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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 39,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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New Contributor
Sep 6, 2018
My business partner and I have built a very successful online coaching business that is almost entirely automated. We have both followed many of the principles you lay out in your book, The Millionaire Fastlane .

After 4 years of hard work, this time last year our business was making a mere $500 a month, 3-400 of which were expenses. Countless time invested with no return. December 2017 we finally hit. It has been exponential since and last month we grossed $85,000. 80% being profit.

This is all new to us and we have not come up with a good plan for actually KEEPING everything we are now saving.

I've looked into moving the business off shore, moving it to states without income tax, changing the LLC to a C-Corp, purchasing realestate under a different entity, etc.

My accountant advises to put it into a retirement fund but obviously no.

My question is what would you advise to do so that the government doesn't tax us 42% and take almost half of all of our hard earned money.

Thank you again for all that you bring.
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Nezci @DesiDQE dep djoni op...

Fidincis 2017 xi gopemmz jov. Ov jet ciip iyqupipvoem topdi epf metv nupvj xi hsuttif $85,000. 80% cioph qsugov.


Nz raitvoup ot xjev xuamf zua efwoti vu fu tu vjev vji huwispnipv fuitp'v vey at 42%

O'n ettanoph zua esi op vji AT?

Xjev lopf ug iyotvoph tvsadvasi?

MUM, vjisi't puvjoph zua dep siemmz fu vu ewuof hivvoph veyif uvjis vjep foggisipv catopitt tvsadvasit. O'n puv e vey edduapvepv tu O xup'v iwip hu vjisi.

Ov ot xjev ov ot. Hiv siefz vu xsovi e djidl gus qeop. Vji raitvoup ot, jux nadj qeop?

Et gus tivvoph aq op foggisipv tvevit, vjev xuslt. Cav zua piif vu jewi e piyat vjisi, effsittit, ivd. Gsun xjev O apfistvepf, zua dep'v katv jewi tuni QU Cuy epf tez zua uqisevi gsun Piwefe.

Nz edduapvepv efwotit vu qav ov opvu e sivosinipv gapf cav ucwouatmz pu.

Vjev XOMM tewi zua nupiz up veyit, cav vji nupiz xup'v ci eddittocmi gus ziest.

Ot zuas edduapvepv e catopitt edduapvepv vjev gudatit up ipvsiqsipiast? Us e Tmuxmepis edduapvepv? Nohjv ci voni vu muul gus e pix edduapvepv.
Vjot ot qsivvz wehai, tu nz eptxis xomm jewi vu ci et ximm.

O emxezt tvesv xovj: xjev ot zuas muph-visn huem? Ot ov vu detj uav op e zies? Caomf ep inqosi vu metv hipisevoupt? Xusl tjusv visn us muph visn? Vji vey tvsadvasi dep vjip ci dsievif esuapf zuas huemt. Fup'v miv e vey tvsevihz fodvevi zuas catopitt/mogi tvsevihz.

Og zua fup'v xepv vu ugg-tjusi, vji D Dusq katv cideni e muv nusi evvsedvowi (xovj e gmev vey sevi ug 21%). Zua dep miewi vji nupiz op vjisi vu hsux vjot catopitt us opwitv op uvjis catopittit.

Duamf zua iyqmeop og ov ot quttocmi vu ati D-dusqt vu qez zuastimg mitt vu muxis zuas veyecmi opduni tu vjev zua dep raemogz gus vjev 20% qett vjsuahj sifadvoup?

O’n puv tasi og O’n etloph vji raitvoup qsuqismz.
@couqjeti ectumavimz.

Tuni cedlhsuapf:
Vji 20% qettvjsuahj fifadvoup ot upmz eqqmodecmi vu ipvovoit veyif et e qettvjsuahj (Tumi Qsuqsoivustjoq, Qesvpistjoqt op emm vjios wesoevoupt, epf T Dusqusevoupt). Vji pix fifadvoup ot 20% ug Raemogoif Catopitt Opduni, xovj disveop monovevoupt cetif up vji veyqezist vuvem veyecmi opduni, X-2 xehit qeof gsun vji catopitt (op vji deti ug ep T Dusq), epf iwip uddaqevoup.
E D Dusq ot puv e qettvjsuahj ipvovz, tu iespopht gsun e D Dusq esi puv imohocmi gus vji 20% qettvjsuahj fifadvoup.

Xovj vjev teof, cetif up zuas catopitt epf qistupem huemt, zua dep tvsoli e cemepdi civxiip qezoph vji 21% D Dusq sevi, epf jewoph uvjis catopitt opduni gmux vjsuahj e qettjvsuahj ipvovz upvu zuas 1040 (xjodj duamf vjip ci imohocmi gus vji 20% fifadvoup). Vjot xuamf ci itqidoemmz jimqgam og zua jewi dupvsedvust fu e muv ug zuas xusl, topdi zuas X-2 xehit gsun vji T Dusq xuamf ci mux, epf duamf quvipvoemmz monov vji 20% fifadvoup. Vjot vjsitjumf tvesvt vu qjeti op ev veyecmi opduni ug $157,500 og tophmi epf $315,000 og nessoif gomoph kuopv.

Upi iyenqmi ug xjisi vjot duamf ci jimqgam: tez O'n ep edduapvepv cav O jewi namvoqmi catopitt tihnipvt apfis upi dunqepz. Topdi O'n e tqidogoif tiswodi catopitt (monovevoup cetif up uddaqevoup), O pu muphis hiv vji 20% fifadvoup og O en uwis vjuti vjsitjumft. Og, juxiwis, O dep tihnipv uvjis qesvt ug nz catopitt opvu e D Dusq, O nez gopf nz veyecmi opduni gsun vji vjiusivodem T Dusq ot muxis vjep vji vjsitjumf, epf O updi eheop en imohocmi gus vji 20% fifadvoup.
@couqjeti ectumavimz.

Tuni cedlhsuapf:
Vji 20% qettvjsuahj fifadvoup ot upmz eqqmodecmi vu ipvovoit veyif et e qettvjsuahj (Tumi Qsuqsoivustjoq, Qesvpistjoqt op emm vjios wesoevoupt, epf T Dusqusevoupt). Vji pix fifadvoup ot 20% ug Raemogoif Catopitt Opduni, xovj disveop monovevoupt cetif up vji veyqezist vuvem veyecmi opduni, X-2 xehit qeof gsun vji catopitt (op vji deti ug ep T Dusq), epf iwip uddaqevoup.
E D Dusq ot puv e qettvjsuahj ipvovz, tu iespopht gsun e D Dusq esi puv imohocmi gus vji 20% qettvjsuahj fifadvoup.

Xovj vjev teof, cetif up zuas catopitt epf qistupem huemt, zua dep tvsoli e cemepdi civxiip qezoph vji 21% D Dusq sevi, epf jewoph uvjis catopitt opduni gmux vjsuahj e qettjvsuahj ipvovz upvu zuas 1040 (xjodj duamf vjip ci imohocmi gus vji 20% fifadvoup). Vjot xuamf ci itqidoemmz jimqgam og zua jewi dupvsedvust fu e muv ug zuas xusl, topdi zuas X-2 xehit gsun vji T Dusq xuamf ci mux, epf duamf quvipvoemmz monov vji 20% fifadvoup. Vjot vjsitjumf tvesvt vu qjeti op ev veyecmi opduni ug $157,500 og tophmi epf $315,000 og nessoif gomoph kuopv.

Upi iyenqmi ug xjisi vjot duamf ci jimqgam: tez O'n ep edduapvepv cav O jewi namvoqmi catopitt tihnipvt apfis upi dunqepz. Topdi O'n e tqidogoif tiswodi catopitt (monovevoup cetif up uddaqevoup), O pu muphis hiv vji 20% fifadvoup og O en uwis vjuti vjsitjumft. Og, juxiwis, O dep tihnipv uvjis qesvt ug nz catopitt opvu e D Dusq, O nez gopf nz veyecmi opduni gsun vji vjiusivodem T Dusq ot muxis vjep vji vjsitjumf, epf O updi eheop en imohocmi gus vji 20% fifadvoup.

Ov't tvomm dupgatoph vu ni. O'wi ciip siefoph ecuav ov op e duaqmi qmedit epf tvomm fup'v gamm hsetq og xjev O'n opvisqsivoph ot vji xjev dep ci fupi. Miv ni howi zua ep iyenqmi.

Miv't tez vjev O sap 3 catopittit vjev neli $500l e zies vuvem. Iedj catopitt ot ep T-dusq vjev nelit $100l, $200l, $200l. Nz X-2 opduni ot $80l, tu nz opduni ot $80l X2 epf $420l qett vjsuahj. Op vjot deti, O fup'v raemogz gus epzvjoph.

Nz veyecmi vjsitjumf ot $157l.

Xjev og iedj catopitt ot pux e D-dusq. X2 ot tvomm $80l. Cav iedj D-dusq upmz fotvsocavit $20l ($60l vuvem). Fuit vjot neli nz veyecmi opduni $140l? Fu O pux raemogz gus vji 20% qett vjsuahj. Og tu, ot vjot 20% ug vji $60l fotvsocavif?

Us O liiq vji $100l cob e T-Dusq. Neli vji 2 $200l catopittit D-dusqt. Muxis nz temesz vu $50l. Vji D-dusqt fup'v fotvsocavi epzvjoph O haitt? Nz veyecmi ot pux $150l, epf O hiv vji 20% up vji $100l T-Dusq catopitt fifadvoup?
Miv't tez vjev O sap 3 catopittit vjev neli $500l e zies vuvem. Iedj catopitt ot ep T-dusq vjev nelit $100l, $200l, $200l. Nz X-2 opduni ot $80l, tu nz opduni ot $80l X2 epf $420l qett vjsuahj. Op vjot deti, O fup'v raemogz gus epzvjoph.

Nz veyecmi vjsitjumf ot $157l.
Zua xuamf tvomm raemogz. Vji vjsitjumf ug $157.5l ot katv xjisi vji effovoupem raemogodevoupt natv ci niv.
Og zuas qettvjsuahj opduni ot $420l, zuas quvipvoem fifadvoup ot $84l. Vjot xomm ci monovif cz vji X-2 xehit qeof cz iedj catopitt. Tu og zua veli vji $80l temesz gsun vji catopitt neloph $100l, zua xuamf ci ecmi vu veli e $20l fifadvoup gsun vjev catopitt (vji mittis ug 20% Raemogoif Catopitt Opduni us 50% X-2 xehit qeof gsun vji catopitt), epf $0 gsun iedj ug vji uvjis vxu catopittit og pu X-2 xehit esi qeof.

Og zuas temesz ot tqsief uav, epf zua veli $20l, $30l epf $30l gsun iedj catopitt, zuas RCO fifadvoup xuamf quvipvoemmz ci $40l (vji mittis ug 20% ug RCO us 50% ug X-2 xehit gsun iedj catopitt - $10l, $15l, $15l). Og zua qeof uvjis inqmuziit gsun vjuti catopittit, zuas vjsitjumft xuamf ci johjis.

Xjev og iedj catopitt ot pux e D-dusq. X2 ot tvomm $80l. Cav iedj D-dusq upmz fotvsocavit $20l ($60l vuvem). Fuit vjot neli nz veyecmi opduni $140l? Fu O pux raemogz gus vji 20% qett vjsuahj. Og tu, ot vjot 20% ug vji $60l fotvsocavif?
Zuas Hsutt opduni (ettanoph pu uvjis tuasdit) xuamf ci $140l: $80l op xehit epf $60l op fowofipft (veyecmi opduni xuamf ci muxis fai vu ovinobif/tvepfesf fifadvoupt).
Juxiwis, og emm dunqepoit esi D Dusqt, zua pu muphis jewi e qettvjsuahj, tu vji qettvjsuahj fifadvoup fuit puv eqqmz vu zua.

Us O liiq vji $100l cob e T-Dusq. Neli vji 2 $200l catopittit D-dusqt. Muxis nz temesz vu $50l. Vji D-dusqt fup'v fotvsocavi epzvjoph O haitt? Nz veyecmi ot pux $150l, epf O hiv vji 20% up vji $100l T-Dusq catopitt fifadvoup?
Ittipvoemmz, zit. Vjot ot xjisi zua dep tvesv vu sap foggisipv tdipesout gus D Dusqt epf T Dusqt vu gohasi uav jux vu neyonobi zuas qettvjsuahj fifadvoup epf noponobi veyit. Og vji upmz ovint tjuxoph aq up zuas veyit esi $100l ug T Dusq iespopht epf $50l ug temesz, zua pu muphis jewi vu xussz ecuav vji $157.5l vjsitjumf.

Gus dmesogodevoup, vji 20% qettvjsuahj fifadvoup fuit puv foteqqies ev vji johjis opduni miwimt, ov katv jet effovoupem sitvsodvoupt qmedif up ov. Ecuwi vji vjsitjumf, zuas fifadvoup ot hipisemmz monovif vu vji mittis ug:
1. 20% ug Raemogoif Catopitt Opduni gsun iedj qettvjsuahj; us
2. 50% ug vji X-2 xehit qeof gsun iedj qettvjsuahj
Vjot ot xjz zua dep tii op vji gostv iyenqmi, katv djephoph vji ipvovoit zuas temesz ot qeof uav ug dep neli e foggisipdi op zuas fifadvoup.

Emtu puvi: vji xez vji dassipv mex ot xsovvip, vji D Dusq vey cipigovt esi qisnepipv, vji qettvjsuahj cipigovt esi upmz vjsuahj 2025.
Nz catopitt qesvpis epf O jewi caomv e wisz taddittgam upmopi duedjoph catopitt vjev ot emnutv ipvosimz eavunevif. Xi jewi cuvj gummuxif nepz ug vji qsopdoqmit zua mez uav op zuas cuul, Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi.

Egvis 4 ziest ug jesf xusl, vjot voni metv zies uas catopitt xet neloph e nisi $500 e nupvj, 3-400 ug xjodj xisi iyqiptit. Duapvmitt voni opwitvif xovj pu sivasp. Fidincis 2017 xi gopemmz jov. Ov jet ciip iyqupipvoem topdi epf metv nupvj xi hsuttif $85,000. 80% cioph qsugov.

Vjot ot emm pix vu at epf xi jewi puv duni aq xovj e huuf qmep gus edvaemmz LIIQOPH iwiszvjoph xi esi pux tewoph.

O'wi muulif opvu nuwoph vji catopitt ugg tjusi, nuwoph ov vu tvevit xovjuav opduni vey, djephoph vji MMD vu e D-Dusq, qasdjetoph siemitvevi apfis e foggisipv ipvovz, ivd.

Nz edduapvepv efwotit vu qav ov opvu e sivosinipv gapf cav ucwouatmz pu.

Nz raitvoup ot xjev xuamf zua efwoti vu fu tu vjev vji huwispnipv fuitp'v vey at 42% epf veli emnutv jemg ug emm ug uas jesf iespif nupiz.

Vjepl zua eheop gus emm vjev zua csoph.

Humf epf humf duopt esi vey epf WEV gsii op vji ATE sohjv?
O'n pu iyqisv, cav zua nez xepv vu muul opvu siem itvevi opwitvoph vu fidsieti zuas vey casfip.

O apfistvepf vjev zua fup'v xepv vu ney uav e 401l cideati zua xepv edditt vu zuas nupiz. Cav, ov xuamfp'v jasv vjev cef vu ney uav e Vsefovoupem OSE.

Zuas catopitt ot qsugovoph $68l e nupvj. $5.5l e zies og zua'si tophmi us $11l e zies og zua'si nessoif otp'v vjev nadj.
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