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Food Order Automation Software

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Jun 8, 2023
Since I have adopted the Unscripted Philosophy, I have never suffered from lack of opportunities, from my first bike rental business at 18 when I discovered the Fastlane, to now as a Self-Taught programmer, also into AI and Machine Learning lately.

So I have recently written more than 50, yeah, 50 Ideas. I have these ideas and have not been working on them already because I was honing my skills, (specifically programming $ Machine Learning since I have this one idea to create a software that will help South African cyclers as there's a potential gap). Many of them are SaaS ideas I want to jump to. As I am reading through my idea book today, I came across one that I consider working on now.

This idea is a Food Order Automation Software.


It is a subscription like service that analyze your lunch order history across all apps and receipts from expense report etc, and then order meals on your behalf based on that data. So you don't have to spend time figuring out what to eat when you are busy.

NOTE: I got this idea when I was at an Internet Cafe, I overheard this guy working there complaining about how tired he is and said how he WISHES (See wassup there with the language) there was a mystic robot who knows what type of food ahe usually eats and his lunch time and then come up with the meal on every lunch and he will just hand it money. Because the food apps have many alternatives, and he just wastes some minutes searching what to grap for lunch.

I will try to market this and collect the feedback. Fellow Fastlaner's what do you think? Thank You.
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Dec 21, 2021
Since I have adopted the Unscripted Philosophy, I have never suffered from lack of opportunities, from my first bike rental business at 18 when I discovered the Fastlane, to now as a Self-Taught programmer, also into AI and Machine Learning lately.

So I have recently written more than 50, yeah, 50 Ideas. I have these ideas and have not been working on them already because I was honing my skills, (specifically programming $ Machine Learning since I have this one idea to create a software that will help South African cyclers as there's a potential gap). Many of them are SaaS ideas I want to jump to. As I am reading through my idea book today, I came across one that I consider working on now.

This idea is a Food Order Automation Software.


It is a subscription like service that analyze your lunch order history across all apps and receipts from expense report etc, and then order meals on your behalf based on that data. So you don't have to spend time figuring out what to eat when you are busy.

NOTE: I got this idea when I was at an Internet Cafe, I overheard this guy working there complaining about how tired he is and said how he WISHES (See wassup there with the language) there was a mystic robot who knows what type of food ahe usually eats and his lunch time and then come up with the meal on every lunch and he will just hand it money. Because the food apps have many alternatives, and he just wastes some minutes searching what to grap for lunch.

I will try to market this and collect the feedback. Fellow Fastlaner's what do you think? Thank You.
I think this could work to be honest.

What’s the fastest way you could help if someone with this specific need came up tomorrow ?

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