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  1. Mergim94

    Decision-Making Help Needed: Further Education and Partnership or Going it Alone?

    Hello everyone, I am facing a major decision and would greatly appreciate your opinions and experiences. My long-term goal is to own multiple restaurants of the same brand, serving an entire state in Germany (perhaps even nationwide). I dream of spending my days visiting my restaurants and...
  2. Eudaemonia

    My struggle to find what I want to study, advice would be loved !

    Hello dear forum users, its actually my first time posting here and hope that from now on, i wont be only lurking around but interacting and hopefully one day also provide value to others. On to my main topic, I would say i have been convinced that the art of entrepreneurship is what interests...
  3. MarcusAurelius

    Is there anyone who can mentor me? I have no idea how to start my entrepreneurial journey :)

    Hello to all, I am here after reading, indeed literally devouring, TMF, Unscripted and The Great Rat Race Escape. I read the first two in Italian and the third in English. So, probably, I’m here with a considerable delay compared to all of you. I introduce myself: I am a boy (it is nice to...
  4. Stepan

    To Travel Or Not To Travel

    Hello everyone I'm currently having this dilemma, maybe I will be able to study in China for 6 or 12 month, but I'm not really sure if I should do it. 1) If I go, I think I won't be able to progess in entrepreneurship, because basically you can't learn a Chinese in such short time to be able...
  5. technobubble

    Decision has to be made

    Hey guys and gals, I bet there were numerous posts about this but I would like to get a fresh 3rd party feedback. I need to make a decision. I have an idea, I know how to execute it, I really don't need to invest much apart time. Currently I work in another city and I’m struggling between 2...
  6. TimoS.

    Difficult decision: Another "do I go to college" thread.

    Hi, I am currently 17 years old and have successfully finished school in 7 months. However, I am facing a big decision. Either I go to university or I try to build my own Fastlane Business. The last few weeks I have been searching daily for good business ideas but haven't found any good ones...
  7. L

    Should I go on this trip?

    Hey, I am currently 19 years old and finished school this year in Germany. My wish for a long time was to go to high school in Canada and live with a host family. Now I got a possibility for it. But the costs are extremely high (15000€ for 5 months stay). I work full time myself, but my...
  8. L

    Struggling with finding the right path

    Hey, I am in a very lucky situation: I can decide for myself what I want to do. By that I mean that my parents don't tell me what to do and I've been given many other opportunities (for example, living in Germany, being able to go to school, etc.). Therefore in advance: I am very grateful for my...
  9. F

    Selling on Amazon vs Website

    I wanna start selling my own product soon (still have to look for one btw xD), however, I'm unsure whether I should start with my own website or with FBA. Going for the website would basically be the concept MJ and Tim Ferriss (4-Hour Work Week) recommend, even though I don't quite know their...
  10. M

    At a crossroads in my life - how to start my Fastlane journey?

    EDIT: I'm making my decision now. Don't worry about this post; I'll figure it out.
  11. Paul David

    I want something that's mine

    As some of you will already know through previous posts i sell products on Ebay and Amazon. These products are in the power supply category, and I rely on Ebay and Amazon for 100% of the sales. They are not products i can build a loyal follower base. I want something that's mine. Something i...
  12. Gold7

    New Member

    Hi I am new to the Forum. I read the Millionaire Fastlane and was introduced this book by a Youtube Influencer that I was watching them talk highly about this book. So I purchased it for myself, started reading it to the point that I couldn't even put it down. I was blown away with all of the...
  13. D

    Fat Boy Matters • ASL: 29 / Male / California

    Hey, guys. I want to make money. I want to figure out how finance, investing, trading, and the blockchain technology works, and then teach people like me how about it. Because... I've spent the last decade “dabbling” in a dozen businesses from pc repair kid to a door salesman closing high...
  14. Chris McCarron

    What's the BEST business decision you've made? What's the WORST business decision you've made?

    I'm working on a new article and I'm looking for quotes answering these two questions: What's the BEST business decision you've made? What's the WORST business decision you've made? Make sure you drop a link to your website, profile pic and social media accounts because I want to help you to...
  15. Paul David

    Decision time: Outsource Fulfillment or Keep in house

    It's time again for another crucial business decision. My warehouse Packer has handed in his notice and it means i need to find either a replacement or scrap in house fulfilment altogether and move to 3rd party. There's positives and negatives to each side. The two things that are casting...
  16. ErikKriebel

    How 1 decision changed my perception of life.

    Hi! Awesome that you read this, I am really excited to start this MFL journey! To get started I just want to tell you guys a short story on how I changed my perception of life... It's not even 3 years ago when I started to go to university, I thought this was the way to go and I was so proud...
  17. SheikhNaveed

    What should be best investment decision.

    What should be wise investment? Property or Crypto? While property is paying you $180 as monthly rental income. Investment is $35000. I own property worth $35000 and thinking to sell in order to invest in crypto?
  18. MakeMoreMoves

    Slowlane Career Switch, during fastlane execution?

    Ever since I started on the fastlane, I have put my slowlane job at a complete halt. The job is 100% just a job. Swipe in, swipe out. Here are the pros of having a regular stagnant job in relation to fastlane. Pros: No slowlane after I get out Stress is decently manageable Worked on business...
  19. PersistentlyHungry

    Small Country, Fastlane Business

    Hello fellow hustlers! At the moment, I live in a small country, which naturally limits market sizes in most niches. I have a few business ideas and I'm in the process of choosing which one to execute. My options: 1. 1st idea: Build a small online business in my small country, where I know the...
  20. PersistentlyHungry

    24 y/o on the highway, need to make some important decision

    Hey everyone! I'd like to begin by saying how much I value this community, and the ideas it brings - it is absolutely a goldmine. As for me - I'm 24, at the moment finishing my undergrad in CS (I've served in the military in previous years, hence the age). I have the entrepreneurial spirit...