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Aug 7, 2024
Hi everyone, my name is nat!
I‘ve stumbled over the millionaire fastlane on audible and are hooked by the idea of a fastlane to wealth, if you‘re willing to persue. It‘s funny because I‘ve always had that itch to do something else than my 9-5 officejob, you know just because it‘s fun, and I did when I was younger. I remember always having an additional income because of my „little projects“ creating several websites, selling physical and digital products and even working as a therapist. f.e. When I wanted to buy myself a Bicycle with i guess 19ish (by the way I‘m 35 now) I‘ve always tried to find the best deal (somewhere in china probably) , checked the local market and then bought in bulk to sell the other items for the higher marketprice, that‘s how i‘ve got mine for free and earned a little extra cash - others just bought the most expensive one. Even when I was younger I just tried or did it. But i never leveled up. why? I guess because my horizon was‘nt high enough and (until now)live „gets“ me in the end with commitments and steals time.

The thing is, we are trying to get pregnant, getting married in a month and my parents retirement is close - so the pressure is much higher now to live a fastlane life, so far I‘ve „just had fun“ and my bankaccount doesn‘t reflect who I‘m actually supposed to be. And besides all these reasons, the biggest one is that I feel such a big need to jump out of mediocrity! I feel that people are so programed to life these limitations AND have to tell me how interesting they‘re jobs and lives are, at least until the boss changes…

Anyway, long story short. I‘m very excited to read thorugh the forum hear all your stories and hopefully soon tell mine. thank you for reading this post! nat
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Colin MacLeod

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Sep 14, 2017
Austin, TX
Hi everyone, my name is nat!
Hey Nat,

Welcome to the Fastlane Forum, where escaping the 9-5 isn't just a dream but a blueprint! Your story hits home with me. You've been hustling since you were young, selling bikes like a mini-Musk, while others bought the priciest ones.

Feeling the need to escape mediocrity? You're in color in a black-and-white world, shouting there's more to life. Life's throwing responsibilities at you like curveballs, but you've always turned lemons into lemonade.

To the challenges of family life specifically, have you read The Great Rat Race Escape, or listened to the audiobook? It's a parable, and I think the story might resonate with you in your situation.

Either way, the pressure's on, but you've got this. Here's to your entrepreneurial spirit guiding you through the Fastlane. Welcome, and let's see where this journey takes you (and all of us)!

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