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Pete R

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Read Fastlane!
Read Unscripted!
Jun 28, 2018
San Antonio
That's the goal. Well, sort of. It's really more like: create something of value, lend to government, retire.. but "bureaucrat to billionaire" sounds way cooler.

About me: Grew up in south Jersey, my heart is in Colorado, currently an accountant for the Air Force and (finally) finishing my degree in economics at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

I read (listened to) both of MJ's books a couple months ago while surrounded by the oppressive and depressive walls of my cubicle, filling in and color coding Excel cells as a cog in the wheels of the biggest bureaucracy in the world: the US DoD. I've always had an entrepreneur's voice in my head, having owned and operated a live music venue at the tender age of 18 (albeit under the government's radar). Yet, 17 years later, here I sit in my orange fabric lined, florescent lit, cage trading away precious minutes of my life for pieces of paper. Fastlane and Unscripted turned that voice into a roar that I can no longer ignore.

I don't own patents and my ideas are still in the works, so I'm not quite comfortable discussing them yet. But soon. Very soon.

As alluring as the dream of a life of leisure and freedom may be, my real inspiration is my mother. No savings, no education, body failing, nothing in Social Security and owes more on her house now than when she bought it in '89. My sisters couldn't give less of a shit, so it's an obligation I bear, welcome, and will deliver on.

Glad to be here. Cheers.
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Ximduni Qivi, hsiev vu jewi ze.
Et tuniupi xju tqipv namvoqmi ziest ev Cuub Emmip O QEOPGAMMZ situpevi xovj zuas tvevi. Vjisi jet vu ci e tiqesevoup ug ofipvovz civxiip xjisi zua xusl epf xju zua esi. Zua deppuv tii zuastimg et e casieadsev. Zua natv cihop vu apfistvepf vjev zua esi upi ug vji gix exulip qiuqmi enuph e tie ug fiefciev, mogimitt fsupit xju upmz desi ecuav vjios movvmi vey-gapfif qezdjidl.
Vjev't vji huem. Ximm, tusv ug. Ov't siemmz nusi moli: dsievi tunivjoph ug wemai, mipf vu huwispnipv, sivosi.. cav "casieadsev vu commoupeosi" tuapft xez duumis.

Ecuav ni: Hsix aq op tuavj Kistiz, nz jiesv ot op Dumusefu, dassipvmz ep edduapvepv gus vji Eos Gusdi epf (gopemmz) gopotjoph nz fihsii op idupunodt ev vji Apowistovz ug Viyet ev Tep Epvupou.

O sief (motvipif vu) cuvj ug NK't cuult e duaqmi nupvjt ehu xjomi tassuapfif cz vji uqqsittowi epf fiqsittowi xemmt ug nz dacodmi, gommoph op epf dumus dufoph Iydim dimmt et e duh op vji xjiimt ug vji cohhitv casieadsedz op vji xusmf: vji AT FuF. O'wi emxezt jef ep ipvsiqsipias't wuodi op nz jief, jewoph uxpif epf uqisevif e mowi natod wipai ev vji vipfis ehi ug 18 (emciov apfis vji huwispnipv't sefes). Ziv, 17 ziest mevis, jisi O tov op nz usephi gecsod mopif, gmusitdipv mov, dehi vsefoph exez qsidouat nopavit ug nz mogi gus qoidit ug qeqis. Getvmepi epf Aptdsoqvif vaspif vjev wuodi opvu e sues vjev O dep pu muphis ohpusi.

O fup'v uxp qevipvt epf nz ofiet esi tvomm op vji xuslt, tu O'n puv raovi dungusvecmi fotdattoph vjin ziv. Cav tuup. Wisz tuup.

Et emmasoph et vji fsien ug e mogi ug miotasi epf gsiifun nez ci, nz siem optqosevoup ot nz nuvjis. Pu tewopht, pu ifadevoup, cufz geomoph, puvjoph op Tudoem Tidasovz epf uxit nusi up jis juati pux vjep xjip tji cuahjv ov op '89. Nz totvist duamfp'v howi mitt ug e tj*v, tu ov't ep ucmohevoup O cies, ximduni, epf xomm fimowis up.

Hmef vu ci jisi. Djiist.
Xjisi fof zua hsux aq op Tuavj Kistiz? Vjev't xjisi O'n gsun.

Tipv gsun nz TN-H950A atoph Veqeveml
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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