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May 18, 2018
Hello Everybody,

In 2015 I started a company (domestic with foreign subsidiary) on a mission to bring the best quality medicinal teas on the market.
I always used THE COMANDMENTS as guiding principles. I fell short on Commandment of time as I am still working 18 hours a day but I feel much better than offering 8 hours of "labor". Exit is planned in 8 years when the fifth commandment will be achieved.

It is hard as hell but doable. We integrated 100% of the supply chain and control anything upstream which offers us the quality controls we need. It took three years of logistical work to get it right. And this is because of the first commandment and most important: "Adding Value".

"When value is clear, decisions are easy"

Anyway this is the first year of sales. My advice: While books are good, action is king. Just do it.
De Marco book inspired me and now I am sorry I didn't start earlier. I must confess I didn't read his second book yet.

If I can help with any advice I would be glad to.

Thank you
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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Thanks for the intro, awesome to hear you are making big strides!

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