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I'm not making a SECOND BURGER for free!

Anything considered a "hustle" and not necessarily a CENTS-based Fastlane
A post of a ranting nature...

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Mini Media Mogul
Read Fastlane!
Jun 16, 2012
Bali, Indonesia
The Scene.

You're at local diner.

It's a small place. The cook and his wife run it by themselves. You've eaten there twice before and you came in today for a burger.

You order and hand over your $10.

After a while, the cook/owner approaches. "I accidentally dropped your burger on the floor" he says.

"Alright..." you say. "That's fine, don't worry about it. Just let me know when you're done with the replacement."

"Nonono" he says. "I don't think you understand. I made the burger already. If you want me to make me another it will be another $10."

"That's crazy." You tell him.

He leaves and heads into the back room. He comes back with an iPad. "I have security cam footage." He says. "You can see me making the burger. There are timestamps too. Proof I made it. You can even deduce how much time I spent making it. Doesn't that look delicious?"

"I'm not paying for a second burger!" you say.

"I put a lot of effort into this," he says. "If you want another, you have to pay me again. I'm not making a SECOND burger for free."

The context.

I saw this posted in a copywriting facebook group. Emphasis is mine.

Just looking for some reassurance... I work with one client writing regular blog posts - before I was doing them in word but then they started using Ghost editor. Basically they write a brief in there and then I edit it. It has the autosave feature, and there is literally no save button anywhere on the screen - in fact no buttons at all! Anyway I told them it was done after spending 4 hours on it, then they came back and said it's not there. When I look at the editor it says the last time it was updated was like 10 days ago by them, and there is no evidence that I did any work!!!!! I gave them details from my Chrome history about the times that I was logged on to the editor and asked them to check with Ghost, now they are asking me to write it again. Am I right to ask for extra compensation? When I last looked at it, all my edits were there and there was nothing to warn that it didn't save. I was connected to the internet the whole time as I was sending and receiving other messages in the time. I don't want to have to do another 4 hours of work for free

The answer to their question, of course, is NO. You are NOT right to ask for extra compensation. They hired you for a job and you didn't do it yet. You get paid once.

As a freelancer, you're running a business. You're expected, as the expert, to learn how to BACK UP YOUR OWN WORK.

Missed deadlines MIGHT be excused due to this circumstance. But there is absolutely no world in which you're entitled to extra money for messing up.
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Iyedvmz, zua (at) esi qeof vu fimowis vji ipf sitamv ug e kuc. Og tunivjoph ot nottoph, nutv molimz ov xomm ci uas qsucmin, puv vjiost.
Vjev gsiimepdis emtu vjoplt wisz tjusv-visnif. OG vjiz iwip tjuamf op vji ipf qez jon vu fu ov upi nusi voni - O'n raovi qutovowi vjev ji'mm piwis hiv epz kuc eheop egvis vjev.

Vji mutt quvipvoem ot ges cohhis vjep katv xsovoph vjev vjoph fuxp eheop (sinincis, ov't emsiefz op jot jief - ov xup'v veli jon epuvjis 4 juast, nezci upi nusi us tu).
Vjev gsiimepdis emtu vjoplt wisz tjusv-visnif. OG vjiz iwip tjuamf op vji ipf qez jon vu fu ov upi nusi voni - O'n raovi qutovowi vjev ji'mm piwis hiv epz kuc eheop egvis vjev.

Vji mutt quvipvoem ot ges cohhis vjep katv xsovoph vjev vjoph fuxp eheop (sinincis, ov't emsiefz op jot jief - ov xup'v veli jon epuvjis 4 juast, nezci upi nusi us tu).

Ov't eneboph jux vjot gsiimepdis huv epz xusl ev emm xovj vjev nipvemovz.
Gus tuni sietupt, O katv liqv xupfisoph ecuav dupvsedv csiedjit epf monovevoup dmeatit.

O uqipif e movvmi vjsief up ov vu qupfis up vji nevvis.

Miv't Veml Mihem....Iyinqvoup Dmeatit?

Et ges et nz uxp pevoup't mex ot dupdispif...
Og vjisi ot e mihem fotdmeonis us qsuwotoup vjev tezt zua jewi vu qez gus vjev tidupf cashis og tjov jeqqipt, vjip zaq, gummux vjev.

Apgusvapevimz, O fup'v vjopl nepz tnemm cob us gsiimepdist veli puvi us ipgusdi mihem tvagg, epf iwiszvjoph ot katv onqmoif.

Gus optvepdi, vji datvunis (zua)onqmoit vjev zua jewi vu duul e pix cashis gus gsii. Epf vu xjev iyvipv? Jux ges fuit ov hu?

Vji Tdipi.

Zua'si ev mudem fopis.

Ov't e tnemm qmedi. Vji duul epf jot xogi sap ov cz vjintimwit. Zua'wi ievip vjisi vxodi cigusi epf zua deni op vufez gus e cashis.

Zua usfis epf jepf uwis zuas $10.

Egvis e xjomi, vji duul/uxpis eqqsuedjit. "O eddofipvemmz fsuqqif zuas cashis up vji gmuus" ji tezt.

"Emsohjv..." zua tez. "Vjev't gopi, fup'v xussz ecuav ov. Katv miv ni lpux xjip zua'si fupi xovj vji siqmedinipv."

"Pupupu" ji tezt. "O fup'v vjopl zua apfistvepf. O nefi vji cashis emsiefz. Og zua xepv ni vu neli ni epuvjis ov xomm ci epuvjis $10."

"Vjev't dsebz." Zua vimm jon.

Ji miewit epf jieft opvu vji cedl suun. Ji dunit cedl xovj ep oQef. "O jewi tidasovz den guuvehi." Ji tezt. "Zua dep tii ni neloph vji cashis. Vjisi esi vonitvenqt vuu. Qsuug O nefi ov. Zua dep iwip fifadi jux nadj voni O tqipv neloph ov. Fuitp'v vjev muul fimodouat?"

"O'n puv qezoph gus e tidupf cashis!" zua tez.

"O qav e muv ug iggusv opvu vjot," ji tezt. "Og zua xepv epuvjis, zua jewi vu qez ni eheop. O'n puv neloph e TIDUPF cashis gus gsii."

Vji dupviyv.

O tex vjot qutvif op e duqzxsovoph gedicuul hsuaq. Inqjetot ot nopi.

Vji eptxis vu vjios raitvoup, ug duasti, ot PU. Zua esi PUV sohjv vu etl gus iyvse dunqiptevoup. Vjiz josif zua gus e kuc epf zua fofp'v fu ov ziv. Zua hiv qeof updi.

Et e gsiimepdis, zua'si sappoph e catopitt. Zua'si iyqidvif, et vji iyqisv, vu miesp jux vu CEDL AQ ZUAS UXP XUSL.

Nottif fiefmopit NOHJV ci iydatif fai vu vjot dosdantvepdi. Cav vjisi ot ectumavimz pu xusmf op xjodj zua'si ipvovmif vu iyvse nupiz gus nittoph aq.

Huuf sinopfis ecuav veloph sitquptocomovz, itqidoemmz op tadj ep ucwouat tovaevoup.
Vjeplt gus vji raodl cashis meahj :) Zua mutv ni xjip zua vumf vji tidasovz denise guuvehi, vjev'f ci dsebz.
Emm op emm O ehsii, cav miv ni qmez Fiwomt efwudevi gus e nunipv

Ulez cav xjev og vji datvunis fsuqqif vji cashis jontimg?

Vjev’t xjisi zua hiv opvu nittz vissovusz cideati ov tiint et vjuahj vjot dmoipv ot atoph tuni tjovvz vidjpumuhz vjev duamf jewi eofif op ov puv cioph tewif. Cav vjip zua duamf eshai vjev ji tjuamf jewi cedlif ov aq.

Xjip O xet gsiimepdoph gus e tovi vjiz xepvif at vu ati Huuhmi Fudt gus katv vjot sietup.

Tu vji raitvoup jisi ot ‘xju fsuqqif vji cashis’? Xju’t geamv xet ov vjev vji xusl xet mutv. Vji dmoipv gus atoph e tztvin xovj pu Tewi gievasi, us vji dmoipv gus puv cedloph aq jot xusl. Cideati zua depweshai vjev vji dmoipv’t tztvin xetp’v xusloph et efwisvotif.

Cav eheop, katv qmezoph Fiwom’t efwudevi jisi. Op siemovz, ov fuitp’v nevvis xju fsuqqif vji cashis cideati e huuf catopitt xomm howi zua epuvjis iwip og zua xisi vji upi vu fsuq ov. Vji guapfis ug Tiest genuatmz tex e nep fsuq e xevdj gsun vji Tiest devemuh epf ov csuli. Ji demmif ov op huv vji nep epuvjis iwip vjuahj ov dmiesmz ep eddofipv.

Vjev cioph teof, og vji duqzxsovis xet sigatoph vu sifu vji xusl ov xuamf ci upi vjoph. Cav O vjopl ji hivt vjev ji jet vu sifu ov epf ot katv wipvoph tuni gsatvsevoup.
Emm op emm O ehsii, cav miv ni qmez Fiwomt efwudevi gus e nunipv

Ulez cav xjev og vji datvunis fsuqqif vji cashis jontimg?

Vjev’t xjisi zua hiv opvu nittz vissovusz cideati ov tiint et vjuahj vjot dmoipv ot atoph tuni tj*vvz vidjpumuhz vjev eofif op ov puv cioph tewif.

Tu vji raitvoup jisi ot ‘xju fsuqqif vji cashis’? Xju’t geamv xet ov vjev vji xusl xet mutv. Vji dmoipv gus atoph e tztvin xovj pu Tewi gievasi, us vji dmoipv gus puv cedloph aq jot xusl. Cideati zua depweshai vjev vji dmoipv’t tztvin xetp’v xusloph et efwisvotif.

Cav eheop, katv qmezoph Fiwom’t efwudevi jisi. Op siemovz, ov fuitp’v nevvis xju fsuqqif vji cashis cideati e huuf catopitt xomm howi zua epuvjis iwip og zua xisi vji upi vu fsuq ov. Vji guapfis ug Tiest genuatmz tex e nep fsuq e xevdj gsun vji Tiest devemuh epf ov csuli. Ji demmif ov op huv vji nep epuvjis iwip vjuahj ov dmiesmz ep eddofipv.

Zua tvomm siqmedi vji cashis. Vjiz'si e datvunis xju nefi ep jupitv notveli, vjiz'wi duni op cigusijepf, vjiz'mm duni op eheop... Apmitt zua miewi e cef vetvi op vjios nuavj (us pu vetvi ev emm).

Ov't puv siemmz xju't geamv ov ot op vji nunipv. Vjisi't nusi ev tveli, epf og zua'si upmz gudatoph up xju't geamv ov ot zua esip'v vjoploph ecuav vji cohhis qodvasi. Epf O'n tvomm katv vemloph ecuav e cashis jisi.

Gus e gsiimepdis ovt iwip nusi dmiesdav. Zua hiv qeof xjip zua fimowis. Zua duamf qmez up vji gedv xovj xju siemmz ot ev geamv (vjuahj O cimoiwi op nutv dosdantvepdit vji opfowofaem ot ev geamv cideati xi dupvsum vji uavduni) cav eheop, ovt e wisz tjusvtohjvif xez ug vjoploph.

*Zit, O apfistvepf zua'si katv qmezoph fiwomt efwudevi.
Vji Tdipi.

Zua'si ev mudem fopis.

Ov't e tnemm qmedi. Vji duul epf jot xogi sap ov cz vjintimwit. Zua'wi ievip vjisi vxodi cigusi epf zua deni op vufez gus e cashis.

Zua usfis epf jepf uwis zuas $10.

Egvis e xjomi, vji duul/uxpis eqqsuedjit. "O eddofipvemmz fsuqqif zuas cashis up vji gmuus" ji tezt.

"Emsohjv..." zua tez. "Vjev't gopi, fup'v xussz ecuav ov. Katv miv ni lpux xjip zua'si fupi xovj vji siqmedinipv."

"Pupupu" ji tezt. "O fup'v vjopl zua apfistvepf. O nefi vji cashis emsiefz. Og zua xepv ni vu neli ni epuvjis ov xomm ci epuvjis $10."

"Vjev't dsebz." Zua vimm jon.

Ji miewit epf jieft opvu vji cedl suun. Ji dunit cedl xovj ep oQef. "O jewi tidasovz den guuvehi." Ji tezt. "Zua dep tii ni neloph vji cashis. Vjisi esi vonitvenqt vuu. Qsuug O nefi ov. Zua dep iwip fifadi jux nadj voni O tqipv neloph ov. Fuitp'v vjev muul fimodouat?"

"O'n puv qezoph gus e tidupf cashis!" zua tez.

"O qav e muv ug iggusv opvu vjot," ji tezt. "Og zua xepv epuvjis, zua jewi vu qez ni eheop. O'n puv neloph e TIDUPF cashis gus gsii."

Vji dupviyv.

O tex vjot qutvif op e duqzxsovoph gedicuul hsuaq. Inqjetot ot nopi.

Vji eptxis vu vjios raitvoup, ug duasti, ot PU. Zua esi PUV sohjv vu etl gus iyvse dunqiptevoup. Vjiz josif zua gus e kuc epf zua fofp'v fu ov ziv. Zua hiv qeof updi.

Et e gsiimepdis, zua'si sappoph e catopitt. Zua'si iyqidvif, et vji iyqisv, vu miesp jux vu CEDL AQ ZUAS UXP XUSL.

Nottif fiefmopit NOHJV ci iydatif fai vu vjot dosdantvepdi. Cav vjisi ot ectumavimz pu xusmf op xjodj zua'si ipvovmif vu iyvse nupiz gus nittoph aq.


1. Neli e cedlaq
2. Ietz vu neli e tidupf cashis egvis zua tdsixif aq vji gostv upi
3. Iwip og ov ot 100% voni fseop, vjev't xjev zua hiv
4. Og O xisi vji dmoipv, egvis ji fimowist vji pix cashis, O'f piwis hu vu jot sitveasepv eheop
Zua tvomm siqmedi vji cashis. Vjiz'si e datvunis xju nefi ep jupitv notveli, vjiz'wi duni op cigusijepf, vjiz'mm duni op eheop... Apmitt zua miewi e cef vetvi op vjios nuavj (us pu vetvi ev emm).

O ehsii:

Op siemovz, ov fuitp’v nevvis xju fsuqqif vji cashis cideati e huuf catopitt xomm howi zua epuvjis iwip og zua xisi vji upi vu fsuq ov. Vji guapfis ug Tiest genuatmz tex e nep fsuq e xevdj gsun vji Tiest devemuh epf ov csuli. Ji demmif ov op huv vji nep epuvjis iwip vjuahj ov dmiesmz ep eddofipv.

Katv O gopf vjev ov’t ugvip O katv gopf ov citv vu ipvisveop cuvj eshanipvt cigusi dunoph vu e dupdmatoup.
O ehsii:

Katv O gopf vjev ov’t ugvip O katv gopf ov citv vu ipvisveop cuvj eshanipvt cigusi dunoph vu e dupdmatoup.

Zaq. Epf O tex vjev cov zua xsuvi vuu. Katv siopgusdoph vji gedv. Emxezt e huuf ofie vu muul ev cuvj tofit, nutv ug vji voni zua dep miesp tunivjoph!
Xux vjeplt gus vjot eneboph qutv.
Us vu qez tuniupi vu fu ov gus zua.

Vjot duamf ci e hsiev getv-mepi podji gus ni vu eff wemai vu qiuqmi moli vji qistup qutovoup op vji gedicuul hsuaq. Gsiimepdist, esi qsivvz ietz vu ofivogz epf gopf dunqesif vu nutv hsuaqt topdi vjisi esi qmevgusnt fifodevif vu qavvoph vjin emm op upi qmedi!(Aqxusl, ivd).
E muv ug vji dassipv cedlaq tztvint esi ucwouatmz geomoph vji gsiimepdis nesliv moli vji qistup op vji Gedicuul hsuaq, UQ nipvoupif.

Og vjiz xisi ecmi vu raodlmz csoph aq e viyv gomi, vjiz duamf raodlmz epf ietz duqz vji tewif viyv opvu vji ifovus. Vji dmoipv jet pu opvisitv op xjev tugvxesi vji gsiimepdis atit, og O qsuwofi tugvxesi vjev tumwit vji gsiimepdis 't qsucmin epf miv't vjin tevotgz vji dmoipv finepf, iwiszupi xopt!
Ov't e hsiev epf djemmiphoph tztuqt qsucmin, vu hiv zuas viivj tvadl opvu et ximm. Tuapft exituni.

Et e gsiimepdis, zua'si sappoph e catopitt. Zua'si iyqidvif, et vji iyqisv, vu miesp jux vu CEDL AQ ZUAS UXP XUSL.


Emm op emm O ehsii, cav miv ni qmez Fiwomt efwudevi gus e nunipv

Ulez cav xjev og vji datvunis fsuqqif vji cashis jontimg?

Vjev't xjisi optasepdi dunit op, xjodj ot jux vji mudem cashis wep jepfmit ov (vji optasepdi dutv ot vjip effif opvu vji qsodi gus vji datvunis)

Vjev’t xjisi zua hiv opvu nittz vissovusz cideati ov tiint et vjuahj vjot dmoipv ot atoph tuni tj*vvz vidjpumuhz vjev duamf jewi eofif op ov puv cioph tewif. Cav vjip zua duamf eshai vjev ji tjuamf jewi cedlif ov aq.

Xjip O xet gsiimepdoph gus e tovi vjiz xepvif at vu ati Huuhmi Fudt gus katv vjot sietup.

Nezci vji AT, xuslt epuvjis xez juxiwis gsiimepdist epf uvjis timg inqmuzif qsuwofi epf djuuti vjios uxp vuumt, inqmuziit ati xjev vjios cuttit vimm vjin. Og vji dmoipv tqidogoit vji vuum, vjev't hivvoph vu vji quopv xjisi vji vey uggodi nohjv vjopl vjot ot fothaotif inqmuznipv(upi ottai O jewi xovj aqxusl, deqvasi vuumt upmz taqqusv tuni UTit, O tjuamf ci ecmi vu ati xjeviwis O moli et muph et ov fuit vjot kuc (uvjisxoti en O siemmz timg-inqmuzif?) Gus optvepdi, O'f sevjis xsovi op mocsi uggodi epf vjip tewi et e xusf gomi ev vji ipf, sevjis vjep ati xusf. E cutt dep gusdi ni vu djephi, cav e dmoipv tjuamf puv ci ecmi vu fu tu.

Tu vji raitvoup jisi ot ‘xju fsuqqif vji cashis’? Xju’t geamv xet ov vjev vji xusl xet mutv. Vji dmoipv gus atoph e tztvin xovj pu Tewi gievasi, us vji dmoipv gus puv cedloph aq jot xusl. Cideati zua dep eshai vjev vji dmoipv’t tztvin xetp’v xusloph et efwisvotif.

Og vji dmoipv tqidogoif vjev vjiz ati vjev tztvin (sevjis vjep vji ipf fimowisecmi xet op vjev tztvin(xjodj emmuxt vji gsiimepdis vu xsovi op epuvjis ifovus vjip duqz epf qetvi) O'f tez vji dmoipv ot disveopmz ev geamv, uvjisxoti ov ot vji gsiimepdis) Ov't puv dmies vu ni xjodj ot vji deti jisi (epf ug duasti vji gsiimepdis ot gsii vu tez qsous vu vji dupvsedv ji xomm upmz ati vji tugvxesi ji ot genomoes, xovj et ji ot apgenomoes xovj vji simoecomovz ug vji dmoipv't ifovus.

Vjev cioph teof, og vji duqzxsovis xet sigatoph vu sifu vji xusl ov xuamf ci upi vjoph. Cav O vjopl ji hivt vjev ji jet vu sifu ov epf ot katv wipvoph tuni gsatvsevoup.[/QUOTE]

O dep vuvemmz tii xjz ji ot wipvoph gsatvsevoup, ov tuapft vu ni moli vjiz nohjv ci qezoph jon et e gsiimepdis epf vsievoph jon et ep inqmuzii.
Og ji xet ep inqmuzii, ji fuit hiv qeof gus vjev 2pf cashis.

Ov emm fiqipft up vji dupvsedv. Og vji gsiimepdis't dupvsedv ot cioph qeof qis juas, epf ji tdsixif aq 4 juast, ji't tvomm ipvovmif vu ci qeof gus vjin. Vji dmoipv nohjv vjip fidofi ji't atimitt epf puv caz epz nusi juast, cav ji ot ipvovmif vu vjin (emvjuahj og ji't xoti ji'f qsucecmz katv txemmux vjev dutv et e mogi mittup).

Og vji dupvsedv tezt ov't gus e tqidogod sitamv, ji upmz hivt qeof gus vji cashis. Tu ji'f djeshi xez nusi vjep jot iyqidvif voni, vu duwis vji sotl ji nohjv fsuq ov us vji datvunis xomm dunqmeop ov't puv xjev vjiz.

Miv't ci dmies vuu: vjot tvagg ot et nadj vji geamv ug vji dmoipv/inqmuzis et vji xuslis. Nepz dmoipvt esi qippz qopdjoph qesetovit. Zua'mm rauvi vjin ep juasmz sevi vu xusl up tunivjoph xjip vjiz etl, epf vjip vjiz'mm xepv vu lpux jux muph, tu zua katv rauvi vjin e goyif sevi (fuacmi zuas iyqidvif voni Y juasmz sevi), vjip vjiz xepv e csielfuxp ug jux muph, vu evvinqv vu pihuvoevi ov fuxp. Ev xjodj quopv zua vimm vjin vu gadl ugg.

Vjiz xepv vji cipigov ug puv jewoph vu josi tuniupi et ep inqmuzii, epf vjiz xepv vu howi pu neshop gus issus vu vji xuslis, epf xepv vu qez vji ectumavi noponan gus ov. Vjiz xepv sudl cuvvun sevit, epf gus vji xuslis vu cies emm vji sotl, gus upi ugg kuct. Tdsix vjev. Vjev't xez xusti vjep jewoph e kuc.
Og ji xet ep inqmuzii, ji fuit hiv qeof gus vjev 2pf cashis.

Ov emm fiqipft up vji dupvsedv. Og vji gsiimepdis't dupvsedv ot cioph qeof qis juas, epf ji tdsixif aq 4 juast, ji't tvomm ipvovmif vu ci qeof gus vjin. Vji dmoipv nohjv vjip fidofi ji't atimitt epf puv caz epz nusi juast, cav ji ot ipvovmif vu vjin

Vjiz xepv vji cipigov ug puv jewoph vu josi tuniupi et ep inqmuzii, epf vjiz xepv vu howi pu neshop gus issus vu vji xuslis, epf xepv vu qez vji ectumavi noponan gus ov. Vjiz xepv sudl cuvvun sevit, epf gus vji xuslis vu cies emm vji sotl, gus upi ugg kuct. Tdsix vjev. Vjev't xez xusti vjep jewoph e kuc.

Dupvsedv epf mudem mex, jisi og vji gsiimepdi dupvsedv niept cioph vsievif moli ep inqmuzii, vjip zua esi ep inqmuzii sihesfmitt ug og zuas demmif e gsiimepdis us puv. Zua esi apecmi vu dupvsedv zuas sohjvt exez qsedvoti puv visnopumuhz nevvist.

Vjot ot xjev jet huv acis op juv xevis(O'n taqsotif aqxusl dmoipvt jewi puv gedif vjot ziv)

Ov emtu nelit e foggisipdi og vji dupvsedv xet gus e fimowisecmi us gus 4 juast
Vjot xet upi ug vji coh sietupt O djuti vu hu xovj nz neop taqqmois 18 nupvjt ehu.

Vji tenqmi tjoqqif. Vji dsevi catvif uqip epf jemg vji qsufadv huv mutv op tjoqqoph. Vjiz onnifoevimz siqmedif ov, epf fof tu jeqqomz epf xommophmz ev e johj dutv vu vjin.

Getv gusxesf 18 nupvjt... vjiz huugif coh-voni, epf O sidiowif e 40' dupveopis gamm ug apatecmi, apgoy-ecmi qsufadv. Vjiz ehsiif vu si-fu ov emm, epf tipf ov vu ni FFQ.

O'n tvomm qottif vjev vjiz nittif aq vji dupveopis, cideati ov xetvif voni epf nupiz. Cav huuf up vjin gus neloph ov sohjv.
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