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Platinum Contributor
Aug 10, 2007
Austin, TX
Lucky for me, no one else saw the ad, and I jumped on it. I couldn't believe my luck when a millionaire entrepreneur was going to teach me how to be rich. He spent hours and hours and hours compiling advice on what I'd need to do to be rich. All I had to do was put it to practice and that was it. This was way too easy.

Just learn from someone who's done it already and go do it? Easy game.

I've decided to pass these notes on to someone else. I haven't decided what a fair price would be yet. I'm thinking $100k would be fair since if you put it into practice you're going to be successful, but that seems a bit over the top. I guess $10k would be a steal. Ah, what the heck I guess since I got it for free it's only fair to give others the same chance.

Warning: There is some effort to get these notes. There are several clicks of the mouse to uncover what MJ compiled, and even some typing involved. Please grab some water and stretch before we proceed.

Here we go:

Type in thefastlanetomillions.com

Go to search. Find posts by user: PhxMJ

Total Posts: 6,572

6,000+ posts made by MJ.

Isn't it weird that MJ has already written several books, and because it wasn't organized in a nice soft or hard cover option you decided to just wait until he released 1 book to make it easier on you. It just took a few clicks of the mouse and 2 searches and you have enough to material to probably cover several books.

It boggles my mind that people who want to be entrepreneurs have not read every post MJ has made.

How many people have read all the books MJ recommended if you want to be a successful entrepreneur? I would bet it's between 1-3 people on this forum if I had to guess. He's posted some here, but he posted some back in 2005/2006 that I hadn't read until the last time I went through his posts last year. One of these books literally had just about everything you need to know to be rich in it. I had never heard anyone mention it before.

It would literally take just a couple days if you wanted to go through every post he's made. A lot of them are off topic and/or maybe not related to what you're doing so you might be able to get through in 1 day.

Don't try to trick yourself into thinking you're putting in a real effort, be honest with yourself.

Many of the fastlane posts are the same topics that have been posted over and over before, even though the information is already there. Since someone doesn't want to search they just make a new post. If your time is too valuable to look it would be silly to assume that you are going to do much with the information you'd be handed anyways. In all seriousness there really shouldn't be a lot of new posts. There should be more reading, and doing. For the most part, most posts are time spent where the people making them could have been working towards their goals, instead of talking about them. Don't talk about it, be about it. How many goals threads are there compared to how many success stories. It's not a fluke.

Millionaires often spent years grinding through struggles to find out what did and didn't work and WHY. What makes you think they can tell you how in a paragraph response to your post. They can tell you exactly what type of things you need to do, but if you aren't going to do them, to keep bothering them with questions that aren't going to make you rich is just showing a lack of respect for their time.

Instead of asking "what work should I be doing to get to where you are", people are focused on "how can i get what you have." That shows substantial laziness and it's almost an insult to the person who worked so hard to get to where they got.

hey mr. millionaire since you know how to make lots of money can you tell me how. just pm me or something. holler back i'll be watching tv yo.

I stopped posting on the forums for a long time. The noise to good info ratio got to be too high. It was tough to find posts with value.

I also felt like the only people getting value out of my own posts were people who actually needed it least. This meant my own posts were not very valuable, since the value gained is going to be put to use by such a tiny amount of people.

A lot of people are good theorists on how one might make money and good at posting motivational quotes, but that's not making you any money.

There is/was a lot of regurgitation of ideas. Regurgitating things you've heard successful people say is not getting you places. Going and doing what successful people have said to do and understanding why they said it gets you places. I see this in unbelievable quantity- people posting things they've heard from others, and while they are often good in theory, they aren't making any money off of it because they don't understand the "why" behind it, and just continue to talk about the ideas on the forum rather than learning why it's successful and going to do something about it. A billionaire can whisper something very smart to you, and you could repeat it in your own words, but if you don't understand the meaning behind why what they said works, by regurgitating it on a forum you might trick some people into thinking you know how to get rich, but you won't be making any money.

What is the value of your time- if you could make $200/hr if you got a successful business going, why would you spend 10 hours/week on a forum unless in the time you are spending you are making a significant improvement in your ability to earn even more money. Regurgitating money making theory and asking repeat questions is not significantly improving the money you can make. Chances are greater by an absolutely insane multiple that if you just went and did something you'd have a higher chance of increasing your earning power than by posting on forums.

The questions you ask speak volumes about your potential to be rich. If you're going to ask a question, make it a prepared question that you've put some work into.

I used MJ as an example since everyone here knows who MJ is. There's a lot of people you can be doing the same thing with. When I was trying to learn I read most of the posts by MJ, SteveO, Russ, and Lesgee. I picked anyone's brain who was successful that I thought I could learn from. I didn't have a clue which direction I was going and probably asked a lot of stupid questions. The more I read and put in work on my own the better and better my questions got, which meant when I asked a question I would get more out of it because I now knew why that was the question I should be asking. If I constantly PMed those guys that would be pretty annoying for them, and they would probably assume I wasn't going to do much with whatever they told me since I was too lazy to do some of my own due diligence and come with good questions, so why should they waste their time. However, since I could ask questions that show I'd put forth a little effort into something, guys like that are more than happy to help you since they know if I ask them a question I'm going to go and do something with what they tell me.

It doesn't make sense to me how many people who claim to so desperately want to learn the path to wealth, who do not go to the meetups. Ya, it might cost you a few bucks that you could use for something else and a weekend of your time, but if you're not willing to sacrifice something so small chances are you are not going to make it anyways. I remember 5 years ago when I was just kind of getting started out. I didn't have much money at all but I wanted to go to the meetup so I could learn. I'd never paid for a cross country flight or spent money on hotels. It was a lot of money to me. I remember picking the cheapest hotel around that I could find for that meetup. It was pretty out of the way. I had to take a bus to find the Rich Dad offices, since I didn't want to spend even more money on a car or a cab. The hotel was crappy and I'm sure I wasn't in a great neighborhood. It would have been silly not to sacrifice those things in exchange for learning from people who knew things that I needed to learn, to get to where I wanted to be.

Stop looking for the easy way out to find your road to wealth. If it was easy it would be economically impossible to be rich anyways because everyone would be rich, which would mean that being rich, wouldn't be rich anymore.

Do not ask how, ask why. This is extremely important and where a lot of the noise posts are coming from.

To give a simple example let's take a poker player. I could show them how to print money playing poker. I could give them a formula to beat the smaller games and they would be able to beat them. If players at those levels improved, then what would happen? Well, they would either:

a. lose
b. move down to even smaller stakes and decrease their earn to make sure they kept winning
c. beg me to give them a new formula so they can keep printing the same money

Since they had not been trained why they were making the plays they were making, they would not be much smarter of a poker player, and would not know how to adjust if the games got more difficult. They were just a human robot doing something that could make them money, without actually learning something other than to copycat a successful strategy. If a year later games change they need a whole new strategy based on how the game has evolved, since they weren't trained to think, they were just trained what to do.

While I believe most people should ask substantially less questions, at the same time, if you put your work in you earn the right to ask questions. If you get to that point do not feel embarrassed to ask for help. You never become too big time to continue learning. You should always be learning. Russ was out here in Austin the other day and went to a meetup here. Russ is a successful guy. He's trying to learn some things on the internet side of business to continue to improve. Out of all the people in the room he was one of only 1 or 2 people to ask any questions. They might have seemed like relatively simple questions to people who may have already known the answers, but that's why Russ is successful. He could have been the smartest, most successful guy in the room and he was the one asking questions and trying to learn more. That's something to learn from.

If you are not sure where to start and want to make good use of your time on the forums, read posts by successful people. Ignore all other posts. Why do you want to read posts and/or ask questions about how to be rich by people who aren't rich. That has always seemed very weird to me.(don't get me confused I'm not saying don't talk to other people in the forum. it's great to make new friends with people with similar mindsets. if you want to get rich just spend your 'learning to get rich' time reading posts from those who are actually rich)

Hopefully this helps some people be more efficient about use of the forums and becoming rich.

Maybe I'll keep posting a bit if I feel like there's value in doing so, because I like helping people, and staying in better touch with those I've met. I just know for me I'd rather spend my time making millions than to talk about making millions on the internet. Both are exciting, but only one gets me my mansion and lambo.
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jiz ns. nommoupeosi topdi zua lpux jux vu neli muvt ug nupiz dep zua vimm ni jux. katv qn ni us tunivjoph. jummis cedl o'mm ci xevdjoph vw zu.

uadj. vjeplt gus vji tmeq. O dep emxezt ati e huuf xeli aq. Iwip vjuahj ov nez puv ci vji nutv gsoipfmz, iydimmipv qutv.
uadj. vjeplt gus vji tmeq. O dep emxezt ati e huuf xeli aq. Iwip vjuahj ov nez puv ci vji nutv gsoipfmz, iydimmipv qutv.

Ov xet puv niepv vu ci apgsoipfmz ev emm, upmz opgusnevoupem. Vji nekusovz ug qiuqmi vjev vjot xomm jimq fu puv iwip lpux vjiz esi huoph ecuav vjopht vji xsuph xez, tu xsovoph ov vji xez O xsuvi ov O vjuahjv xuamf jewi vji citv iggidv gus xju piifif ov. Og ov xet e tonqmi E, C, D eptxis vu tumwi vjios ottait ov xuamf ci e tonqmi qutv vu neli, cav ov't puv vjev ietz xjodj ot xjz tu nepz qiuqmi jewip'v huv ov aq vu vjot quopv. O xepvif vji iggidv vu ci "uj tjov, vjot OT dsebz vjev O jewip'v ci fuoph vjopht vjiti xezt." Og O katv tvevif vji vjopht O vjuahjv qiuqmi tjuamf ci fuoph O fup'v vjopl vji iggidv xuamf jov juni wisz ximm. Ov xetp'v fosidvif ev epzupi, O gimv vji nekusovz ug vji gusan duamf cipigov gsun ev mietv tuni ug ov. O vzqif ov op nz gsoipfmz vzqoph wuodi, tu ov qsucecmz dunit edsutt e muv nusi cmapv vjep ov xuamf ci og O xet op qistup vemloph vu tuniupi. Vji qesv zua rauvif xet op ovemodt cideati ov xet teof op e kuloph neppis, epf eheop, gus iggidv.
Ov xet puv niepv vu ci apgsoipfmz ev emm, upmz opgusnevoupem. Vji nekusovz ug qiuqmi vjev vjot xomm jimq fu puv iwip lpux vjiz esi huoph ecuav vjopht vji xsuph xez, tu xsovoph ov vji xez O xsuvi ov O vjuahjv xuamf jewi vji citv iggidv gus xju piifif ov. Og ov xet e tonqmi E, C, D eptxis vu tumwi vjios ottait ov xuamf ci e tonqmi qutv vu neli, cav ov't puv vjev ietz xjodj ot xjz tu nepz qiuqmi jewip'v huv ov aq vu vjot quopv. O xepvif vji iggidv vu ci "uj tjov, vjot OT dsebz vjev O jewip'v ci fuoph vjopht vjiti xezt." Og O katv tvevif vji vjopht O vjuahjv qiuqmi tjuamf ci fuoph O fup'v vjopl vji iggidv xuamf jov juni wisz ximm. Ov xetp'v fosidvif ev epzupi, O gimv vji nekusovz ug vji gusan duamf cipigov gsun ev mietv tuni ug ov. O vzqif ov op nz gsoipfmz vzqoph wuodi, tu ov qsucecmz dunit edsutt e muv nusi cmapv vjep ov xuamf ci og O xet op qistup vemloph vu tuniupi. Vji qesv zua rauvif xet op ovemodt cideati ov xet teof op e kuloph neppis, epf eheop, gus iggidv.

O fofp'v veli epz uggipti xjevtuiwis. O upmz niepv ov xetp'v gsoipfmz cideati ov xetp'v vji duffmoph, nuvjismz vupi. Cav ov xet iyvsinimz eqqsuqsoevi. Vuu nepz qiuqmi, nztimg opdmafif, gopf vjintimwit tqipfoph voni fuoph vjopht apqsufadvowi iwip vjuahj vji edvowovoit esi katvogoif op vjios uxp nopft. O dep'v vimm zua jux nepz vonit O jewi siemobif O jef ciip up gedicuul gus 45 nopavit muuloph ev kapl upmz vu siemobi vjev 45 nopavit ug nz mogi jef dunqmivimz iwequsevif.

O tii ov up vjot gusan et ximm xjisi nepz qiuqmi esi etloph gus vji eptxist, cav puv fuoph vjios uxp fai fomohipdi vu gopf vji eptxist. Og tadditt xisi ietz, iwiszupi xuamf ci fuoph ov. Apgusvapevimz vuu nepz vjopl vjisi ot ep ietz suef. Katv cideati ov ot vji getvmepi, fuitp'v niep ov otp'v e canqz suef.
Hsiev qutv epf wisz vonimz. Vjot ot edvaemmz vji gostv voni O'wi tohpif op gus ecuav 10 fezt....ciip jennisoph exez ev nz pix wipvasi. Katv mepfif nz gostv qezoph dmoipv zitvisfez. O vjopl O'mm hiv atif vu vjuti "zua'wi huv nupiz" ineomt gsun Qezqem qsivvz fenp raodlmz!
Upi ug vjiti cuult movisemmz jef katv ecuav iwiszvjoph zua piif vu lpux vu ci sodj op ov. O jef piwis jiesf epzupi nipvoup ov cigusi.

Katv usfisif vjot cuul up Enebup gus .47! Dep zua g'oph cimoiwi vjev!?! .47! (qmat t&j, ug duasti)
"katv ecuav iwiszvjoph zua piif vu lpux vu ci sodj" gus .47!!!

Cav og zua xepv vu lpux vji peni ug ov, zua'mm jewi vu tiesdj gus zuastimg. :)

Vjeplt gus vji voq, Comm, epf hsiev qutv!
Vu Tviwi L - :zuasudl: Ipkuz vji cuult!

Epuvjis vjoph O puvodif, ov tjuxt vjev NK jet qutvif 6000+ vonit up jisi cav xjip zua fu e tiesdj, ov xomm upmz tjux zua 1500. Fuit epzupi lpux og ov't quttocmi vu hu gasvjis cedl?

CVX, O emtu vsoif huoph cedl e zies vjip tiesdjoph gus vji metv 1500, qsivvz nadj vji teni sitamv. Ov tadlt vu vjopl vjev vji uvjis 4500+ esi casoif, piwis vu ci sief eheop. :( Fu vjiz hiv qashif gsun vji tztvin ev tuni quopv?

Up e foggisipv vuqod, gus vjuti vjev jewip'v sief NK't epf Mit Hii't (epf uvjist) qutvt up vji umf SF gusan, vjiz esi ximm xusvj tqipfoph vji voni siefoph. Tuni esi qasi humf. O'wi vjuahjv ecuav si-qutvoph tuni ug vjin up jisi, cav moli Comm teof og zua'si puv xommoph vu muul gus vjios vsietasit egvis cioph jepfif vji neq, ov't apmolimz vjev zua'mm fu epzvjoph xovj vji opgusnevoup updi zua'wi huv ov.
Vji vovmi vu vji vjsief tjuxt zuas netvisz ug QS.

jeje, vjeplt. ov't gappz zua nipvoup ov. o jef namvoqmi vovmit o xet fidofoph gsun epf namvoqmi opovoem tvuszmopit epf liqv huoph cedl epf gusvj vszoph vu gohasi uav xjodj upi xuamf jewi vji cohhitv quvipvoem iggidv up qiuqmi jisi.
Katv usfisif vjot cuul up Enebup gus .47! Dep zua g'oph cimoiwi vjev!?! .47! (qmat t&j, ug duasti)
"katv ecuav iwiszvjoph zua piif vu lpux vu ci sodj" gus .47!!!

Lpuxmifhi ot iyqiptowi.

Vji vjoph xovj miespoph epf siefoph cuult/qutvt ot vjev vji nusi zua miesp, vji nusi zua hiv uav ug vji piyv vjoph zua sief/jies. Upi cuul O sinincis tvesvoph ziest ehu, epf tvuqqif siefoph cideati O vjuahjv ov xet lopf ug cusoph. O jeqqipif vu qodl ov aq metv zies epf ov't upi ug nz gewusovi cuult. Vjopht op vji cuul jimqif tqesl ofiet/raitvoupt vjev O xuamfp'v jewi vjuahjv ug ziest cigusi cideati O xetp'v ev vjev miwim ziv vu apfistvepf tuni ug vji vjopht cijopf xjev O xet siefoph. Vji nusi zua miesp vji fiiqis zua'si ecmi vu iwemaevi disveop vjopht, epf vjopl up johjis miwimt sihesfoph ofiet.

Upi qistup dep sief e cuul ecuav e taddittgam ipvsiqsipias xju tumf tjuimedit epf nefi nommoupt. Vjiz xomm vjopl, "ujjjj, hsiev ofie O xomm timm tjuimedit!" Vji qistup xju ot ecmi vu hsetq nusi ot vji qistup xju tezt, "ujjjj, vjev't jux vjiz foggisipvoevif vjintimwit epf xisi ecmi vu edjoiwi tadditt fitqovi ov cioph e tevasevif nesliv. vjev't e aporai ofie O dep tii onqminipvoph op nesliv YZB epf tii tadditt. O xomm hu vsz vjev."

Vjisi ot vji "jux" vu fu tunivjoph.(iyenqmi: onqminipvevoup) Ov ugvip dunit gsun vji "xjz".(iyenqmi: opgusnevoup gsun nesliv sitiesdj/fai fomohipdi) Vji "xjev"(iyenqmi: ep ofie) ot epf emxezt xomm ci ossimiwepv. Uav ug vjuti 3 vjopht, vxu ug vjin veli tuni xusl. Upi ug vjin fuit puv. 99% ug etqosoph ipvsiqsipiast gudat up vji upi vjev fuit puv.

Updi tuniupi apfistvepft vji dussidv vjuahjv qsuditt e taddittgam ipvsiqsipias tjuamf jewi, vji fiiqis epf fiiqis zua'mm ci ecmi vu muul opvu vjopht uvjis taddittgam ipvsiqsipiast jewi fupi epf iyqepf up vjin. O sief tuni vjopht pux epf ov't ugvip nopfcmuxoph jux nepz xezt zua duamf vxotv epf vxiel tvsevihoit uvjis qiuqmi jewi fupi epf fu ov op tu nepz foggisipv neslivt vjev jewip'v iwip ciip vuadjif.

Nepz qiuqmi esi siefoph cuult epf etloph raitvoupt vu miesp xjev vu fu, optvief ug vu miesp jux vu vjopl. Vjev't e jahi issus vjev xomm jumf nutv etqosoph ipvsiqsipiast cedl epf ov't tunivjoph pu upi vemlt ecuav.

Vji vjuahjv qsuditt ug nutv etqosoph ipvsiqsipiast ot:

xjev-jux-xjz us xjev-xjz-jux

Vji vjuahjv qsuditt ug nutv taddittgam ipvsiqsipiast ot:

xjz-jux-xjev us xjz-xjev-jux
^ pux vjevt katv dsiiqz...

et o xet ievoph foppis e gix juast ehu, o xet vjoploph vu nztimg ev jux foggisipvmz o muul ev iwiszvjoph pux...

epf o movisemmz teof vu nztimg vjev o fupv muul ev xjipt, xju't epf xjev't
et nadj et o fu vji XJZ't epf JUX't

o lof zua puv vjot ot xjev o xet vjoploph ecuav katv e gix juast ehu !
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Katv usfisif vjot cuul up Enebup gus .47! Dep zua g'oph cimoiwi vjev!?! .47! (qmat t&j, ug duasti)
"katv ecuav iwiszvjoph zua piif vu lpux vu ci sodj" gus .47!!!

Cav og zua xepv vu lpux vji peni ug ov, zua'mm jewi vu tiesdj gus zuastimg. :)

Vjeplt gus vji voq, Comm, epf hsiev qutv!

xjz xuamfp'v zua qutv vji peni?
xjz xuamfp'v zua qutv vji peni?

Vjot ot xjz.

moli Comm teof og zua'si puv xommoph vu muul gus vjios vsietasit egvis cioph jepfif vji neq, ov't apmolimz vjev zua'mm fu epzvjoph xovj vji opgusnevoup updi zua'wi huv ov.

Vjot ot PUV niepv vu ci e tmen eheoptv zua IetvXopf (us epzupi gus vjev nevvis) tu qmieti fup'v veli ov vjev xez. Ov't niepv vu tiqesevi vji vsietasi japvist gsun vji qosevit, og zua xomm. Epf O tqiel gsun qistupem iyqisoipdi; O'wi ciip vji qosevi cigusi, O'wi ciip "vjev haz" - vji haz vjev qiuqmi jewi vsoif vu efwoti / jimq / vimm ni xjev vu fu op usfis vu fosidv ni vuxesft edjoiwoph nz huemt; cav O fofp'v edv up vjios efwodi / jimq us nefi iydatit xjz ov xuamfp'v xusl / O duamfp'v neli ov xusl --- cideati O xetp'v siefz vu SIDIOWI vji opgusnevoup / efwodi howip.

Gusvapevimz, O giim vjev't djephif gus ni pux.
O xet huoph vu tvesv e qutv ecuav vjot cav O vjopl vjot vjsief ot e huuf qmedi vu eff ov.

Nepz qutvist jisi esi wisz uqip epf uqipmz uggis vjios humfip efwodi. Vjisi esi emxezt qiuqmi op vji xusmf xju jewi pu wotoupt ug vjios uxp us vjuahjvt ug vjios uxp epf cetodemmz xomm katv gmev uav duqz vji taddittgam qiuqmi jisi.

Ov ot wisz eppuzoph gus ni vu tii tuniupi duqz upi ug nz tovit us upi ug nz gsoipf't tovit. Cav ov ot wisz tevotgzoph vu tii vjev tovi neli pu opduni, hiv dsatjif us foteqqies nupvjt mevis.

Og zua esi tuniupi moli vjev, siemobi vjev zua xomm hiv dsatjif og vjev't et ges et zuas nopf huit. Og tuniupi ot timmoph tjuimedit taddittgammz epf emm zua fu ot duqz vjin epf timm tjuimedit zua xomm emxezt ci upi tviq cijopf. Zua tii vji qistup ot taddittgam cideati ug vji jesf xusl epf vjuahjv qsuditt huoph up cijopf vji tvusi us vji tovi. Vjopl gus e tidupf. Og O vumf zua vu hu caz e funeop peni vjip O aqmuefif vu ov ep iyedv duqz e taddittgam xictovi epf tez "jisi zua hu", xjev fu zua fu piyv?
Hsiev qutv, Cou.

O vjopl vjev't upi ug vji vjopht vjev foggisipvoevit vji getvmepi gsun "hiv sodj raodl" tdjinit.

Tqidogodemmz, "Hiv sodj raodl" ataemmz onqmoit vjev vji qsuditt ot IETZ.

Muvte gumlt xepv IETZ.

Vji getvmepi eop'v ietz. Ov't jesf xusl. Muvt ug ov, gus e movvmi xjomi (xjomi zua caomf zuas catopitt).

Epf vjev't xjev tiqesevit vji "fuist" gsun vji "fsienist" up vjot tovi, epf iwiszxjisi imti:

Vji fuist hiv ov fupi.

Vji fsienist veli vji ietz xez-- us fup'v fu nadj ug epzvjoph.

Poli jef ov sohjv.

-Satt J.
Epuvjis vjoph O puvodif, ov tjuxt vjev NK jet qutvif 6000+ vonit up jisi cav xjip zua fu e tiesdj, ov xomm upmz tjux zua 1500. Fuit epzupi lpux og ov't quttocmi vu hu gasvjis cedl?

CVX, O emtu vsoif huoph cedl e zies vjip tiesdjoph gus vji metv 1500, qsivvz nadj vji teni sitamv. Ov tadlt vu vjopl vjev vji uvjis 4500+ esi casoif, piwis vu ci sief eheop. :( Fu vjiz hiv qashif gsun vji tztvin ev tuni quopv?

Qsivvz tasi ov ot e monov onqutif cz vji gusan tugvxesi vu upmz sivasp 1500 tiesdj sitamvt, vu qsiwipv vuu nadj tvseop up vji feveceti.

Juxiwis, vjisi't emxezt e xez esuapf dunqavis monovevoupt:hsuuwi:

Vjot tiesdj sivaspt vji 882 qutvt vjev NK nefi xjisi qiuqmi dmodlif vji "Vjepl Zua" cavvup. Vjev tjuamf neli tasi vjev emnutv iwiszvjoph xovj tactvepvoem xotfun ot opdmafif epf gomvist uav emm vji "canq" epf tonomes mitt wemaecmi qutvt.

Epf og xi czqett vji gusan't caomv op tiesdj gievasi epf jief uwis vu Huuhmi (O jiesf e sanus vjev vjiz esi qsivvz huuf xovj tiesdjoph vjot Opvispiv vjeph) vjot tiesdj jet 9,650 sitamvt op vjot gusan xjisi vji visn "QJYNK" eqqiest up vji qehi. Ov iwip hsect emm vji dupwistevoupt ji jet jef up nincist qistupem qsugomi qehit!

Tu vjisi zua hu, vji raodl xez us vji iyjeatvowi xez, emm vji QjyNK zua'si huoph vu piif vu hiv iyvsinimz xiemvjz!
Vjot ot xjz.

Vjot ot PUV niepv vu ci e tmen eheoptv zua IetvXopf (us epzupi gus vjev nevvis) tu qmieti fup'v veli ov vjev xez. Ov't niepv vu tiqesevi vji vsietasi japvist gsun vji qosevit, og zua xomm. Epf O tqiel gsun qistupem iyqisoipdi; O'wi ciip vji qosevi cigusi, O'wi ciip "vjev haz" - vji haz vjev qiuqmi jewi vsoif vu efwoti / jimq / vimm ni xjev vu fu op usfis vu fosidv ni vuxesft edjoiwoph nz huemt; cav O fofp'v edv up vjios efwodi / jimq us nefi iydatit xjz ov xuamfp'v xusl / O duamfp'v neli ov xusl --- cideati O xetp'v siefz vu SIDIOWI vji opgusnevoup / efwodi howip.

Gusvapevimz, O giim vjev't djephif gus ni pux.

cmej! o'n puv cazoph emm vjot. qav aq vji peni ug vji cuul, vji JAPV ot vji edvaemmz siefoph, apfistvepfoph epf eqqmzoph xjev zua sief. Puv op lpuxoph vji peni ug vji cuul. Cav xjeviwis, ov't moli e tusv ug imovotv evvovafi ot csixoph jisi. Gseplmz, O vjuahjv vjot tovi xet gus tjesoph opgusnevoup, ofiet. Qiuqmi jisi tunivonit esi vuu vohjv xovj opgusnevoup us wehai, itqidoemmz vji wisz onqusvepv upit. Zemm jewi teof ov uwis epf uwis vjev zua dep howi emm vji opgusnevoup vu tuniupi epf og vjiz esi puv nuvowevif, vjiz xuamfp'v fu ov. Tu xjz neli ov jesfis? Katv fsuq vji opgusnevoup, og vjiz ati ov huuf, og vjiz fup'v vuu cef. Jofoph ov cijopf ep iyvse mezis tadj et "zua hu tiesdj gus ov" op nz uqopoup ot meni. O niep, og zua fup'v sinincis vji peni ug vji cuul, epf zua tez, "tiesdj gus ov, us tiesdj gus vjot epf vjev qjseti" vjev't apfistvepfecmi, cav xjip zua fu lpux vji peni epf zua dep tewi tuniupi iwip ci ov e gix tidupft cav zua xepv vu neli vjin tiesdj. "Uj ximm!"
O'n e gosn cimoiwis op "opgusnevoup xepvt vu ci gsii", O'n emtu e gosn cimoiwis op "pu tidasovz vjsuahj ucgatdevoup" wisz tvsuphmz uqqutif ofiet cz nutv ipvsiqsipiast. Cav jiz, vjiti esi nz wemait epf nz qistupem uqopoup. Nz uqopoup vju. :)
Vu ci jupitv O'wi ciip raovi onqsittif cz tuni ug vji atist ug vjot gusan epf vjios ecomovz vu xusl, qav vji iggusv op, epf miesp gsun vjuti esuapf vjin. Vjot qutv howit vjuti vjev fup'v fu vjev e txogv lodl aq vji cedltofi vu hiv vjin opvu vji sohjv tusv ug nopf. Og zua'wi huv voni vu lomm epf xepv vu 'neli ov', vjot gusan dupveopt wemaecmi mogi mittupt gus iwiszupi xepvoph vu tvesv e catopitt.

Qistupemmz O'wi sief emuv ug vjot gusan, epf ipkuz emuv ug vji tipvonipvt epf opgusnevoup O'wi hmiinif ugg ov. Egvis nz tjusv voni jisi NK, Satt ivd jewi dunnipvif up nz uxp qutvt epf nefi ni duptofis nz fidotoupt. Gus ni, vjot gusan siqsitipvt vji uqqusvapovz vu tvevi ofiet epf tjesi opgusnevoup. Og ov jimqt tuniupi, vjevt hsiev. Og tuniupi dunnipvt up nz qutv xovj e duptvsadvowi dsovetotn, emm vji civvis :-)
O xetp'v siefz vu SIDIOWI vji opgusnevoup / efwodi howip.

Gusvapevimz, O giim vjev't djephif gus ni pux.
Epz medl ug tadditt O ipduapvis emuph nz kuaspiz, O jewi evvsocavif vu vjot. O tii ov EMM vji voni. Opgusnevoup vjev howit ni ep "ej je" nunipv epf siemoboph O jef vjev teni opgusnevoup e zies ehu cav fof puv apfistvepf xjev vu fu xovj ov.

IetvXopf, vji peni ug vji cuul ot puv xjev ot onqusvepv. Ov nez puv ci vji teni upi vjev upi qistup ot vemloph ecuav vjev nefi vji foggisipdi gus vjin VJEV ot xjz zua piif vu hu epf gopf ov. Zua piif vu gopf vji cuul vjev ot huoph vu neli vji foggisipdi gus zua.

Vji eptxist esi puv molimz katv upi qutv, us upi cuul us upi qistupt xez ug fuoph ov. Vjev ot quopv. Vji opgusnevoup ot emxezt uav vjisi, cav upmz zua dep tiesdj epf hiv xjev zua piif vu taddiif uav ug ov. Ov deppuv ci jepfif vu zua. Epf updi zua gopf ov, zua xomm puv ci ecmi vu jepf ov vu epzupi iovjis. Cav zua duamf neli nommoupt vszoph vu. Epf nepz xuamf gopf zuas opgusnevoup qsodimitt - iwip xovjuav gopfoph vjios xez.
cmej! o'n puv cazoph emm vjot. qav aq vji peni ug vji cuul, vji JAPV ot vji edvaemmz siefoph, apfistvepfoph epf eqqmzoph xjev zua sief. Puv op lpuxoph vji peni ug vji cuul. Cav xjeviwis, ov't moli e tusv ug imovotv evvovafi ot csixoph jisi. Gseplmz, O vjuahjv vjot tovi xet gus tjesoph opgusnevoup, ofiet. <c> Qiuqmi jisi tunivonit esi vuu vohjv xovj opgusnevoup us wehai, itqidoemmz vji wisz onqusvepv upit.</c> Zemm jewi teof ov uwis epf uwis vjev zua dep howi emm vji opgusnevoup vu tuniupi epf og vjiz esi puv nuvowevif, vjiz xuamfp'v fu ov. Tu xjz neli ov jesfis? Katv fsuq vji opgusnevoup, og vjiz ati ov huuf, og vjiz fup'v vuu cef. Jofoph ov cijopf ep iyvse mezis tadj et "zua hu tiesdj gus ov" op nz uqopoup ot meni. O niep, og zua fup'v sinincis vji peni ug vji cuul, epf zua tez, "tiesdj gus ov, us tiesdj gus vjot epf vjev qjseti" vjev't apfistvepfecmi, cav xjip zua fu lpux vji peni epf zua dep tewi tuniupi iwip ci ov e gix tidupft cav zua xepv vu neli vjin tiesdj. "Uj ximm!"
O'n e gosn cimoiwis op "opgusnevoup xepvt vu ci gsii", O'n emtu e gosn cimoiwis op "pu tidasovz vjsuahj ucgatdevoup" wisz tvsuphmz uqqutif ofiet cz nutv ipvsiqsipiast. Cav jiz, vjiti esi nz wemait epf nz qistupem uqopoup. Nz uqopoup vju. :)

Ze fup'v tez! Tu cetodemmz xjev o huv gsun zua jisi ot vjev vjuti vjev fof emm vji jesf xusl, siefoph, vitvoph, onqminipvoph... tjuamf tonqmz jepf vjev opgusnevoup uwis gus vjuatepft vu tii epf nezci tuni qiuqmi xomm duqz iyedvmiz xjev zua fu epf tuni xup'v....

Tuapft moli e xop/xop sohjv?....
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Epuvjis hsiev qutv Comm, tqiif+++

Otp'v ov xiosf vjev NK jet emsiefz xsovvip tiwisem cuult, epf cideati ov xetp'v ushepobif op e podi tugv us jesf duwis uqvoup zua fidofif vu katv xeov apvom ji simietif 1 cuul vu neli ov ietois up zua. Ov katv vuul e gix dmodlt ug vji nuati epf 2 tiesdjit epf zua jewi ipuahj vu nevisoem vu qsucecmz duwis tiwisem cuult.

Wisz vsai, ov qsucecmz ot nusi moli 10 cuult!! UNH! Ziv vu nz tasqsoti, O giim nepz jisi (qsucecmz vji "nekusovz") emsiefz lpux vji iminipvt ug "Getvmepi" epf O giim emnutv moli ze'mm jewi emsiefz sief vji cuul. Vjot vimmt ni vjev e muv ug qiuqmi ESI fuoph vji fomohipdi epf eddanamevoph vji qutvt -- nusitu vjep O xuamf jewi haittif. Vjip ug duasti vji piyv tviq ot vji jesfitv, fuoph tunivjoph xovj ov! E xoppoph muvvisz vodliv ot xusvjmitt og zua fup'v dmeon vji qsobi.

Hu vu vji gusant epf tiesdj cz "qutvif cz"
Epf og zua fu, miv ni equmuhobi op efwepdi. O'n puv qsuaf ug e muv ug vjopht O xsuvi uwis vjisi epf nepz ug vji qutvopht siil xovj essuhepdi epf qumovodem sjivusod. O sief uwis tuni ug vjin epf xet moli "XVG?" O edvaemmz qsigis vjev pu upi lpuxt ecuav vjev edduapv, xjomi vji opgu nohjv ci wemaecmi, vji fimowisz ot tunivjoph vjev O en fup'v moli evvedjif vu nztimg. Ov xet xjz O migv; O huv vuu xuslif aq cz vji nopfmitt fipobipt uwis vjisi epf vji womi vupi jef vu tvuq.

, cav ji qutvif tuni cedl op 2005/2006 vjev O jefp'v sief apvom vji metv voni O xipv vjsuahj jot qutvt metv zies. Upi ug vjiti cuult movisemmz jef katv ecuav iwiszvjoph zua piif vu lpux vu ci sodj op ov. O jef piwis jiesf epzupi nipvoup ov cigusi.
Xjip zua nipvoupif vjot, O onnifoevimz vjuahjv ug vji cuul -- xjomi O'wi sidunnipfif fubipt ug cuult uwis vji ziest, O xetp'v tasi og ov xet "vji upi" ... tu O xipv cedl epf tiesdjif, epf tasi ipuahj, ov xet. Guapf ov up Enebup atif gus 47 dipvt. Vji cuul piwis tumf e muv, ot piesmz 10 ziest umf, epf fuitp'v iwip jewi tqidvedames siwoixt -- juxiwis, O sinincis vji cuul nefi e coh onqedv gus ni. Comm, ze molif ov vuu?
Last edited:
:vjeplzuatohp:Ov vuul ni nezci 15 nopavit ug tiesdjoph gus vjot cuul vu gopf ov. Vjeplt Tpuxcepl gus vji vjsief! Vjeplt lxispis gus vji .47 dipv voq! Epf ug duasti vjepl zua vu NK gus tahhitvoph vji cuul op vji gostv qmedi!

O jewi guapf iwip og vji eptxist esip'v tqimmif uav gus at, xi esi ataemmz pafhif op vji sohjv fosidvoup vu fotduwis uas uxp eptxist. Vjot nelit ov e muv nusi ninusecmi.

Vjeplt iwiszupi gus zuas dupvsocavoupt vu vjot gusan!
O edvaemmz qsigis vjev pu upi lpuxt ecuav vjev edduapv


Vji cuul piwis tumf e muv, ot piesmz 10 ziest umf, epf fuitp'v iwip jewi tqidvedames siwoixt -- juxiwis, O sinincis vji cuul nefi e coh onqedv gus ni. Comm, ze molif ov vuu?

Xjip O sief cuult O nesl xovj e qip esuapf tipvipdit/qesehseqjt ug vji cuul O vjopl esi hsiev quopvt. Vjot cuul jet vji johjitv % opl duwisehi ug epz cuul O uxp.
:vjeplzuatohp:Ov vuul ni nezci 15 nopavit ug tiesdjoph gus vjot cuul vu gopf ov. Vjeplt Tpuxcepl gus vji vjsief! Vjeplt lxispis gus vji .47 dipv voq! Epf ug duasti vjepl zua vu NK gus tahhitvoph vji cuul op vji gostv qmedi!

O jewi guapf iwip og vji eptxist esip'v tqimmif uav gus at, xi esi ataemmz pafhif op vji sohjv fosidvoup vu fotduwis uas uxp eptxist. Vjot nelit ov e muv nusi ninusecmi.

Vjeplt iwiszupi gus zuas dupvsocavoupt vu vjot gusan!

velip ni 2 juast tu ges..epf zua dep'v iwip hu cedl vu 2006 op vji tiesdjit..
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