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web development

  1. N


    Hi everybody. Without wasting any of your time, I'll jump straight into the question. I wanted to learn a skill that I can make money from. So I thought I'll learn coding( web design to be specific) so can I make money online. Once some cash flows in, the aim is to build some business. A...
  2. B

    Starting a new online business

    Howsit everyone quite lost in my head right now. Let’s say I have a few online business ideas but I’ll prioritise the most important one obviously would it be better for me to learn how to do web development and build the website myself so I can make the web specific to my ideas so I get...
  3. M

    Hustling on Youtube, let's see what happens.

    I have a youtube channel where I started uploading web development-related content in 2018. Initially, I didn't take this seriously and randomly uploading videos and that's why my channel has never grown. I am creating content for Hindi-speaking people which is my target audience. At the moment...
  4. M

    What's your underrated outreach method/strategy? (Outreach Thread)

    I'll go first: Industry: Web development (Freelance) Strategy: Reddit has been working for me the best till now. I usually send chat requests (my pitch + portfolio) to warm leads (leads that have shown some indication of interest in webdev services in their recent posts/comments). For example...
  5. D

    Soft proof

    Hy guys I have a little problem with the validation of my idea. I want to create a website where I compare the prices of some products in a particular industry. The Google Keyword Planner tool shows that there is a market for my product. There are between 10 - 100 thousand searches per month. I...
  6. connorkennxdy

    Should I get a 'Regular Job' to fund Fastlane venture as a 17y/o?

    I'll jump straight to it. I make between 300-450GBP per month with my weekend jobs (pay varies due to overtime & no. weeks in the month). I invest 100GBP per month into mutual funds. Driving lessons are between 140-180GBP per month (depending how many weeks are in the month). Food expenses...
  7. N

    In 2022 which framework is most suitable for a custom website?

    In 2022 which framework is most suitable for a custom website?
  8. I

    In need of a consultant for a mobile app development process

    SAAS / APPS 
    Hey FLF fam, I'm kicking off the new year by hitting the ground running on a Fastlane idea. I'm new to developing anything in the mobile department, so I'm asking if anyone here with experience who can help me out? I'd be willing to offer you a cut of this project (my shares) or payment...
  9. A

    Web Development, need answers from people who DO

    Hi! I really didn't expect asking this in this forum but I was almost depressed by answers I got from developers and enthusiasts in "techy" forums ( more at the end for bored readers :hilarious:). A bit of background - I'm currently learning WebDev in order to launch an online business...
  10. G

    How to Charge Clients Properly?

    Hey there, so I started freelancing a year ago and it has been a total disaster. I had difficulties to find clients and I also had huge self-esteem issues that hold me back. I'm currently doing web development (mostly WordPress, Angular, and general HTML/CSS/Javascript) and when I need to give...
  11. AlexDep89

    First entrepreneur steps on Upwork following Lex DeVille's Guide

    After viewing MJ's video From Flat-Broke to Filighy Rich I realized that working as a developer, I'm at the level of specialized labor and it might be time to take it to the next step: Selling specialized skill. I have bookmarked Lex Devilles Upwork Guide a long time ago but always made...
  12. kongbullies

    Is starting a web development company a fastlane?

    Hi all! This is my first post here after finally done reading the Millionaire Fastlane by MJ. I am 24 and currently working as a junior web developer and I'm planning to build a web development company. I have few questions in mind. 1. Is starting a web development company a fastlane? It...
  13. Harsha Vardhan

    have a doubt in Web development?

    Hello and I am new to this forum and my name is Harsha Vardhan I'm from India. so recently only my friend and i have started a web development business and we're doing pretty normal at sales and selling stuff and one thing.. that I want advice from you guys is that like how do you get clients...
  14. Pero123

    Quit slacking and learn a new skill this month

    I've been wanting to actually learn web development and later on some digital marketing but I found myself action faking and slacking more than learning. Consider this thread my accountability thread where I make myself finish the web development course on Udemy within 15 days. Giving in at...
  15. centje

    Setting up profitable e-commerce stores soon!

    I own a Shopify store online and I’ve contacted suppliers last week Friday and yesterday morning. Some were positive about the idea. I need to send them emails now. This is my first time starting a dropshipping business. I’m working with two other team-members on this dropshipping business and...
  16. blestd

    Plan to start web/app development business + a couple of questions

    First post, and I just wanted to say thank you to @MJ DeMarco for his two books. I've read both of them, with TMF shifting my thinking in a new direction and Unscripted bringing about a desperation in me that I had to take action, which I'm starting today! Thank you also to this Forum for...
  17. A

    online food ordering system, opinion appreciated

    Hey guys! I am from germany and over the last few months I learned how to build websites throughout a udemy curse. You all know for example UberEats. Here in germany the top player is lieferando, which bought all competitors and now increased fees for generating a lead to 14%. In my home...
  18. Nikorasu

    Nicholas Cato - Growing a Web Design business: progress thread

    Hey everyone, and welcome to my web design progress thread! So I’ve been on these forums for several months after reading MDFL. The countless success stories of others finding their unique paths to financial freedom has changed me forever. To keep it simple, first half of my 20’s were spent...
  19. AlanBayWalker

    [Progress] Building a Copywriting platform

    I recently decided to pick up copywriting as a skill. Like most people would I scoped out the playing field before I started executing. I browsed videos and forums about copywriting. I had a few questions about getting into the industry or picking it up as a skill for your Fastlane venture...
  20. O

    Uncovering Business Pain Points

    Hello everyone. I'm going to be attending a small business networking event this weekend, and I'm looking for some feedback and ideas. My main goals as of now are: 1. To ask them wether they would be interested in a website concept that I have that may benefit them. 2. If they are interested...