Hi MJ and everybody,
I'm Roberto, an Italian living in England and working in a warehouse. I've read Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted and they are great, best books on entrepreneurship among the books that I read so far, I recommend them to anybody every chance I get, going to start reading The Great Rat Race Escape soon. It's a long time that I plan to do something to reach financial independence and I had some ideas but after reading the books I realized that they were bad ideas, now I'm determined to find a good business idea with the help of the framework from the books and the forum. Something funny is that recently I was even willing to help my younger brother take the management of an already-established restaurant in a small town in the Netherlands because the owner was ready to retire but my brother gave up on the opportunity and returned to Italy, I dodged a bullet because living abroad I forgot that he's a bit crazy and arrogant so I'll be better off starting a business on my own. Anyway, I'm happy to join the forum. Thank you.
I'm Roberto, an Italian living in England and working in a warehouse. I've read Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted and they are great, best books on entrepreneurship among the books that I read so far, I recommend them to anybody every chance I get, going to start reading The Great Rat Race Escape soon. It's a long time that I plan to do something to reach financial independence and I had some ideas but after reading the books I realized that they were bad ideas, now I'm determined to find a good business idea with the help of the framework from the books and the forum. Something funny is that recently I was even willing to help my younger brother take the management of an already-established restaurant in a small town in the Netherlands because the owner was ready to retire but my brother gave up on the opportunity and returned to Italy, I dodged a bullet because living abroad I forgot that he's a bit crazy and arrogant so I'll be better off starting a business on my own. Anyway, I'm happy to join the forum. Thank you.
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