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  1. Pretty Girl

    How to deal with the cracking/pirating of software and choosing target audience

    How to deal with the cracking/pirating of software? I'm making an engineering software which will be both useful in windows and macOS operating systems. And the target audience mostly will have like 70% windows and 30% macOS. But I'm not developing it for the windows first, even 70% market is...
  2. G

    Building an Audience - Content, "Helping People," and Passion

    I need some guidance. I need to grow an audience. I have a great product, a very specific solution that helps people with a very particular problem, but I have an audience of zero. My problem is that I have no content to post in order to market and build an audience. My niche is not my passion...
  3. André Casal

    Took 1 year to build a course. Should I give it away for free?

    I've spent 2021 building a course (150+ videos). Except for 300 subscribers on YouTube, I have no audience. Seeking the wisdom of those who've already gone through this: should I publish my course for free on YouTube to build an audience and trust I'll figure out monetization later or should I...
  4. MapsandMeanings

    Need Fastlane Process Advice

    I read @MJ DeMarco book and get super motivated and then there's a day like today where I feel like I'm unsure of the process. I have these really inspiring meetings with my wife and she is on board and then the steps in the process always get me. Here's what I have going on. I sell on Amazon...
  5. oogway888

    Challenge: Getting an initial audience before official launch; How to overcome it?

    Say you made Instagram. Your first competitor is Facebook. How do you get the initial audience? If I were a new user and saw Instagram - I would not engage on the site unless it has a large of audience already (eg; private networking where you have a beta test and somehow gathered thousands of...
  6. Gepi

    Tutorial-time! Growing an audience based on my freelance jewelry design

    >>> Feedback needed <<< Good day Fastlaners, hope you all are doing well. :blush: Do you like tutorials, educational videos, how-to's? Then maybe you want to take a look at my first tutorial! Even if the topic may or may not be interesting for you (it is about creating 3D-printable jewelry in...
  7. Robin Andrews

    Facebook has Wrongly Blocked my URL - How Should I Respond?

    My website domain has been blocked due to a mistake where I posted the same article multiple times trying to get the image crop right. My FB business page, Compucademy, is also blocked from sharing content, presumably because it is associated with my website domain. I've spent a lot of time...
  8. Robin Andrews

    Audience Dilemma

    My mailing list has been stuck at a very low number for a while now, and in some ways I'm not surprised.. There seems to be a problem with my niche and I can't yet see how to resolve it. My niche is "GCSE and A Level Computer Science," which are UK exams taken at 16 and 18 respectively. Both...
  9. eGrizzly

    Facebook Ads Audience based on Country of Origin

    Hello my fellow Facebook Adseers, Is it possible while creating Facebook Ads to setup an audience based on where people are from. For instance, if you wanted to target all Jamaican-Americans living in Kansas it would theoretically be something like the below: 1. All people living in the state...
  10. Blake_Writes

    "I'm pregnant"

    An FTE for sure! My wife called me with these two thrilling, intoxicating and downright scary little words just over 3 months ago. I knocked over my chair in a hipster coffee shop, hopped on a Bird scooter and floored it home! I don't really like talking about myself or my goals (probably...
  11. SoftStone

    The Business Of Selling Courses

    Hey you all, I created this thead because I am a bit stuck in the thought process and I think many people are in the same boat as me (Sorry If there is a similar thread already, but I haven‘t found it.) Two cents about me: I‘ve identified a niche in the programming industry that is not too...
  12. B. Cole

    Sales forecasting question

    Happy Sunday Fastlaners. I'm gaging my target audience and setting up realistic expectations as I wait on others for progress on my product. Total compatible households for the item in the US are 5 million. Customers to benefit greatly from the product I feel are 3 million. But the real...
  13. AlphaWulf

    Podcasts! Youtube! Blog! Instagram! How to choose?

    So I'm not sure if it's because of my constant business thinking (last night I had 2 dreams related to marketing) or because I have a sever cold right now but, my head is spinning with so many ideas and I don't know which to execute on. Where I'm at currently: I am in the later stages of...