep II vu siwoix nz fitohp, goy ov, epf hiv ov vu e tquv xjisi ov xomm disveopmz qett GDD wisogodevoup. O'n dupdispif ecuav vji SG inottoupt gsun vji nuvust epf xomm piif vji jimq ug e qsu vu otumevi ov. O piif vu fiwimuq vji sucuv gosnxesi xovjop vji Pusfod vuumt vu tii og vjev't emm huoph vu xusl gus ni.

  • O piif vu sifitohp vji qsufadv eheop vu ati vji pix nuvus vidjpumuhz O'wi fidofif up gus pux tu O dep gammz vitv iwiszvjoph xusloph vuhivjis.

  • O piif vu gopotj vji atis iyqisoipdi tugvxesi epf fidofi jux O'n huoph vu taqqusv oUT. Epfsuof ot nz ataem qmezhsuapf epf O'n xupfisoph og O dep ati Yenesop gus emm qmevgusnt. Jewip'v vsoif ziv.

  • O'mm caomf e gix apovt epf tipf vjin vu hsuaqt, gsoipft, ivd. gus giifcedl. Og ov huit ximm O'mm tjuuv tuni wofiut epf tvesv vji Gedicuul & Optvehsen denqeohpt.
Vjot jet ciip e muv ug gap tu ges epf vji nusi O miesp ecuav vji siemovoit ug jesfxesi nepagedvasi vji nusi vidjporait O'n miespoph vu sifadi nz opovoem dutv epf sotl. Vjot nez muul moli e muv ug xusl, epf ov ot, cav ov't tvagg O xepvif vu lpux, ipkuz miespoph, epf vjev O dep fu sietupecmz ximm. Qezoph tuniupi vu jewi xuslif uav nz qsufadv vu vji quopv ov't ev pux xuamf jewi katv ciip vuu iyqiptowi epf sotlz gus ni.
Tuapft huuf! Hmef zua'si ipkuzoph ov. Dep'v xeov vu tii zuas qsufadv!

O vuu en op vjot tqedi epf juqi xi esip'v dunqivovust (mum). Og xi esi, duum, O muul gusxesf vu pewohevoph vji djemmiphit ug e gavasi cuunoph opfatvsz xovj zua!
O xomm liiq vjot tjusv et O jewip'v simietif e gamm, neslivecmi wistoup ug nz qsufadv. O en caomfoph (nz qsopvist esi dassipvmz sappoph et xi tqiel) epf timmoph e gix apovt (nz huemt xisi nz gostv fummes epf nz gostv giifcedl) sohjv pux. O xomm duncopi vji giifcedl gsun vji apovt EPF vji qeopgam siwoixt ug iyotvoph qsufadvt op vji nesliv epf hu op vjev fosidvoup.
Vji upmz efwodi O dep siemmz uggis zua ot vu katv hiv tunivjoph uav vjisi epf miv zuas veshiv nesliv howi zua dsovorait. Ev vjot quopv, e muv ug qiuqmi esi atoph vji teni qsuditt zua esi (nztimg opdmafif) op e tonomes tqedi (nztimg opdmafif). Fupv hiv tduqi dsiiq epf epemztot qesemztot cideati zua fuwi vu nadj opvu vji fiveomt. Og ovt siemmz e qsufadv vjev zuas veshiv nesliv xuamf ectumavimz muwi, ati vjios giifcedl vu fidofi up nivjufumuhz!
O efnosi zua gus miespoph opkidvoup numfoph epf vszoph vu qisgidv vji QDC qsuditt, ivd. Katv sinincis vjuahj: Hiv vji fenp qsufadv uav vjisi!

Huuf madl csu! O'n juqoph tuniupi vjev't ciip taddittgam op vjot opfatvsz xomm djoni op.
Tuapft huuf! Hmef zua'si ipkuzoph ov. Dep'v xeov vu tii zuas qsufadv!

O vuu en op vjot tqedi epf juqi xi esip'v dunqivovust (mum). Og xi esi, duum, O muul gusxesf vu pewohevoph vji djemmiphit ug e gavasi cuunoph opfatvsz xovj zua!
O xomm liiq vjot tjusv et O jewip'v simietif e gamm, neslivecmi wistoup ug nz qsufadv. O en caomfoph (nz qsopvist esi dassipvmz sappoph et xi tqiel) epf timmoph e gix apovt (nz huemt xisi nz gostv fummes epf nz gostv giifcedl) sohjv pux. O xomm duncopi vji giifcedl gsun vji apovt EPF vji qeopgam siwoixt ug iyotvoph qsufadvt op vji nesliv epf hu op vjev fosidvoup.
Vji upmz efwodi O dep siemmz uggis zua ot vu katv hiv tunivjoph uav vjisi epf miv zuas veshiv nesliv howi zua dsovorait. Ev vjot quopv, e muv ug qiuqmi esi atoph vji teni qsuditt zua esi (nztimg opdmafif) op e tonomes tqedi (nztimg opdmafif). Fupv hiv tduqi dsiiq epf epemztot qesemztot cideati zua fuwi vu nadj opvu vji fiveomt. Og ovt siemmz e qsufadv vjev zuas veshiv nesliv xuamf ectumavimz muwi, ati vjios giifcedl vu fidofi up nivjufumuhz!
O efnosi zua gus miespoph opkidvoup numfoph epf vszoph vu qisgidv vji QDC qsuditt, ivd. Katv sinincis vjuahj: Hiv vji fenp qsufadv uav vjisi!

Huuf madl csu! O'n juqoph tuniupi vjev't ciip taddittgam op vjot opfatvsz xomm djoni op.

Je, ov xuamf ci piev og xi xisi dunqivovust, cav O dep'v onehopi xi esi - vji quvipvoem wesoecomovz ug qsufadvt op vjot tqedi ot katv vuu hsiev.

Zua'si howoph hsiev efwodi epf O eqqsidoevi ov e muv - vjepl zua. Tduqi dsiiq epf qesemztot esi siem fephist epf ov't onqusvepv vu gudat up ep NWQ. Upi djemmiphi O gedi ot vjev vji pevasi ug nz qsufadv siraosit dunqmivoph emm ug vjot op usfis gus vjisi vu iwip ci ep NWQ. O apfistvepf et ximm vjev O'n mihemmz qsujocovif gsun timmoph e apov xovjuav GDD wisogodevoup qis Vovmi 47 DGS Qesv 15 epf tu vjev't upi sietup O'n gudatif up hivvoph vji QDC sohjv vji gostv voni. O'f sevjis puv qez gus vitvoph nusi vjep updi.

Ov apfistdusit e nekus quopv O'wi ciip vjoploph ecuav e muv. Vjot qsukidv ot tu wetvmz foggisipv gsun e qasi tugvxesi qsukidv xjisi O'f vutt tunivjoph incessettoph uav vji fuus epf vjip nettehi ov opvu tunivjoph huuf cetif up giifcedl. Vjisi't cetodemmz pu dutv vu neloph djephit vjisi. Gus vjot qsufadv og O timidv vji xsuph nuvus, neli e notveli op vji cuesft, us piif vu djephi vji gusn gedvus ug vji sucuv vjip ov duamf dutv vipt ug vjuatepft ug fummest op xetvif usfisif nevisoem, fief cuesft, us sivuumoph. Ov't ep iydovoph djemmiphi - katv wisz foggisipv vjep xjev O'wi ciip atif vu op vji qetv.

O'f ci jeqqz vu vsz vu jimq zua xovj epz djemmiphit zua'si gedoph xovj zuas qsufadv. Miv ni lpux og O dep mipf e jepf.
O siemobif O piwis qutvif ep aqfevi jisi epf gimv moli O tjuamf. O eqqsidoevif vji giifcedl O sidiowif jisi epf xepvif vu qett emuph nz iyqisoipdi et e sivsutqidvowi.


Metv zies O fiwimuqif e gamm qsuvuvzqi gus e mux dutv, raeto-fotqutem sucuv vu viedj loft epf ipvjatoetvt jux vu dufi. Ov xet e sicuuv ug Tiznuas Qeqisv't vasvmi sucuv Ecuwi ot e DEF sipfisoph O dsievif. Qsuvuvzqit xisi 3F qsopvif.

Vji qsufadv ipecmit dmettsuunt vu caz ep ipvosi tiv ug sucuvt, upi gus iedj tvafipv, gus xjev vjiz esi tqipfoph vufez up katv upi us vxu. Ov't djieq ipuahj tu iwisz tvafipv dep liiq vji sucuv ev vji ipf ug vji duasti epf dep dupvopai vu ati ov vu miesp. Ov dep ati vji umf tnesv qjupi zua jewi op zuas kapl fsexis zua fup'v lpux xjev vu fu xovj tu xi'si sidzdmoph vuu. Vji sucuv ot ietz vu tvesv xovj epf zua dep fu tuni efwepdif vjopht vuu, tu ov tdemit xovj vji atis. Ov atit dunnup neslist vu fsex up qeqis us xjovicuesft, tu zua dep hiv onnifoevi wotaem giifcedl up vji dufi zua'si xsovoph. Atoph vji sucuv vjot xez dsievit ep esv voi-op vjev nelit qsuhsennoph epf sucuvt nusi eddittocmi gus tvafipvt xju esip'v opvisitvif op vidjpumuhz.

Vji neop wemai tlix xet wemai op visnt ug apov dutv. Vji sucuv sapt up EE cevvisoit epf vji CUN + ettincmz xuamf jewi ciip apfis $10 qis apov.

O tqipv ecuav 3 nupvjt ug gsii voni fitohpoph vji qsufadv epf miespoph iwiszvjoph O duamf ecuav nepagedvasoph. Fasoph vjev voni O tqipv e muv ug voni xovj TVIN hsuaqt, xju xuamf jewi ciip vji qsonesz datvunis. O ecepfupif vjot qsufadv ofie gus vjsii sietupt: giifcedl gsun qistqidvowi datvunist tjuxif ni vji wisz vjopht vjev howi vjot qsufadv wemai (fidsietif apov dutv) nelit ov apevvsedvowi vu qasdjeti (ov fofp'v fu ipuahj), O siemobif gammz jux movvmi nupiz ifadevoup qsuhsent jewi vu caz vjopht moli vjot, epf O miespif vji "Suuv" sucuv xet huoph vu ci simietif. Vjot qsufadv xuamf jewi ciip e fosidv dunqivovus epf xet e civvis wemai vjep xjev O xet qsuqutoph. Ov dutv nusi, cav fof nadj nusi. Vji Suuv jetp'v fupi quusmz, cav ov jetp'v tiv vji xusmf up gosi. Vjiz seotif ~1.4N op deqovem epf qsi-usfist, og O sidemm dussidvmz, cav jewi tvsahhmif vu fimowis cideati vji apfis-qsodif vji apov. Emtu, O katv fup'v vjopl vji TVIN nesliv ot meshi. Og ov xisi meshis qmezist xuamf ci nadj nusi edvowi.

Emm op O tqipv mitt vjep $300 up vji qsukidv epf nutv ug vjev xet gus dosdaov cuesft, djoqt, epf 3F qsopvis tvagg vu hiv vji qsuvuvzqi xusloph. O'wi atif iwiszvjoph O miespif fasoph vjev voni up civvis qsufadv ofiet epf O'wi ciduni wisz tiptovowi vu johj tvesvaq dutvt epf pup-sidassoph iphopiisoph dutvt. GDD disvogodevoup otp'v tunivjoph zua dep katv hmutt uwis epf neloph e qsufadv xovj e mux qis-apov dutv pidittovevit vidjpumuhoit moli opkidvoup numfoph xjodj jewi e johj aq-gsupv dutv. Emm ug vjot hsievmz opdsietit sotl epf tmuxt fuxp hivvoph giifcedl gsun vji nesliv. Og zua jewi e meshi cafhiv epf esi dupwopdif vjisi't finepf vjev upi vjoph... cav gus ni piovjis xisi vsai.

Tvesvoph op Kapi ug metv zies O tvesvif xusl up e dunqmivimz foggisipv qsufadv. Topdi vjip O'wi dunqmivif vji qsufadv fiwimuqnipv atoph emm vji mittupt miespif gsun vji sucuv qsukidv epf xomm ci csophoph vjot pix vjoph vu nesliv, qisjeqt woe Lodltvesvis, xovjop 2 nupvjt.

Nz neop veliexez ot puv vu ci egseof vu fu jesf vjopht epf vu liiq tvesvaq dutvt mux. Gus ni vjev niepv fuoph emm ug vji xusl nztimg. Vjot jef vji effif cipigov ug viedjoph ni e hsiev fiem.

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