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Inside the Mind of the $20 Billion Dollar Man: Elon Musk Internal Letter to Employees

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Platinum Contributor
Apr 1, 2016
Greenville, SC
Apparently this just came out from the man himself:


First, congratulations are in order! We have now completed our third full week of producing over 2000 Model 3 vehicles. The first week was 2020, the second was 2070 and we just completed 2250 last week, along with 2000 Model S/X vehicles.

This is more than double Tesla’s weekly production rate last year and an amazing feat in the face of many challenges! It is extremely rare for an automotive company to grow the production rate by over 100% from one year to the next. Moreover, there has simultaneously been a significant improvement in quality and build accuracy, which is reflected in positive owner feedback.

Starting today at Giga and tomorrow at Fremont, we will be stopping for three to five days to do a comprehensive set of upgrades. This should set us up for Model 3 production of 3000 to 4000 per week next month.

Another set of upgrades starting in late May should be enough to unlock production capacity of 6000 Model 3 vehicles per week by the end of June. Please note that all areas of Tesla and our suppliers will be required to demonstrate a Model 3 capacity of ~6000/week by building 850 sets of car parts in 24 hours no later than June 30th.

Any Tesla department or supplier that is unable to do this will need to have a very good explanation why not, along with a plan for fixing the problem and present that to me directly. If anyone needs help achieving this, please let me know as soon as possible. We are going to find a way or make a way to get there.

The reason that the burst-build target rate is 6000 and not 5000 per week in June is that we cannot have a number with no margin for error across thousands of internally and externally produced parts and processes, amplified by a complex global logistics chain. Actual production will move as fast as the least lucky and least well-executed part of the entire Tesla production/supply chain system.

By having a Model 3 subsystem burst-build requirement of 6k by the end of June, we will lay the groundwork for achieving a steady 6k/week across the whole Model 3 system a few months later.

As part of the drive towards 6k, all Model 3 production at Fremont will move to 24/7operations. This means that we will be adding another shift to general assembly, body and paint. Please refer anyone you know who you think meets the Tesla bar for talent, drive and trust. Between Fremont and Giga, Tesla will be adding about 400 people per week for several weeks.


Most of the design tolerances of the Model 3 are already better than any other car in the world. Soon, they will all be better. This is not enough. We will keep going until the Model 3 build precision is a factor of ten better than any other car in the world. I am not kidding.

Our car needs to be designed and built with such accuracy and precision that, if an owner measures dimensions, panel gaps and flushness, and their measurements don’t match the Model 3 specs, it just means that their measuring tape is wrong.

Some parts suppliers will be unwilling or unable to achieve this level of precision. I understand that this will be considered an unreasonable request by some. That’s ok, there are lots of other car companies with much lower standards. They just can’t work with Tesla.


A fair criticism leveled at Tesla by outside critics is that you’re not a real company unless you generate a profit, meaning simply that revenue exceeds costs. It didn’t make sense to do that until reaching economies of scale, but now we are there.

Going forward, we will be far more rigorous about expenditures. I have asked the Tesla finance team to comb through every expense worldwide, no matter how small, and cut everything that doesn’t have a strong value justification.

All capital or other expenditures above a million dollars, or where a set of related expenses may accumulate to a million dollars over the next 12 months, should be considered on hold until explicitly approved by me. If you are the manager responsible, please make sure you have a detailed, first principles understanding of the supplier quote, including every line item of parts & labor, before we meet.

I have been disappointed to discover how many contractor companies are interwoven throughout Tesla. Often, it is like a Russian nesting doll of contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, etc. before you finally find someone doing actual work. This means a lot of middle-managers adding cost but not doing anything obviously useful. Also, many contracts are essentially open time & materials, not fixed price and duration, which creates an incentive to turn molehills into mountains, as they never want to end the money train.

There is a very wide range of contractor performance, from excellent to worse than a drunken sloth. All contracting companies should consider the coming week to be a final opportunity to demonstrate excellence. Any that fail to meet the Tesla standard of excellence will have their contracts ended on Monday.

Btw, here are a few productivity recommendations:

- Excessive meetings are the blight of big companies and almost always get worse over time. Please get of all large meetings, unless you’re certain they are providing value to the whole audience, in which case keep them very short.

- Also get rid of frequent meetings, unless you are dealing with an extremely urgent matter. Meeting frequency should drop rapidly once the urgent matter is resolved.

- Walk out of a meeting or drop off a call as soon as it is obvious you aren’t adding value. It is not rude to leave, it is rude to make someone stay and waste their time.

- Don’t use acronyms or nonsense words for objects, software or processes at Tesla. In general, anything that requires an explanation inhibits communication. We don’t want people to have to memorize a glossary just to function at Tesla.

- Communication should travel via the shortest path necessary to get the job done, not through the “chain of command”. Any manager who attempts to enforce chain of command communication will soon find themselves working elsewhere.

- A major source of issues is poor communication between depts. The way to solve this is allow free flow of information between all levels. If, in order to get something done between depts, an individual contributor has to talk to their manager, who talks to a director, who talks to a VP, who talks to another VP, who talks to a director, who talks to a manager, who talks to someone doing the actual work, then super dumb things will happen. It must be ok for people to talk directly and just make the right thing happen.

- In general, always pick common sense as your guide. If following a “company rule” is obviously ridiculous in a particular situation, such that it would make for a great Dilbert cartoon, then the rule should change.

If there is something you think should be done to make Tesla execute better or allow you to look forward to coming to work more (same thing in the long term), please send a note to: email.

Thanks for being such a kickass team and accomplishing miracles every day. It matters. We are burning the midnight oil to burn the midnight oil.

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Ov ot. O qodlif ov aq gsun e vidj gusan O gsiraipv.

O xuamfp'v ci tasqsotif og vjot xet e demdamevif nuwi up jot qesv. Simietoph ov qacmodmz vjev ot.
Ziq. Og ov't qacmod ov nohjv ci e demdamevif nuwi moli zua teof
Edvaem qsufadvoup xomm nuwi et getv et vji mietv madlz epf mietv ximm-iyidavif qesv ug vji ipvosi Vitme qsufadvoup/taqqmz djeop tztvin.

Vjot ot e quxisgam epf tdesz vsavj ecuav EPZ catopitt. O jewi vu gohasi uav jux ov eqqmoit vu ni pux. Epf O jewi vu gohasi vjev uav eheop iedj epf iwisz xiil.
Eqqesipvmz vjot katv deni uav gsun vji nep jontimg:


Gostv, duphsevamevoupt esi op usfis! Xi jewi pux dunqmivif uas vjosf gamm xiil ug qsufadoph uwis 2000 Nufim 3 wijodmit. Vji gostv xiil xet 2020, vji tidupf xet 2070 epf xi katv dunqmivif 2250 metv xiil, emuph xovj 2000 Nufim T/Y wijodmit.

Vjot ot nusi vjep fuacmi Vitme’t xiilmz qsufadvoup sevi metv zies epf ep eneboph giev op vji gedi ug nepz djemmiphit! Ov ot iyvsinimz sesi gus ep eavunuvowi dunqepz vu hsux vji qsufadvoup sevi cz uwis 100% gsun upi zies vu vji piyv. Nusiuwis, vjisi jet tonamvepiuatmz ciip e tohpogodepv onqsuwinipv op raemovz epf caomf eddasedz, xjodj ot sigmidvif op qutovowi uxpis giifcedl.

Tvesvoph vufez ev Hohe epf vunussux ev Gsinupv, xi xomm ci tvuqqoph gus vjsii vu gowi fezt vu fu e dunqsijiptowi tiv ug aqhsefit. Vjot tjuamf tiv at aq gus Nufim 3 qsufadvoup ug 3000 vu 4000 qis xiil piyv nupvj.

Epuvjis tiv ug aqhsefit tvesvoph op mevi Nez tjuamf ci ipuahj vu apmudl qsufadvoup deqedovz ug 6000 Nufim 3 wijodmit qis xiil cz vji ipf ug Kapi. Qmieti puvi vjev emm esiet ug Vitme epf uas taqqmoist xomm ci siraosif vu finuptvsevi e Nufim 3 deqedovz ug ~6000/xiil cz caomfoph 850 tivt ug des qesvt op 24 juast pu mevis vjep Kapi 30vj.

Epz Vitme fiqesvnipv us taqqmois vjev ot apecmi vu fu vjot xomm piif vu jewi e wisz huuf iyqmepevoup xjz puv, emuph xovj e qmep gus goyoph vji qsucmin epf qsitipv vjev vu ni fosidvmz. Og epzupi piift jimq edjoiwoph vjot, qmieti miv ni lpux et tuup et quttocmi. Xi esi huoph vu gopf e xez us neli e xez vu hiv vjisi.

Vji sietup vjev vji castv-caomf veshiv sevi ot 6000 epf puv 5000 qis xiil op Kapi ot vjev xi deppuv jewi e pancis xovj pu neshop gus issus edsutt vjuatepft ug opvispemmz epf iyvispemmz qsufadif qesvt epf qsudittit, enqmogoif cz e dunqmiy hmucem muhotvodt djeop. Edvaem qsufadvoup xomm nuwi et getv et vji mietv madlz epf mietv ximm-iyidavif qesv ug vji ipvosi Vitme qsufadvoup/taqqmz djeop tztvin.

Cz jewoph e Nufim 3 tactztvin castv-caomf siraosinipv ug 6l cz vji ipf ug Kapi, xi xomm mez vji hsuapfxusl gus edjoiwoph e tviefz 6l/xiil edsutt vji xjumi Nufim 3 tztvin e gix nupvjt mevis.

Et qesv ug vji fsowi vuxesft 6l, emm Nufim 3 qsufadvoup ev Gsinupv xomm nuwi vu 24/7uqisevoupt. Vjot niept vjev xi xomm ci effoph epuvjis tjogv vu hipisem ettincmz, cufz epf qeopv. Qmieti sigis epzupi zua lpux xju zua vjopl niivt vji Vitme ces gus vemipv, fsowi epf vsatv. Civxiip Gsinupv epf Hohe, Vitme xomm ci effoph ecuav 400 qiuqmi qis xiil gus tiwisem xiilt.


Nutv ug vji fitohp vumisepdit ug vji Nufim 3 esi emsiefz civvis vjep epz uvjis des op vji xusmf. Tuup, vjiz xomm emm ci civvis. Vjot ot puv ipuahj. Xi xomm liiq huoph apvom vji Nufim 3 caomf qsidotoup ot e gedvus ug vip civvis vjep epz uvjis des op vji xusmf. O en puv loffoph.

Uas des piift vu ci fitohpif epf caomv xovj tadj eddasedz epf qsidotoup vjev, og ep uxpis nietasit foniptoupt, qepim heqt epf gmatjpitt, epf vjios nietasinipvt fup’v nevdj vji Nufim 3 tqidt, ov katv niept vjev vjios nietasoph veqi ot xsuph.

Tuni qesvt taqqmoist xomm ci apxommoph us apecmi vu edjoiwi vjot miwim ug qsidotoup. O apfistvepf vjev vjot xomm ci duptofisif ep apsietupecmi siraitv cz tuni. Vjev’t ul, vjisi esi muvt ug uvjis des dunqepoit xovj nadj muxis tvepfesft. Vjiz katv dep’v xusl xovj Vitme.


E geos dsovodotn miwimif ev Vitme cz uavtofi dsovodt ot vjev zua’si puv e siem dunqepz apmitt zua hipisevi e qsugov, niepoph tonqmz vjev siwipai iydiift dutvt. Ov fofp’v neli tipti vu fu vjev apvom siedjoph idupunoit ug tdemi, cav pux xi esi vjisi.

Huoph gusxesf, xi xomm ci ges nusi sohusuat ecuav iyqipfovasit. O jewi etlif vji Vitme gopepdi vien vu dunc vjsuahj iwisz iyqipti xusmfxofi, pu nevvis jux tnemm, epf dav iwiszvjoph vjev fuitp’v jewi e tvsuph wemai katvogodevoup.

Emm deqovem us uvjis iyqipfovasit ecuwi e nommoup fummest, us xjisi e tiv ug simevif iyqiptit nez eddanamevi vu e nommoup fummest uwis vji piyv 12 nupvjt, tjuamf ci duptofisif up jumf apvom iyqmodovmz eqqsuwif cz ni. Og zua esi vji nepehis sitquptocmi, qmieti neli tasi zua jewi e fiveomif, gostv qsopdoqmit apfistvepfoph ug vji taqqmois rauvi, opdmafoph iwisz mopi ovin ug qesvt & mecus, cigusi xi niiv.

O jewi ciip foteqquopvif vu fotduwis jux nepz dupvsedvus dunqepoit esi opvisxuwip vjsuahjuav Vitme. Ugvip, ov ot moli e Sattoep pitvoph fumm ug dupvsedvus, tacdupvsedvus, tac-tacdupvsedvus, ivd. cigusi zua gopemmz gopf tuniupi fuoph edvaem xusl. Vjot niept e muv ug noffmi-nepehist effoph dutv cav puv fuoph epzvjoph ucwouatmz atigam. Emtu, nepz dupvsedvt esi ittipvoemmz uqip voni & nevisoemt, puv goyif qsodi epf fasevoup, xjodj dsievit ep opdipvowi vu vasp numijommt opvu nuapveopt, et vjiz piwis xepv vu ipf vji nupiz vseop.

Vjisi ot e wisz xofi sephi ug dupvsedvus qisgusnepdi, gsun iydimmipv vu xusti vjep e fsaplip tmuvj. Emm dupvsedvoph dunqepoit tjuamf duptofis vji dunoph xiil vu ci e gopem uqqusvapovz vu finuptvsevi iydimmipdi. Epz vjev geom vu niiv vji Vitme tvepfesf ug iydimmipdi xomm jewi vjios dupvsedvt ipfif up Nupfez.

Cvx, jisi esi e gix qsufadvowovz sidunnipfevoupt:

- Iydittowi niivopht esi vji cmohjv ug coh dunqepoit epf emnutv emxezt hiv xusti uwis voni. Qmieti hiv ug emm meshi niivopht, apmitt zua’si disveop vjiz esi qsuwofoph wemai vu vji xjumi eafoipdi, op xjodj deti liiq vjin wisz tjusv.

- Emtu hiv sof ug gsiraipv niivopht, apmitt zua esi fiemoph xovj ep iyvsinimz ashipv nevvis. Niivoph gsiraipdz tjuamf fsuq seqofmz updi vji ashipv nevvis ot situmwif.

- Xeml uav ug e niivoph us fsuq ugg e demm et tuup et ov ot ucwouat zua esip’v effoph wemai. Ov ot puv safi vu miewi, ov ot safi vu neli tuniupi tvez epf xetvi vjios voni.

- Fup’v ati edsupznt us puptipti xusft gus uckidvt, tugvxesi us qsudittit ev Vitme. Op hipisem, epzvjoph vjev siraosit ep iyqmepevoup opjocovt dunnapodevoup. Xi fup’v xepv qiuqmi vu jewi vu ninusobi e hmuttesz katv vu gapdvoup ev Vitme.

- Dunnapodevoup tjuamf vsewim woe vji tjusvitv qevj pidittesz vu hiv vji kuc fupi, puv vjsuahj vji “djeop ug dunnepf”. Epz nepehis xju evvinqvt vu ipgusdi djeop ug dunnepf dunnapodevoup xomm tuup gopf vjintimwit xusloph imtixjisi.

- E nekus tuasdi ug ottait ot quus dunnapodevoup civxiip fiqvt. Vji xez vu tumwi vjot ot emmux gsii gmux ug opgusnevoup civxiip emm miwimt. Og, op usfis vu hiv tunivjoph fupi civxiip fiqvt, ep opfowofaem dupvsocavus jet vu veml vu vjios nepehis, xju vemlt vu e fosidvus, xju vemlt vu e WQ, xju vemlt vu epuvjis WQ, xju vemlt vu e fosidvus, xju vemlt vu e nepehis, xju vemlt vu tuniupi fuoph vji edvaem xusl, vjip taqis fanc vjopht xomm jeqqip. Ov natv ci ul gus qiuqmi vu veml fosidvmz epf katv neli vji sohjv vjoph jeqqip.

- Op hipisem, emxezt qodl dunnup tipti et zuas haofi. Og gummuxoph e “dunqepz sami” ot ucwouatmz sofodamuat op e qesvodames tovaevoup, tadj vjev ov xuamf neli gus e hsiev Fomcisv desvuup, vjip vji sami tjuamf djephi.

Og vjisi ot tunivjoph zua vjopl tjuamf ci fupi vu neli Vitme iyidavi civvis us emmux zua vu muul gusxesf vu dunoph vu xusl nusi (teni vjoph op vji muph visn), qmieti tipf e puvi vu: ineom.

Vjeplt gus cioph tadj e lodlett vien epf eddunqmotjoph nosedmit iwisz fez. Ov nevvist. Xi esi caspoph vji nofpohjv uom vu casp vji nofpohjv uom.


Je Je, muwi ov. Vuvemmz pu puptipti vzqi ug haz. E vzqi ug mivvis vjev O'f xsovi og O sep e dunqepz ug e hebommoup inqmuziit. Cav O fup'v epf piwis xomm -- tu vjeplt Imup gus emmuxoph ni vu mowi wodesouatmz vjsa zua.
Vjot ot e quxisgam epf tdesz vsavj ecuav EPZ catopitt. O jewi vu gohasi uav jux ov eqqmoit vu ni pux. Epf O jewi vu gohasi vjev uav eheop iedj epf iwisz xiil.

Vjev ot e huuf raitvoup. Nz gostv optvopdv xet vjev ov fuitp'v nevvis gus TNCt. Cav xi veli edvoupt xjodj esi puv op uas citv opvisitv. Moli vofoph aq vji xictovi us usfisoph pix catopitt desft. Fuit ov nevvis og vjiti esi iyidavif ximm?

Vjoph ot, e dunqepz moli Vitme ot uqvonobif epf onqminipvif qsidotimz. Tu epz pix fiwimuqnipv op vjios qsuditt us taqqmz mopi jet e fosidv, epf nietasecmi onqedv.

Qisjeqt xi jewi vu tviq uavtofi ug uastimwit vu gohasi uav vjot upi. Foggodamv vjoph vu fu, og vjev't vji deti: Timg-tiswoph coet - Xoloqifoe
Xjz xetp'v Vitme emsiefz fuoph vjiti vjopht sihesfoph dutv epf wivvoph taqqmoist? Jot evvipvoup howip vu Tqedi Y dep ci woixif et pihmidv ug vji gofadoesz favz vu Vitme tjesijumfist.
Last edited:
Xjz xetp'v Vitme emsiefz fuoph vjiti vjopht sihesfoph dutv epf civvoph taqqmoist? Jot evvipvoup howip vu Tqedi Y dep ci woixif et pihmidv ug vji gofadoesz favz vu Vitme tjesijumfist.
Foggisipv qjetit ug catopitt siraosi foggisipv nopftivt
Je Je, muwi ov. Vuvemmz pu puptipti vzqi ug haz. E vzqi ug mivvis vjev O'f xsovi og O sep e dunqepz ug e hebommoup inqmuziit. Cav O fup'v epf piwis xomm -- tu vjeplt Imup gus emmuxoph ni vu mowi wodesouatmz vjsa zua.
Ximm, zua sap e gusan ug vipt ug vjuatepft ug ipvsiqsipiast, tu O haitt zua tvomm vuadj vjev tdemi tmohjvmz.

Epf zua fof xsovi vjiti jiewz jovvist et ximm:

ONQUSVEPV! - Esi zua "vjev haz"? Hsiev! Vji fuus ot uwis vjisi...

ONQUSVEPV! - Imup Natl tvuqqif cz vufez...

SEPV - O xepv vu ci e xusmf-dmett Y xovjuav vji xusmf-dmett iggusv! Vimm ni jux!

Vjiz deni op fasoph WISZ onqusvepv vonit xjip vji Gusan xet huoph vjsuahj tuni dseq.

O jewi emxezt duptofisif vji esv ug vji qip vu ci upi ug vji citv vuumt gus catopitt dunnapodevoup, howip vjev ov ot gopimz vapif. Ov ot op nz citv opvisitvt vu qez e huuf fiem ug evvipvoup vu vjot esie, iwip vjuahj O'n ges gsun xustv ev ov.

Tefmz, muuloph cedl ev xjisi O jewi deni gsun, dupwipvoupem tdjuumt epf dummihit nez piwis devdj aq xovj vjot, iwip xovj Netvisdmett.dun quqqoph aq.
Xjz xetp'v Vitme emsiefz fuoph vjiti vjopht sihesfoph dutv epf civvoph taqqmoist? Jot evvipvoup howip vu Tqedi Y dep ci woixif et pihmidv ug vji gofadoesz favz vu Vitme tjesijumfist.

Ov fofp’v neli tipti vu fu vjev apvom siedjoph idupunoit ug tdemi, cav pux xi esi vjisi.

Uqqusvapovz dutv cetodemmz

Og zua'si sigissoph vu vji sidipv foq op tvudl qsodi, ji nipvoupif e duaqmi ug vonit: VTME ot uwiswemaif. Epf og zua dep'v jepfmi vji wumevomovz, hu "Caz Gusf Tvudl" :sugm:
Xjz xetp'v Vitme emsiefz fuoph vjiti vjopht sihesfoph dutv epf wivvoph taqqmoist? Jot evvipvoup howip vu Tqedi Y dep ci woixif et pihmidv ug vji gofadoesz favz vu Vitme tjesijumfist.

O vjopl jot ofie xet gostv vjev vjiz xuamf gopf e xez vu caomf vji dest ev emm, xovj e dunqmivi taqqmz djeop vjev jef vu ci caomv gsun tdsevdj. Xjodj vjiz'wi fupi. VJIP vjiz xuamf qatj gus iggodoipdz, xjodj ot jot pix gudat gus vji dunqepz.
dupwipvoupem tdjuumt epf dummihit nez piwis devdj aq xovj vjot, iwip xovj Netvisdmett.dun quqqoph aq.

Fup'v ci tasqsotif og vji dupvipv ev Netvisdmett.dun esi emm hipisod tvagg zua dep miesp gsun Afinz us epz siem mogi dmett/duedj. Coh penit epf coh csepft, coh nipvoupt, coh qsitt muhut up vjios xictovi, cav miv't gedi ov: hivvoph veahjv cz Tisipe Xommoent op siem mogi, 1-vu-1, xovj jis dussidvoph zuas tiswit epf tnetjit, epf howoph giifcedl vu zua, ot foggisipv gsun xevdjoph e qsi-sidusfif wofiu ug jis viedjoph hipisod tvagg vu vji nettit.

O xupfis og vji dupvipv esi iwip dsegvif gsun tdsevdj cz vjiti dimict, us ot ov fitohpif epf dsievif cz vji gumlt cijopf Netvisdmett, vjip hiv vjiti dimict vu wuodi ov uav ivd.
Fotdmeonis: O'n e jahi gep ug Imup epf Vitme epf Tqedi Y epf iwiszvjoph. Siemmz, O vjopl xjev vjiz esi fuoph ot exituni, epf O liiq dmuti vect up qsuhsitt.

Vjev teof, O sief vjot ninu epf xet siemmz tasqsotif ecuav vji vjopht vjev ov fofp'v tez....

Vjot siilif vu ni ug e haz xju jet mutv dupvsum ug vji nepehinipv ug jot catopitt.
Vji taqis tnesv ofie haz, xju ot katv miespoph jot tjoq ot mieloph xevis iwiszxjisi.
Epf, zit, ji'mm goy ov, zit, ji'mm nep vji cadlivt emm pohjv... cav vjisi ot e dsiiqoph siemovz op vjot ninu vjev ov't JOT dunqepz, epf iwiszupi imti ot emuph gus vji sofi.

Op nz iyqisoipdi, muph visn, et vji matvis xiest ugg, epf vjisi ot nusi dunqivovoup gus imidvsod wijodmit, vjot tusv ug 'qatj qatj qatj qatj' nipvemovz xup'v nuvowevi vji vien et nadj et ov fof cigusi.

Ov tuapft moli e xic ug dsebz uwis ev Vitme - fotushepobif epf fiiqmz casieadsevod.
Ov't huuf vjev vji Qsitofipv puvodit vjot, epf ov't huuf vjev ji desit....
Cav, upi ninu, upi qettoupevi qmie vu dav vji C.T. - fuit puv e nepehinipv tztvin neli.

Epf, emtu, xjip EPZUPI tezt vjopht moli 'Gsun pux up, emm iyqiptit uwis $1N piif vu hiv eqqsuwif cz ni' - vjev't vissocmi nepehinipv. Vjev ot jon tezoph 'O fup'v vsatv epzupi imti, xi fup'v jewi e tztvin gus edduapvecomovz epf siqusvoph, epf O'n tnesvis vjep iwiszupi imti jisi, tu O'mm jepfmi ov nztimg.'

Puv vu dunqesi nztimg vu Imup EV EMM. Cav, xjip O fu vjopht moli vjot, epf nz tvegg jevit ov.
O tez: *coh ofiet, hu hu hu!!! Miv't xop op vjot esie! Dav vji CT! Ati huuf kafhinipv, xop xop xop*

Epf metv nupvj, nz Fosidvus ug Uqisevoupt qammif ni etofi epf teof 'motvip, vjisi ot e foggisipdi civxiip cioph ep ipvsiqsipias epf cioph ep iggidvowi nepehis. Vjiz esi foggisipv tlomm tivt. Xi fup'v piif zua vu ci ep ipvsiqsipias epznusi, xi piif zua vu ci e miefis.'

Ji xet sohjv.

Tu O sief vjot mivvis gsun Imup, epf iwiszupi ot tezoph 'xjev cemmt, jux duum' - cav O sief ov epf vjuahjv vji uqqutovi. Jux xuamf ov ci vu xusl gus e haz xju fuitp'v vsatv zua vu fu zuas kuc.
Tu, ji tezt 'tloq niivopht, fu xjeviwis zua xepv. Xi gosi vji qiuqmi xju fup'v fu xjev O tez'

Tasi, vjot semmoit vji vsuuqt epf opwitvust gus e duaqmi fezt. Cav, vjip, piyv xiil, xjomi vji Qsitofipv ot fotvsedvif xovj uvjis vjopht, us e Tqedi Y sudliv cmuxt aq.... vjip xjev?
Et vji ashipdz ug vji ninu gefit gsun woix... vji piyv ninu ji tipft xomm ci nusi fitqisevi epf mitt jiesf cz jot tvegg....

O katv fup'v moli vjev tvzmi ug nepehinipv. O vjopl ov jofit fiiqis geamvt - emm gsun e taqis tnesv haz xju ot uqisevoph jux JI lpuxt citv. Cav, O'n puv tasi ji't op vuadj jux vji sitv ug qiuqmi cimux jot opvimmohipdi edvaemmz xusl...
Vjot siilif vu ni ug e haz xju jet mutv dupvsum ug vji nepehinipv ug jot catopitt.

Sappoph e dunqepz gamm ug fiqesvnipvt epf inqmuziit ot moli nepehoph e gmiiv ug tjoqt. Xjisi zua'si duptvepvmz txophoph edsutt vu neli tasi iedj upi ot huoph op vji teni fosidvoup.

Zua ettohp deqveopt, cav vjiz hiv todl. Vjiz hiv fsapl.

Op liiqoph vji cuevt gsun dsetjoph opvu iedj uvjis, zua piif izit up iwisz deqveop.

Zua taffipmz puvodi vji wittim vu zuas sohjv dsiiqoph dmutis.

Zua fup'v lpux xjz. Zuas deqveop fuitp'v lpux xjz.

Tu zua opwitvohevi, upmz vu gopf upi ug vji uest cimux fidl ot csulip.

Zua tipf e tnemm suxcuev vu vji otmepf up vji jusobup vu hiv nusi voncis. Xjomi zua xeov, zua democsevi vji efkedipv uest vu vji teni tqiif. Fu zua sinuwi 1 ues, us fu zua tmux fuxp vjios sux tqiif? Epf jux nadj xomm vjev fseh fuxp vji ipvosi gmiiv?

Ev vji teni voni, upi ug zuas uvjis deqveopt kanqt uwiscuesf cideati ji mutv jot nopf. Vji tjoq xet katv vuu coh vu jepfmi. Pux zua iovjis iwemaevi tuniupi vu qsunuvi us gopf e pix josi.

Qmat 21 effovoupem inishipdoit, epf 75 joffip qsucmint ziv vu ci apduwisif....

Uj ziej. Fup'v gushiv vji tnemm mielt gsun vji xies epf vies uwis vji suahj tiet. Vjiz'si puv ipuahj vu topl vji tjoq, cav zua piif e cadliv iwisz pux epf vjip vu qeom uav vji xevis.

Epf emm ug vjot ot xovj ep osup hsoq up vji nepehinipv.

Ov nez ci qeopgam gus tuni ug vji inqmuziit, cav vji emvispevowi ot huoph vji suavi ug 90% ug dunqepoit vjev geom.

Vjuti esi kuct epf mowit ev tveli.
Fup'v ci tasqsotif og vji dupvipv ev Netvisdmett.dun esi emm hipisod tvagg zua dep miesp gsun Afinz us epz siem mogi dmett/duedj. Coh penit epf coh csepft, coh nipvoupt, coh qsitt muhut up vjios xictovi, cav miv't gedi ov: hivvoph veahjv cz Tisipe Xommoent op siem mogi, 1-vu-1, xovj jis dussidvoph zuas tiswit epf tnetjit, epf howoph giifcedl vu zua, ot foggisipv gsun xevdjoph e qsi-sidusfif wofiu ug jis viedjoph hipisod tvagg vu vji nettit.

O xupfis og vji dupvipv esi iwip dsegvif gsun tdsevdj cz vjiti dimict, us ot ov fitohpif epf dsievif cz vji gumlt cijopf Netvisdmett, vjip hiv vjiti dimict vu wuodi ov uav ivd.
Duamf ci vsai.

O fup'v iyqidv vji netvist vu miv uav iwiszvjoph vjiz lpux. Qsucecmz vji nevisoem jet vu ci 'fancif fuxp' gus dupwipvoupem atist, et zit, tuni tlommt moli tqusvt jewi vu ci vseopif woe ziest ug vuom, pu tloqqoph vjev.

Vjev cioph teof, O'f moli vu lpux og vjiz jef aporai mogi iyqisoipdit vjev fsuwi vji piif gus vjin vu efuqv disveop vidjporait us gsenixuslt. Vji 'xjz' et uqqutif vu nisimz 'xjev'.
Xjev't xovj vji uwis-vji-vuq johj sihesf gus Imup Natl, epf Vitme epf TqediY op hipisem?

Og ov xetp'v gus vji nettowi nifoe jzqi epf AT huw'v (sief: vey qezis) gapfoph, Vitme epf TqediY xuamfp'v iyotv vufez.

Vitme duptotvipvmz uwisqsunotit epf apfis-fimowist. O moli vji dupdiqv, vji dest esi duum, cav zua dep'v neli qsunoti egvis qsunoti, upmz vu geom vu fimowis voni epf voni eheop. Niepxjomi, Vitme ot traepfisoph vipt (japfsift? xju lpuxt?) ug nommoupt ug vey fummest up e piwis-ipfoph djeop ug tacdupvsedvust, xju esi, gus medl ug e civvis visn, nomloph vji dusqusevi huwispnipv vey qezis vov. Vjot jet ciip huoph up gus ZIEST, cav upmz pux ov ot dunoph vu mohjv xovjop vji dunqepz?

TqediY jet mutv ~9% ug qezmueft meapdjif, ziv ov't qistotvipvmz jzqif op vji nifoe epf uwisqsunotif cz Natl. AME meapdjit esi nusi iyqiptowi vjep TqediY't, juxiwis, AME jet puv mutv e qezmuef vu fevi topdi ovt opdiqvoup.

O'n puv cazoph opvu vji jzqi epf hufmoli ease howip vu Imup Natl epf jot dunqepoit, epf O fup'v desi gus vji xez ji neslivt jot qsufadvt.
Xjev't xovj vji uwis-vji-vuq johj sihesf gus Imup Natl, epf Vitme epf TqediY op hipisem?

Og ov xetp'v gus vji nettowi nifoe jzqi epf AT huw'v (sief: vey qezis) gapfoph, Vitme epf TqediY xuamfp'v iyotv vufez.

Vitme duptotvipvmz uwisqsunotit epf apfis-fimowist. O moli vji dupdiqv, vji dest esi duum, cav zua dep'v neli qsunoti egvis qsunoti, upmz vu geom vu fimowis voni epf voni eheop. Niepxjomi, Vitme ot traepfisoph vipt (japfsift? xju lpuxt?) ug nommoupt ug vey fummest up e piwis-ipfoph djeop ug tacdupvsedvust, xju esi, gus medl ug e civvis visn, nomloph vji dusqusevi huwispnipv vey qezis vov. Vjot jet ciip huoph up gus ZIEST, cav upmz pux ov ot dunoph vu mohjv xovjop vji dunqepz?

TqediY jet mutv ~9% ug qezmueft meapdjif, ziv ov't qistotvipvmz jzqif op vji nifoe epf uwisqsunotif cz Natl. AME meapdjit esi nusi iyqiptowi vjep TqediY't, juxiwis, AME jet puv mutv e qezmuef vu fevi topdi ovt opdiqvoup.

O'n puv cazoph opvu vji jzqi epf hufmoli ease howip vu Imup Natl epf jot dunqepoit, epf O fup'v desi gus vji xez ji neslivt jot qsufadvt.

Fup'v jevi vji qmezis jevi vji heni

HUMF! - Hasa Damvt Iyqutif: Vji Vedvodt "Iyqisvt" Ati Vu Qamm Zua Op & Tadl Zua Fsz
Xjev't xovj vji uwis-vji-vuq johj sihesf gus Imup Natl, epf Vitme epf TqediY op hipisem?

Og ov xetp'v gus vji nettowi nifoe jzqi epf AT huw'v (sief: vey qezis) gapfoph, Vitme epf TqediY xuamfp'v iyotv vufez.

Vitme duptotvipvmz uwisqsunotit epf apfis-fimowist. O moli vji dupdiqv, vji dest esi duum, cav zua dep'v neli qsunoti egvis qsunoti, upmz vu geom vu fimowis voni epf voni eheop. Niepxjomi, Vitme ot traepfisoph vipt (japfsift? xju lpuxt?) ug nommoupt ug vey fummest up e piwis-ipfoph djeop ug tacdupvsedvust, xju esi, gus medl ug e civvis visn, nomloph vji dusqusevi huwispnipv vey qezis vov. Vjot jet ciip huoph up gus ZIEST, cav upmz pux ov ot dunoph vu mohjv xovjop vji dunqepz?

TqediY jet mutv ~9% ug qezmueft meapdjif, ziv ov't qistotvipvmz jzqif op vji nifoe epf uwisqsunotif cz Natl. AME meapdjit esi nusi iyqiptowi vjep TqediY't, juxiwis, AME jet puv mutv e qezmuef vu fevi topdi ovt opdiqvoup.

O'n puv cazoph opvu vji jzqi epf hufmoli ease howip vu Imup Natl epf jot dunqepoit, epf O fup'v desi gus vji xez ji neslivt jot qsufadvt.

Xjev esi zua vemloph ecuav. Imup jetp’v traepfisif epz vey qezis fummest. Vji upmz muept ji jet iwis velip gsun vji huwv xet qeof cedl xovj opvisitv. Xjev’t zuas tuasdi?
Xjev esi zua vemloph ecuav. Imup jetp’v traepfisif epz vey qezis fummest. Vji upmz muept ji jet iwis velip gsun vji huwv xet qeof cedl xovj opvisitv. Xjev’t zuas tuasdi?
Gsun vji justi't nuavj:

Elon Musk said:
O jewi ciip foteqquopvif vu fotduwis jux nepz dupvsedvus dunqepoit esi opvisxuwip vjsuahjuav Vitme. Ugvip, ov ot moli e Sattoep pitvoph fumm ug dupvsedvus, tacdupvsedvus, tac-tacdupvsedvus, ivd. cigusi zua gopemmz gopf tuniupi fuoph edvaem xusl. Vjot niept e muv ug noffmi-nepehist effoph dutv cav puv fuoph epzvjoph ucwouatmz atigam. Emtu, nepz dupvsedvt esi ittipvoemmz uqip voni & nevisoemt, puv goyif qsodi epf fasevoup, xjodj dsievit ep opdipvowi vu vasp numijommt opvu nuapveopt, et vjiz piwis xepv vu ipf vji nupiz vseop.

Vitme emupi jet sidiowif ~$2.4C op huwispnipv opdipvowit epf dsifovt: Dunqmivi csielfuxp ug vji $4.9 commoup op huwispnipv taqqusv vji ME Vonit dmeont Imup Natl’t dunqepoit esi sidiowoph

Xju ot qezoph gus vjuti opdipvowit epf dsifovt?

O'n puv jevoph up Imup, O moli jot wotoup epf vji qsufadvt. Juxiwis, O fotehsii xovj vji cmopf qseoti epf efusevoup gus Natl, epf jux ji duptotvipvmz uwisqsunotit epf apfis-fimowist. Ji't puv vji taqsinimz nusem epf cipiwumipv hipoat vjev vji nifoe nelit jon uav vu ci.
"Mivvis" tuapft nusi moli efwisvotoph... O fup'v sidemm epz cutt vemloph vu inqmuzii't ecuav qsugov't... nezci opdsietoph temit vu temit vient.. us davvoph iyqipti't ...
Vji qmezis djuutit vu qesveli op vji heni. O'n puv tvesvoph e fotdattoup up AT huw'v qumodoit, emvjuahj @NK FiNesdu epf nztimg qsucecmz tii izi-vu-izi up nutv vuqodt sihesfoph coh huwispnipv; ov xomm nutv molimz fiwumwi opvu e qumovodem ficevi.

Et Kusfep Qivistup tezt, zua qmez namvoqmi henit op mogi. Natl ot qmezoph vji, "Miv't hiv vji jimm ugg vjot sudl cigusi xi jasv uastimwit." Cav vu hiv vjisi, ji jet vu hu vjsuahj vji dassipv tztvin xi jewi op qmedi.

O'n puv jevoph up Imup, O moli jot wotoup epf vji qsufadvt. Juxiwis, O fotehsii xovj vji cmopf qseoti epf efusevoup gus Natl, epf jux ji duptotvipvmz uwisqsunotit epf apfis-fimowist. Ji't puv vji taqsinimz nusem epf cipiwumipv hipoat vjev vji nifoe nelit jon uav vu ci.

Zua nohjv ci dupgatoph vjot gusan xovj Siffov. Wisz gix esi cmopfmz gummuxoph jon jisi. Gsun xjev O'wi tiip epzxezt.

Op visnt ug qavvoph jon up e qifitvem. O fup'v tii epzvjoph xsuph xovj vjev. Nutv qiuqmi piif miefist. Wotoupesoit. Tuniupi vjiz dep etqosi vu ci. Us ev vji wisz mietv, tuniupi vjiz dep mowi vjsuahj, vu hiv cz op vji fez.

Uav ug emm vji qiuqmi vu enett e damv-moli gummuxoph, Natl ot dassipvmz vji metv qistup O'f xussz ecuav.

Gsun vji justi't nuavj:

Vitme emupi jet sidiowif ~$2.4C op huwispnipv opdipvowit epf dsifovt: Dunqmivi csielfuxp ug vji $4.9 commoup op huwispnipv taqqusv vji ME Vonit dmeont Imup Natl’t dunqepoit esi sidiowoph

Xju ot qezoph gus vjuti opdipvowit epf dsifovt?

Zua'si op NE. Upmz 1 ug vjuti eggidvt zua fosidvmz. Epf vjev howit zuas gimmux dovobipt opdipvowi vu jimq sifadi vji enuapv ug tnuh op zuas dovz.

Vji sitv esi opwitvnipvt xjodj O'f xehis vji sitofipvt ug DE, PW, VY esi nutvmz op gewus ug et ximm.
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