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digital agency

  1. David Fitz

    Building a Digital Marketing Agency from Scratch

    I've been wanting to go full time into digital marketing for years. I've finally sold up my cleaning business in Ireland and moved to Portugal. One, I wanted sunshine and a better lifestyle. Two, I wanted to go somewhere cheaper and build this business with the money I've saved. Three, I...
  2. sampinter

    Hello guy

    Hello, my name is Sam and I'm from Thailand. I'm 18 years old. i read millenarefastlane and unscrpted in thai version I graduated last month So I chose not to go to college and instead work at home with my girlfriend I haven't begun working since graduation. However, I learning web design...
  3. Batko


    Hello, I am 20 yrs old and am currently enrolled in Bio-chemistry field in college. I've previously built an agency which was getting me decent amount of money and I loved doing it. But because of my mental health problems I decided to stop doing it with my friend and focus on getting a degree...
  4. J

    NEW HERE | Scaled my business and quit the 9-5

    Hey Fastlaners, I'm brand new to the forum and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jordan and I own a digital marketing agency. About a year ago I was completely crippled by the 9-5 life; my marriage was garbage, I wasn't able to hang out with my kids, you know the drill. Throw in the fact that I...
  5. K

    Earning $5.5K/mo at 16: I'm doing it.

    Hey everyone. I read the millionaire fastlane about a month and a half ago, and it changed my life. Once I finished the book I joined the forum, and's my story. I'm 16 years old, and before reading the book I was working as a server in a restaurant making minimum wage. I always had...
  6. Black_Dragon43

    Does your Agency have the foundations to scale to $1M+?

    This method helped multiple agency owners scale to $1M+ or multiple 6 figures and recently I heard about two consultants who stole it and were using it with their own students. Unfortunately for them, they didn't understand it properly. I created the NPOT Methodology™ for scaling an agency...
  7. M

    Looking at starting a Digital Marketing Agency.

    Hi. I looking at starting a DMA as a side hustle and eventually turn into a full time business. I've already got some ideas of the type of business I would have like a name, what kind of people to serve, and how much I'd like to make out of it. I'm looking for some tips, advice and what to do...
  8. theazizmoh_

    Does a Digital Marketing agency make C.E.N.T.S?

    I'm curious is digital marketing agency make cents? I do believe the entry is weak! every joe blow can start a digital agency! But it takes some serious skill... what do you guys think?
  9. Selfmadeujjwal

    Want to start an agency!

    Hey everyone! I want to start a Google ads agency in india and i want to target doctors as my clients. What should I keep in mind while starting the agency and further like How to get clients? What should be the cold calling script? How to close them on call If anyone had experience with the...
  10. Akil

    Starting a Digital Marketing Agency

    Hey guys, I decided to start a digital marketing agency with my brother @CrazyPusher in Germany. We help Local business owners in Germany generate leads with Google Ads. We have no previous experience AT ALL with marketing or sales. All we have is the dream to become financially free and have...
  11. J

    Government Website Opportunity - Am I in Over my head!?!

    hey everyone... i have a acquaintance who is involved in my local town... he called me today and offered me to take on building and managing a website for our county. the website already exists so I am unsure yet if it actually requires a rebuild but that may be a possibility given the below. I...
  12. Andres1004

    I need a partner for a brand new Digital Market Agency

    Hello everyone at the forum, My name is Andres and I am making this post because I am currently looking for a partner to start my digital marketing agency. I am currently starting my digital marketing agency but I am completely alone and I need someone else in the project. I am not seeking to...
  13. Help Future You

    White Label Agency Model Connecting Local Businesses to Service Providers

    Hi All, I'll start off by saying I so appreciate the incredible value that so many of you deliver here on a daily basis as well as MJ's dedication to the Fastlane community. I am a long-time lurker firmly entrenched in the rat race at present time but fully aware of that fact that looking for...
  14. BizyDad

    Writing For Dollars: Building A Digital Asset For Sale

    Goal: Build a brand new site from scratch, rank it, monetize it, using as little of my own time as possible, and sell it in 2 years for 6 figures. Why: Why not? Because I can? Because for the last 3 years I've gone thru many ups and downs to build an agency and now my guys have a certain...
  15. Zyanwc

    Documenting My Digital Marketing Agency Journey: Road to $5k/mo

    From the Beginning So I've had a facebook ad agency for just over a year now. I started it (like most people) because as a 17 y/o it seemed like it would be a really easy way to make money. It then turned into a passion and race for mastery because by learning and getting good at online...
  16. E

    What's a reasonable payment to a freelancer for finding prospects and closing them?

    Hello, I am thinking of paying a freelancer $200 for every closed client for my B2B Digital Marketing Agency. The $200 is only a starting payment, but will be doubled after the 50th closed client. However, it turns out there are 2 seperate parts which I thought was just 1 part. The first, to...
  17. enterwayproject

    What should I do now?

    Hello everyone. My name is Alexander and I am 18 years old, recently started my own digital agency Enterway project where me and my team of freelancers develop websites, do social media marketing and graphic design. I have found some local clients two for web development and one for email...
  18. Martin Boeddeker

    There Are 3 Types Of Entrepreneurs (according to Seth Godin) Don't get confused because this will cause you to fail.

    I just came around this podcast by Tim Ferriss and Seth Godin and I wanted to share it with you because many people get confused with this and fail because they mess up these concepts when they want to take their business online. There’s a difference between freelancers and entrepreneurs...
  19. bumble_bee

    How Do I Outsource SEO?

    Hello Ladies and Gents I am looking for advice on outsourcing SEO This will let me focus more on client acquisition, scaling up & steering the ship I run a niche web design & digital agency for the legal industry. I launched it 2 weeks ago and signed up my first clients on Friday. They are...
  20. Dreamify

    Feedback on a tool that's designed to bring in more prospects

    Hi guys, I'm reaching out to ask you for feedback on a prototype. I co-run a digital agency, and we've just designed a tool that we hope will bring us more prospects. Thus feedback on our concept would be deeply appreciated, but bare in mind that this is only a rough prototype, hence the...