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My name is Zak and my Problem is ...!


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Jul 27, 2018
Edmonton, AB
Hello friend! Thank you for stopping by and reading this little intro. Also, THANK YOU MJ for the books and this forum.

I turned 28 exactly 2 days ago - I have been on this forum for over a week now and read a lot of posts from different contributors. Got married at 25, now wife is pregnant and we are expecting a new born in the next couple of months.

I have always liked to call myself an ENTREPRENEUR, which is actually part of my title on LinkedIn. It sounds cool, it makes me feel good, but it doesn't really change my reality much!

I actually have couple of problems and I don't want you to hear me complain but I just would like to share them, hopefully you won't become like me once you start your journey towards FREEDOM.

Problem #1: Many talents! My #1 problem is the fact that I am good at many things which makes me not "GREAT" at any of them. So I would start anything I want, get bored or face a difficulty after 2-3 months (ACTION FAKING), then drop it instead of taking the challenge and continuing my path.

Problem #2: Procrastination! This one was really killing me but I started killing it, by WRITING down anything I MUST complete (small or big task, doesn't matter, it will be written on my notes and I end up doing it) - Also, important note: I keep the list short, so I will only have 3-5 tasks per day. Including making a list for the next day and it has been working fine for me so far. At least now, gym and staying active is part of my daily routine.

Problem #3: COMMITMENT! and for this one, I believe that it is a problem of an entire generation! I want to get fit and gain some muscles, but I want that NOW! I want to be rich, exotic cars, travel the world etc... and I want it NOW! and even worse, I want it with MINIMUM EFFORT (Get Rich EASY!) so when I analyze the things I am doing on a daily basis, there is no surprise that I don't see any results! So I go to the gym workout 5 times a week for 1 month at best, I don't see THE BIG MASS EXPLOSION (so I automatically ignore the small gains! Even if they really start happening!) so no this program isn't good or this supplement isn't good or this shit isn't working! No more gym for me... Just some BS to comfort myself and blame something/someone else but MYSELF. So with the solution of PROBLEM #2, I started getting better at COMMITMENT and WRITING DOWN the small results and focusing less on the MAIN GOAL! Which actually started making every SMALL GAIN a BIG ACHIEVEMENT in itself.

Let's talk about few achievements! I started many things as I said, since I was 23 when I first immigrated to Canada, because I have always believed that the system/government in my country is a barrier between me and success (NOT TRUE! AT ALL!) the only barrier is ME! and ME alone. First thing I tried, trading FOREX and Crypto Currency, made some money but not ENOUGH to become FREE! We are talking "Slow Lane", I was excited when the spreads were in my favour and lost motivation when I was losing money - So I dropped that shit... It wasn't making me RICH anyways!
Then, I thought: "Oh! VALUE! VALUE! That's what people are seeking!" So I started few e-commerce websites in CROWDED niches... Spent hundreds of dollars if not thousands on advertisement and websites etc..., made some good money to be fair and got hundreds of orders! So, instead of INVESTING the gains in scaling the business I thought I was FREE! Spent the money on a car, rented a more expensive house and simply GOT SCREWED. With all the money gone, I went back to working with the government this time (I changed my schedule to 7 to 3 instead of 9-5, so I can have some time to meet with some potential customers, which I never did -> BRAIN MASTURBATION)

Now that I found these books and this forum, I have some more guidance to fight this bad version of ME and have some time for my wife and expected baby!

Thank you all for reading and I will be more than happy to give some more details! I believe this post already got longer than I wanted :)
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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Sounds like you have a money focus over value focus. Also, it sounds like you are having trouble connecting your feedback loop. This is why you quit. Once you start recognizing these things, you can expect and plan for them, adjusting accordingly.

Welcome to the forum.



Read Unscripted!
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Jul 27, 2018
Edmonton, AB
Sounds like you have a money focus over value focus. Also, it sounds like you are having trouble connecting your feedback loop. This is why you quit. Once you start recognizing these things, you can expect and plan for them, adjusting accordingly.

Welcome to the forum.

View attachment 20803
Thank you very much for your guidance and advice in all the books and videos - Also for taking time to reply to my story! 100% Agree - All my focus is on the money and "What's in it for me?" instead of "What can I give?" but it's been changing and switching...

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