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How I made $4,000 in 3 months By Executing HARD


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Mar 11, 2015
In December 2017 I was stuck. I felt awful. I was sick to my stomach because I had NO IDEA what I was going to do with my life. I made music for 4 years and got burnt out. It was all I thought about and all I did when time permitted. I was doing whatever I could to make a dollar not realizing I was becoming depressed in the process. I was addicted to that PayPal notification. I thought I was building a fastlane business but really I was building my grave. I was doing what I loved but I was doing it so much that it made me hate it.

So I quit.

I had yet to make enough to quit my job and be free from the suffocating rat race we call a 9 to 5. I was defeated. Without this business I had no potential way out. I was trapped. On top of that I was getting crushed by my new condo payments and was looking at 30-years of slavery.

So one day I was scrolling through Facebook trying to figure out what my next move was and BAM. I saw my fellow musician friend was dropping some new music off of his new album. Then it hit me. I can do videos for musicians and businesses! I already have so much experience with how musicians think, and having shot videos for my own music I could figure it out, no problem! Plus I knew the market for musicians was INSANELY crowded! I thought to myself "If the market is crowded, don't be in the crowd, serve the crowd!" So I gave him a call and said I'll shoot his next music video for free so I can get experience and he can have a nice video to promote along with his album. He agrees.

But wait...i don't have a camera. What do i do? I don't know how this works.

At this point most people say, "Idk how to work a camera or edit videos or any of that shit..oh well. Guess I'll come up with a new idea." And they quit. No execution. No work. No effort. No money. I decided right then and there I would not be like most wantreprenuers and I would do whatever it takes to make it happen. No more trying but a full on commitment to make it happen!

I start researching, find a camera, pay for it on credit (bad idea, but I was committed). Learned how to edit, bought the software. watched YouTube videos, etc.

Boom. I shoot the video. everything goes well and they love it! It was an amazing moment! I was finally providing value to people and was actually good at it! Now it was time to become profitable...

I got valuable experience from shooting that first video, but I now had something to show other people to get more work!

They release the video about a month later and I get a message from another artist on Instagram who saw that first video and what's to know how much I charge! Cha- ching!

$500 just like that!

Before you know it I'm getting calls from other musicians and also start diving into real estate videos and parties and live concerts! I'm experiencing things I could have never seen and done in my last business! I was on top of the world! People are loving my quick turnaround time (insane execution to make this happen, late nights and early mornings) and high quality videos.

Later on I get a call from a friend that wants to shoot a documentary for him. Hmm...I don't know how to shoot a documentary, or how much to charge but I'll give it a shot. Again I did research, spent many hours editing, and made it look great. Blew him away with the quality! I made $1,000 from that and couldn't believe it! And better yet he ended up having the video played in front of a crowd of 200 people and they loved it!

I haven't had a day off in 2018 and I am loving it.

Now it's time to scale this business to get to the point where I can quit my job.

Here I am today at the beginning of April with $4,000 in revenue and 4 more videos booked on the schedule and my first wedding booked next month! Uh oh...time to figure out how to film weddings [emoji23]

(This was just a big rambling of words but if you got any value from it please leave a like and comment below if you want me to continue the progress thread and go into more detail moving forward! Thank you!)

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