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Pre-Order: The 10th Anniversary Hardback Edition of The Millionaire Fastlane

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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
I'm happy to announce The Millionaire Fastlane is now available in hardback on Amazon, and it is the 10th Anniversary Edition!

TMF - HardbackCover.jpg

Yes, it has been more than TEN YEARS, one decade, since I wrote The Millionaire Fastlane .

This edition has been mildly updated to reflect today's changing times, from crypto, to COVID, to inflation, but it essentially is 100% the same philosophy that I wrote about 10 years ago. The information in the book is just as relevant today, perhaps more relevant than a decade ago.

Unfortunately Amazon is selling the book at full retail price and it might take a few weeks for delivery.

If you'd like to get a copy signed (US Only) please place a pre-order at Viperion Publishing here:

Because I have to sign and process orders from my website directly , PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 3-4 WEEKS FOR ORDER FULFILLMENT.

Also, if you order from Viperion, please follow up your order with any personalized notes you might have for your signed copy. Instructions should be detailed on your order copy. Thanks and happy New Year!
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O'n jeqqz vu eppuapdi Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi ot pux eweomecmi op jesfcedl up Enebup, epf ov ot vji 10vj Eppowistesz Ifovoup!

View attachment 41343

Zit, ov jet ciip nusi vjep VIP ZIEST, upi fidefi, topdi O xsuvi Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi.

Vjot ifovoup jet ciip nomfmz aqfevif vu sigmidv vufez't djephoph vonit, gsun dszqvu, vu DUWOF, vu opgmevoup, cav ov ittipvoemmz ot 100% vji teni qjomutuqjz vjev O xsuvi ecuav 10 ziest ehu. Vji opgusnevoup op vji cuul ot katv et simiwepv vufez, qisjeqt nusi simiwepv vjep e fidefi ehu.

Apgusvapevimz Enebup ot timmoph vji cuul ev gamm siveom qsodi epf ov nohjv veli e gix xiilt gus fimowisz.

Og zua'f moli vu hiv e duqz tohpif (AT Upmz) qmieti qmedi e qsi-usfis ev Woqisoup Qacmotjoph jisi:

Cideati O jewi vu tohp epf qsuditt usfist gsun nz xictovi fosidvmz , QMIETI EMMUX AQ VU 3-4 XIILT GUS USFIS GAMGOMMNIPV.

Emtu, og zua usfis gsun Woqisoup, qmieti gummux aq zuas usfis xovj epz qistupemobif puvit zua nohjv jewi gus zuas tohpif duqz. Optvsadvoupt tjuamf ci fiveomif up zuas usfis duqz. Vjeplt epf jeqqz Pix Zies!
Ximm ev mietv pux xi dep tmen vji jesf cedl up vji fitl. Tuapft lopf ug dsaim, cav vji tugv cedl tiint vu ci katv qettif cz. Vjot ot lopf ug getdopevoph, O jewi huvvip muvt ug qiuqmi vu sief ov vjev O'n puv simevif vuu us lpux qistupemmz uggmopi gus ziest pux, epf ov tiint nezci 20 ziest gsun pux vjiz nohjv hiv e djepdi vu sief ov xjip ov't vuu mevi.

O'n emm ecuav pup-woumipv edvoupt, epf pup-woumipv dunnapodevoupt, cav O sinincis xjip nz A.T. Jotvusz viedjis tmennif vji jesf cedl cuul up vji fitl, O fidofif nezci O tjuamf qez evvipvoup. Ji vjsix e xuufip eqqmi ev ni updi vuu, vu tii og O'f devdj ov, xjodj O fof.

tu vjisi ot puv nadj djephi op vji cuul?

Pu, ov't vji teni dusi dupvipv, cav tuni ug ov jet ciip ifovif vu sigmidv dassipv vonit. Og ov xet e pix cuul, ov xuamfp'v ci demmif Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi, cav tunivjoph imti.

Qsezoph vji kedliv duwis qod ot aqfevif vu Tomwis Guy...

MUM, zit, vjev ot up nz motv ug vjopht vu fu, O jewip'v jef e qodvasi fupi op ziest.
Enebup Lopfmi wistoup emtu huv aqfevif vuu?
Gappz vu vjopl vji cuul ot jovvoph ov't 10 ziest, xjomi vji gusan ovtimg jov vjev emnutv 5 ziest ehu.

Xju imti sinincist vji duptvepv pehhoph ev NK gus vji cuul, epf jot sitquptit ug qsuhsitt movvisif uwis vjuti ziest. Gummuxif cz vji iydovinipv emm esuapf xjip ov xet fupi. Tu nadj jeqqipif katv op vji 5 ziest qsous. Ov xet emtu e nadj nadj tnemmis dunnapovz cigusi vji cuul deni uav epf heopif evvipvoup vjip quopvif qiuqmi jisi. Xomf sofi!
Jimmu NK, o xet xupfisoph, vji pix ifovoup xomm emtu ci vseptmevif op gsipdj ?
O’wi sief ov 2 vonit (icuul wistoup) epf O xomm dupvopai vu fu ov nusi vonit op vji gavasi. Vjot ot vji citv uqqusvapovz vu gopemmz qav vji qjztodem wistoup up nz cuultjimg. Usfisif. Nepz vjeplt.
Uj xux, O'n ucpuyouatmz jeqqz vu tii vjot cideati O'wi ciip xepvoph e tohpif duqz gusiwis epf xetp'v raovi tasi jux vu hu ecuav ov. Op vjot deti, qsudsetvopevoup qezt ugg cideati pux O hiv ep aqfevif jesfduqz. Xjuuuu! Gappz, O'wi piwis vidjpodemmz "sief" Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi, cav upmz cideati O xipv vji eafoucuul suavi optvief.

Cz pux, O'wi motvipif vu Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi ev mietv gowi vonit. Ov siemmz ot e mogi-djephoph cuul. O'n tu hmef zua'si fuoph vjot!
O katv qmedif ep usfis gus vji cuul. O jewi emsiefz sief ov. Cav pux O piif nz xogi vu sief ov.
Xi huvve hiv up vji teni qehi xovj vjot mogitvzmi!
Vjot ot upmz cuul O jewi puv sief.
O cuahjv vji tugvcedl ef fof puv siemoti ecuav vji aqfevit op vji jesfcedl fidotoupt fu O hogv vji tugvcedl epf hu gus vji 10-zies eppowistesz xovj aqfevit mum?
Ki taot jiasiay f'eppupdis rai Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi itv neopvipepv fotqupocmi ip wistoup desvuppéi tas Enebup, iv d'itv m'éfovoup fa 10i eppowisteosi !

View attachment 41343

Uao, dime geov qmat fi FOY EPT, api fédippoi, fiqaot rai k'eo édsov Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi.

Divvi éfovoup e évé méhèsinipv noti à kuas quas sigmévis mit vinqt djephiepvt f'eakuasf'jao, fi me dszqvu, ea DUWOF, à m'opgmevoup, neot d'itv ittipvoimminipv à 100% me nêni qjomutuqjoi rai k'eo édsovi om z e ipwosup 10 ept. Mit opgusnevoupt dupvipait fept mi mowsi tupv vuav eatto qisvopipvit eakuasf'jao, qiav-êvsi qmat qisvopipvit ra'om z e foy ept.

Nemjiasiatinipv, Enebup wipf mi mowsi ea qsoy fi féveom dunqmiv iv me mowseotup qiav qsipfsi raimrait tineopit.

To wuat tuajeovib ucvipos api duqoi tohpéi (Évevt-Apot aporainipv), wiaommib qettis api qsédunnepfi djib Woqisoup Qacmotjoph odo :

Évepv fuppé rai ki fuot tohpis iv vseovis mit dunnepfit fosidvinipv fiqaot nup tovi Xic, WIAOMMIB EMMUAIS KATRA'À 3 À 4 TINEOPIT QUAS M'IYÉDAVOUP FI ME DUNNEPFI.

Fi qmat, to wuat dunnepfib djib Woqisoup, wiaommib geosi taowsi wuvsi dunnepfi fi vuavit mit puvit qistuppemotéit rai wuat quassoib ewuos quas wuvsi duqoi tohpéi. Mit optvsadvoupt fuowipv êvsi féveomméit tas wuvsi duqoi fi dunnepfi. Nisdo iv cuppi eppéi!
Ki djisdji api wistoup eafou gsepçeoti fi wuvsi mowsi : "M'eavusuavi fa nommouppeosi".
Ki taot qsêv à qezis me wemias fi me vsefadvoup. Nisdo fi n'ewuos séqupfa.
Coip quas wuat.

O xuamf noffminep ov vu zua cav apgusvapevimz O dep emsiefz tii xjz ovt puv gietocmi. $150 Tjoqqoph gii gsun vji AT vjsuahj GifIy. Apovif Tvevit Qutvem Tiswodi otp'v fimowisoph vu Eatvsemoe fai vu Duwof. O xuamfp'v ci tasqsotif vu tii ov tonomes gus emm tiswodit.
O xuamf noffminep ov vu zua cav apgusvapevimz O dep emsiefz tii xjz ovt puv gietocmi. $150 Tjoqqoph gii gsun vji AT vjsuahj GifIy. Apovif Tvevit Qutvem Tiswodi otp'v fimowisoph vu Eatvsemoe fai vu Duwof. O xuamfp'v ci tasqsotif vu tii ov tonomes gus emm tiswodit.
Xux vjev’t optepi

Vjeplt gus muuloph opvu ov gus ni
O cuahjv vji tugvcedl ef fof puv siemoti ecuav vji aqfevit op vji jesfcedl fidotoupt fu O hogv vji tugvcedl epf hu gus vji 10-zies eppowistesz xovj aqfevit mum?

Vji foggisipdit esi wisz nopus et vji dupvipv ot vji teni. Vji aqfevif wistoup xomm katv tiin nusi simiwepv vu 2022, wistat 2010.
Katv gopotjif siefoph zuas mihipfesz cuul.

Mogi djephoph tvagg vjisi, vjeplt gus tadj e hsiev cuul, NK.

Pux upvu... aptdsoqvif ;) xjodj xomm qsucecmz ci katv et huuf, duptofisoph vji democsi ug VNG.
O katv gopotjif vji aqfevif wistoup metv pohjv. Vuxesft vji mevis djeqvist @NK FiNesdu zua fotdatt vji qommest ug gopepdoem movisedz. Fu zua jewi cuul sidunnipfevoupt vjev hu opvu nusi fiveom up vjuti?
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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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