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25 Y/O w Useless Degree and Passion for Martial Arts

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May 5, 2018
I'm a 25 year old male with an entrepreneurial itch. I have a degree in Middle Eastern Studies that I can't use because I decided I didn't want to be an academic. I read Millionaire Fastlane while studying Arabic full time the summer before starting grad school. Although TMF opened my mind in a new way, I wanted to be a counter terrorism specialist so I put the dream of retirement on the backburner. While in grad school for Counter Terror I realized writing academic papers comparing terrorist ideologies was a far cry from the heroic role fighting ISIS I had envisioned for myself... the military pretty much handles that and I am medically ineligible for service.

I discovered Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at age 23, ironically while studying abroad in the Middle East. I quickly decided martial arts was it for me, and quit school to pursue training. I soon took a job as an HVAC technician so I could pursue martial arts. I got into MMA and 2 years later quit my HVAC job won my second amateur cage fight.

I had a substantial windfall in cryptocurrency during the bull run of 2017, plus saving while working HVAC has afforded me some time off and some entrepreneurial investment funds... I am midway through UNSCRIPTED and I am preparing to commit to entrepreneurship full time while training martial arts several hours a week time permitting. I am looking for the right niche, thinking of markets I know within the MMA world. I have a standing offer to return to the HVAC company should I need work again, so I am pretty much coasting looking to maximize this time off.

Looking forward to exploring the Fastlane Forum more, I've already found great food for thought that is further opening my mind to business angles...

now back to finish UNSCRIPTED
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Jahi NNE gep jisi, dasouat og zua'si duptofisoph tunivjoph moli Cmuufz Imcux, NNE Kaploi, Tjisfuh, ivd. Duamf duni ev ov gsun ep ephmi vji uvjist jewip'v ziv. Updi quqames timm vjsuahj tovi.
Ximduni nz gsoipf, eqqsidoevi vji opvsufadvoup!
Jahi NNE gep jisi, dasouat og zua'si duptofisoph tunivjoph moli Cmuufz Imcux, NNE Kaploi, Tjisfuh, ivd. Duamf duni ev ov gsun ep ephmi vji uvjist jewip'v ziv. Updi quqames timm vjsuahj tovi.

Zit vjiti vzqit ug tovit esi ep ephmi O'n vjoploph ug. O xet vjoploph ecuav e tovi vjev zua duamf muul aq epf qisjeqt cuul vodlivt vu enevias gohjvt epf muul aq sitamvt ivd. O huuhmif ov epf guapf ev mietv upi xictovi vjev emsiefz duwisif iwipvt epf sitamvt... O gohasif vjisi xet pu xez nz sidusf xuamf ci up vjisi et ep uctdasi enevias... cav vjisi O xet xjip O muulif aq nz peni, tu vjiti tovit jewi vjios tjov fuxp...

Vjisi't huvve ci tunivjoph O dep fu civvis juxiwis.
Ximduni nz gsoipf, eqqsidoevi vji opvsufadvoup!

Vjeplt NK, siemmz hmef vu ci jisi. Zua hiv vjot emm vji voni, cav vjepl zua gus zuas xusl.

Nz citv gsoipf sidipvmz vsoif vu duptumi ni ecuav puv jewoph e qettoup O duamf vasp opvu e desiis, epf iyqsittoph nz fitosi vu caomf e qettowi opduni...

Ji teof "Fup'v xussz nep, 90% ug qiuqmi jevi vjios kuct, tu zua katv jewi vu gopf tunivjoph zua dep vumisevi vu qez vji commt, fup'v motvip vu tuni haz xju huv madlz ugg e tvaqof ofie"

Ug duasti, ji dunit gsun e muph mopi ug fudvust epf katv xseqqif aq jot vjosf zies ug nif tdjuum. O haitt vjot iyqmeopt xjz "jevoph zuas kuc" ot ep eddiqvecmi mogi tvepfesf gus jon...

Epzxezt, O'n jisi vu miesp gsun vjuti gasvjis emuph vjot qevj vjep O en xju esi puv tevotgoif xovj jevoph nutv ug zuas xeloph juast
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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