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22 soon to be college graduate


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Mar 25, 2018
Hi everyone,

I know this forum is a bit older since finding this book... but I stumbled upon The Millionaire Fastlane by coincidence through a YouTube comment and am excited to join this forum and take action.

A little about me...

I am a 22 year old senior in college - soon to be graduate - majoring in accounting. Next year, I am going to grad school to obtain my Masters at a Top 10 accounting program. However, this is more of a safety net. I know it in my mind, but I'm simply going through the motions on the most well-beaten path that society knows. I'm looking for a way out of the "Slowlane" but just don't know where to begin. I have a lot of frustrations and resentment towards college, as I feel like I have paid tuition for books and assignments for a certificate. My main issue is that I feel like I am being groomed to be an employee, not a functioning business owner.

As my graduation approaches, a lingering thought in the back of my mind keeps popping up in my head - "There has to be a better way to live my life instead of working for someone else". I've been through recruiting for the past two years and hate every aspect of it:

Career fair. follow up email. interview selection. interview. thank you email. next round of interviews. etc...

All this process to work for a corporation where my work will be repetitive and my role will be a cog in a machine.

This thought process occurs in my mind at least once a month. I've voiced it to friends of all majors in business - accounting, finance, supply chain, name it. I've gotten several responses ranging from:
"Nobody loves there job"
"You get paid a lot" (most the time 50-80k range)
"insert comment about getting an offer from xxx prestigious firm" followed by "i made it" --> Then proceeds to walk with a big stick.

At the end of the day, there are many people who think like me in college....but nobody dares to fight against the path. It's almost as if they've given up - even if they agree when I say it doesn't seem like the way life is meant to be lived. Others have opinions that I'm daydreaming or not realistic...but I have since learned to ignore those opinions

I can't accept being an employee without a fight, it's just not in me to do something where I don't feel like I have any meaning or benefit to those around me.

This book has addressed my thought process on a very tangible level. I want to be able to take care of my loved ones and live on my own terms. Life is too short to have it confined to the same office for 40+ years. I want to travel, experience culture, food, etc. I want to be in that position of financial freedom.

I'm aware that this isn't easy. That it isn't farting rainbows and pots of gold. I enjoy the struggle and the process. I relate it a lot to my fitness journey. I initially started getting in shape to "look good, "yoked", or a bro!! Of course that was my initial reason for taking on the challenge because I was tired of being chubby. But over time, I fell in love with learning how the body works, learning how to do exercises, seeing the incremental improvements in my figure and health. I have since obtained a good physique, but continue because I love showing up and doing something that I perceive as rewarding. It's those small steps that get me excited now, not just the result.

That being said I am going to tackle the Fastlane in a similar fashion. Sitting back for the next couple weeks, taking action within the month, and learning from trial and error. Unfortunately, I don't have much to offer the forum, but am hoping to be a part of the community and build everyone up a long the way.

Currently, I'm in the stage of identifying a need, figuring out if I have applicable talents (or if I need to learn any), and then pursuing a business model that I can try to create for value. As I said my interests are in fitness and business (almost like a game to me for those of you who've every played Runescape to level up and build resources). I am willing to learn any new skills that you guys may believe will help as well.

Thanks for reading, I know it's long. Looking forward to the ride!

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Elliot Stenquist

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Jan 28, 2018
It seems like you are heading towards the right path! But remember that while college might be pushing you to become an employee, you still have a choice, like right now. Do you want to be an employee or employer? It's that simple, just choose.

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