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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. Zeus_the

    Keep Friends Away From Business

    So as of current I'm in highschool and I've just had my Entrepreneurship Day for the year and although the main goal was to make money, ny real reason was more serious. Now we've been notified bout this event for 2 weeks(I only thought of my half-baked idea for 5 minutes) and me and my 2...
  2. caras

    Aviation dreams

    Hey everyone! A little background - I'm at present a Mental Health Coach. I went to college, where I had an amazing serial entrepreneur professor who taught Art Entrepreneurship. Him and his class opened my eyes to the path of the Fastlane, and a better life. He actually lived what he preached...
  3. JorgeB

    Cannabis Industry Instant & Low Cost Entry Point.

    Revolutionary program to enter the California Cannabis Industry. We have built a model to give entrepreneurs a simple and cost efficient entry point to an exciting industry that has been elusive due to a long, limited and costly licensing process. We've done all the work so you can get to work...
  4. K

    Need Advice: Stuck between two business ideas!

    Hi everyone, I have the time right now to dive into something deep, but I'm stuck between two business ideas and could really use your input: 1. Starting a PL in the Pet Industry on Amazon: The Pet Industry is booming, but I'm concerned about the level of saturation and fees Amazon can take...
  5. rasswanth_lenin

    From Debt to Fastlane: My $1000 Dropshipping Challenge as a 20-Year-Old Entrepreneur

  6. Pawan_Rathore

    do you know more entrepreneurs who achieved massive financial success at a very young age like MJ?

    Guys, do you know entrepreneurs who achieved massive financial success like MJ in such a young age as MJ did? Entrepreneurs whose journey is somehow like MJ's? any tech entrepreneurs?
  7. A

    Thinking of going to college

    Hi, fastlaners, I discovered this entrepreneurship stuff like 2 years ago, got interested in dropshipping, digital marketing, and business. The truth is I have never really made a lot of money, I was working in construction previously, and just started shifting into the digital world. I just...
  8. G

    How did your first steps look?

    Hey guys! I Am currently 19 years old and just joined the Fastlane Forum. I have read all three books from MJDemarco and other books on entrepreneurship . So far, I do not have any practical experience. I realised that whilst such books do give very valuable advice, they itself do not make you...
  9. DeNero

    How I Turned $2k Into $10,000,000 in Less than 1 Year, Lost Most of it 2 Years Later, and my Plan Going Forward to make it all back X10 — MY STORY

    Hey there and thank you for stopping by! (WARNING: This is a LONG read) My name is DeNero, and as my first post on here, I wanted to start off by introducing myself and sharing a bit about who I am and my story. I remember first reading TMF in the summer 2016 (and Unscripted a few years...
  10. Q

    What's the next step

    Hi all, I have what I believe to be a great business idea in the digital loyalty and rewards industry. I've built a prototype that hooks into Square POS and works very nicely. I'm now stuck. I can code a bit but not enough to be production-worthy, and I have no finance to pay to take it...
  11. Supo

    16 y/o approaching the fastlane

    Hi there! Thakns for reading my post! I'm an aspiring 16 years old entrepreneur that is approaching this world. I don't have an inspiring story to tell or a new breaktrough business tip to share, but one thing I have for sure, and that's the will to start the journey. I came here because I...
  12. ajakupi

    Something for newstarters in Business

    There are a lot of experienced entrepreneurs in this forum. But I feel like there isn't something just for starters and people whose mother language isn't English, so we can understand easily advice and experiences. I often read HVT (High-Value Topics) and the new Posts on the forum but a lot...
  13. redshift

    Writing your own story

    I finished reading Unscripted again recently. I think this was my 3rd time around after reading it twice a few years ago. Great book btw, always inspires the crap out of me. What's crazy, though, is how I always pick something up which I completely missed in the previous reading. Now, to speed...
  14. B

    Eating cereal without milk causes canker sores!!

    Ben, 29 from the Middle East. Have you ever had the world hit you with a major epiphany? Something that is so universally powerful, that the universe just shoves it up your FACE and alerts you profusely to get out to the world what is holding you back? Gratitude is what we're talking about. I...
  15. Mahan

    How to start being a fiction writer

    Hi, I'm currently a student studying the last year of my bachelor's in cyber security, Although I know I can get a 6 figure salary in just a few years, I don't see it being enough to achieve financial success. I'm interested in thriller/mystery or fiction books and I'm thinking of probably...
  16. The Rizzler

    The Rizzler Strikes it on His Own || Business execution thread

    My purpose for this thread I plan to use this as a blog/discussion thread to document the step-by-step of my journey in self-ownership and entrepreneurship. I hope to hit on details that are skipped over by people afraid to "let out all their secrets". This stuff may seem obvious, but for me, it...
  17. M

    How Do You Set Your Financial Goals and Stick To Them? (Or any goal for that matter..)

    Hi all, I've started using spreadsheets/excel a lot, to track my budget, income and expenses etc. Yes, it may sound very basic, but I've dismissed for a lot of years, but now I realize the power of it! Anyways, I am currently setting up a 10 year plan for my financial goals, and was curious to...
  18. T

    What is Your Biggest Health-Related Pain Point as an Entrepreneur?

    Hey Fastlaners - I'm conducting research to find out what the HEALTH issues are that most entrepreneurs struggle with. These would be issues that affect your performance, ability to scale or increase revenue, or cause lowered satisfaction. If you or another entrepreneur you know has/have a...
  19. Antifragile

    Speaker at an event: how would you answer these questions?

    I was invited to speak to a group of young people (focused on real estate and entrepreneurship). They submitted questions in advance and organizers of the events posted them to me. There are so many successful entrepreneurs here and reality is, this upcoming event isn't about me. The worst...
  20. J

    We just launched A SaaS to automatically remove YouTube spam.

    Our irresistible offer is: "Use Bustinger free for 14 days and watch your spam comments disappear." Context: YouTubers are being bombarded with YouTube spam. One YouTuber reported their viewer was scammed out of £70k (~$85k) and another "out of their life savings". We were considering the idea...