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I want something that's mine

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Paul David

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Feb 17, 2015
As some of you will already know through previous posts i sell products on Ebay and Amazon. These products are in the power supply category, and I rely on Ebay and Amazon for 100% of the sales. They are not products i can build a loyal follower base.

I want something that's mine. Something i can grow by using Ebay and Amazon as sales channels but also using other platforms. Initially however i will be using Amazon to launch the product.

I want to start a new physical product business in a new niche. It has to be something i'm interested in because personally this is what will keep me going through the hard times. The way Amazon is going it will also be easier to rank products by using sales from other channels like facebook that building a email list and facebook/instagram following is key to success.

I see thousands of sellers on Amazon now with all kinds of different products under one brand, this will simply not work outside of Amazon. And what does the future hold for Amazon? They hold all the 'Control' either way.

I've found a niche i'm interested in and that's beach products. I've found one particular product which is quite common now on Amazon but a lot of the sellers don't have any social media exposure for their brand. They've basically launched a product and moved onto the next one. There is only one seller who has build their whole business around this product. They've got thousands of followers on facebook, Instragram etc and also featured on TV for Investment which boosted their profile. According to an interview i found online their founder says they are on for £4m sales this coming financial year and they've now got their product in retail stores and other online stores across the world. Amazon currently equates to 50% of their total sales.

The market is there for the product and it's massive. My initial concern however is that beach products are seasonal. If the biggest market is going to be USA followed by Europe from my research it looks like now is when sales start to slow down. Then there is the question of how much initially it's going to cost to penetrate the market.

For this type of product the only differentiating feature 90% of the time would be the design and colours. Other than that i'm struggling to come with a USP for something i could offer compared to others. I suppose with any fashion type accessory product design is everything.

I think i'm looking for that perfect product niche that no-one is selling in and has a massive market potential. This more than likely doesn't exist. Everything i seem to look at is oversaturated, prices are rock bottom or i've got no interest in.

Going around in circles at the moment, excited at one point then talking myself out of it the next!
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