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I Got Fired Today. Succeed or Bust!

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...


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Nov 21, 2015
Everywhere, US
Hello fastlaners, I got fired today! I remember the last time I got fired before this job and i felt like my life came to a park and it was all doom and gloom. This time , its different. I feel peaceful and content. Yet ready for the challenge ahead.

The reason i feel this way is because prior to today I was practicing Facebook Ads and building a website for a business(already have making decent progress) I intended to start soon. Last week I prayed that Id have more time to work on it . Be careful what you wish for ! LOL

I feel this is an opportunity for me to do just that as I already have had in mind and a desire to do and finally take the leap , even though i was more like pushed off a cliff !

I have 4k which is about 3 months of living expenses for me. Luckily my lease ends jan 15th and i Already have the final payment ready. I have kept my apartment in pristine condition so i expect to get $250 out of the $500 deposit i put when i initially moved in. ( I expect some trumped up fees somewhere). I also will get 2 more checks from my job for around $700+ a piece so i should have about $5500 when its all said and done. I own my car outright so i only have to pay fuel and insurance. Also won't have to move out until Jan 15th/18. Planning to rent a room for $400 a month from then on out.

So with my 3-4 months of living expenses here's my plan of attack starting 12/27/17 @ 05:00

  1. Apply for unemployment . the extra 2-300 bucks a week i will get will give me an additional buffer with living expenses maybe an extra 2 months if im lucky. Apply for food stamps if im able to. ( dont shame me , im using the system for its intended purposes : to help me out while i get on my feet as quickly as possible)

  2. I will try to avoid getting a job as much as possible ( unemployment forces you to apply ) until I at least finish my website. (timeframe 2-3 weeks) It will serve as my pitch deck.

  3. When I do get a job which will be unavoidable(due to unemployment forcing applications) as Im a truck driver with a clean record and we’re in high demand , I will only take a part time job. Just enough to cover my expenses to preserve my cash in case of an emergency like my Pontiac G6 with 140k breaks down. One of my realizations is that it is really hard to do much work and focus on a side project when you're tired from working 70 hours a week. (which is what i did in my last job.) This has to be an intentional trap of the script. Deadly. Avoid it if you can.

  4. This is where it gets juicy.I will cold call 100+ businesses everyday and email 100+ business everyday. Mon-Fri. Weekends i will just leave emails. This will give me over 1000+ total out reaches to potential clients every week. I have some sales experience doing cold approach in the malls. By my conservative estimates(based on my sales skills) I predict that I will land clients at a rate of .001% whom i will charge $1000-2000 a month for . So with the number of outreaches i will be doing I plan to get one new client per week. Hopefully my odds to land a client weekly is better than .001% but I am using it as a realistic goal and to temper my expectations. I dont know much about cold calling so I dont expect to get my first client until about 8-10 weeks in. I also believe that is realistic. I mean c’mon after 8-10k cold calls/emails someone has to work with me right?! ( mj’s analogy about the gumball machine echoes in my mind)

  5. If after 8-10 weeks i dont have a paying client then I plan to evaluate(edit: cry on fastlane forums.. LOL JK) something in my business like the sales pitch or whatever i think is wrong. Continue to wash, rinse and repeat until I get a paying client.

  6. After my first paying client , I will get 5-10 more of them paying me 1-2k monthly and stack some cash and hire and train and employee to handle the clients and start a agency and build it out with more services like adwords seo etc.

I decided to write this progress thread for accountability reasons and also for feedback. I feel like young simba praying to the kings who came before him for guidance when i come on these forums. Yes I referenced The Lion King.

Which leads me to my next point. I have a wager to make with you guys. Its just another thing to help out with accountability( other than my burning desire to live unscripted of course.) I promise to update my progress thread regularly ( at least once per week) or else I get BANNED. This wager will last from 12/27/17- 1/1/19

However I intend on updating it 2-3 times per week. As I like getting feedback and advice.

Follow the thread , wish me luck and strap on for the ride because this ride only has 2 possible outcomes : 1. Its going up in the sky and will be glorious. or 2. Its crashing down in burning flames.

Dont Miss It.
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Nov 30, 2017
In on this. Best of luck, as long as you're tenacious, driven by hunger (no pun intended), and fueled by the rage of having been fired from your last gig (let's be real, there's a little rage in there somewhere) you'll only have increased chances of succeeding.

Don't give up no matter what, even when a full-time job doing what you did before looks easier and more realistic than your initial plans. Carry it out and get yours.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Read Fastlane!
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Aug 10, 2017
Good luck! It seems you have a solid plan. I read through a book called The Conversion Code that I highly recommend for any agency. It'll help you use your website to cultivate inbound leads so you won't have to do as much cold calling, your leads will be warm.

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