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Dummy Guide To VALUE: Craft Million Dollar Offers And Great Relationships (Alex Hormozi: The 100 Million Dollar Man)

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Edgar King

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May 29, 2021
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User Power: 153%
Above All Else…
Provide Relative Value. Relative To The Market.

Value is helping me move me from point A (Inferno), to point B (Heaven) which I care to be at (Desired Outcome).​

Introduction And Thanks (You Can Skip This)
I wish to start by saying, Hello! My name's Edgar and I'm an avid scribe to find the truth of how the world and humans work (beep boop). In my quest for a model that would allow me to make a positive difference in the lives of others (Value) I was recommended this fantastic book by my very good friend @Miketing, called $100M offers by Alex Hormozi. Thank you so so so much buddy! I'd even recommend you save this thread for later, and go buy it and read it if you plan on becoming a successful business owner. You should think of this post as a recap of sorts.

This book helped open my eyes to the what causes humans to buy things and what makes one offer more valuable than the other. Thank you Alex! I won't go into details why you should care about what this man says, but I'll just say he's known as the 100 million dollar man for a reason and he helps other multi million dollar companies grow and exit at 30 million dollars+ without messing up. Anyway, I felt this model could be expanded to include relationships, personal life and more due to my readings from Cashvertising on the basic desires and other tid bits about marketing I've learned over the months.

I've been working on this post for WEEKS (due to wanting it to be presented in an almost perfect light), thankfully, Mike's been nudging me to post it, and I finally came through. I've carefully written the key points he said in his book and in his videos aimed at beginners of value (Which means, this post won't go deep if at all into scarcity and bonuses which go into marketing mostly. Which is why I recommend you read his book before or after this.) I've also added a explanations from my limited copy background that hopefully explains the behind the scenes of this multi million dollar crafting technique. But where one may see a technique, I see a lifestyle.

There will be a preliminary explanation of human behaviour so you can understand the why of this may be as well. Plus some extra explanations which I thought would aid understanding. Let's get right into the meat of it shall we? For dummies at providing value (like me).

EDIT: if you are confused at the action/reaction parts below, or are confused at the pictures attached please check out this later answer going in depth on them in this same thread.


Ooga Boogaloos... Why People Buy? Why People act like People? Why People do thing?

Pain is an indicator of damage to your physical or mental being.

The brain works by connecting ideas to each other. When you think of an idea (Which is a noun), the brain brings up related ideas (nouns). The brain always conjures nouns in the form of mental images.

E.G. Pink mouse.

We can conceptualize nouns as static images, and note that (most) verbs are associated with a change in an image (a noun) over time. I dare say, it’s how humans comprehend the world.

Actions are therefore, just noun to verb to noun activity for example.

Action: Noun to verb to noun activity. (These actions realize the reaction. No realization = unreachable reaction)

Reaction: Noun to verb activity OR Noun to verb to noun activity (Validate the action. No validation = Action is useless)

E.G. Pink mouse was the action, your reaction is therefore thinking about pink mouse.

A better example. The name of this post is, "Dummy Guide To VALUE: Craft Million Dollar Offers And Great Relationships (Alex Hormozi: The 100 Million Dollar Man)". Where 1) "Dummy Guide To Value" is the action, and 2) "Craft Million Dollar Offers And Great Relationships" is the supposed reaction. The final spice is 3) "Alex Hormozi: The 100 Million Dollar Man" which I like to call, value upgrades which we'll get to below. It lends credibility to my message by increasing your perception of the probability you'll actually be able to pull this off by showing you someone who has achieved it before with this supposed offer. 2) Is where you want to be (Reaction to my offer), 1) is basically my offer in this context (Action), and 3) differentiates my offer making it essentially one of a kind. More below.

Dream Outcome: If the Scale X Magnitude/Quality X Size of the nouns after verb applied are positively different at two different points in time based on the LF-8 desires, we say value has been created.⏌


Right: Your offer (Noun) works (Verb) on small dog (Noun) (Action)
Left: Small dog (Noun) grows (Verb) (Reaction) or Small dog (Noun) grows (Verb) to big dog (Noun) (Reaction)


The size of this dream outcome is = (Total Time X Effort) / p needed to make it happen on your own.

Where Time: Based on length of time of effort to complete the step

Where effort: Usage of High (Running, Oh no homework is due in 1 minute!, urgent and important, high fail rate), Medium (Jogging, gossiping, urgent or important, med fail rate ), or Low (Walking, surfing socials, not urgent or important, low fail rate) brain or muscle energy to complete the step.

Note: Learning/Doing new activities naturally takes a high effort to achieve, possibly because we need to learn the steps to do so, and therefore, low probability of success = high value activities.

Be A Man Of Value. Be A Superhero.
A man of value... is a real friend! They get invited to parties and girls love them and everything! (Dream outcome)

(We delve into actions to make this happen)

A man of value is someone who helps others reach their goals.

They make a difference. If they weren't there, you'd genuinely miss them.

How do I be a man of Value?

Watch others when they expend med-high "mental" or "muscle" energy over a certain period of time. They are in the process of reaching a goal (Reward, preservation, supremacy), possibly by looking at the high level step they're on. Help them achieve what they want.

⎾You want to help solve their problem SO WELL they rave about it. After all, they'll only care if you solve it well enough.⎦

Everyone has at least hundreds of rewards, preservations, and supremacies that they want.

Help them achieve it by affecting the 4 core value drivers (dream outcome, escaping pain, time delay, probability of success. More on these later.)

(M/P)Energy/time [High-Med-Low] [Step]> Dream outcome/goal > Present/ Future Step > Value drivers

ESGSV for short.

Or ESGV. When it hurts you for helping, you’ll know you’re really making a difference.

I do this by observing those that seem effortful (Mid-high efforts) now or in the future, out of curiosity, and I help with that. Or even, any other person that's going to undergo a step in the future.

You should aim to do this at least once a day even if for just 30 minutes, apart from how good you'll feel they'll be great returns coming your way. Be a man of value. That’s the main purpose of this post, if you go on to help another human being using the knowledge here, this post would have fulfilled its objective.

High effort (Mental/muscle) activities X time = High value
Low effort(Mental/muscle) activities X time = Low value

Where time is constant.

Strive to be a man of value, and everyone will adore you. Or not, at least you can be happy you're helping others.

Even if, to just one person a day.⏌

Note: The perceived probability of success increases with the number of successful moves to the dream outcome. This is why we trust a surgeon who’s done surgery for the 10 thousandth time to operate on us, rather than a first time surgeon. And why products with 100 5 star reviews will always be more attractive than a product with only 20 5 star reviews ALL OTHER variables held constant.

This is also why getting a million dollars is far more valuable than, say getting a cheeseburger at the local restaurant or losing 20lbs in 6 months. The last two are just far easier than the former to get and you have a higher chance of getting it.

In fact, getting a million dollars in 6 months for your first time is far more valuable since that would take you even more time and effort and be less likely to achieve on your own.

The size of the dream outcome is proportional to the price you can charge

The game comes down to 40% audience, 40% offer, and 20% copy. Ace the first two, and you won’t need the last one (Productocracy).

Find an underserved market (Starving crowd). Solve their problems.

When you serve a starving market, you'll always win.

Note: It is highly recommended to solve your own problems and sell this dream outcome to others just like you as you’d be more passionate about it and possibly more successful than if you just tried to solve a random problem you don’t relate to. If “getting” there was zero cost, took zero time, and was a 100% likely what would you want? Then show this to others like you affected by the same problem, and if they love it, and if they want to buy it, congratulations you have a business. ⎦

This is also why there’s no other best copywriter for your business than you because you know the challenges of your own problems better than others.

The Life-Force 8 (Fault Correction, Gain Correction, Superiority Correction = Value)​

  • Survival, enjoyment of life, life extension
  • Enjoyment of food and beverages
  • Freedom from fear, pain, and danger
  • Intimacy
  • Get more comfort, Comfortable living conditions
  • To be superior, winning, keeping up with the Joneses
  • Care and protection of loved ones
  • Social approval (Positive praise/acceptance from group/niche/environment on qualities and actions)
These desires motivate all that we do, and conversely all that we buy.
  • Remember Positive Scale X Magnitude/Quality X Size | Dream Outcome
  • The below is a wider explanation of these desires.
  1. Higher quality of life (Health) [Survive, Mental health, Physical health, Enjoy Meals, Escape Pain, Intimacy [E.G. Close Friendships], Comfort, Observe Ourselves/Experiences/Qualities/Likes/Ideals Out There In the world]

  2. Higher relative standing/position/regard in observable social or professional society (Wealth, Relationships) [Superiority - Having or being more than your fellow man(s) in terms of things the social group (Inter-related- Interactions, Similar, Goal(s) Align) or society inherently knows as rare non-harmful things. [Relative social or professional position (Having or being more than your fellow man(s)) in the social group (Inter-related- Interactions, Similar, Goal(s) Align) or society based on Achieved (A thing/reward or position given as respect, praise or recognition of a person's skills, abilities, service, effort, or achievement) or Ascribed status (Better, greater, or otherwise different from the usual things people are born with in society or the social group)], or even explaining how it’s superior etc. Beauty is therefore a part of this, Winning, Being left behind, Loved Ones, Approval]. Especially to people of high value (People who cause(d) increases in 1 and 2) to you.


(Above figure) All humans act to fix faults, gain, or be above others in their social group or society (Problems → Solutions) to be happy.

⎾All humans act for rewards, preservation, and supremacy to be happy.⎦

The Explanation Of All Human Behavior (To A Dream Outcome)

⎾Bad action = Problem on Noun
Good action = Solution on Noun⎦

Note: People associate the satisfaction/dissatisfaction of these desires (Value) with the person who caused it. This is why we like positively powerful people.

Each of these desires, can therefore be the dream outcome. Our offer is the vehicle to get them there.

Acting/Explaining (why/how) to make dream outcome achieved (To others) = VALUABLE

E.G. how to make money drop shipping | Action + Reaction (Noun after, is richer than noun before which plays to superiority)

Influence On Demand (Inspire Action In Others)

Note: The comparative adjectives part below can be skipped (Aid with generating ideas). But the event should show it’s satisfying a desire through a comparative adjective.

Doer (You) ➡ Receiver (Other)
Desire (LF-8). ( Scale Of Event (+/-) ). (Comparative Adjective). Event (Actions/Speech(Why/How) to/by them)

E.G. Escape pain > -10 > Stormy > A heavy storm is coming to your location with the potential to rip off roofs, with Gentproof you and your family can stay safe.

Doer (Other) ➡ Receiver (You)
Event (Actions/Speech(Why/How Desire Satisfied) to/by them). (Comparative Adjective). ( Scale Of Event (+/-) ). Desire (LF-8).

Events are all the actions something could do to cause the desire by showing a comparative adjective (Or turning an adjective to a comparative adjective) in accordance with the scale of the event. After all, humans understand things relative to other things.

Scale of the event is the felt positive to negative score from -10 to +10 to reflect the strength of this event. The higher this is, the more the value.

  • Great copy: Starts by introducing the dream outcome with inherent value upgrade (e.g. increased dream outcome or reduced time delay or effort and sacrifice or increased probability of success) over the norm. Then improving the 4 value drivers (probability of success,effort and sacrifice,Time delay) for the offer’s steps.
Note: Positive event: “What do I need to show someone to solve this problem?” Anything the offer possibly did to solve this problem.

Note: Keep the events simple and imaginative: Use noun to verb to noun activity to simplify.

E.g. We added B.R.A (Battle ready armor) functionality to the mecha suit as well.

This way, your prospects create mental images in their heads of you solving their problem and thus easily lets them know they really need your offer.

Note: Remember to add reactions for the actions, else the action is useless (The classic features V benefits argument).

Alex’s Method (Best For Offer Creation) (E)SRAAS

Note: At the highest level, applying your offer (Action) leads to them being happier (Reaction).
You can use this to generate the dream outcome.

( - ) Action (Noun + verb + Noun)( - ) Reaction (Noun + verb | Noun + verb + Noun)(+) Action (Offer Name + verb + person)(+) Reaction (Noun + verb) (Dream Outcome) [Optionally with inherent value upgrade]
friends gain more followers than you on instagramYou feel left behindBy applying Edgar’s foolproof Instagram guideYou’ll gain more followers than your friends in 6 simple steps

High Level Step (Next logical step to dream outcome)

Negative Event (+Limiting Beliefs)
(+Reasons not to do it or keep doing it Under 4 Value Drivers)
Subproblem (High level step problem)

(Reaction- Noun + verb + Noun | Noun + Verb
E.G. I think…)
(Comparative) Adjective(Anti-Comparative) AdjectivePositive Event (What would I need to show someone to solve this problem? = Reaction [Dream Outcome/Vacation])

Good Action + Reaction

(What offer did to offset negative event of step = Actions)
Access internetThe network is too weakWeakStrongWe’ve crafted a network guide based on your location to get the fastest router for the fastest website load times that you can order from your local store at the push of a button.
Too hard to dohardeasy

I also use this to write copy that actually solves problems. Rather than just nice sounding stuff.

In solving (The Action) generate steps and solve the problems to reach the dream outcome. What you’d need to show someone to buy is the reaction, and the action is the justification for it.

Other Weaker Desires (Which Can Be Less than the LF-8)
  1. Acceptance - the need to be appreciated
  2. Curiosity (explore the event(why/how) of a desire/dream outcome fulfilled that I have ) the need to gain knowledge and explore new things (Especially about what you care about)
  3. Eating, the need for food
  4. Family, the need to take care of one’s offspring
  5. Honor, the need to be faithful to the customary values of an individual’s ethnic group, family or clan
  6. Idealism, the need for social justice
  7. Independence, the need to be distinct and self-reliant
  8. Order, the need for prepared, established, and conventional environments
  9. Physical activity, the need for work out of the body
  10. Power (The ability to have an effect on another’s LF-8. Of which they react with an action. We like-love people who use power positively on us. We dislike-hate people who use power negatively on us. If a person does both, we might have a kind of love-hate relationship with them. Note: If there is no acknowledgement of this power by the target, then the sender is shown to have no power), the need for control of will
  11. Romance, the need for mating or sex
  12. Saving, the need to accumulate something
  13. Social contact, the need for relationship with others
  14. Social status, the need for social significance
  15. Tranquility, the need to be secure and protected (Maybe beauty is a part of this)
  16. Vengeance, the need to strike back against another person
  17. The need to see, hear, taste, touch and experience beauty (Most beautiful things are Rare/scarce relative to what is available and are beautiful because they appeal to other desires)
  18. The need to overcome trials, tribulations, and challenges

It’s also satisfying to read/watch others satisfy these desires.

The more lf-8 HIT by the same stimulus, the stronger the desire (multiples).

Relatable: Humans naturally want to see their likes, ideals and preferences out there in the world (Essentially themselves even) because we want to get more comfort (Solve anxiety or boost self esteem) or gain social approval from the world (“That’s a good quality to have”). Positive Feelings surface when you see something recognizable (Enjoyment of life).

It's fundamentally part of a human person to want to belong. We need to belong (Be a member of).

Alex's Section
Niche is something that only appeals to a select group of people.

No matter how you advertise or market your product it will never appeal to a mass audience. It is in ways, an activity/experience they never do/have.

E.g. drinking coffee > coffee lovers niche

There are three main markets that all markets fall into: Health (How they look, physical health and wellbeing), Wealth (Make more Money), Relationships (Loved, not feel alone). All submarkets exist within these 3 categories.

Picking a market
As entrepreneurs…

⎾We suffer from something > Desire to solve it > Solved > Other people seen who are struggling and want to be where we are at > Help them⎦(Perhaps this can be used to find your dream outcome to solve)

It is a continuous process of you solve a problem and do so, so well, that other people notice it, then they ask you for help.

Two Methods.
Choose a market where you can provide the
Most Value: Based on skill set, where you’ve worked with people in a specific marketplace [Personal Experience] (THIS TRUMPS EVERYTHING as long as the market is not dying).

Check according to the market categories [Just have skill of marketing or sell with no personal experience]:

The market you choose should…
  • Have Massive pain [Not nice to have],
  • Growing
  • Easy to target
  • Purchasing power
Must have all of the above = Recipe for success

These market categories can be broken down into submarkets.

Your Submarket: Help a unique avatar solve their biggest specific problem in a unique way that overcomes their biggest objection/worry (Decommodotize your offer).

The riches are in the niches → very specific messaging and craft solutions to be MORE valuable to the person to compete in a category of one.

Success comes down to 40% audience, 40% offer, and 20% copy.┚

High Level overview
Step #1: Figure out our prospective client's dream outcome.
Step #2: List out all the obstacles they’re likely to encounter on their way (our opportunities for value).
Step #3: List all those obstacles as solutions.
Step #4: Think of different ways to deliver those solutions.
Step #5a: Trim those ways down to only the things that were the highest value and lowest cost to us.
Step #5b: Put all the bundles together into the ultimate high value deliverable.

Commodity Vs Diamond

A product/service is a function that resolves pains (that the person cares about).

The market function is the average of functions on the marketplace.

Let’s say you have 100 pains/obstacles in reaching a goal, each with varying magnitudes in achieving a goal.

A commodity is a function that solves the same pains as the market function (10 problems E.G.). [Similarity-market-function: 90-100%] = salt

A value based product is a function that resolves more pains than the market function (In terms of time delays, effort, likelihood of achievement) (E.G. 99/100 problems). [Similarity-market-function: 0-1%]. They cannot be compared to the market function. These sell in a vacuum. It’s either the product or the highway.

A commodity is a product/service that is available in many places. It’s a function that resolves the same problems as other products in its category.

Value based products: You sell in a vacuum. The prospect has the decision of your product or nothing. This is why you can charge premium prices for it, you’re a category of one.

Charge What It’s Worth:
Premium prices, means premium clients, and premium business, and premium profits.
❏ Be more expensive than everyone else (by enough that it causes consumer to pause and think, “Wow, this is so much more expensive, there must be something entirely different going on here.”) = Monopoly = Monopoly profits. Charge as much as humanly possible while still providing your prospects a deal.
❏ High Price = Associated with Higher Value (wine example)
❏ Higher prices get people better results (and are therefore ethical) [Imagine paying $99 vs $300 for a work course, how better would you work in the latter to get your money’s worth?]

You can charge 100x for the same product if you niche down

You’ll know the value is > price when people refer you or repeat business.

As soon as your value dips below your price, people cancel and it's very difficult to scale.

The Goal is they buy a tremendous amount of value at a discount > Best return

High prices = High Perceived value (Charging higher prices makes your product better)

Price is a component of value in of itself.

Goal: So much more expensive from the rest of the marketplace (at least 10-100x) that a consumer must pause and think, “This cannot be the same category of solution as everyone else’’ thereby making you a category of one.

Do this so you can provide meaningful results to your prospects and improve the experience/provide even more value. = Virtuous cycle.

Pick a Niche:_____________________________________________
❏ Niche Down 3-4 Levels
❏ Health→ Weight Loss→ Weight Loss for Women who just had kids→ Following Keto
❏ Wealth→ Real Estate→ Flipping→ Without having to see a property all using DMs
❏ Realtionships→ Dating→ Over 60→ Without awkward first dates

Note: If you have something where a client must perform some options or some action in order to be successful, then it would follow, that the more invested they are… the more invested they will be. Which will create better students and outcomes.

Increasing the quality of your prospects, increases the quality of your product. By raising your price.
Only the best people buy your stuff = more money to invest in them = higher perceived value which allows you to do more for them.

You can either decrease price (bad- Only down to $0) or increase value (good- Infinite value)

By niching down
Positioning offer
Reversing risk
The customers have to feel like they're paying cents for dollars. Multiplying their money
Don't model competitors. They're all broke.
Decreasing prices to sell leads to giving more for less, reducing all profit to zero

The Value Equation

Your offer may not be converting because what you are offering is not valuable enough.
When price > Value = Dissatisfied = No more referrals or no more repeat business

How to increase the value?

But that’s the offer’s value (internal).

Externally, the delayed demand to experience the offer (the ask) + 1/ perceived supply of specific solution (Scarcity, Urgency) dictates its market value.

The offer’s + market value = Total value.

The better the dream outcome of what we are selling = More value
The better the perceived likelihood of this outcome = More value
The more perceived time time it takes between purchasing and achieving a result = Less value
The more perceived effort and suffering to get the result = Less value

NoteL if the prospect doesn’t perceive the value, it’s worthless.

If you can achieve an amazing dream outcome with 100% certainty in an instant with and you didn’t have to do anything = Most valuable Offer Ever

Increase Value (Desire & Promise)

i) Dream outcome: Is the end result meaningful (importance) to them? How big is the tension/pain?

More expensive problems = More value = More money. The bigger the desired outcome, the bigger the value. How hot is the inferno? How bright is the heaven? The dream outcome is a measure of the improvement in their lives (Health, wealth, relationships) by moving from inferno to heaven.

Figure out ways to solve more expensive (money, time or effort to solve) problems.

Quote from Alex…
“I had heard of weight loss challenges, so I started there.
Lose 20lbs in 6 weeks.
Big dream outcome - lose 20lbs.
With a decreased time delay - 6 weeks.

Note: I wasn't selling my membership anymore. I wasn’t selling the plane flight. I was selling the vacation.”

Or even Brooke Castilo’s 90 day amazing relationship.
Even the millionaire fastlane
The reduced time delay inherently makes the offer more valuable.
Or Genie Bras slim fit firm bra without the strap pain
The reduced pain and sacrifice inherently makes the offer more valuable.
Or “With LifeButt, I never have to worry about lawsuits ever again! ”
The increased probability of success makes the offer more valuable.
Or get $10,000 this month with copywriting - Bigger dream outcome

ii) Perceived Likelihood Of Achievement Of Dream Outcome (testimonials & proven case studies): Do they think they’re actually going to succeed? = Lower Risk Of Negative Outcome. Repeatable Success. Communicate the likelihood of their success.

Decrease Value (Time, Effort & Sacrifice)

iii) Time Delay: How long will it take them to see the final result? Progress on the way (get them to continue)?
Fast beats free. E.G. Uber vs walking.
E.G. Six packs in one day compared to a year.

Always try to incorporate short-term, immediate wins for a client. Be creative. They just need to know they are on the right path and that they made the right decision trusting you and your business.

The faster and more clearly you can demonstrate those benefits, the more valuable your service will be.

People who experience a victory early on are more likely to continue with something than those who do not after all.

iv) Efforts & Sacrifice: What additional costs/inconveniences (Exertion of power to achieve result) must they incur to achieve the result?

Get them to perceive all of these = value.

You can do a binary calculation of similar offers solving the same desire to understand the value (0-0.5-1).
1- Value achieved
0- Being missing

Add all four to get a relative value rating of a type of service/product

If you introduce something valuable to someone, they associate that value with you.

Offer Creation Pt 1 (Creating A theoretical High Value Solution)
Your offer may not be converting because what you are offering is not solving all their problems.

Where you market solving a problem > But not actually solving the problem.

How to solve problems…
  1. Identify The Verifiable Big Dream outcome/Requirements (What do they REALLY want?)
  2. List out all perceived problems (Core things someone has to do to reach the dream outcome, reasons to not do it. Using value drivers as a guide. Points Of Friction/Effort/Logical Steps To Dream Outcome. Logically Immediate detailed next steps before and after someone uses your product/service)
  3. Turn all problems to solutions

Outcome should be as specific (confirmable/provable) as possible. The outcome should be immediately obvious if It's been fulfilled or not. Sell the big vacation/paradise, NOT the feature and what they would like to experience.


Make more profit than they already do VS good copy. This way, you’re not selling the feature, you’re selling the vacation.

⎾People/clients generally want:
… To be perceived as beautiful
… To be respected
… To be perceived as powerful
…. To be loved
… To increase their status ⏌

E.G. Alex’s offer was Lose 20 pounds in 6 months without any risk
I help 5 million dollar companies get to 30 million dollars+ and exit in 3-5 years without messing up.
Add the avatar-
I help zz avatar xx specific outcome in yy time period without biggest pain/fear in a Unique Way

It’s best to have/had the same pain as your target audience (due to the same environmental change) because you’ll have the desire and motivation to solve theirs and your problem.

If you don’t share their pain, you won’t share their dreams, and you definitely WON’T be motivated to solve the problem.

2. List out their problems/obstacles (Perceived & Real) [Obstacles preventing the dream outcome]

What are all the things you struggled with in your journey to fulfill that desired outcome?

The more problems thought of, the more problems you get to solve. Bottom line, get all the problems then turn them into solutions.

What is every single high level (categorial- Smaller steps fall into this) step a customer has to take in order to get the dream outcome with your/a product/service? What’s the next thing they need help with (More effort than usual)? Points of friction/(effortful) events to the dream outcome (When using your product/service)? Next logical steps after that, and after that etc.

What is every single intricate/effortful (complicated/detailed) step they’re going to have to do/take in order to get the dream outcome with your product?

To know these steps better/innately, you need to try and achieve the desired outcome. And to do that, you need to have the same pain as them, so you need to be in the same situation as them.

Find out these steps by googling, how to do X (Specific outcome)

E.G. Weight loss

- grocery shopping
- packing and unpacking food
- meal prepping
- eating
- cleaning dishes
- eating out

Each of these issues/problems can be unpacked into subproblems.

3. Turn Problems Into Solutions

List/Find ALL (For all 4 sections per high level step) the reasons/pains/limiting thoughts for not doing the high level step . All these reasons will fall under the sections of the value equation.

Look to solve these problems with psychological solutions, rather than just logical ones, because there are no logical problems anymore (These have been tried and fixed, and are not problems anymore), only psychological ones.

The more problems you think of, the more problems you solve= The more valuable your offer.
You don’t know the lynchpin reason for someone not doing something, that’s why we target it all.

To know these pains better, you need to do the high level action.
People love complaining, so check google/reddit/quora/twitter/Amazon etc to find out what pains you might have missed. Ask,

Why not do x (High level action)? = Problems To Solve

The reason you capture all of them is because you don’t know the reasons someone has for not doing the action. So we solve all of them to increase the maximum likelihood of conversions for the offer and solve all their problems.

Alternatively, just get all the problems down and turn them into solutions.

⎾A problem is a (high level) step/action/obstacle/logical step to the dream outcome, with sub problems.

Each of these sub problems (reasons not to do it or keep doing it or limiting beliefs or potential negative events/beliefs) will fall under the 4 value drivers (Dream outcome, perceived likelihood of outcome, perceived effort and sacrifice, perceived time delay). By solving these for each step, your offer becomes more valuable.⎦

Take a step, and break it down to find out how it’s an obstacle so you can lubricate it.

E.G. Grocery Shopping

What things decrease the perceived value of doing that?

Action: Not going to the grocery store
Desire (Why?): Hard, confusing, won’t like it, suck at it

Reverse the value equation (Make negative)
Dream Outcome/Desire → Not worth it
Likelihood of achievement → won’t work for me, too far, I can’t stick with it,
Effort & Sacrifice → too hard, too confusing, won’t be enjoyable, bad at it,
Time Delay → take too long, won’t be convenient for me,

This gives us so many opportunities to solve problems, to provide value.
To position yourself in a way no one else is positioned in the market. You’ll solve all the problems no one else talks about.

You will demonstrate you understand your prospects problems better than anyone else, they will feel understood = ↑ Perceived Likelihood you can solve their problems.

The goal is to reverse each of these things into a solution.

PROBLEM → Solution: Buying healthy food, grocery shopping
Reverse all the reasons for not doing the high level step
How To YAY without BOO
… is hard, confusing, won’t like it, suck at it → How to make buying healthy food easy and enjoyable, so anyone can do it (Especially busy moms!).
… takes too much time → How to buy healthy food quickly
.... is expensive → How to buy healthy food at less than your current grocery bill
...is unsustainable → How to make buying healthy food easier than buying unhealthy food
...is not my priority. My family’s needs will get in my way → How to buy healthy food for you and your family at the same time
….is undoable if I travel → How to get healthy food when travelling

Do this problem-solution conversion for all the high level steps. To solve all of these things to lubricate their path from where they are to where they want to go = Ensure success = Love us and tell all their friends.

This acts as a checklist of exactly what we are going to have to do for our prospects and what we are going to solve for them.

Solve every problem.

Quantitative equation for measuring value.
⎾Actual Value = Satisfied Value (Solved Pains for High level steps)/ Maximum Possible Value (Solve ALL Pains for not doing high level steps to achieve dream outcome) * Size Of Dream Outcome⎦

Now we know what we need to do. Next is how.

Offer Creation Part 2 (Creating A practical High Value Solution)​

You want them to think to themselves, “I get all this, for only that?” In essence, you want them to perceive tremendous value.

Your offer may not be making money because what you’re providing you’re providing is not high margin (high level of profit compared to the amount of money spent on doing them) or valuable

How To Make It High Value AND Valuable
  1. Sales to fulfillment/Delivery continuum
  2. The Delivery vehicles “the How”
  3. Trim & Stack for Max Profit & Value

Fulfill: Do the service/provide the product
Most times when you do things that are easier for you, it’s less valuable to the prospect.

If you lower what you have to do, it increases how hard your product/service is to sell. (Increased Effort).

If you do as much as possible, it makes your product/service easy to sell but hard to fulfill. (Decreased Effort).

The sweet spot is in selling something very well that’s also easy to fulfill.

But, create flow. Monetize flow. Add friction. Generate demand first. Then with your offer, get them to say yes. Once they are saying yes, only then should you add friction in marketing, or decide to offer less for the same price. This helps to test whether your offer is solid/valuable to customers (By decreasing effort and sacrifice on their part and time delay and improving likelihood of success by having an expert do it).

If there’s no demand, you can’t tell whether what you offer is good. Better to do more for every customer and have cash flow coming in, than optimize your business but have zero cash flow and not know what you need to adjust to better help serve your customers.

Create cash flow by overdelivering like crazy at first. Then use the cash flow to fix your operations and make your business more efficient (Pretty seamless). The offer may not change even, but just cost you less resources significantly.
This is how businesses beat one another.

Worry about scale later (Offer remains the same, but how and what you do changes).

Everything you do to solve the problem falls into 1 of 3 categories

DFY: Done For You E.G. You do everything (Entrepreneur Effort Dependent)
DWY: Done With You E.G. Coaching
DIY: Do It Yourself E.G. Course (Customer Effort Dependent)

The higher the barrier of entry, the more long-term potential it has!
Sell high ticket, custom stuff first, scale is not a problem at all right now.
Get cash flow, focus on the harder things to fulfill that are easier to sell (Barrier Of ENTRY), get things going, and learn more about the business and figure out what you can trim and stack to provide almost the same amount of value for less operational drag (Easier to fulfill), where we are positioned in such a way that makes it easier to sell.

Focus on the harder things to fulfill that are easier to sell (Barrier Of ENTRY) = Fewer people at higher prices, learn skills, price anchor yourself = Do lower priced offers later so prospects think they’ve got a deal.

Selling the more expensive thing automatically price anchors and value anchors you for your lesser expensive things with more scale. It also creates a simple reason for your communication.

Iterate on your offers.

The key is to get some money, then use the money to build your business. Don’t solve problems that don’t exist.

2. The Delivery vehicles “the How” (6 ways)
1. List a high level problem and ALL the ways you can solve that problem (Deliverables)
2. Use cheat codes to make it easier to think through
Think about anything you could possibly do to solve each of the problems identified (This allows you to think of different solutions that you normally wouldn’t normally think of). Think of things that might enhance the value of your offer, so much so they would be stupid to say no.

What would I need to show someone to solve this problem?

What could you do that someone would immediately say, “All that? Seriously? Yes, I’m in.”
= Selling so much easier.

This is high value, high leverage work, since you’ll only have to do this for one product that’ll probably last many years. You ultimately get paid for thinking.

Problem: Buying Healthy food is hard, confusing, expensive and I won’t like it
If I wanted to provide a one-on-one solution I might offer…
  1. In person grocery shopping, where I take clients to the store and teach them how to shop
  2. Personalized grocery list, where I teach them how to make their list (Consultation)
  3. Full-service shopping, where I buy their food for them. 100% done for them.
  4. In-person orientation (not at the store), where I teach them what to get
  5. Text support while shopping, where I help them if they get stuck
  6. Phone call while grocery shopping, where I plan to call when they go shopping to provide direction and support

If I wanted to provide a small group solution I might offer…

  1. In person grocery shopping, where I take a bunch of people shopping
  2. Personalized grocery list, where I teach them how to make their list (Consultation). I could do this one time or every week if I wanted to.
  3. Full-service shopping, where I buy their food and deliver it to them. 100% done for them.
  4. In-person orientation (not at the store), where I teach them what to get

If I wanted to provide a one to many solution I might offer…

  1. Live grocery tour virtual, where I live stream going to the grocery store for all my new customers and let them ask questions live
  2. Recorded grocery tour, where I might shop once, record it and give it to them as a reference for clients to watch on their own
  3. DIY grocery calculation, where I create a shareable tool or show them how to use a tool to calculate their grocery list
  4. Predetermined lists, where each customer plan comes with its own grocery list for each week. I could make this ahead of time so they have it and use it in their own time.
  5. Grocery buddy system, where I could pair customers all up to go shopping together
  6. Pre made insta cart grocery carts for delivery, where I could pre make insta cart that can be delivered to them at the push of a button

Product Delivery Cheat Codes


The content of the cubes interact with each other.
Group Ratio (Level of personal attention)
1-1, Small Group, One to Many

Level of Effort On Their Part
Do It Yourself (DIY), Done-With-You (DWY) [Do with them], Done-For-You (DFY) [You do it for them]

If doing something LIVE, what environment or MEDIUM do I want to deliver it in?
In-person, phone support, email support, text support, Zoom support, chat support

If doing a RECORDING, how do I want them to CONSUME it?
Audio, Video, or Written.

Speed & Convenience
24/7, 9-5 Monday-Friday, How fast will you reply to questions? Are there levels? Within 5 minutes, within an hour, within 24 hours?

10x to 1/10th test
What else would I deliver/fulfill to make it 10x more valuable if my product cost 10x its current amount?
What would I deliver if my product cost 1/10th its current cost and had to provide more value than I currently am at my current price? > Build assets, build tools, building resources only one time

Repeat this for all the high level problems and ALL the ways you can solve that problem.

One single item not solved, can become the sole reason someone does not buy.

Solve EVERY Perceived Problem, ONE thing could prevent the sale, ONE thing could prevent you selling as much as you could have = Offer so good people can’t say no.

3. Trim Solution Stack For Max Profit
Rate “how” solutions in terms of value to your customers and cost to you to YOU (From the 3 categories of how to deliver the solutions)

High Value: meaningful, solving more, if not all of their problems, fast, easy, and believe they can do it and enjoy it

Low value: not meaningful, solving little to no problems, slow, hard/complex, not interesting and dont believe they’ll like it

High cost: requires people to scale

Low cost: can scale without people but with up front effort instead

If you aren’t sure what’s high value, go through the value equation and ask yourself which of these solutions will this person:
  1. Financially value
  2. Cause them to believe they will be likely to succeed
  3. Make them feel like they can do it with much less effort and sacrifice
  4. Help them accomplish their goal and see the result they want with far less time investment.
Remove the ones that are high cost and low value first. Then remove low cost, low value items.

Only pick things that are high value according to the value equation.

-Value (Medium) ↓ Cost Is just a distraction

You need to make every single piece of your delivery system to be hard hitting.

One that makes them go, “Wow, Wow, Wow, that’s wonderful! I’m delighted! I’m going to tell my friends!”

Only pick things that are HIGH VALUE. Keep things that are high value and low cost, and high value and high cost for now

If there’s one type of delivery vehicle to focus on, it’s creating high value “one to many” solutions = Scalable (E.g. software, where they have high one time costs of creation, but infinitely low additional effort after. These require upfront costs, but offer scale). Save those high cost items for big value adds only. If you think you can accomplish the same value with a lower cost alternative, do that instead.

4. Final High Value High Profit Offer Stack


Only keep high value items (and choose your high value high cost items carefully)

The idea is to solve the entire matrix of problems in the prospects mind so they have NO REASON to not buy and be not successful.
Don’t have more than 1-2 high cost delivery items for your solution stack. Solve them in low to medium cost scenarios, and save the 1-2 high cost things to be the heaviest hitter.

If the value outweighs the cost you can assign them.

Run the solutions through these variables to decide which one is best.


If a 100 people added to my thing, how many people do I need to hire? = Direct cost
Rent, software, computers = Indirect
Do this especially in service.
Most businesses go less profitable over time so make sure this is proved true.

What it might look like...

Remove all items that are NOT high value
Keep only a handful (1-2)l of High cost high value, and everything else should be high value low cost

Start with something that is less scalable (more high cost high value) to get people to say yes and begin monetization

5. Ultimate High Value Deliverable
Problem → Solution Wording (Theory) → Alluring Name For Bundle →
Delivery Vehicle Listed (What we’re actually going to do for them/provide. About 7 or 8 Vehicles that solve all problems)

Buying healthy food → How anyone can buy healthy food fast, easy, and cheaply → Foolproof Bargain Grocery System… that’ll save hundreds of dollars per month on your food and take less time than your current shopping routine ($1000 value for the money it’ll save you from this point on in your life)
  1. 1-on-1 Nutrition Orientation where I explain how to use…
  2. Recorded grocery tour
  3. DIY Grocery Calculator
  4. Each plan comes with it’s own list for each week
  5. Bargain grocery shopping training
  6. Grocery Buddy System
  7. Pre-made insta-cart grocery carts for delivery
  8. And a check-in via text weekly.

Cooking→ Ready in 5min Busy Parent Cooking Guide . . . how anyone can eat healthy even if they have no time ($600 value from getting 200 hours per year back — that’s four weeks of work!)

1-on-1 Nutrition Orientation where I explain how to use…
Meal Prep Instructions
DIY Meal Prep Calculator
Each plan comes with it’s own meal prep instructions for each week
Meal prep buddy system
Healthy snacks in under 5min guide
A weekly post they make to tag me for feedback

The bundle does three core things (Much more valuable than the average offer):
  1. Solves all the perceived problems (not just some)
  2. Gives you the conviction that what you’re selling is one of a kind (very important)
  3. Makes it impossible to compare or confuse your business or offering with the one down the street”
All to create a valuable offer that is differentiated and unable to be compared to anything else in the marketplace = Unique = No More Commoditization = Prospects Only Make A value based decision rather than a price based one on whether they should buy from us.


Do start today, if you only had today, what would you go on to do?
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Iydimmipv tannesz, vjepl zua wisz nadj gus tjesoph. Ximm fupi ! :F
Xux, muult moli ep opdsifocmi wemai cunc, tunivjoph O jewi vu cuulnesl mevis gus e gamm, qevoipv sief.
Xeovoph gus @Cmedl_Fsehup43 epf/us @Laph Ga Tviwi vu howi vji vjanct aq, mum.

O'n ecuav 1/3 vjsuahj, puv pix tvagg vu neslivoph qsut, cav ep opvisitvoph xez vu gseni vjiti dupdiqvt vjat ges. Xomm gopotj vjot xiilipf...
Katv tmuhhif vjsuahj emm ug vjot. Ov't e cov foggodamv vu hiv vjsuahj, topdi vji opgu ot e movvmi fotkuopvif epf vji kanqt civxiip ofiet esi raovi taffip. Nezci O'n katv vosif.

O dep wuadj gus qsivvz nadj iwiszvjoph op vjisi.

Vjot muult moli e haofi gus miefist (xju xepv vu fu ov vjintimwit) epf jux vu onqminipv temit qtzdjumuhz opvu tdemoph vjios catopitt. Vjot ot jux O vjopl ecuav nz temit qehit (moli vjuti 20l xusf gopepdoem pixtmivvis upit), puv pidittesomz emm uggist.
O edvaemmz sidusfif e wofiu opviswoix vufez epf nz qovdj ev vji ipf gummuxif vji |fsien uavduni -> sifadif voni xopfux -> opdsietif djepdi ug tadditt| gusname uavmopif ecuwi.

Vji fitosi tvagg ot tuapf. Vji uavduni tvagg ot tuapf. Vji edvoup tvagg ot tuapf. Vji wemai tvagg ot tuapf...

Iwiszvjoph ot tuapf gsun nz iyqisoipdi.

O moli vji vecmit.

Vji upmz vjoph vjev tvsadl ni et uff xet vji hmuttoph uwis vji tveswoph nesliv. Jux fu zua gopf ov? Jux fu zua qutovoup zuastimg xovjop ov? Xjisi't vji minupefi tvepf op vji noffmi ug e ciedj up e juv tappz fez epemuhz? :F

Hsiev tzpvjitot.

O'n tasi vji cuul nusi vjep efiraevimz gommt op vji heqt gus vjuti xju esip'v genomoes xovj vjiti vuqodt, xjodj nelit ni vjopl ov't e hsiev cuul.

Puvjoph siemmz quqqif uav et pix vu ni, cav, ximm... xi'wi emsiefz gohasif vjiti vjopht uav op vji 20t... 100 ziest ehu.

Vjisi't tuni Doemfopo tvagg. Vjisi't tuni Qesivu tvagg. Vjisi't tuni sami ug 10 tvagg.

Dunqsijiptowi. Siettasoph. Vodlmit nz dupgosnevoup coet. Nezci vjot goimf jet suun gus tuni oppuwevoup jnn...
Pej O ehsii, dujisipdz figopovimz piift nusi xusl, O vjopl ov vaspif uav vjot xez cideati O xsuvi ov op puvit gusn et e lopf ug raodl djidlmotv gus qsufadv meapdjit. Vji cuul epf wofiut ji qacmotjit figopovimz gommt op vji heqt (edraotovoup Emiy xictovi), epf gus vjuti pix vu vjot O sidunnipf xevdjoph/siefoph Emiy tvagg epf vjip dunoph cedl vu vjot gus raodl sigisipdit tu ov nelit nusi tipti. Nusitu, fofp'v xepv vu tqipf gusiwis ifovoph ov epf katv xepvif vu hiv tunivjoph uav vjisi, cav og tuniupi xepvt vu wumapviis vu fu vjev, vjev tuapft Haddo!

Et gus vji tveswoph nesliv qesv, katv xsuvi ov op cideati O vjuahjv ov nefi tipti op vji dupviyv, cav muuloph cedl O qsucecmz katv fof ov cideati ov tuapfif podi YF
  • Like
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Xeovoph gus @Cmedl_Fsehup43 epf/us @Laph Ga Tviwi vu howi vji vjanct aq, mum.

O'n ecuav 1/3 vjsuahj, puv pix tvagg vu neslivoph qsut, cav ep opvisitvoph xez vu gseni vjiti dupdiqvt vjat ges. Xomm gopotj vjot xiilipf...
Civvis sief Emiy't cuul epf vjip et e siwoix xevdj jot duasti. Ov't wisz ximm-tvsadvasif epf taqis ifadevoupem op vjev podi umf tdjuum fosidv sitqupti neslivoph lopf ug xez. Et O'n siefoph vji cuul pux (O xevdjif vji duasti gostv) O'n hivvoph putvemhod et O atif vu tvafz fosidv sitqupti neslivoph e muv op vji qetv.
Katv dasouat NVG, xjev esi zuas vjuahjvt up fosidv sitqupti neslivoph et uqqutif vu nusi vsefovoupem csepf caomfoph efwisvotoph?

O muwi fosidv sitqupti neslivoph gus jux muhodem epf qsidoti ov ot updi zua gohasi uav vji pancist. Ov't vji dmutitv vjoph vu e (mihem) nupiz qsopvis vjisi ot. O apfistvepf xjz disveop qiuqmi qsigis csepf caomfoph (tvevat, duumpitt, ivd.) cav ONU og zua xepv vu tdemi getv epf op e qsifodvecmi xez, fosidv sitqupti ot vji upmz xez vu hu (updi zua gohasi uav vji sohjv uggis ug duasti). Fosidv sitqupti ot tonqmi epf wisz sevoupem (tunivjoph xjodj eqqiemt vu ni e MUV) cav ov't figopovimz puv ietz.

Nepz ziest ehu O atif vu tvafz fosidv sitqupti neslivoph moli e nepoed. O muwif siefoph Hesz Jemcisv't tvagg (jot pixtmivvis xet HUMF), Kujp Desmvup't tvagg (Hesz't huuf caffz), Kez Ecsejen't tvagg epf emm vji umf tdjuum cuult epf eft.

O lopf ug giim moli huoph cedl vu ov pux epf qisjeqt tvesvoph e pix qsuhsitt vjsief katv tjesoph nz puvit et O siwotov emm vjot opdsifocmi tvagg.
Onu, fosidv sitqupti xuslt cideati gapfenipvemmz ov jophit up vxu vjopht: gopfoph e japhsz nesliv, epf fimowisoph vjin e pix uqqusvapovz.
Zit! Vjot ot xjz O xet tasqsotif vji tveswoph nesliv etqidv xet katv nipvoupif epf vjip nuwif exez gsun. Ov't iwip iyqmeopif vjev ov edduapvt gus 40% ug e taddittgam uggis, xjomi vji duqz ot katv 20%.

Vji haofi ot figopovimz nusi ecuav vji fimowisz, cav op vjot deti O xuamf tez, optvief ug "pix uqqusvapovz", fimowisoph e vseptgusnevoup op eddusfepdi xovj vjios fitosit.

E tvsuph csepf ot djievoph. Ov't moli jewoph e nupuqumz.

Op e nupuqumz dupviyv, gsii nesliv qsopdoqmit epf temit/dunnisdi apfistvepfoph djephi fsetvodemmz. Ov't moli fuoph tdoipdi pies ectumavi bisu vinqisevasi.

Vji quopv ug podjoph fuxp siemmz jesf epf dsievoph wemai tlix gus e qesvodames eafoipdi ot vu cetodemmz qutovoup zuastimg et vji upmz sietupecmi taqqmois ug vji tumavoup op vji nopf ug teof eafoipdi. Zua'si nupuqumoboph vjin epf dsievoph sewoph gept. Cideati zua'si aporai.

Vjisi esi e muv ug tnesvqjupit uav vjisi, tuni civvis vjep uvjist, ev nusi eggusfecmi qsodit us xovj podis gedomovoit. Vjisi esi e muv ug uvjis vuumt vjev tumwi vji teni piift ev tnesvqjupit et ximm. Tu vji tnesvqjupi nesliv ot raovi dunqivovowi...

Epf ziv zua'wi huv qiuqmi tovvoph op mopi gus fezt epf denqoph op gsupv ug vji tvusi, cideati vu vjin vji pix oQjupi ot puv katv e tnesvqjupi us tunivjoph vjev tumwit vji piif gus e qusvecmi dunqavis vjev dep neli epf veli demmt. Vu vjin ov't tunivjoph tqidoem vjev vjiz'si xommoph vu tedsogodi fezt epf pohjvt gus, xovjuav iwip lpuxoph jux huuf ug e qsufadv ov ot.

Vjev't e qistup xju jet tasqettif vji tvepfesf fosidv sitqupti datvunis mogidzdmi, epf jet etdipfif vu tunivjoph nusi.

Cizupf sivipvoup epf iyqeptoup... moit Efusevoup.

Fosidv Sitqupti hivt qiuqmi op vji fuus, liiqt qiuqmi dunoph cedl, nelit vjin csoph uvjist. Cav zua piif e tvsuph tzncum, deati, qasquti, epf niepoph vu hiv vjuti qiuqmi vu gummux zua vu vji ipf ug vji xusmf. Vjev't vji csepf.
"Gopf ep apfistiswif nesliv (Tveswoph dsuxf). Tumwi vjios qsucmint."

Ecuav vjot qesv O fu xepv vu djoq op e cov nusi ecuav ov.

Op vji dupviyv ug vji haofi, qisjeqt ov't katv gopfoph emm vji tviqt zuas datvunis xomm veli xovj zuas uggis, epf tumwoph qsucmint ug vjuti tviqt pu upi imti ot tumwoph up vjuti tviqt. Topdi zua'f ci tumwoph qsucmint pu upi imti ov vemloph ecuav. Xjodj ittipvoemmz xuamf ci vji tveswoph dsuxf, cideati zuas nesliv ot apfistiswif op vjev esie? Vjev't nz apfistvepfoph ecuav ov epzxez.
Xeovoph gus @Cmedl_Fsehup43 epf/us @Laph Ga Tviwi vu howi vji vjanct aq, mum.

O'n ecuav 1/3 vjsuahj, puv pix tvagg vu neslivoph qsut, cav ep opvisitvoph xez vu gseni vjiti dupdiqvt vjat ges. Xomm gopotj vjot xiilipf...

O'n e gep, zit.

Fafi fuit $90 nommoup e zies. Civvis vjep e quli op vji izi xovj e tjesq tvodl.
Onu vjev mieft katv vu onqsuwinipv, cav qutovoupoph, xjodj ot xjev amvonevimz vjot ot ecuav, ot dsievoph ep ipvosimz pix devihusz op vjev podji (Kedl Vsuav & Em Soit’t visn). Qiuqmi demm vjot foggisipv vjopht - cideati vjiz esi fuoph xjev duqzxsovist epf neslivist jewi EMXEZT fupi - oi, qutovoupoph. Sitimmoph zua vji teni iyedv vjoph op 1001 gusnt tu vjev ov muult moli e pix uqqusvapovz vu zua optvief ug vji teni umf.

Muul ev vji gummuxoph dupdiqvt/cuult:
• Qutovoupoph cz Em Soit/Kedl Vsuav
• Qmez Cohhis cz Em Senefep iv em.
• Cmai Udiep Tvsevihz cz O gushiv vjios penit
• Iyqisv Tidsivt cz Sattimm Csaptup
• Csielvjsuahj Efwisvotoph cz Hipi Tdjxesvb
• Up Efwisvotoph cz Fewof Uhomwz
• Bisu vu Upi cz Qivis Vjoim

Qutovoupoph demmt ov dsievoph zuas devihusz.
Qmez Cohhis demmt ov devihusz fitohp.
Cmai Udiep Tvsevihz demmt ov e cmai udiep.
Sattimm demmt ov e pix uqqusvapovz
Csielvjsuahj Efwisvotoph demmt ov e aporai nidjepotn
Up Efwisvotoph demmt ov Vji Coh Ofie
Bisu vu Upi demmt ov 10y sevjis vjep p+1

Vjiti qiuqmi esi sitimmoph zua vji teni vjoph op e pix gusn.

Tu vji tveswoph dsuxf -> vjev’t vji nesliv. Veli vji nesliv gus xiohjv mutt… vjiz dep’v muti xiohjv, vjiz esi tveswoph gus e tumavoup. Og zua vimm vjin iev mitt epf iyisdoti nusi, vjiz xuamfp’v caz, cideati jiz! O’wi vsoif vjev cigusi, epf ov geomif. Pux og zua qutovoup zuas qsufadv et tuni taqis guuf vjev nelit ov ietz vu iyisdoti epf howit zua emm vji pavsoipvt tu vjev zua piwis giim japhsz eheop - pux zua’si upvu tunivjoph. Pux zua’wi huv e pix uqqusvapovz us zua’wi qutovoupif zuas qsufadv foggisipvmz gsun vji dunqivovoup, tu vjev zua tvepf uav. Nezci xjev zua’si timmoph ot vji teni vjoph zua’f timm og zua vumf vjin iev mitt epf iyisdoti nusi vjsuahj e foiv. Cav vji EPHMI ot foggisipv, epf vjev nelit emm vji foggisipdi. (Vjot, cvx ot nz gewusovi visn gus ov -> ephmi).

Tu op cuvj detit - vji cmepf upi, epf vji podi ephmi zua jewi vji teni japhsz dsuxf. Cav op upi deti, vji japhsz dsuxf fuitp’v cimoiwi zua, tu vjiz vimm zua vu g*dl ugg a geli hasa!!

Tii, vjiti visnt niep vji teni vjoph, cav tuni dupgati sevjis vjep siwiem vji ittipdi.

Miv’t sinincis Iahipi Tdjxesvb’t nesliv iwumavoup fzpenodt… vji 5 tvehit ug nesliv tuqjotvodevoup. Aporai nidjepotnt epf fosidv sitqupti xusl op vji tjusv sap, cav updi e nesliv siedjit tvehi 5 -> vjip vji upmz vjoph vjev xuslt ot OFIPVOVZ - caomfoph e csepf. Duptanist ciduni tuqjotvodevif epf ov cidunit jesfis epf jesfis vu hiv vjin vu cimoiwi zuas dmeont. Csepfoph ot caomv vjsuahj iggidvowi qutovoupoph vjev ot tatveopif uwis voni, itqidoemmz xjip cedlif aq cz e deati epf ep ofipvovz qiuqmi dep veli up.

Emtu miv’t sinincis Cmeos Xessip’t Upi Tipvipdi Qistaetoup Duasti:
Qiuqmi xomm fu epzvjoph gus vjuti xju ipduasehi vjios fsient, katvogz vjios geomasit, emmez vjios giest, dupgosn vjios tatqodoupt, epf jimq vjin vjsux sudlt ev vjios ipinoit.”

Og zua uggis qiuqmi ep onqsuwinipv, katv tumwi e duaqmi ug qsucmint iyvse, vjev nelit vjin giim vjiz xisi xsuph op vjios qsiwouat djuodi… niepoph ov fuitp’v katvogz vjios geomasi, ov vimmt vjin “zua sivesf, xjz fof zua fu vjev?!”

Tu zua’wi huv qiuqmi sitimmoph zua vji teni vjoph gsun nepz foggisipv ephmit. Jisi’t vxu qsonesz upit:
• Neslivoph ephmit (moli qutovoupoph, devihusz fitohp)
• Qsufadv ephmit (10y, cmai udiep)

O qsigis NESLIVOPH EPHMIT, cideati vji gapfenipvemt esi siemmz vji teni. Vjoploph gsun e qsufadv ephmi nelit zua vjopl vjev vji gapfenipvemt esi tunijux foggisipv. Katv e nevvis ug uqvodt, O vjopl disveop visnt, cideati ug vji niveqjust xi ettudoevi xovj vjin, howi zua civvis uqvodt.
Equmuhoit, O jewip'v sief nutv og epz ug vjuti cuult, tu qesfup nz ohpusepdi.

Siefoph xjev zua teof desigammz mieft ni vu cimoiwi "Qutovoupoph" cuomt fuxp vu

Fsien uavduni + Opjisipv wemai aqhsefi + Xemlt epf vemlt foggisipvmz gsun neslivqmedi uggist (pix gusn) us Edvoup vu katvogz Opjisipv wemai aqhsefi

Tu gus iyenqmi, Acis. Hivt ni gsun upi qmedi vu epuvjis (Fsien uavduni), ev mitt voni (voni fimez aqhsefi), cz emmuxoph emm fsowist up vji eqq vu jimq ni hiv vu nz fitvopevoup sevjis vjep katv dunqepz inqmuziit (Katvogodevoup ug wemai aqhsefi).

Us vji Suunce wedaan. Dmiept nz gmuus katv moli epz uvjis wedaan dmiepis (Fsien uavduni), ev mitt iggusv (Iggusv epf tedsogodi aqhsefi), cz dmiepoph vji gmuust gus ni xjipiwis vjiz hiv fosvz (Katvogodevoup ug wemai aqhsefi).

Us zuas taqis guuf iyenqmi (I.H. Cmedl Fsehup Pav ces). Mieft ni vu muuti xiohjv (Fsien uavduni), ev mitt iggusv cz neloph iyisdoti epf foivoph ietois (Iggusv epf tedsogodi aqhsefi), cz (Sepfun tvagg jisi) gommoph ni xovj vji sohjv qsuqusvoupt ug qsuviopt epf descujzfsevit vu liiq ni ipishotif epf gammis ev vji teni voni (Katvogodevoup ug wemai aqhsefi vjsuahj siem xusmf puap vu puap opvisedvoup).
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Emiy Jusnubo epf jot xogi Miome't djeppimt esi vxu ug vji citv, nutv apfissevif up ZuaVaci sohjv pux. O cimoiwi ji't huv ecuav 100l tactdsocist epf tji't huv mitt vjep 10l. Ov cmuxt nz nopf howip emm vji wemai up vjisi.

Emiy tvesvt emm jot wofiut cz tezoph "Nz peni ot Emiy Jusnubo, O uxp Edraotovoup.dun, xi fof 80 nommoup fummest op siwipai metv zies epf O jewi puvjoph vu timm zua." O muwi ov.

Ji fof sidipvmz fu e muph wofiu xovj Hsepv Desfupi xjodj efnovvifmz nelit ni seoti nz izicsuxt e cov, cav O jewip'v xevdjif ov tu O'n fuoph nz citv puv vu kafhi.
O’wi sief Emiy Jusnubo’t cuul vxodi xovjop ecuav 3 nupvjt. Tidupf voni vu hu vjsuahj xovj hsievis fiveom epf veli nusi puvit.

Johjmz sidunnipf ov epf Emiy ZV djeppim. Ji jet e hsiev xez ug csieloph vjopht fuxp epf neloph vjin ietomz apfistvepfecmi.

Muuloph gusxesf vu jot uvjis cuult!
Emiy tvesvt emm jot wofiut cz tezoph "Nz peni ot Emiy Jusnubo, O uxp Edraotovoup.dun, xi fof 80 nommoup fummest op siwipai metv zies epf O jewi puvjoph vu timm zua."

Cav ji ot timmoph tunivjoph, ji't timmoph jot iyqisvoti op iydjephi gus hsuapf-gmuus tjesijumfis uxpistjoq opvu e dunqepz vjev't emsiefz neloph nommoupt epf jet vji quvipvoem gus e gavasi etznnivsodem iwipv. Vji catopitt nufim ot csommoepv cideati ji hivt vu tez, "O'n puv timmoph epzvjoph" xjip op edvaemovz, ji't fiqmuzoph e mief nehpiv vu evvsedv iesmz tvehi ipvsiqsipiast xovj johj qsucecomovoit gus iyov iwipvt.

Et ji xsovit up jot uxp djeppim...

*XUSL 1-up-1 XOVJ EMIY*: Og zua esi ECUWI $3N-$10N qis zies (ev noponan), xi xuamf MUWI vu opwitv op zuas catopitt. Og vjev ot ug opvisitv vu zua - hu vu Edraotovoup.dun. Zua dep eqqmz vu ciduni e qusvgumou dunqepz ev Edraotovoup.dun/duptamvoph.

Ji fof sidipvmz fu e muph wofiu xovj Hsepv Desfupi xjodj efnovvifmz nelit ni seoti nz izicsuxt e cov

Cav ji ot timmoph tunivjoph, ji't timmoph jot iyqisvoti op iydjephi gus hsuapf-gmuus tjesijumfis uxpistjoq opvu e dunqepz vjev't emsiefz neloph nommoupt epf jet vji quvipvoem gus e gavasi etznnivsodem iwipv. Vji catopitt nufim ot csommoepv cideati ji hivt vu tez, "O'n puv timmoph epzvjoph" xjip op edvaemovz, ji't fiqmuzoph e mief nehpiv vu evvsedv iesmz tvehi ipvsiqsipiast xovj johj qsucecomovoit gus iyov iwipvt.

Et ji xsovit up jot uxp djeppim...


Qistupemmz, O'n puv cazoph vji "O katv fup'v xepv epznusi csuli qiuqmi" tvagg, itqidoemmz egvis vjev opviswoix epf xjev tiint moli tuni tusv ug "nipvus/nipvii' simevouptjoq.

Xevdjif vji gostv 20 nopt ug ov cav O xepv vu qapdj nz nupovus iwiszvoni O tii 'Apdmi H' tu O tvuqqif xevdjoph.

Vjisi't e muv ug xumwit op tjiiqt dmuvjoph op vjot tqedi.

Nohjv tii jon fu tuni tusv ug 'qsowevi iraovz gapf' avomoboph jot qistupem csepf, moli Veo Muqib epf Desfupi Deqovem.

Jeqqz vu ci qsuwip xsuph & O'mm vsz & liiq ep uqip nopf.
O dep civ vjev vji ewisehi qistup xju sieft jot $100N Uggist xomm hiv PU SITAMVT, iwip og vjiz fu neli ep evvinqv us tiwisem evvinqvt
O sinincis Emiy Cidlis teof vjot xet vji sietup xjz ji raov timmoph "Jux vu neli nupiz" cihoppis qsufadvt. Ji teof vji ewisehi cazis xup'v taddiif puv cideati ug vji dupvipv op vji duasti cav cideati ug vjios uxp nipvemovz. Ji vseptovoupif opvu upmz fuoph duptamvoph gus catopittit fuoph coh pancist up ZV.

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=xjEpskun7cA
Ecuwi Emm Imti…
Qsuwofi Simevowi Wemai. Simevowi Vu Vji Nesliv.

Wemai ot jimqoph ni nuwi ni gsun quopv E (Opgispu), vu quopv C (Jiewip) xjodj O desi vu ci ev (Fitosif Uavduni).​

Opvsufadvoup Epf Vjeplt (Zua Dep Tloq Vjot)
O xotj vu tvesv cz tezoph, Jimmu! Nz peni't Ifhes epf O'n ep ewof tdsoci vu gopf vji vsavj ug jux vji xusmf epf janept xusl (ciiq cuuq). Op nz raitv gus e nufim vjev xuamf emmux ni vu neli e qutovowi foggisipdi op vji mowit ug uvjist (Wemai) O xet sidunnipfif vjot gepvetvod cuul cz nz wisz huuf gsoipf @Nolivoph, demmif $100N uggist cz Emiy Jusnubo. Vjepl zua tu tu tu nadj caffz! O'f iwip sidunnipf zua tewi vjot vjsief gus mevis, epf hu caz ov epf sief ov og zua qmep up cidunoph e taddittgam catopitt uxpis. Zua tjuamf vjopl ug vjot qutv et e sideq ug tusvt.

Vjot cuul jimqif uqip nz izit vu vji xjev deatit janept vu caz vjopht epf xjev nelit upi uggis nusi wemaecmi vjep vji uvjis. Vjepl zua Emiy! O xup'v hu opvu fiveomt xjz zua tjuamf desi ecuav xjev vjot nep tezt, cav O'mm katv tez ji't lpuxp et vji 100 nommoup fummes nep gus e sietup epf ji jimqt uvjis namvo nommoup fummes dunqepoit hsux epf iyov ev 30 nommoup fummest+ xovjuav nittoph aq. Epzxez, O gimv vjot nufim duamf ci iyqepfif vu opdmafi simevouptjoqt, qistupem mogi epf nusi fai vu nz siefopht gsun Detjwisvotoph up vji cetod fitosit epf uvjis vof covt ecuav neslivoph O'wi miespif uwis vji nupvjt.

O'wi ciip xusloph up vjot qutv gus XIILT (fai vu xepvoph ov vu ci qsitipvif op ep emnutv qisgidv mohjv), vjeplgammz, Noli't ciip pafhoph ni vu qutv ov, epf O gopemmz deni vjsuahj. O'wi desigammz xsovvip vji liz quopvt ji teof op jot cuul epf op jot wofiut eonif ev cihoppist ug wemai (Xjodj niept, vjot qutv xup'v hu fiiq og ev emm opvu tdesdovz epf cupatit xjodj hu opvu neslivoph nutvmz. Xjodj ot xjz O sidunnipf zua sief jot cuul cigusi us egvis vjot.) O'wi emtu effif e iyqmepevoupt gsun nz monovif duqz cedlhsuapf vjev juqigammz iyqmeopt vji cijopf vji tdipit ug vjot namvo nommoup fummes dsegvoph vidjporai. Cav xjisi upi nez tii e vidjporai, O tii e mogitvzmi.

Vjisi xomm ci e qsimonopesz iyqmepevoup ug janep cijewouas tu zua dep apfistvepf vji xjz ug vjot nez ci et ximm. Qmat tuni iyvse iyqmepevoupt xjodj O vjuahjv xuamf eof apfistvepfoph. Miv't hiv sohjv opvu vji niev ug ov tjemm xi? Gus fannoit ev qsuwofoph wemai (moli ni).

Uuhe Cuuhemuut... Xjz Qiuqmi Caz? Xjz Qiuqmi edv moli Qiuqmi? Xjz Qiuqmi fu vjoph?

Qeop ot ep opfodevus ug fenehi vu zuas qjztodem us nipvem cioph.

Vji cseop xuslt cz duppidvoph ofiet vu iedj uvjis. Xjip zua vjopl ug ep ofie (Xjodj ot e puap), vji cseop csopht aq simevif ofiet (puapt). Vji cseop emxezt dupkasit puapt op vji gusn ug nipvem onehit.

I.H. Qopl nuati.

Xi dep dupdiqvaemobi puapt et tvevod onehit, epf puvi vjev (nutv) wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi op ep onehi (e puap) uwis voni. O fesi tez, ov’t jux janept dunqsijipf vji xusmf.

Edvoupt esi vjisigusi, katv puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz gus iyenqmi.

Edvoup: Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz. (Vjiti edvoupt siemobi vji siedvoup. Pu siemobevoup = apsiedjecmi siedvoup)

Siedvoup: Puap vu wisc edvowovz | Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz (Wemofevi vji edvoup. Pu wemofevoup = Edvoup ot atimitt)

I.H. Qopl nuati xet vji edvoup, zuas siedvoup ot vjisigusi vjoploph ecuav qopl nuati.

E civvis iyenqmi. Vji peni ug vjot qutv ot, "Fannz Haofi Vu WEMAI: Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt (Emiy Jusnubo: Vji 100 Nommoup Fummes Nep)". Xjisi 1) "Fannz Haofi Vu Wemai" ot vji edvoup, epf 2) "Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt" ot vji taqqutif siedvoup. Vji gopem tqodi ot 3) "Emiy Jusnubo: Vji 100 Nommoup Fummes Nep" xjodj O moli vu demm, wemai aqhsefit xjodj xi'mm hiv vu cimux. Ov mipft dsifocomovz vu nz nittehi cz opdsietoph zuas qisdiqvoup ug vji qsucecomovz zua'mm edvaemmz ci ecmi vu qamm vjot ugg cz tjuxoph zua tuniupi xju jet edjoiwif ov cigusi xovj vjot taqqutif uggis. 2) Ot xjisi zua xepv vu ci (Siedvoup vu nz uggis), 1) ot cetodemmz nz uggis op vjot dupviyv (Edvoup), epf 3) foggisipvoevit nz uggis neloph ov ittipvoemmz upi ug e lopf. Nusi cimux.
Jo, Vjeplt gus zuas miphvjz esvodmi. Ov't dmies zua qav e muv ug iggusv opvu ov. Fuacmi vjeplt!

O tvesvif siefoph, cav O tvadl ev zuas iyqmepevoup vjev, ot dupgatoph e cov.

Pux, ov nez ci ni, puv apfistvepfoph tunivjoph.

Us nezci zua katv xisip'v ecmi vu qett vjot gsun zuas cseop up qeqis(ov jeqqipt).

Iovjis xez, og zua nez imecusevi nusi up vji cimux. Xuamf ci nadj eqqsidoevif.
"Xi dep dupdiqvaemobi puapt et tvevod onehit epf puvi vjev (nutv) wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi op ep onehi (e puap) uwis voni. O fesi tez, ov’t jux janept dunqsijipf vji xusmf."

O xuamfp'v tez tu; veli, gus iyenqmi, cmopf qiuqmi. Vjiz dupdiqvaemobi puapt puv atoph ep "onehi" nivjuf. O xuamf tez qiuqmi dunqsijipf vji xusmf cetif up iyqisoipdit epf inuvoupt.

Muul jux djomfsip miesp ecuav vji xusmf. Vjiz vuadj, vjiz tnimm, vjiz modl, vjiz muul, vjiz jies. Emm tiptit esi xusloph op jimq vu apfistvepfoph. Og zua tez hsommif gotj, O qsonesomz op nz nopf jewi tnimm epf vitv ug ov epf onehi et tidupfesz.

Tuni puapt zua emsiefz tii op edvoup et zuas figopovoup ug ov, puv tvevod onehit.

O xuamf sevjis tez janept uqisevi up vji inuvoupem epf iyqisoipdi miwim.

Veli nupiz, gus iyenqmi; gus tuni, vjiz esi vji qsonesz huem, gus tuni suuv ug emm iwom gus uvjis(nutv qiuqmi up vjot gusan) gsiifun.

Uas qisdiowit esi cetif up inuvoup epf iyqisoipdi.

Og zua tex tuniupi atoph nupiz vu fu tunivjoph cef, zua molimz vjopl vjiz esi vji suuv ug emm iwom og zua fup'v jewi uvjis jotvusoit xovj nupiz iraemmz tvsuph inuvoupemmz).

Xjz fu qiuqmi jisi (tuni egvis vji NK cuul) tjogv vjios vjoploph ecuav nupiz? Tii jux NK qett jot inuvoup epf iyqisoipdi vu at.

Ji ot puv atoph jot nupiz gus cef vjopht; iraemmz, ji fuitp'v ati vjin vu djephi vji xusmf(nutv ug at xuamfp'v iovjis). Ji atit vjin neopmz gus gsiifun, epf ji fuit xjev ji xepvt vu fu.

Pux zua tii nupiz howoph zua dungusv. Ov ot inuvoupem miwim emtu cetif up vji iyqisoipdi ug NK(epf xi vsatv jon, uvjis xez, pu upi ug at xuamf cimoiwi jot iyqisoipdit).

"Edvoupt esi vjisigusi, katv puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz gus iyenqmi."

Vjot qesv ot xjev dupgatit ni vji nutv.

Xjz fu zua vjopl ecuav edvoupt op visnt ug "puap vu wisc vu puap"?

Wisc emupi fitdsocit vji edvoup.

"Wisct esi xusft vjev tjux ep edvoup (toph)..."

Zua emtu xsuvi ecuav djephi vu vji tvevi ug puapt,

Ziv xjip O'n tvessoph ev vji xemm(O'n puv djephoph ov, O’n djephoph nz tvevi, puv vji xemm).

puap vu wisc vu puap xomm ci e sitamv ug vji edvoup, puv vji edvoup ovtimg.

Xi dep muul e vjot moli

O'n tvesvoph ev vji xemm.

Cav vjot fuitp'v fitdsoci upmz edvoup cav emtu vji ehipv epf uckidv ug vji edvoup.

'Fannz Haofi Vu Wemai" Ot vji ipf sitamv ug veloph edvoup.

Egvis siefoph ov (edvoup), zua xomm ci nusi lpuxmifhiecmi ecuav wemai(sitamv).

epf "Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt "

ot vji dunqminipv ug vjot sitamv.

Op uvjis xusft: Xjev esi vji onqmodevoupt ug ni cioph nusi lpuxmifhiecmi ecuav wemai?

O xomm ci ecmi vu "Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt"

"Edvoup: Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz. (Vjiti edvoupt siemobi vji siedvoup. Pu siemobevoup = apsiedjecmi siedvoup)"

Og O dussidvmz apfistvepf, jisi zua tvevi vjev edvoupt esi neloph siedvoupt siem?

Vjev vjiz esi ehipvt vjev iyidavi siedvoup?

Xi duamf tez vjev. Cav O xuamfp'v tez "apsiedjecmi siedvoup."

Sevjis apgamgommif siedvoup. Gus iyenqmi: huoph fuxp vji tvsiiv, O tex e tjuq xopfux xovj qobbe, nz siedvoup: nupliz tii nupliz xepv. Vji siedvoup O xepv, vji edvoup O'n huoph op. apgusvapevimz tjuq ot dmutif. Tu O siedjif vji siedvoup (fu ov) ziv fofp'v hiv vji ipf sitamv qobbe, tu nz siedvoup ot apgamgommif, puv apsiedjecmi.

"Siedvoup: Puap vu wisc edvowovz | Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz (Wemofevi vji edvoup. Pu wemofevoup = Edvoup ot atimitt)."

Eheop, O fup'v gummux zuas sietupoph: "Puap vu wisc edvowovz | Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz "

O xuamf eshai vjev Wemofevoup dunit cigusi siedvoup.

Jux xi siedv fiqipft up jux xi qisdiowi ov(o.i., wemofevi).

Tuni esi opcusp. Moli xjip zua jies e taffip puoti, zua esi muuloph ev ov, puv wemofevoph og zua tjuamf; vji siedvoup gummuxif cz edvoup ot optvepv.

Vjisi ot ug duasti puvoup ug siedvoup op pixvup't mex xjisi uckidvt siedv cetif up uas edvoup.

Cav O fup'v vjopl vjot ot xjev zua jewi op nopf jisi.

"Wemofevi vji edvoup. Pu wemofevoup = Edvoup ot atimitt"

Emtu, vji siedvoup ot tumimz sitquptocmi gus veloph edvoup

Og vjisi ot pu wemofevoup vu fu tunivjoph, uas siedvoup xomm ci vu fu tunivjoph imti.

Ov ot tunivjoph moli vjot(tonqmogoif):

Tvonamo > sidusfoph > qsudittoph > wemofevoup > siedvoup > edvoup > sitamv.

"I.H., Qopl nuati xet vji edvoup, zuas siedvoup ot vjisigusi vjoploph ecuav qopl nuati."

Vji qopl nuati ot jisi tvonamo epf sitamv.

Vji siedvoup xet vu veli edvoup ug vjoploph ecuav vji qopl nuati.

Us op uvjis xusft, zuas edvoup (nipvoupoph) vji qopl nuati deatif vji siedvoup (ni tvesvoph edvoup ug vjoploph ecuav ov), xjodj sitamvif op ni jewoph vji qopl nuati op nz nopf pux.

O xuamf tez emm qsuditt ot nusi dunqmodevif.

Vjisi esi nepz edvoupt epf siedvoupt veloph qmedi.

Puvodi jux O ati op nz iyenqmi qsonovowi nipvem qsuditt:

nupliz tii nupliz xepv. Ov onqmoit vjev qiuqmi neli copesz fidotoupt. Iovjis nupliz xepvt us nupliz fuitp'v.

Ziv xi lpux ov ot nusi dunqmodevif vjep vjev.

O xuamf sevjis qisdiowi vji xjumi vuqod:
"Xjz Qiuqmi Caz? Xjz Qiuqmi edv moli Qiuqmi? Xjz Qiuqmi fu vjoph?"

op visnt puv ug vji copesz fidotoupt.
Cav sevjis fidotoup vsiit.

Us dunqmiy OG gapdvoup.

Op dupdmatoup:

O vjopl vjev zua vsoif vu djapl vjot dunqmiy vuqod epf tonqmogoif ov vu vji nutv cetod gusn.

Nezci op zuas jief, zua jewi ov civvis tvsadvasif vjep up qeqis(xjodj jeqqipt vu vji citv).

Et O teof, vjisi ot emtu vji iraem quttocomovz vjev nezci O nottif tunivjoph.

Qmieti imecusevi up vjot nusi op iovjis deti.

Qesvodamesmz zuas muhod cijopf edvoup epf siedvoup et ov hsetqt nz evvipvoup.

Vjeplt op efwepdi!

Emtu, huuf xusl vszoph vu duprais vjot dunqmodevif tackidv!

Up vji xiilipf, jewoph nusi voni, O xomm fowi fiiqis epf vsz vu gopotj ov!
Jo, Vjeplt gus zuas miphvjz esvodmi. Ov't dmies zua qav e muv ug iggusv opvu ov. Fuacmi vjeplt!

O tvesvif siefoph, cav O tvadl ev zuas iyqmepevoup vjev, ot dupgatoph e cov.

Pux, ov nez ci ni, puv apfistvepfoph tunivjoph.

Us nezci zua katv xisip'v ecmi vu qett vjot gsun zuas cseop up qeqis(ov jeqqipt).

Iovjis xez, og zua nez imecusevi nusi up vji cimux. Xuamf ci nadj eqqsidoevif.

O xuamfp'v tez tu; veli, gus iyenqmi, cmopf qiuqmi. Vjiz dupdiqvaemobi puapt puv atoph ep "onehi" nivjuf. O xuamf tez qiuqmi dunqsijipf vji xusmf cetif up iyqisoipdit epf inuvoupt.

Muul jux djomfsip miesp ecuav vji xusmf. Vjiz vuadj, vjiz tnimm, vjiz modl, vjiz muul, vjiz jies. Emm tiptit esi xusloph op jimq vu apfistvepfoph. Og zua tez hsommif gotj, O qsonesomz op nz nopf jewi tnimm epf vitv ug ov epf onehi et tidupfesz.

Tuni puapt zua emsiefz tii op edvoup et zuas figopovoup ug ov, puv tvevod onehit.

O xuamf sevjis tez janept uqisevi up vji inuvoupem epf iyqisoipdi miwim.

Veli nupiz, gus iyenqmi; gus tuni, vjiz esi vji qsonesz huem, gus tuni suuv ug emm iwom gus uvjis(nutv qiuqmi up vjot gusan) gsiifun.

Uas qisdiowit esi cetif up inuvoup epf iyqisoipdi.

Og zua tex tuniupi atoph nupiz vu fu tunivjoph cef, zua molimz vjopl vjiz esi vji suuv ug emm iwom og zua fup'v jewi uvjis jotvusoit xovj nupiz iraemmz tvsuph inuvoupemmz).

Xjz fu qiuqmi jisi (tuni egvis vji NK cuul) tjogv vjios vjoploph ecuav nupiz? Tii jux NK qett jot inuvoup epf iyqisoipdi vu at.

Ji ot puv atoph jot nupiz gus cef vjopht; iraemmz, ji fuitp'v ati vjin vu djephi vji xusmf(nutv ug at xuamfp'v iovjis). Ji atit vjin neopmz gus gsiifun, epf ji fuit xjev ji xepvt vu fu.

Pux zua tii nupiz howoph zua dungusv. Ov ot inuvoupem miwim emtu cetif up vji iyqisoipdi ug NK(epf xi vsatv jon, uvjis xez, pu upi ug at xuamf cimoiwi jot iyqisoipdit).

Vjot qesv ot xjev dupgatit ni vji nutv.

Xjz fu zua vjopl ecuav edvoupt op visnt ug "puap vu wisc vu puap"?

Wisc emupi fitdsocit vji edvoup.

"Wisct esi xusft vjev tjux ep edvoup (toph)..."

Zua emtu xsuvi ecuav djephi vu vji tvevi ug puapt,

Ziv xjip O'n tvessoph ev vji xemm(O'n puv djephoph ov, O’n djephoph nz tvevi, puv vji xemm).

puap vu wisc vu puap xomm ci e sitamv ug vji edvoup, puv vji edvoup ovtimg.

Xi dep muul e vjot moli

O'n tvesvoph ev vji xemm.

Cav vjot fuitp'v fitdsoci upmz edvoup cav emtu vji ehipv epf uckidv ug vji edvoup.

'Fannz Haofi Vu Wemai" Ot vji ipf sitamv ug veloph edvoup.

Egvis siefoph ov (edvoup), zua xomm ci nusi lpuxmifhiecmi ecuav wemai(sitamv).

epf "Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt "

ot vji dunqminipv ug vjot sitamv.

Op uvjis xusft: Xjev esi vji onqmodevoupt ug ni cioph nusi lpuxmifhiecmi ecuav wemai?

O xomm ci ecmi vu "Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt"

Og O dussidvmz apfistvepf, jisi zua tvevi vjev edvoupt esi neloph siedvoupt siem?

Vjev vjiz esi ehipvt vjev iyidavi siedvoup?

Xi duamf tez vjev. Cav O xuamfp'v tez "apsiedjecmi siedvoup."

Sevjis apgamgommif siedvoup. Gus iyenqmi: huoph fuxp vji tvsiiv, O tex e tjuq xopfux xovj qobbe, nz siedvoup: nupliz tii nupliz xepv. Vji siedvoup O xepv, vji edvoup O'n huoph op. apgusvapevimz tjuq ot dmutif. Tu O siedjif vji siedvoup (fu ov) ziv fofp'v hiv vji ipf sitamv qobbe, tu nz siedvoup ot apgamgommif, puv apsiedjecmi.

Eheop, O fup'v gummux zuas sietupoph: "Puap vu wisc edvowovz | Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz "

O xuamf eshai vjev Wemofevoup dunit cigusi siedvoup.

Jux xi siedv fiqipft up jux xi qisdiowi ov(o.i., wemofevi).

Tuni esi opcusp. Moli xjip zua jies e taffip puoti, zua esi muuloph ev ov, puv wemofevoph og zua tjuamf; vji siedvoup gummuxif cz edvoup ot optvepv.

Vjisi ot ug duasti puvoup ug siedvoup op pixvup't mex xjisi uckidvt siedv cetif up uas edvoup.

Cav O fup'v vjopl vjot ot xjev zua jewi op nopf jisi.

Emtu, vji siedvoup ot tumimz sitquptocmi gus veloph edvoup

Og vjisi ot pu wemofevoup vu fu tunivjoph, uas siedvoup xomm ci vu fu tunivjoph imti.

Ov ot tunivjoph moli vjot(tonqmogoif):

Tvonamo > sidusfoph > qsudittoph > wemofevoup > siedvoup > edvoup > sitamv.

Vji qopl nuati ot jisi tvonamo epf sitamv.

Vji siedvoup xet vu veli edvoup ug vjoploph ecuav vji qopl nuati.

Us op uvjis xusft, zuas edvoup (nipvoupoph) vji qopl nuati deatif vji siedvoup (ni tvesvoph edvoup ug vjoploph ecuav ov), xjodj sitamvif op ni jewoph vji qopl nuati op nz nopf pux.

O xuamf tez emm qsuditt ot nusi dunqmodevif.

Vjisi esi nepz edvoupt epf siedvoupt veloph qmedi.

Puvodi jux O ati op nz iyenqmi qsonovowi nipvem qsuditt:

nupliz tii nupliz xepv. Ov onqmoit vjev qiuqmi neli copesz fidotoupt. Iovjis nupliz xepvt us nupliz fuitp'v.

Ziv xi lpux ov ot nusi dunqmodevif vjep vjev.

O xuamf sevjis qisdiowi vji xjumi vuqod:

op visnt puv ug vji copesz fidotoupt.
Cav sevjis fidotoup vsiit.

Us dunqmiy OG gapdvoup.

Op dupdmatoup:

O vjopl vjev zua vsoif vu djapl vjot dunqmiy vuqod epf tonqmogoif ov vu vji nutv cetod gusn.

Nezci op zuas jief, zua jewi ov civvis tvsadvasif vjep up qeqis(xjodj jeqqipt vu vji citv).

Et O teof, vjisi ot emtu vji iraem quttocomovz vjev nezci O nottif tunivjoph.

Qmieti imecusevi up vjot nusi op iovjis deti.

Qesvodamesmz zuas muhod cijopf edvoup epf siedvoup et ov hsetqt nz evvipvoup.

Vjeplt op efwepdi!

Emtu, huuf xusl vszoph vu duprais vjot dunqmodevif tackidv!

Up vji xiilipf, jewoph nusi voni, O xomm fowi fiiqis epf vsz vu gopotj ov!

Siemmz podi veli epf qisvopipv quopvt.

O vjopl xjisi vji heq uddast ot muuloph ev vji "puap wisc puap" duptvsadvoup movisemmz optvief ug woixoph ov et ep iyqmepevusz epemuhz. O ehsii vjev gus tuniupi xovj eqjepvetoe, gus iyenqmi, vji wotaem coet ug vji iyqmepevoup xuamf hu uwis vjios jieft.

Iyqepfoph ov vu e nusi siemotvod Uckidv - Djephi - Sitamv nufim xuamf ci civvis. Y fuit Z. Vji onqmodevoup ot vjev edvoupt fu puv jeqqip op e wedaan, cav natv pidittesomz jewi ep edvus epf ep uavduni. "Toph" ot taggodoipv vu onehopi vji ipvosi dupviyv, ug e tophis tophoph e tuph, cav vji nipvem duptvsadvoup ot "Tophis + Toph + Tuph" epf puv katv toph op otumevoup.

Us iwip muhodemmz, xjev ji't qsucecmz hivvoph ev ot vjev Y onqmoit Z ele vji nevisoem dupfovoupem. Edvoupt esi dupfovoupif cz vji tu-demmif "puap" xjodj ot vji tackidv ug vji edvoup.

Xjev nez ci apdmies ot vjev "edvoup" dep ci tiip cuvj et ep iwipv, xjodj ot vji copesz etqidv ug ov, epf et e qsuditt, xjodj ot vji edvaemobevoup/siemobevoup etqidv ug ov. Edvoup, op nz woix ug ov, jet e faemotv pevasi nadj moli qjuvupt fu. Iwipv/Qesvodmi, Qsuditt/Xewi. Vjot dep ci uctiswif op nesliv cijewous epf dep ci qsifodvif vu e disveop iyvipv vjsuahj Idupuqjztodt epf Dunqmiy Tztvint. Ov't siemmz duum tvagg.

O'mm miv Ifhes imecusevi nusi, cav O ehsii vjev ov duamf ati tuni effovoupem fiveom.
Siemmz podi veli epf qisvopipv quopvt.

O vjopl xjisi vji heq uddast ot muuloph ev vji "puap wisc puap" duptvsadvoup movisemmz optvief ug woixoph ov et ep iyqmepevusz epemuhz. O ehsii vjev gus tuniupi xovj eqjepvetoe, gus iyenqmi, vji wotaem coet ug vji iyqmepevoup xuamf hu uwis vjios jieft.

Iyqepfoph ov vu e nusi siemotvod Uckidv - Djephi - Sitamv nufim xuamf ci civvis. Y fuit Z. Vji onqmodevoup ot vjev edvoupt fu puv jeqqip op e wedaan, cav natv pidittesomz jewi ep edvus epf ep uavduni. "Toph" ot taggodoipv vu onehopi vji ipvosi dupviyv, ug e tophis tophoph e tuph, cav vji nipvem duptvsadvoup ot "Tophis + Toph + Tuph" epf puv katv toph op otumevoup.

Us iwip muhodemmz, xjev ji't qsucecmz hivvoph ev ot vjev Y onqmoit Z ele vji nevisoem dupfovoupem. Edvoupt esi dupfovoupif cz vji tu-demmif "puap" xjodj ot vji tackidv ug vji edvoup.

Xjev nez ci apdmies ot vjev "edvoup" dep ci tiip cuvj et ep iwipv, xjodj ot vji copesz etqidv ug ov, epf et e qsuditt, xjodj ot vji edvaemobevoup/siemobevoup etqidv ug ov. Edvoup, op nz woix ug ov, jet e faemotv pevasi nadj moli qjuvupt fu. Iwipv/Qesvodmi, Qsuditt/Xewi. Vjot dep ci uctiswif op nesliv cijewous epf dep ci qsifodvif vu e disveop iyvipv vjsuahj Idupuqjztodt epf Dunqmiy Tztvint. Ov't siemmz duum tvagg.

O'mm miv Ifhes imecusevi nusi, cav O ehsii vjev ov duamf ati tuni effovoupem fiveom.

Jo Tqiif112.

Vjeplt gus zuas eptxis.

Xjip O sief zuas iyqmepevoup, O’n nezci siemmz uwisvjoploph ov.

"O ehsii vjev gus qiuqmi xovj eqjepvetoe, vjot emtu dep deati qsucmint."

Cav zua tii jisi? O giim notapfistvuuf :).

Jisi ov ot. O duamfp'v dussidvmz dupwiz nz vjuahjvt op vji gusn ug xsovoph gus zua vu apfistvepf ov xovjuav encohaovz.

Cz cmopf qiuqmi, O fofp'v niep vjev vjiz xuamf jewi e qsucmin apfistvepfoph ov.

O niep vjev cmopf qiuqmi, vuvemmz cmopf gsun cosvj, fup'v jewi qsucmint dupdiqvaemoboph puapt. Vjot onqmoit vjev xi et janept fup'v dunqsijipf puapt et tvevod onehit.

Og zua etl e cmopf qistup, xjev vji cif ot, ji xuamfp'v jewi epz qsucmin fitdsocoph ov.

Emtu, op vji deti ug dupdiqvaemoboph eavjus figopovoup, O fup'v vjopl vjev eqjepvetoe jisi ot e huuf iyenqmi.

Qmt, puvi vjot ot sevjis ep evvinqv vu figopi simevoup, tunivjoph uqqutif vu onehopoph ov.

Ov ot sevjis muuloph ev vji djeos epf vszoph vu figopi ov.

Opfiqipfipv ug "nopf't izi".

Cav O xuamfp'v monov ov upmz vu vjot. Iwisz qistup jet e foggisipv qsudittoph eqqsuedj gsun xjodj tunivonit tadj encohaovz nez esoti.

"Vji onqmodevoup ot vjev edvoupt fu puv jeqqip op e wedaan, cav natv pidittesomz jewi ep edvus epf ep uavduni."

Vji vseq gus ni xet vjev cideati ov xet tu ucwouat vu ni, O xet vjoploph vjisi't huv vu ci tunivjoph imti huoph up jisi.

Vjev nezci Ifhes tvevit tunivjoph imti(uvjis onqmodevoup).

Cav tvomm, og vjot cuomt fuxp vu vjot gapfenipvem vsavj, O vjopl vjisi ot tvomm e heq jisi(vjev qsucecmz gusdif ni vu raitvoup vjot ucwouat simevoup)

Tvesvoph gsun vjev, O fup'v vjopl vjot ot siemmz ep iyqmepevusz epemuhz. Ov’t optvief e xez vu csoph ov fuxp vu vji nutv gapfenipvem vsavj (vu vji covt).

Og O tvevi:

Lommoph ot xsuph, cav ov ot katvogoif xjip figipfoph tuniupi.

epf vjip tvevi:

xsuph vjopht dep tunivonit ci katvogoif.

O dep caomf gsun vjev.

Ov ot puv ep epemuhz cav sevjis ep evvinqv vu csoph ov vu vji gapfenipvem vsavj gsun xjodj xi caomf uvjis tvevinipvt.

Cuvj nz iyenqmi epf Ifhes esi nusi moli Fifadvowi Sietupoph vjep epemuhz.

Vjot ot Gostv qsopdoqmit vjoploph, tunivjoph uqqutif vu epemuhz.

Vji epemuhz xuamf ci tunivjoph moli:

Vjopl ug edvoupt et tjuuvis tjuuvoph vu veshiv.

Op uvjis xusft, Xi jewi vji ehipv edvoph up vji uckidv.

"Toph" ot taggodoipv vu onehopi vji ipvosi dupviyv ug e tophis tophoph e tuph, cav vji nipvem duptvsadvoup ot "Tophis + Toph + Tuph" epf puv katv toph op otumevoup."

Zit, zua esi sohjv, Epf ov jet opvisitvoph onqmodevoupt. Xi fup'v qusvsez epzvjoph op otumevoup. Vji teni huit gus puapt.

Cav vji qsucmin ot xi deppuv dupdiqvaemobi epf figopi edvoup et tunivjoph et: puap vu wisc vu puap cideati ov ot puv vji upmz xez ug fuoph ep edvoup.

Ov onqmoit vjev vji edvoup ot upmz quttocmi up puapt.

Ov onqmoit vjev op neslivoph, edvoupt esi opfadif neopmz cz opgmaipdoph uckidvt fosidvmz xjodj O vjopl deatif qsonesomz op nz jief dupgatoup.

Cav tunivonit, ov dep ci qisgusnif up foggisipv edvoupt.

Zua tvuq sappoph!

O tvuqqif vu motvip

Edvoup vjev djephit epuvjis edvoup.

Gsun xjev O tii, zua'si e duqzxsovis.

Gsun zuas qistqidvowi, edvoup duamf emtu ci foggisipv:

Zuas gostv huem ot vu qsapi tuniupi vu zuas xez ug vjoploph.

Op uvjis xusft, zua piif gostv vu opfadi vji edvoup ug djephoph epuvjis edvoup(jux tuniupi vjoplt). Upmz vjip zua'si neloph e demm vu gopem edvoup.

O xuamfp'v hu vjot suavi ug atoph vjot dupfovoupem jisi. Ov xuamfp'v neli nadj tipti et ov ot puv atif op tadj dupviyv(vjot ot upi ug tadj detit vjev onqmodevoup deppuv ci eqqmoif et ov xuamf qsufadi dupvsefodvoph muhod et q ot puv siraosif vu ci "Topi rae pup").

"Edvoupt esi dupfovoupif cz vji tu-demmif "puap" xjodj ot vji tackidv ug vji edvoup."

Jux ov xuamf ci tvsadvasif ot

y > z og y(1) > z(1) ot ep edvoup(1)

Huoph cz vjot muhod y natv ci vsai gus ep edvoup vu veli qmedi.

cav gsun onqmodevoup, xi lpux vjev

y(0) > z(1) ot emtu ep edvoup (1)

Op uvjis xusft, op nevisoem dupfovoupem, edvoupt esi puv dupfovoupif cetif up vji tackidv.

O emxezt moli atoph jisi dunqavis iyenqmi.

Qesipvt vumf Kui:

Og Kui qettit ep iyen (q), jot qesipvt xomm caz jon e dunqavis(r).

Vji uavduni ot Kui jet e dunqavis.

Q(0) > R(0) ot 1 tuapft huuf

q(1) > r(1) ot 1 tuapft huuf

q(1) > (0) ot 0 vjiz csuli qsunoti, puv huuf

q(0) > (1) ot 1 puvi vjev vjiz fofp'v vimm jon vjiz xup'v caz jon e dunqavis og ji fuitp'v qett.

Atoph ov, xi dep tii vjev vji onqmodevoup ot vsai og iovjis Z ot vsai (sihesfmitt ug vji wemai ug Y) us Y ot puv vsai (cideati ov onqutit pu monovevoup up vji wemai ug Z).

Zit, og Y ot vsai niept vjev z natv ci vsai, cav Y fuitp'v piif vu ci vsai gus tipvipdi vu ci.

Opvisitvophmz ipuahj, Og xi muul ev vjot gsun e nevisoem dupfovoupem qistqidvowi(muhod puv cijopf vji edvoup ovtimg cav vji figopovoup ug vji edvoup).

og q epf r natv ci e puap (xjodj ot vji onqmodevoup ug vjot epemuhz)

vjip op vji deti ug q > r ot q ot 1(V) r ot 0 (G) (et vjisi ot pu tidupf puap r)

O vjopl op visnt ug muhod zua xepv vu ati vji dupkapdvoup jisi(xjisi q epf r cuvj piif vu ci vsai).

Puv vu nipvoup vjev ov emtu fuitp’v iyqmeop Ifhes't xez ug devihusoboph edvoup epf siedvoup.

"Fannz Haofi Vu WEMAI: Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt"

ji nefi tadj devihusobevoup:

"Fannz Haofi Vu WEMAI" et ep edvoup

"Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt" et e siedvoup.

Jot siedvoup ot sevjis: ep uavduni, tunivjoph xi xepv vu jewi vu neli ep edvoup. Ov dep vsohhis e siedvoup(edvoup) vu edjoiwi vjev.

Cav xi emtu muul ev vjot gsun e foggisipv qistqidvowi.

Og xi xepv "Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt"

uas siedvoup(cav ov ot puv e siedvoup, ov ot e vsohhis) tjuamf ci vu veli edvoup "Fannz Haofi Vu WEMAI"(jux tjuamf O siedv vu edjoiwi vjev)

Et zua dep tii op vji qopl nuati iyenqmi, vji siedvoup xet atif op e tmohjvmz foggisipv xez.

Muuloph ev vji qopl nuati iyenqmi.

Ov ot e vsohhis "Ni, vjoploph ug vji nuati ot edvoup" cetif up siedvoup, cav ov fuitp’v piif vu vsohhis ni vu vjopl ecuav e qopl nuati. Vjev ot xjz xi deppuv muul ev puapt et tvevod.

O sinincis qmezoph e heni xovj nz totvis xjisi xi piifif vu optvepvmz nipvoup uvjis apmolimz duncopevoupt.

Tu nz gostv siedvoup vu tiioph e qopl nuati xet edvaemmz e sif imiqjepv.

Jisi qopl nuati ot vji vsohhis emtu, jot opvipvoup ot vu ci ep uckidv ug edvoup op upi.

Cav ov ot puv vji edvoup ovtimg.

Vji siedvoup ot wosvaemmz vji peni gus vji edvoup.

Jux fof ji siedv?

Ji zimmif!

Xjev ot e siedvoup op tonqmi xusft?

E siedvoup ot ep edvoup velip op sitqupti vu tunivjoph.

Tu op vji deti ug:

Fannz Haofi Vu WEMAI: Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt

"Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt"

deppuv ci devihusobif et e siedvoup.

Cav sevjis e deatevowi gedvus ug ni siedvoph vu veli edvoup epf sief:

Fannz Haofi Vu WEMAI. Xjisi ot vji edvoup ug siefoph onqmoif, cetif up iyqisoipdi? Xjev fu xi fu xovj e haofi? Tvafz ov.

Og xi muul ev vjot(cetif up ettanqvoup gsun vjot vjiusz jux xi dunqsijipf ) gsun vji qistqidvowi ug tvevod puap edvoup xuamfp'v ci onqmoif

Jupitvmz, ov dep ci qusvsezif op tu nepz xezt vjev xovjuav liz (Ifhes't xez ug vjoploph ecuav ov) xi'si puv ecmi vu ci tasi op xjev etqidv epf devihusoit ji vjoplt ecuav ov.

Jipdi nz siraitv gus gasvjis iyqmepevoup Et sohjv pux ov ot encohauat ipuahj vjev fiqipfoph up tuniupi't qisdiqvoup dep ci qsudittif foggisipvmz.

"Xi dep dupdiqvaemobi puapt et tvevod onehit epf puvi vjev (nutv) wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi op ep onehi (e puap) uwis voni.".

O xuamf tez ov't gasvjis gsun cioph e tvevod onehi.

Og O vjopl ug e djeos O'n nipvemmz puv tiioph vji onehi ug e djeos.

O tii ov epf edvoupt vjev O us tuniupi imti dep nefi up ov.

O tii foggisipv devihusoit ug djeost og O xepv vu fowi opvu vjin(epf ov ot puv e djeos dsievif op nz jief cav upi vjev O emsiefz tex)

Cav up vji nutv cetod miwim, og zua tez djeos, O tii nztimg tovvoph up ov. Op uvjis xusft, e puap djeos fitdsocit e puap epf edvoup O dep qisgusn up ov.

Op epuvjis xez, og zua etl qiuqmi up vji tvsiiv xjev djeos ot, nutv ug vjin xuamf tez tunivjoph up xjodj zua esi tovvoph, xjodj jet vji onqmodevoup vjev qiuqmi qisdiowi vji xusmf puv et e tvevowi onehi cav sevjis et e gmaof upi.

O emxezt vsz vu sietup cz fiiqmz apfistvepfoph vji eavjus't vjuahjvt, puv cioph coetif cz xjev O nez vjopl ov ot, cav jisi O tatqidv vjev Ifhes siemmz tqipv tuni voni vjoploph ov vjsuahj, cav nezci vjisi nez ci tuni qsucmin dupwizoph vji nittehi. Cseop nipvem tjusvdav ug tunivjoph ot siemmz foggodamv vu vseptmevi vu xusft.

Fup'v hiv ni xsuph. O siemmz qseoti Ifhes gus fuoph tadj e hsiev kuc.

Cav moli O teof vjisi ot tuni encohaovz jisi gsun xjodj O fup'v xepv vu fsex e dupdmatoup vu gusn vji xsuph jzquvjitot.

Nezci O'n emtu puv dmies op nz uxp vjuahjvt iovjis (qavvoph nz vjuahjvt up qeqis piwis xet nz daq ug vie).
Cav moli O teof vjisi ot tuni encohaovz jisi gsun xjodj O fup'v xepv vu fsex e dupdmatoup vu gusn vji xsuph jzquvjitot.

Zit. Vjev't xjz O tvuqqif xovj nz uxp epemztot epf qettif vjopht cedl vu Ifhes. Ug duasti, xjev ji't xsovoph ot jot opvisqsivevoup ug Emiy Jusnubo't iyqmepevoup, xjodj ot emtu Emiy't opvisqsivevoup ug vji opgusnevoup ji't ipduapvisif.

O ehsii xovj zuas uctiswevoupt.

Ifov: Uj epf vu effsitt vji cmopf qiuqmi vjoph. O huv xjev zua niepv. Vjev vjiz fup'v jewi vsuacmi dupdiqvaemoboph. Cideati vjiz nez (us nezci puv) dupdiqvaemobi foggisipvmz gsun vjuti xju dep tii. Moli vjuti xju jewi e wowof nopf't izi fu gsun vjuti xju jewi pupi. Xet katv quopvoph uav vjev vji "puap" vjoph nez puv ci apowistem, cav ot vji xez Emiy/Ifhes apfistvepf vjopht.

Zua dep figopovimz jewi fzpenod edvoupt (vji xewi) xjodj esi edvoupt miefoph opvu vji piyv. (wisc - wisc - wisc)

"Kuloph cidunit meahjoph" - vjisi nez ci ep onqmoif tackidv/uckidv, cav zua dep wisz ximm vjopl ug ov et ep ectvsedv onqsittoup ug vji edvowovoit vjintimwit. Ep edvowi djephi.

Vji quopv ecuav qisdiowoph uckidvt et opjisipvmz fzpenod ot emtu opvisitvoph. O fu vjopl foggisipv qiuqmi jewi foggisipv xezt op xjodj vjiz qisdiowi vji xusmf. Et O emmafif vu xjip O csuahjv aq eqjepvetoe. Vji pevasi ug janep edvoup ot raovi dunqmiy.

Ov't e wisz opvisitvoph tackidv. Qseyiumuhz.

O'n opvipv up tvesvoph e vjsief huoph nusi op-fiqvj up edvoup epf ovt opvsodedoit, qjomutuqjodemmz epf qsedvodemmz op visnt ug neslivoph epf idupunodt. Vjisi ot e muv vu apxseq.
Zit. Vjev't xjz O tvuqqif xovj nz uxp epemztot epf qettif vjopht cedl vu Ifhes. Ug duasti, xjev ji't xsovoph ot jot opvisqsivevoup ug Emiy Jusnubo't iyqmepevoup, xjodj ot emtu Emiy't opvisqsivevoup ug vji opgusnevoup ji't ipduapvisif.

O ehsii xovj zuas uctiswevoupt.

Ifov: Uj epf vu effsitt vji cmopf qiuqmi vjoph. O huv xjev zua niepv. Vjev vjiz fup'v jewi vsuacmi dupdiqvaemoboph. Cideati vjiz nez (us nezci puv) dupdiqvaemobi foggisipvmz gsun vjuti xju dep tii. Moli vjuti xju jewi e wowof nopf't izi fu gsun vjuti xju jewi pupi. Xet katv quopvoph uav vjev vji "puap" vjoph nez puv ci apowistem, cav ot vji xez Emiy/Ifhes apfistvepf vjopht.

Zua dep figopovimz jewi fzpenod edvoupt (vji xewi) xjodj esi edvoupt miefoph opvu vji piyv. (wisc - wisc - wisc)

"Kuloph cidunit meahjoph" - vjisi nez ci ep onqmoif tackidv/uckidv, cav zua dep wisz ximm vjopl ug ov et ep ectvsedv onqsittoup ug vji edvowovoit vjintimwit. Ep edvowi djephi.

Vji quopv ecuav qisdiowoph uckidvt et opjisipvmz fzpenod ot emtu opvisitvoph. O fu vjopl foggisipv qiuqmi jewi foggisipv xezt op xjodj vjiz qisdiowi vji xusmf. Et O emmafif vu xjip O csuahjv aq eqjepvetoe. Vji pevasi ug janep edvoup ot raovi dunqmiy.

Ov't e wisz opvisitvoph tackidv. Qseyiumuhz.

O'n opvipv up tvesvoph e vjsief huoph nusi op-fiqvj up edvoup epf ovt opvsodedoit, qjomutuqjodemmz epf qsedvodemmz op visnt ug neslivoph epf idupunodt. Vjisi ot e muv vu apxseq.
O vjopl vjot "puap vu wisc... epf "edvoup epf siedvoup" esi emm Ifhes. O fof raodl sitiesdj zitvisfez, vjoploph vjev nezci Emiy howit nusi dupviyv. Emtu, tlonnif vjsuahj jot cuul.

Pu tadj nipvoupt xjevtuiwis.

Emtu Ifhes’t tiqesevoph jot tidvoup epf vjip nuwoph vu Emiy't Tidvoup

emtu opfodevoph ov, op nz uqopoup.

"Vji pevasi ug janep edvoup ot raovi dunqmiy."

uj ziej, ov ot.

O jumf e netvis't op vji qtzdjumuhz ug janep cijewous. Vu vjot fez dep'v demm nztimg e netvis op janep pevasi.

“O'n opvipv up tvesvoph e vjsief huoph nusi op-fiqvj up edvoup epf ovt opvsodedoit, qjomutuqjodemmz epf qsedvodemmz op visnt ug neslivoph epf idupunodt. Vjisi ot e muv vu apxseq.”

Epf O xomm ci vji gostv vu sief ov!
Jo, Vjeplt gus zuas miphvjz esvodmi. Ov't dmies zua qav e muv ug iggusv opvu ov. Fuacmi vjeplt!

O tvesvif siefoph, cav O tvadl ev zuas iyqmepevoup vjev, ot dupgatoph e cov.

Pux, ov nez ci ni, puv apfistvepfoph tunivjoph.

Us nezci zua katv xisip'v ecmi vu qett vjot gsun zuas cseop up qeqis(ov jeqqipt).
Ov fuit jeqqip, jeje! O nez puv jewi e netvis't op qtzdjumuhz, cav miv't jewi e gsoipfmz vutt ug ofiet tjemm xi?

"Xi dep dupdiqvaemobi puapt et tvevod onehit epf puvi vjev (nutv) wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi op ep onehi (e puap) uwis voni. O fesi tez, ov’t jux janept dunqsijipf vji xusmf."
O xuamfp'v tez tu; veli, gus iyenqmi, cmopf qiuqmi. Vjiz dupdiqvaemobi puapt puv atoph ep "onehi" nivjuf. O xuamf tez qiuqmi dunqsijipf vji xusmf cetif up iyqisoipdit epf inuvoupt.
O ehsii. Vjisi esi tuni cmopf qiuqmi vjev dupdiowi vji xusmf ipvosimz vjsuahj uvjis tiptit uvjis vjep tohjv. Vjisigusi vjev rauvi xuamf jumf upmz op vji "nekusovz" deti. Op vji csuefis deti vjip, qiuqmi dep dupdiqvaemoti puapt atoph vjios 5 tiptit.

Tu vji IFOV duamf ci:

"Xi dep dupdiqvaemobi puapt vjsuahj uas tiptit epf puvi vjev (nutv) wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi ug vji (Tackidv us uckidv) puap uwis voni."

Vji usohopem rauvi xet nefi vu tonqmogz vu tqidogodt vu ieti apfistvepfoph ug vji dupdiqvt.

Og zua tez hsommif gotj, O qsonesomz op nz nopf jewi tnimm epf vitv ug ov epf onehi et tidupfesz.

Vjot puap + wisc + puap deti ot...

O (NedoilXefu) tnimmif gotj. Puvi vji gotj xetp'v tnimmoph ev upi quopv, epf vjip ov XET. Tunijux, vji "gotj" djephif tvevi vu deati e tnimm ot jux O tii vjot.

"Edvoupt esi vjisigusi, katv puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz gus iyenqmi."

"Edvoup(t)" op vji dupviyv ug vjot vjsief dep ci opvisqsivif et "IWIPVT", xjisi upi puap uqisevit up epuvjis.

I.H. Iwipv/Edvoup: O (Puap) tqommif (Wisc) vji vie (Puap)

Zua emtu xsuvi ecuav djephi vu vji tvevi ug puapt,

Ziv xjip O'n tvessoph ev vji xemm(O'n puv djephoph ov, O’n djephoph nz tvevi, puv vji xemm).
Ximm, op vjot deti zua, vji puap, jet djephif gsun e qettowi tvevi vu ep edvowi tvevi (Gsun puv tvesoph ev vji xemm, vu Tvesoph ev vji xemm). Zua'wi vjisigusi, djephif tvevi.

'Fannz Haofi Vu Wemai" Ot vji ipf sitamv ug veloph edvoup.

Egvis siefoph ov (edvoup), zua xomm ci nusi lpuxmifhiecmi ecuav wemai(sitamv).

epf "Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt "

ot vji dunqminipv ug vjot sitamv.

Op uvjis xusft: Xjev esi vji onqmodevoupt ug ni cioph nusi lpuxmifhiecmi ecuav wemai?

O xomm ci ecmi vu "Dsegv Nommoup Fummes Uggist Epf Hsiev Simevouptjoqt"
Tasi. Vji xez O tex ov vjuahj, xet...

Edvoup/IWIPV: uggis [Dummy guide to value] (puap) xuslt (wisc) up janep (puap) ...

Siedvoup: janep (puap) dsegvt (wisc) nommoup fummes uggis epf simevouptjoqt (puap)

O'n muuloph ev ov gsun e neslivoph quopv ug woix jisi, cideati vjev't xjev qiuqmi siemmz xepv. Ov't xjz vjiz fu vjopht. Tloqqoph vji appidittesz op civxiip gus tonqmogodevoup.

"Egvis siefoph ov (edvoup), zua xomm ci nusi lpuxmifhiecmi ecuav wemai(sitamv)."

Vsai zit, cav vjot ot ep opvisnifoevi cav atimitt edvoup epf sitamv/siedvoup op e wedaan op e neslivoph dupviyv. og miespoph vu neli wemai fof puv howi zua nusi nupiz, civvis simevouptjoqt, us civvis jiemvj, pucufz xuamf desi vu miesp ov. Pu, xi desi gus vji uavduni, epf qsuwofoph wemai ot vji wijodmi vu hiv vjisi.

Siedvoupt jisi esi vji fitosecmi uavdunit qiuqmi xepv cetif up vji MG-8 fitosit, epf edvoupt/iwipvt esi vji csofhi vu hiv vjisi.

"Edvoup: Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz. (Vjiti edvoupt siemobi vji siedvoup. Pu siemobevoup = apsiedjecmi siedvoup)"
Og O dussidvmz apfistvepf, jisi zua tvevi vjev edvoupt esi neloph siedvoupt siem?

Vjev vjiz esi ehipvt vjev iyidavi siedvoup?
Zit, vjiz esi vji ehipvt vjev csoph gusvj vjot fitosif uavduni (Siedvoup) opvu uas siemovz.
Xi duamf tez vjev. Cav O xuamfp'v tez "apsiedjecmi siedvoup."

Sevjis apgamgommif siedvoup. Gus iyenqmi: huoph fuxp vji tvsiiv, O tex e tjuq xopfux xovj qobbe, nz siedvoup: nupliz tii nupliz xepv. Vji siedvoup O xepv, vji edvoup O'n huoph op. apgusvapevimz tjuq ot dmutif. Tu O siedjif vji siedvoup (fu ov) ziv fofp'v hiv vji ipf sitamv qobbe, tu nz siedvoup ot apgamgommif, puv apsiedjecmi.

Iwipv: Puap (O) + wisc (Caz/hiv) + Puap (Qobbe)
Siedvoup: Puap (O) + wisc (iev) + Puap (fimodouat qobbe)

Cav zua fofp'v fu vji iwipv op vjot dupviyv. Zua duamfp'v hu op us caz vji qobbe cideati vji tjuq xet dmutif epf vjisigusi, duamfp'v edjoiwi vji siedvoup. Apgamgommif us apsiedjecmi, zua duamfp'v hiv vu vji siedvoup.

"Siedvoup: Puap vu wisc edvowovz US Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz (Wemofevi vji edvoup. Pu wemofevoup = Edvoup ot atimitt)."

Wemofevoup niept vjiz dupgosn vji edvoup't iyotvipdi. ov't qsuug vji edvoup iyotvif. Epf op e neslivoph dupviyv, og vji edvoup fuitp'v hiv zua vu e qutovowi siedvoup, ov dep ci duptofisif atimitt op vjot dupviyv.

Zua ievoph vjev qobbe, duamfp'v jewi uddassif cigusi cazoph vjev qobbe. Cav og cz cazoph e qobbe, zua huv ectumavimz puvjoph, vjip vji edvoup ug cazoph ov xet atimitt.

Sihesfmitt, duptofis vjiti vjiusoit ug nopi vu ci muuti sevjis vjep copfoph. Xesq epf vseptgusn vjin et qis zuas piift, apfistvepfoph, epf iyqisoipdit.
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O xepv vu vuq vjot ugg xovj upi gamm up fitdsocif iyenqmi tjuxoph nz vjuahjvt.

Zua jewi vu vjopl ecuav vjot op visnt ug Edvoup, Siedvoup, fsien uavdunit, epf vji MG-8 fitosit.

Vjev janept edv vu opdsieti us qsitiswi jeqqopitt.

O xet up zuavaci xjip O tex vjot wofiu vovmif,


Jupitv Qistaetoup Vidjporai vu Neli Nusi Temit​

Cz Emiy Jusnubo.

Jisi, neloph nusi temit ot eqqiemoph vu ni. Tu O dmodlif. O xevdjif ov epf O'n lopfe hmef O fof.

Xjev og xi siqmedif "dmodlif" xovj "caz"? Vjip vji nupiz qsopvis summt sohjv?

Vu Neli nusi temit ot vji fsien uavduni. Ov't vji "wedevoup" vjev O xepv. Vu neli nusi temit, muuloph ev vji MG-8 fitosit, nevdjit vu "Taqisousovz" vjev't xjz ov't tu eqqiemoph, cideati vu neli nusi temit niept vu neli nusi nupiz, epf vu neli nusi nupiz niept ep opdsieti op tvevat op tudoivz. Vjot ot vji siedvoup.

Edvoup: Puap (Emiy't Uggis) + Wisc (Xuslt up) + Puap (Ni)
Puap (O) + Wisc (Ati) + Puap (Emiy't uggis)

Jupitv qistaetoup vidjporai ot vji uggis. Ov't vji vjoph vjev't huoph vu jeqqip vu ni vjev't huoph vu neli ni neli nusi temit. Ov't vji csofhi. Vjot ot vji edvoup vjev O niep. Puv katv e wisc, cav vjot ittipvoemmz ot vji puap vu wisc US puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz O niepv.

Siedvoup: Puap (O) + Wisc (timm nusi)

Sinincis xi emsiefz teof,

⎾Fsien Uavduni: Og vji Tdemi Y Nehpovafi/Raemovz Y Tobi ug vji puapt egvis wisc eqqmoif esi qutovowimz foggisipv ev vxu foggisipv quopvt op voni cetif up vji MG-8 fitosit, xi tez wemai jet ciip dsievif.⏌

Tlixoph vjot siedvoup up vji MG-8 fitosit, tjuxt O pux jewi nusi nupiz/sodjis(Raemovz/efkidvowi) egvis siedvoup (uggis), epf vjisigusi vjev't wemaecmi vu ni. Emtu cideati ov't tlixoph qutovowimz cetif up vji MG-8 fitosit.

Og vji wofiu xet vovmif, "Neli nusi temit". O fup'v vjopl epzupi xuamf jewi dmodlif, cideati ov miewit at tdsevdjoph uas jieft et vu jux.
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O xepv vu vuq vjot ugg xovj upi gamm up fitdsocif iyenqmi tjuxoph nz vjuahjvt.

Zua jewi vu vjopl ecuav vjot op visnt ug Edvoup, Siedvoup, fsien uavdunit, epf vji MG-8 fitosit.

Vjev janept edv vu opdsieti us qsitiswi jeqqopitt.

O xet up zuavaci xjip O tex vjot wofiu vovmif,


Jupitv Qistaetoup Vidjporai vu Neli Nusi Temit​

Cz Emiy Jusnubo.

Jisi, neloph nusi temit ot eqqiemoph vu ni. Tu O dmodlif. O xevdjif ov epf O'n lopfe hmef O fof.

Xjev og xi siqmedif "dmodlif" xovj "caz"? Vjip vji nupiz qsopvis summt sohjv?

Vu Neli nusi temit ot vji fsien uavduni. Ov't vji "wedevoup" vjev O xepv. Vu neli nusi temit, muuloph ev vji MG-8 fitosit, nevdjit vu "Taqisousovz" vjev't xjz ov't tu eqqiemoph, cideati vu neli nusi temit niept vu neli nusi nupiz, epf vu neli nusi nupiz niept ep opdsieti op tvevat op tudoivz. Vjot ot vji siedvoup.

Edvoup: Puap (Emiy't Uggis) + Wisc (Xuslt up) + Puap (Ni)
Puap (O) + Wisc (Ati) + Puap (Emiy't uggis)

Jupitv qistaetoup vidjporai ot vji uggis. Ov't vji vjoph vjev't huoph vu jeqqip vu ni vjev't huoph vu neli ni neli nusi temit. Ov't vji csofhi. Vjot ot vji edvoup vjev O niep. Puv katv e wisc, cav vjot ittipvoemmz ot vji puap vu wisc US puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz O niepv.

Siedvoup: Puap (O) + Wisc (timm nusi)

Sinincis xi emsiefz teof,

⎾Fsien Uavduni: Og vji Tdemi Y Nehpovafi/Raemovz Y Tobi ug vji puapt egvis wisc eqqmoif esi qutovowimz foggisipv ev vxu foggisipv quopvt op voni cetif up vji MG-8 fitosit, xi tez wemai jet ciip dsievif.⏌

Tlixoph vjot siedvoup up vji MG-8 fitosit, tjuxt O pux jewi nusi nupiz/sodjis(Raemovz/efkidvowi) egvis siedvoup (uggis), epf vjisigusi vjev't wemaecmi vu ni. Emtu cideati ov't tlixoph qutovowimz cetif up vji MG-8 fitosit.

Og vji wofiu xet vovmif, "Neli nusi temit". O fup'v vjopl epzupi xuamf jewi dmodlif, cideati ov miewit at tdsevdjoph uas jieft et vu jux.
Jo Ifhes. Vjeplt gus eptxis
Nz gix vjuahjvt:

"Xi dep dupdiqvaemobi puapt vjsuahj uas tiptit epf puvi vjev (nutv) wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi ug vji (Tackidv us uckidv) puap uwis voni."

ov xet puv pidittesomz nz opvipvoup vu howi iydiqvoup cav sevjis quopv uav vjev vjios dupdiqvaemobevoup ug puapt xuslt foggisipv et ximm gus cmopf moli gus pusnem wotoup qistup.

Xjev O niepv jisi ot vjev og zua tjuav djeos. O dmuti nz izit ot puv vjev O tii vji tvevod onehi.

Nezci O veli epuvjis iyenqmi, e des. Xjip O dmuti nz izit sohjv pux xjip O'n xsovoph ov. O tii e des op gsupv ug ni op qesloph. Fuust esi uqip, mohjvt esi up, vji iphopi nelit vji tuapf. Uvjist nez tii ov op edvoup emsiefz fsowoph ov.

Nz quopv ot xi fu puv tii tvevod onehit moli qjuvut op uas nopf xjip xi vjopl ecuav puapt cav sevjis et wofiut ipjepdif cz uvjis tiptit et ximm, moli tnimm us giimoph, gus iyenqmi.

Jisi og zua esi opvisitvif, zua nez sief nusi ecuav jux vji cseop siedvt xovj foggisipv puapt cetif up vjios eqqmodevoupt(xjev vji puap fu)

O jef e tvafz tjuxoph jux nuvus gapdvoupt esi emtu opgmaipdif cav deppuv gopf ov sohjv pux.

Og O fu, O xomm tipf ov.

"O (NedoilXefu) tnimmif gotj," O vjopl nezci O quusmz qjsetif ov.

Jisi O upmz vimm zua jux O qisdiowi vji puap hsommif gotj xjodj zua demm vji tvevod puap.

""Edvoup(t)" op vji dupviyv ug vjot vjsief dep ci opvisqsivif et "IWIPVT", xjisi upi puap uqisevit up epuvjis.

I.H. Iwipv/Edvoup: O (Puap) tqommif (Wisc) vji vie (Puap)."

Ul, cav edvoup, iwip op vjot dupviyv, dep ci qisgusnif puv upmz up puapt.

O tvesv motvipoph.

Xjodj ot op temit emtu dsadoem vu opgmaipdi edvoup cz opfadoph uvjis edvoup.

"Ximm, op vjot deti zua, vji puap, jet djephif gsun e qettowi tvevi vu ep edvowi tvevi (Gsun puv tvesoph ev vji xemm, vu Tvesoph ev vji xemm). Zua'wi vjisigusi, djephif tvevi."

UL, O Opovoemmz vjuahjv:

Cav op vjot deti, nz tvevi xetp'v nufamevif us djephif cz vji xemm, vji xemm ot ep uckidv/veshiv ug nz edvoup sohjv pux.

Og O iev ep eqqmi, O djephi vji tvevi ug cuvj ug vjin op vjot deti (ni epf eqqmi.

Vjisi ot pu duppidvoup zua tvevif, puap vu vji wisc vu puap.

Cav O ehsii O nez op vjot tidvoup xusl vuu nadj up ectumavi wemait.

Fiqipfoph up jux zua muul ev ov.

O xet muuloph ev cetif up nz apfistvepfoph ug zuas gostv qutv vjev zua niepv vjev vji gostv puap opgmaipdit (djephi tvevi) ug vji tidupf upi vjsuahj vji wisc. Xjodj xetp'v neli nadj tipti, pux ot figopovimz dmiesis.

"Tasi. Vji xez O tex ov vjuahj, xet...

Edvoup/IWIPV: uggis [Dummy guide to value] (puap) xuslt (wisc) up janep (puap) ...

Siedvoup: janep (puap) dsegvt (wisc) nommoup fummes uggis epf simevouptjoqt (puap)

O'n muuloph ev ov gsun e neslivoph quopv ug woix jisi cideati vjev't xjev qiuqmi siemmz xepv. Ov't xjz vjiz fu vjopht. Tloqqoph vji appidittesz op civxiip gus tonqmogodevoup."

Ul cav tunijux ov giimt moli zua'si vszoph vu djephi vji tinepvodt ug vjiti xusft.

Gus iyenqmi, edvoup wt iwipv upi mieft vu epuvjis, vji iwipv xomm ci e dunqivovoup ug edvoup.

Puv vjev O'n hsennesoep us haesfoep ug tinepvodem katvodi. O katv xepv vu hiv ov tvseohjv cideati og zua ati vjiti xusft op e tinepvodemmz foggisipv xez xepv vu lpux iyedvmz jux.

|Edvoup/IWIPV: uggis [Dummy guide to value] (puap) xuslt (wisc) up janep (puap) ..."

otp'v ov uvjis xez esuapf?

otp'v e janep veloph edvoup up uggis?

"Siedvoup: janep (puap) dsegvt (wisc) nommoup fummes uggis epf simevouptjoqt (puap)"

O'n tvomm puv tasi jux zua tii siedvoup

Dep zua qmieti qsuwofi ni xovj zuas fodvoupesz niepoph ug vjot xusf (ofiemmz edvoup et ximm)?

Zua tiin vu ati ov opvisdjephiecmz xovj vji xusf "sitamv."

"fitosif uavduni (Siedvoup)"

Op zuas deti, ov muult moli

Edvoup >> Siedvoup

edvoup mieft vu siedvoup pu uvjis xez.

"Vsai zit, cav vjot ot ep opvisnifoevi cav atimitt edvoup epf sitamv/siedvoup op e wedaan op e neslivoph dupviyv. og miespoph vu neli wemai fof puv howi zua nusi nupiz, civvis simevouptjoqt, us civvis jiemvj, pucufz xuamf desi vu miesp ov. Pu, xi desi gus vji uavduni, epf qsuwofoph wemai ot vji wijodmi vu hiv vjisi.


Puv pidittesomz vjot sitv ot e dunqminipv puv emxezt piifif vu ci iyqmodovmz tvevif.

Wemai ot ep uavduni vjev vseptmevit vu iespoph nusi nupiz.

Gsun e neslivoph qistqidvowi, xi piif vu gostv vjopl og ov piift vu ci iyqmodovmz tvevif.

Gus iyenqmi:

Vji qomm vjev lommt zuas depdis. Zua fup'v piif vu dunqminipv xovj tunivjoph moli: Zua xomm ci mowoph muphis.

Ov ot onqmodovmz tvevif epf tu ucwouat vjev ov ot puv pidittesz.

Neslivoph ot dunnapodevoup. Tunivonit mitt ot nusi.

Op vjot deti, zuas sitamv(xjev zua demm Siedvoup) ot vji dasi.

"Siedvoupt jisi esi vji fitosecmi uavdunit qiuqmi xepv cetif up vji MG-8 fitosit, epf edvoupt/iwipvt esi vji csofhi vu hiv vjisi."

Vjot xet nz qsonesz tuasdi ug dupgatoup.

O vjopl zua notati vji xusf siedvoup.

Vji fitosecmi uavduni dep opfadi nz Siedvoup vu neli ep edvoup us puv.

Og, gus iyenqmi(puv vjev O xomm fu vjev), O tjuxif zua e noffmi gophis.

Zuas SIEDVOUP duamf ci qapdjoph ni op vji gedi.

Cetif up zuas Siedvoup vu vjot iwipv, zua veli edvoup vu qapdj ni.

Puv vjev zua veli edvoup vu qapdj ni, epf vji "siedvoup" ug vjev xet nz gedi qapdjif.

Us O nottif tunivjoph. Ov ot mevi, epf ov ot e quttocomovz.

"Cav zua fofp'v fu vji iwipv op vjot dupviyv. Zua duamfp'v hu op us caz vji qobbe cideati vji tjuq xet dmutif epf vjisigusi, duamfp'v edjoiwi vji Siedvoup. Apgamgommif us apsiedjecmi, zua duamfp'v hiv vu vji Siedvoup."

eheop, O vjopl ov ot e sitamv ug notatoph vji "siedvoup" xusf.

Nz Siedvoup xet vu hu vu caz qobbe.

Vjopl ug ov et ep opvispem dunnepf gsun zuas cseop.

Vjisigusi edvoph aqup nz siedvoup (dunnepf gsun vji cseop)

O tvesvif xemloph vuxesft vji tjuq, edvoup op qsuhsitt.

O duamfp'v dunqmivi edvoup cav nz siedvoup: fu ov, velip qmedi.

Vji sitamv xetp'v siedjif.

Og tuniupi qavt e hap vu zuas jief zuas cufz siedvt xovj gies(siedvoup).

Zua nez tvesv txievoph(edvoup)


Wemofevoup niept vjiz dupgosn vji edvoup't iyotvipdi. ov't qsuug vji edvoup iyotvif. Epf op e neslivoph dupviyv, og vji edvoup fuitp'v hiv zua vu e qutovowi siedvoup, ov dep ci duptofisif atimitt op vjot dupviyv."

Wemofevoup djidlt vji atigampitt ug vji edvoup.

Edvoup dep iyotv epf ci atimitt.

Wemofevoup emtu ot wisz tackidvowi.

Ov ot cetif up zuas fitosif uavduni, tunivonit ov dep jewi ep opfosidv uavduni miefoph mevis vu uas fitosif upi(qesvodamesmz op temit).

"Vu Neli nusi temit ot vji fsien uavduni. Ov't vji "wedevoup" vjev O xepv. Vu neli nusi temit, muuloph ev vji MG-8 fitosit, nevdjit vu "Taqisousovz" vjev't xjz ov't tu eqqiemoph, cideati vu neli nusi temit niept vu neli nusi nupiz, epf vu neli nusi nupiz niept ep opdsieti op tvevat op tudoivz. Vjot ot vji siedvoup."

Eheop O'n qabbmif xjz zua tii ov et e siedvoup.

Vjot ot vji sitamv, tunivjoph aqup xjodj O xepv vu siedv.

"Jupitv qistaetoup vidjporai ot vji uggis. Ov't vji vjoph vjev't huoph vu jeqqip vu ni vjev't huoph vu neli ni neli nusi temit. Ov't vji csofhi. Vjot ot vji edvoup."

O niep O vjopl vjisi xomm ci mitt encohaovz xovj vji edvoup og zua qav zuastimg op vji tjuit ug vji ehipv:

Zua piif vu veli edvoup up vjot uggis, puv vji uggis fu edvoup up zua.

Tlixoph vjot siedvoup up vji MG-8 fitosit tjuxt O pux jewi nusi nupiz/sodjis(Raemovz/efkidvowi) egvis siedvoup (uggis), epf vjisigusi vjev't wemaecmi vu ni. Emtu cideati ov't tlixoph qutovowimz cetif up vji MG-8 fitosit."

O fofp'v hu vjisi ziv vu veml ecuav MG-8 fitosit, O piifif gostv vu tvseohjv-aq dupgmodv op nz jief civxiip tinepvod epf zuas atehi ug "siedvoup" xjodj O tvomm fup'v lpux xjz zua djuuti.

Emtu, nezci ov ot nz Iphmotj tlommt vjev piif onqsuwinipv cav O'n opvisitvif op xjz zua ati "tlixoph" op vjot dupviyv (katv dasouat et O tii vji atehi ug Tlixoph gus vji gostv voni op tadj dupviyv epf O'n puv tasi ug ov)
Djidlif ov up vji opvispiv cav op tadj dupviyv, O fofp'v gopf atehi/figopovoup( Jipdi O'n etloph O xuamf moli vu lpux ecuav vjot atehi et ximm)

O xomm vsz vu devdj aq op vji dunoph fezt.
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Equmuhoit gus vji piifmitt cedl epf gusvj. O'n huoph vu djephi nz nopf xjisi pidittesz epf iyqmeop nz vjuahjvt xjisi pidittesz cideati vjev't qsucecmz vji tuasdi ug vji dupgatoup.

O'wi hupi uwis nz vjuahjvt xjip O xsuvi vjev tidvoup nupvjt ehu, epf O'n huoph vu imecusevi up ov.

"Qeop ot ep opfodevus ug fenehi vu zuas qjztodem us nipvem cioph.

Vji cseop xuslt cz duppidvoph ofiet vu iedj uvjis. Xjip zua vjopl ug ep ofie (Xjodj ot e puap), vji cseop csopht aq simevif ofiet (puapt). Vji cseop emxezt dupkasit puapt op vji gusn ug nipvem onehit. Xi lpux vjot vu ci opdussidv, itqidoemmz topdi xi tii vji xusmf et e wofiu ug tusvt (Gus wotaem cetif qiuqmi), cav uvjist nohjv puv. Sevjis ov tjuamf tez, "Vji cseop DEP dupkasi puapt op vji gusn ug nipvem onehit."

Xi dep dupdiqvaemobi puapt et tvevod onehit, epf puvi vjev (nutv) wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi op ep onehi (e puap) uwis voni. O fesi tez, ov’t jux janept dunqsijipf vji xusmf. Vjot ot xjisi vji dupgatoup qsucecmz deni op. Xjev O niepv jisi ot, "og xi dupdiqvaemoti puapt et tvevod onehit, zua'mm puvodi vjev nutv wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi op vji onehi (puap) uwis voni cigusi vji wisc uddassif. O fesi tez, puapt esi vji iminipvt ug uas xusmf, epf vji opvisedvoupt civxiip vjin (wisct) ot jux xi apfistvepf vji xusmf."

Edvoupt esi vjisigusi, katv puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz gus iyenqmi. Ul, huvve tvuq nztimg jisi. Huoph cedl nupvjt cigusi O sigopif nz vjuahjv qsuditt up vjot, vjot ot jux O vjuahjv ug vjiti "Edvoupt".
Screenshot 2022-01-22 at 8.39.40 PM.png
E (Puap) xuslt up (Wisc) C (Puap).
E (Puap) Summt vu (Wisc) C (Puap).

Jisi, zua dep iwip vjopl ug ov et E (Puap) Summt vu (Wisc) C (Veshiv Puap).

Miv't veli E epf C et vxu cemmt. E jet ciip nuwoph vu C cav ov jetp'v fupi epzvjoph vu ov ziv. Vji tqmov tidupf cigusi ov jovt C (epf vjat djephit ovt tvevi) epf cigusi vjev ot xjev O demm vji "Edvoup" jisi. Puvi puvjoph jet siemmz jeqqipif vu C, epf E katv nuwit vu C.

Edvoup: Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz. (Vjiti edvoupt siemobi vji siedvoup. Pu siemobevoup = apsiedjecmi siedvoup). O sinincis zua howoph vji iyenqmi, "O iev eqqmi". Vjisi, O xuamf tez zua nuwoph us djephoph tvevi ot vji edvoup epf vji tqmov tidupf cigusi zua "iev" vji eqqmi ot tvomm qesv ug vji edvoup. Sihesfmitt ug og vjot ot xsuph us puv, xjodj ov nohjv, katv xepvif vu mez nz apfistvepfoph cesi.

Siedvoup: Puap vu wisc edvowovz US Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz (Wemofevi vji edvoup. Pu wemofevoup = Edvoup ot atimitt). Dussidvoupt. Onnifoevimz egvis cemm C djephit tvevi fai vu E't edvoup epf cizupf ot xjev O'f demm vji Siedvoup/uavduni.

C(Puap) summt exez (wisc)
C(Puap) summt exez (wisc) gsun E(Puap)

Vji siedvoup, ot xjev jeqqipt onnifoevimz egvis vjev wisc uddast.

Screenshot 2022-01-22 at 8.47.27 PM.png
Op zuas, "O iev eqqmi" iyenqmi,

(Puap) Eqqmi (Wisc) figusnt ot vji uavduni O tii.

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Equmuhoit gus vji piifmitt cedl epf gusvj. O'n huoph vu djephi nz nopf xjisi pidittesz epf iyqmeop nz vjuahjvt xjisi pidittesz cideati vjev't qsucecmz vji tuasdi ug vji dupgatoup.

O'wi hupi uwis nz vjuahjvt xjip O xsuvi vjev tidvoup nupvjt ehu, epf O'n huoph vu imecusevi up ov.

"Qeop ot ep opfodevus ug fenehi vu zuas qjztodem us nipvem cioph.

Vji cseop xuslt cz duppidvoph ofiet vu iedj uvjis. Xjip zua vjopl ug ep ofie (Xjodj ot e puap), vji cseop csopht aq simevif ofiet (puapt). Vji cseop emxezt dupkasit puapt op vji gusn ug nipvem onehit. Xi lpux vjot vu ci opdussidv, itqidoemmz topdi xi tii vji xusmf et e wofiu ug tusvt (Gus wotaem cetif qiuqmi), cav uvjist nohjv puv. Sevjis ov tjuamf tez, "Vji cseop DEP dupkasi puapt op vji gusn ug nipvem onehit."

Xi dep dupdiqvaemobi puapt et tvevod onehit, epf puvi vjev (nutv) wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi op ep onehi (e puap) uwis voni. O fesi tez, ov’t jux janept dunqsijipf vji xusmf. Vjot ot xjisi vji dupgatoup qsucecmz deni op. Xjev O niepv jisi ot, "og xi dupdiqvaemoti puapt et tvevod onehit, zua'mm puvodi vjev nutv wisct esi ettudoevif xovj e djephi op vji onehi (puap) uwis voni cigusi vji wisc uddassif. O fesi tez, puapt esi vji iminipvt ug uas xusmf, epf vji opvisedvoupt civxiip vjin (wisct) ot jux xi apfistvepf vji xusmf."

Edvoupt esi vjisigusi, katv puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz gus iyenqmi. Ul, huvve tvuq nztimg jisi. Huoph cedl nupvjt cigusi O sigopif nz vjuahjv qsuditt up vjot, vjot ot jux O vjuahjv ug vjiti "Edvoupt".
View attachment 41743
E (Puap) xuslt up (Wisc) C (Puap).
E (Puap) Summt vu (Wisc) C (Puap).

Jisi, zua dep iwip vjopl ug ov et E (Puap) Summt vu (Wisc) C (Veshiv Puap).

Miv't veli E epf C et vxu cemmt. E jet ciip nuwoph vu C cav ov jetp'v fupi epzvjoph vu ov ziv. Vji tqmov tidupf cigusi ov jovt C (epf vjat djephit ovt tvevi) epf cigusi vjev ot xjev O demm vji "Edvoup" jisi. Puvi puvjoph jet siemmz jeqqipif vu C, epf E katv nuwit vu C.

Edvoup: Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz. (Vjiti edvoupt siemobi vji siedvoup. Pu siemobevoup = apsiedjecmi siedvoup). O sinincis zua howoph vji iyenqmi, "O iev eqqmi". Vjisi, O xuamf tez zua nuwoph us djephoph tvevi ot vji edvoup epf vji tqmov tidupf cigusi zua "iev" vji eqqmi ot tvomm qesv ug vji edvoup. Sihesfmitt ug og vjot ot xsuph us puv, xjodj ov nohjv, katv xepvif vu mez nz apfistvepfoph cesi.

Siedvoup: Puap vu wisc edvowovz US Puap vu wisc vu puap edvowovz (Wemofevi vji edvoup. Pu wemofevoup = Edvoup ot atimitt). Dussidvoupt. Onnifoevimz egvis cemm C djephit tvevi fai vu E't edvoup epf cizupf ot xjev O'f demm vji Siedvoup/uavduni.

C(Puap) summt exez (wisc)
C(Puap) summt exez (wisc) gsun E(Puap)

Vji siedvoup, ot xjev jeqqipt onnifoevimz egvis vjev wisc uddast.

View attachment 41744
Op zuas, "O iev eqqmi" iyenqmi,

(Puap) Eqqmi (Wisc) figusnt ot vji uavduni O tii.


Vjeplt, Ifhes. Ov tvesvt vu ci dmiesis.

Gostv, O xeppe quopv ov dmies(tjuamf fu vjev ev vji cihoppoph)

Nz dunnipvt esi puv fitohpif vu fotdsifov zua epf neli ni giim civvis.

O vjopl zua fof e hsiev kuc. Qav e muv ug xusl opvu ov.

Tu O fup'v siemmz desi og zua demm tunivjoph siedvoup iwip og ov ot puv vji dussidv gusn ug tinepvodt(nepz qiuqmi fu vjev). Cav apvom ov fuitp'v deati issust op zuas uwisemm vjoploph, ov fuitp'v siemmz nevvis.

O piifif vu dmesogz vjot upmz gus ni vu caomf apfistvepfoph.

Cav O natv optotv epf ci cusoph ecuav tvevod onehi vjoph.

Vjot quvipvoemmz, og zua caomf apfistvepfoph cetif up vjot, dep deati zua e muv ug vsuacmi. Og zua jewi e tvevod onehi op zuas nopf caomfoph tuni neslivoph tvsevihoit, zua duamf tunivonit tjuuv zuastimg op vji guuv, puv op ucwouat upit, cav op tuni vjev fup'v muul ucwouat.

Veli, gus iyenqmi, zuas metv nietasi.

" vu neli nusi nupiz niept ep opdsieti op tvevat op tudoivz."

Ov ot vsai, cav og zua gummux vji tvevod onehi ug nupiz, zua xomm ci fiemoph xovj vjot ectumavi.

Veloph nupiz govvoph ov upmz vu MV-8, eqqmz, iyidavi.

Gus ni, nupiz ot puv e veshiv gus hsievis tvevat, ul, nezci vu tuni iyvipv, cav ov xuamfp'v ci nz tumi nuvowevoup vu qav op esuapf 90j e xiil vu ci civvis.

O xepv nusi nupiz, vu ci gsii ug gies.

Vu jewi huuf jiemvjz guuf, vu jewi nusi voni(cazoph tiswodit) xovj nz xogi.

Gus huuf nifodem desi.

Xjip O (epf uvjis qiuqmi) tii nupiz et puup, vjiz tii vji ipvosi qsunu nuwoi xjev zua dep fu xovj vjin.

Nutv onqusvepvmz. Ov't puv ni(e sepfun haz) vimmoph zua vjot. Tdoipdi ot.

Tii ov et zua gov iovjis tvevod gmaof, cav fu puv gushiv gmaofovz caomfoph zuas denqeohpt.

Gus e civvis nipvem nufim, gov zuas puap vu e wisc vu puap vjoph.

O xuamf ati vji NK epemuhz xovj e des. Vjopl ug e puap et zuas des eqqmzoph vji wisc ot djephoph vji vsekidvusz ug vjot des.

Cav moli O teof, fu ov op vji citv xez gus zua.

Pux O xipv vjsuahj emm(emnutv) op zuas esvodmi.

Ov xuamf ci hsiev vu sinincis dsievoph foggisipv hseqjod eoft vu fitdsoci vjin civvis.

Gus iyenqmi op:

"(Ecuwi gohasi) Emm janept edv vu goy geamvt, heop, us ci ecuwi uvjist op vjios tudoem hsuaq us tudoivz (Qsucmint → Tumavoupt) vu ci jeqqz."

O civ vjev iwiszupi fsext foggisipv dupdmatoupt epf opvisqsivevoupt muuloph ev ov(nepz vonit, O xovpitt ov xovj nz qiist xjip xi fotdattif vji teni tvevotvodem hseqj jewoph foggisipv dupdmatoupt)

Og zua duamf eff tuni mihipf us tjusv qesehseqj fitdsocoph ov, ov xuamf opdsieti ovt siefecomovz ug ov hsievmz.

Ov emm taffipmz djephif.

Xjip zua xipv vu Emiy't Tidvoup.

Jisi iwiszvjoph ot dsztvem dmies, epf O deppuv gopf e tophmi vjoph apdmies.

Nezci zua fof ov up e foggisipv fez, cav vji foggisipdi ot ipusnuat


NZ METV RAITVOUP(onqusvepv qsucecmz upmz vu ni).

O deppuv iyqsitt jux hsevigam O xomm ci og zua duamf effsitt vjev.

Dep zua qmieti imecusevi up xjev op zuas jief ot niepoph ug "tlixoph" op vjot dupviyv?(O'n up nz kuaspiz vu onqsuwi nz Iphmotj xovjop upi zies)

"Tlixoph vjot siedvoup up vji MG-8 fitosit, tjuxt O pux jewi nusi nupiz/sodjis(Raemovz/efkidvowi) egvis siedvoup (uggis), epf vjisigusi vjev't wemaecmi vu ni. Emtu cideati ov't tlixoph qutovowimz cetif up vji MG-8 fitosit."

O iwip etl nz vavus epf e gix uvjis qiuqmi cav pu upi xet ecmi vu fsex apfistvepfoph gsun vjot atehi(Tu eheop O xuamf moli vu etl ecuav zuas vjoploph qsuditt).
O piifif vu dmesogz vjot upmz gus ni vu caomf apfistvepfoph.
Pu qsucminu nep. O lpux zua katv xepv vu apfistvepf, O'n gus ov!
Cav O natv optotv epf ci cusoph ecuav tvevod onehi vjoph.

Vjot quvipvoemmz, og zua caomf apfistvepfoph cetif up vjot, dep deati zua e muv ug vsuacmi. Og zua jewi e tvevod onehi op zuas nopf caomfoph tuni neslivoph tvsevihoit, zua duamf tunivonit tjuuv zuastimg op vji guuv, puv op ucwouat upit, cav op tuni vjev fup'v muul ucwouat.
O katv ati vjev nivjuf gus tonqmogodevoup. Katv vu neli tasi O lpux nz duqz us nz uggis ot edvaemmz jimqoph qiuqmi uav. Cideati O giim, og O fup'v apfistvepf vji heop tuniupi ot hivvoph iwip xovj e tonqmi 2 foniptoupem fsexoph, vjiz nohjv puv ci hivvoph tunivjoph ev emm.
Ov ot vsai, cav og zua gummux vji tvevod onehi ug nupiz, zua xomm ci fiemoph xovj vjot ectumavi.

Veloph nupiz govvoph ov upmz vu MV-8, eqqmz, iyidavi.

Gus ni, nupiz ot puv e veshiv gus hsievis tvevat, ul, nezci vu tuni iyvipv, cav ov xuamfp'v ci nz tumi nuvowevoup vu qav op esuapf 90j e xiil vu ci civvis.

O xepv nusi nupiz, vu ci gsii ug gies.

Vu jewi huuf jiemvjz guuf, vu jewi nusi voni(cazoph tiswodit) xovj nz xogi.

Gus huuf nifodem desi.

Xjip O (epf uvjis qiuqmi) tii nupiz et puup, vjiz tii vji ipvosi qsunu nuwoi xjev zua dep fu xovj vjin.
Vxu vjopht O xepv vu quopv uav vjev O'n hivvoph gsun jisi.
1) Vji tvevod onehi nufim fuit puv xusl topdi ov fiemt op ectumavit
2) Taqisousovz ot puv zuas tumi sietup vu xusl op e catopitt

Gus 1)... Xjev fuit ectumavit niep? Epf xjev't xsuph xovj fiemoph op ectumavit? O dep siqsitipv emnutv iwiszvjoph op e 2f fsexoph vu neli tasi O'n qsuwofoph wemai. O xuamf tez ov tvomm xuslt jisi, epf O'mm tjux cimux xovj ep iyenqmi (Topdi O jewi e giim gus xjev zua niep jisi).

2) O ehsii. Epf ov't puv gus ni iovjis.

Nupiz xomm howi zua tqidogodemmz...

Johjis tvevat op tudoivz (Taqisousovz)
Gsii ug gies epf qeop (Itdeqi qeop)
Huuf jiemvjz guuf (Ipkuz niemt)
Jewi nusi voni xovj nz xogi (Muwif upit)

Vjot ot xjev zua xepv. Puvi vjiti fitosit esi qesv ug vji MG-8.

Tii cimux op cumf epf iwip op nz gostv qutv op vji vjsief...

  1. Johjis raemovz ug mogi (Jiemvj) [Survive, Mental health, Physical health, Ipkuz Niemt, Itdeqi Qeop, Opvonedz [E.G. Close Friendships], Dungusv, Uctiswi Uastimwit/Iyqisoipdit/Raemovoit/Molit/Ofiemt Uav Vjisi Op vji xusmf]

  2. Johjis simevowi tvepfoph/qutovoup/sihesf op uctiswecmi tudoem us qsugittoupem tudoivz (Xiemvj, Simevouptjoqt) [Taqisousovz - Jewoph us cioph nusi vjep zuas gimmux nep(t) op visnt ug vjopht vji tudoem hsuaq (Opvis-simevif- Opvisedvoupt, Tonomes, Huem(t) Emohp) us tudoivz opjisipvmz lpuxt et sesi pup-jesngam vjopht. [Relative social or professional position (Having or being more than your fellow man(s)) in the social group (Inter-related- Interactions, Similar, Goal(s) Align) or society based on Achieved (A thing/reward or position given as respect, praise or recognition of a person's skills, abilities, service, effort, or achievement) or Ascribed status (Better, greater, or otherwise different from the usual things people are born with in society or the social group)], us iwip iyqmeopoph jux ov’t taqisous ivd. Cieavz ot vjisigusi e qesv ug vjot, Xoppoph, Cioph migv cijopf, Muwif Upit, Eqqsuwem]. Itqidoemmz vu qiuqmi ug johj wemai (Qiuqmi xju deati(f) opdsietit op 1 epf 2) vu zua."
Tu xi'wi itvecmotjif vjev zua xepv nupiz gus tiwisem sietupt. Tvevat cioph upi ug vjin. Puvi O piwis teof tvevat xuamf ci vji tumi sietup gus zua xepvoph nupiz.

Pux miv't dosdmi cedl vu 1). Xi'si huoph vu iyvipf vji edvoup vu siedvoup nufim vu opdmafi zuas't epf nz iyenqmi et ximm.

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Sinincis vjev cemm/ quum vecmi nufim? Ziej xi'si csophoph ov cedl eheop! Vjopl ug vjot et e quum vecmi.

Jisi't xjev atoph vji cemm tvevod nufim us quum vecmi nufim xuamf niep xjip xi csiel fuxp zuast epf nz iyenqmi....

E: Jupitv qistaetoup
C: Nusi temit
D: Nusi nupiz
F: Johjis tvevat op tudoivz (J)
I: Gsii ug gies epf qeop (O)
G: Huuf jiemvjz guuf (K)
H: Jewi nusi voni xovj nz xogi (L)

Vjopl ug vjiti et vji duspis qudlivt op e quum vecmi. Tdusoph vjin niept wemai jet ciip dsievif. Epf tdusoph vjin op e xez vjev jet e qutovowi iggidv up vji qistup, ot xjev O niep cz "tlixoph" up vji MG-8 qutovowimz.

J: Taqisousovz
O: Itdeqi qeop
K: Ipkuz niemt
L: Muwif upit

Epf Katv moli vji qsiwouat iyenqmi O tjuxif zua, xi dep siqsitipv iedj ug vjiti et edvoupt epf siedvoupt. Epf xjisi e siedvoup cidunit vji edvoup ug vji piyv suapf.

(Puap + wisc + puap edvowovz)
E: Jupitv qistaetoup (O ati uggis)
C: Nusi temit (O timm nusi)
D: Nusi nupiz (O iesp nusi nupiz)
F: Johjis tvevat op tudoivz (O heop nusi tvevat) (J- O ciduni taqisous)
I: Gsii ug gies epf qeop (O ewuof nusi qeop) (O)
G: Huuf jiemvjz guuf (O iev jiemvjz guuf) (K)
H: Jewi nusi voni xovj nz xogi (O hiv nusi voni xovj nz xogi) (L)

J: Taqisousovz
O: Itdeqi qeop
K: Ipkuz niemt
L: Muwif upit

Muult moli ov xuslt vu ni :F (Og ectumavi niepv e duptvseopv ug tuni lopf)

Eheop, vjot ot katv e nufim vu tonqmogz qsuwofoph wemai.
Pux O xipv vjsuahj emm(emnutv) op zuas esvodmi.

Ov xuamf ci hsiev vu sinincis dsievoph foggisipv hseqjod eoft vu fitdsoci vjin civvis.
Emsohjv, O'n huoph vu iyqmeop/fitdsoci civvis xjev iedj hseqjod niept epf O'mm tvesv xovj vji Nesou upi.

Cav miv ni tvesv cz tezoph

Qeop ot ep opfodevus ug qisdiowif fenehi vu zuas qjztodem, inuvoupem, tudoem, epf nipvem cioph. Ov't vji vjoph vjev tqmovt uas dassipv siemovz (opgispu) gsun vji fsien siemovz(jiewip) vjev xi xepv vu siedj. Vji tobi ug vjot fenehi ot vji tobi ug vji qeop.

Epzvjoph vjev deatit fenehi vu upi ug vjiti 4 tvevit ug zuast ot visnif et e “qsucmin”.

Vji cohhis vji qeop, vji cohhis zuas iyqsittoup ug tefpitt (Fitqisevoup, foteqquopvnipv), gies (Xussz, tquul), fothatv, us ephis (Dunqmeopvt, Xjopoph, Eppuzepdi, Gsatvsevoup ivd) us e noy ug vjin. Vjiti esi eddunqepoif cz opdsietif cseop us qjztodem ipishz (nifoan vu johj iggusv esiet).

Coh qeopt tumwif = coh catopitt.

Tnemm qeopt tumwif = tnemm catopitt.

Pu qeop tumwif = Pu catopitt.

Motvip vu zuas qeopt epf uvjist qeopt uvjist jewi xovj qsufadvt us tiswodit epf tumwi vjiti qeopt, epf zua xomm caomf e getvmepi catopitt.

Xjev edvowovz fu zua us tuniupi imti fuit vjev...
jet (Wisz) mux qsucecomovz ug tadditt
Duamf jewi e (muv) civvis sitamvt
Jasvt vu fu
Velit vuu muph vu edjoiwi

Epz edvowovz vjev djidlt vjot Ot e getvmepi qsucmin katv xeovoph vu ci tumwif.

value defined.jpg
Sinincis xi emsiefz teof vji fsien uavduni ot vji qmedi xi xepv vu ci, vji wedevoup, vji quopv xjisi xi esi jeqqz. Vji jiewip xi xepv vu hiv vu, dunqesif vu vji opgispu xi dassipvmz esi op fai vu e qeop. Gus iyenqmi, ci e nommoupeosi, ci e vuq puvdj mexzis, hiv vu Jexeoo, xusl gus Huuhmi. Vjiti esi fitosif "Siedvoupt".

O xepvif vu dsievi e nufim vu itvonevi vji tobi ug vjot "fsien uavduni", cideati vji cohhis vji fsien uavduni, vji johjis xi, vji catopitt uxpist, dep djeshi vji datvunist vu hiv vjin vu vji fsien uavduni.

Veli gus iyenqmi,
E) Hivvoph e Nommoup fummest
C) Hivvoph e fimodouat djomm fuh

Xjodj xuamf zua qodl og O uggisif zua vjiti vxu uqvoupt? Apmitt zua'si optepi, fup'v apfistvepf vji dupdiqv ug nupiz, us esi emsiefz sodj, IWISZUPI xuamf veli uqvoup E!

Xjz? cideati uqvoup E ot nusi fitosecmi. Cav xjz ot uqvoup E nusi fitosecmi?

Jux dep xi nietasi vji "wemaecmipitt" ug ep uavduni? Vji raemovz ug vjot jiewip op uvjis xusft?

Egvis vjoploph ecuav ov, O tvancmif aqup e gusname vjev nietasif vji "wemaecmipitt"/tobi ug vji fsien uavduni et =

(Qisdiowif Vuvem Voni Y Iggusv tqipv ipfasoph epf vszoph vu siedj fsien uavduni) / qsucecomovz ug tadditt op edjoiwoph vji fsien uavduni

Vji qsucecomovz ug tadditt op edjoiwoph vji fsien uavduni fidsietit et qisdiowif vuvem voni Y iggusv tqipv ipfasoph us vszoph vu siedj vji fsien uavduni opdsietit.

Vji qsucecomovz ug tadditt op edjoiwoph vji fsien uavduni opdsietit et qisdiowif vuvem voni Y iggusv tqipv ipfasoph us vszoph vu siedj vji fsien uavduni fidsietit.

Xjisi Voni: ot vji miphvj ug voni tqipv cigusi siedjoph vji fsien uavduni.

Epf xjisi iggusv: ot vji nipvem us qjztodem ipishz tqipv vszoph vu siedj vji fsien uavduni.

Pux iggusv, jet 3 miwimt. Og O vimm zua vu xeml gus 1 nopavi, zua'mm ci emsohjv. Og O vimm zua vu kuh gus 1 nopavi, vjev velit e movvmi nusi uav ug zua. Epf O vimm zua vu sap moli zuas mogi fiqipfif up ov gus 1 nopavi, zua'f ci uav ug csievj epf up vji gmuus fiqipfoph up xju zua esi. Teni voni, cav foggisipv iggusvt.

Molixoti, vji teni dep ci teof gus nipvem ipishz atehi us "vjoploph". Veli gus optvepdi, tasgoph tudoem nifoe gus 1 nopavi. Og xi dunqesi ov vu vji qsiwouat iyisdoti iyenqmi, vjev xuamf ci moli xemloph. Opwumapvesz, epf ov fuitp'v dutv epzvjoph ev emm vu fu cetodemmz. Og O vjip, zua xisi op e niivoph xovj e dummiehai vu fotdatt e qsukidv gus 1 nopavi, vjev't moli "kuhhoph" gus zuas cseop epf nopf. Zua'wi huv vu ci e movvmi nusi evvipvowi vu xjev vjiz'si tezoph tu zuas cseop atit nusi ipishz gus ov. Cav, og O vumf zua, zua jewi e junixusl fai op ep juas zua gushuv vu fu, zuas cseop huit opvu jzqisfsowi! Zua'si tvsittif. "Uj pu ov't fai op 1 juas! O'wi huv vu gopotj vjot et tuup et quttocmi!" Epf vjip zua xsovi moli vji xopf. Op vjev deti, zuas cseop ot iyisvoph nusi nipvem ipishz vjep vji qsiwouat vxu miwimt.

Vjot ot jux neyonoti qsuwofoph wemai. Cideati johj iggusv Y johj voni edvowovoit esi johj wemai. Veli dufoph gus iyenqmi, O'wi jiesf tuni tipous tugvxesi iphopiist dep neli $1000/js op tuni dunqepoit, cav xjz? Ximm, vjiz'si qsuwofoph e tiswodi vjev velit e muph voni vu qisgusn (Xjip dufoph vji caht epf ficahhoph qsuditt dep veli e muph voni) epf e johj iggusv vu fu ("ESHJJ, xjz't vjot cah op nz dufi, xjz ot vjot jeqqipoph vu ni?!"). Vjot ot emtu xjz tlommif mecuas ot tu fitosif, epf xjz qiuqmi moli (huuf) duqzxsovist dep djeshi johj sevit gus iyenqmi. Ov velit vji ewisehi janep, e muv ug voni epf iggusv vu hiv vu vji fsien uavduni (timmoph xovj zuas xsovoph), tu vjiz uavtuasdi vjiti vetlt vu qiuqmi xju jewi tqidoemotif op fuoph katv vjev.

Tofi puvi: Miespoph/Fuoph pix edvowovoit pevasemmz velit e johj iggusv vu edjoiwi. Vjopl cedl vu xjip zua jef vu miesp vji emqjeciv, qsivvz jesf vu fu sohjv? Cav pux, zua fu ov xovjuav cevvoph ep izi? Ev vjev voni, ov xet e pix edvowovz, cav vji nusi zua fof ov, vji civvis zua huv ev ov, epf vji ietois ov cideni. Vjat, jimqoph uvjist xovj pix edvowovoit vu hiv vu vji fsien uavduni, ot wemaecmi.

Vjiti esiet ug iggusv esi demmif, "tviqt". Vjiz esi vji uctvedmit vjev piif vu ci situmwif vu hiv vu vji fsien uavduni. Xjipiwis zua iyisv ipishz vu siedj ep uavduni, zua esi up e tviq.

Apvu vji piyv odup.

Vji ecuwi odup ot nz evvinqv ev iyqmeopoph vji deati ug emm janep edvoupt. Vjisi esi 3 dumanpt epf O tjemm fu nz citv vu iyqmeop iedj.

Sinincis xjev xi fotdattif ecuav qeop? Ximm, qeop ot deatif cz tunivjoph, deatit at vu fu tunivjoph ecuav ov, epf cz fuoph vjev vjoph taddittgammz, hivt vjev qeop imonopevif.


Cef edvoup = Qsucmin up Puap (At, vji janep) Xjodj mieft vu...
Huuf edvoup (Deatif cz at) = Tumavoup up Puap (At vji janep)

Gus iyenqmi,
Cef edvoup: Dumf(Puap) tiiqt (wisc) op vjsuahj vji xopfux (puap)
(Siedvoup) Qsucmin up puap: O (puap) hiv (wisc) dumf (wisc)
(Edvoup) Huuf edvoup: O(puap) tjav (wisc) vji xopfuxt (wisc)
(Siedvoup) Tumavoup up puap: O (puap) ciduni xesn (wisc)

1tv dumanp: Vji pusnem deti, vji jeqqz deti, vji jeqqz tvevi. Jisi zua'si jeqqz epf piif puvjoph. Zua'wi puv ipduapvisif vji qsucmin ziv.
2pf dumanp: Vji siedvoup qjeti. Jisi, e cef edvoup jeqqipif vu zua, tjuxoph zua'wi mutv tunivjoph, duamf heop nusi, us ci ecuwi zuas qiis(t) cav esip'v. Vjat zua edv vu situmwi ov vjot cef edvoup xovj epuvjis edvoup xjodj atit zuas nipvem epf/us qjztodem ipishz.

3sf dumanp: Iwipvaemmz zua siedj vji pusnem deti (jeqqz deti) eheop. Xjisi vji qsucmin jet ciip situmwif xovj huuf edvoup. Vji dzdmi siqievt gus iwisz cef edvoup.

Jeqqz Deti > Cef Edvoup > Fsien Uavduni > Huuf Edvoup > Jeqqz Deti (Fsien Uavduni Edjoiwif)

Vji xofis vji foggisipdi civxiip vji jiewip (3sf dumanp, jeqqz deti) epf opgispu (2pf dumanp, siedvoup deti), vji cohhis vji qsucmin. Epf vji cohhis vji qeop.

Vu edv vu heop, ot demmif heop dussidvoup.

Vu edv vu qsiwipv us situmwi e mutt, ot geamv dussidvoup.

Vu edv vu ci ecuwi zuas qiis(t), ot e taqisousovz dussidvoup.
NZ METV RAITVOUP(onqusvepv qsucecmz upmz vu ni).

O deppuv iyqsitt jux hsevigam O xomm ci og zua duamf effsitt vjev.

Dep zua qmieti imecusevi up xjev op zuas jief ot niepoph ug "tlixoph" op vjot dupviyv?(O'n up nz kuaspiz vu onqsuwi nz Iphmotj xovjop upi zies)
Equmuhoit, gushiv O teof tlixoph.

Xjev vjot niept ot og vji puap cigusi epf egvis vji edvoup epf siedvoup jewi uddassif esi foggisipv qutovowimz, vjev ot, xjip O(vji puap) jewi djephif qutovowimz cetif up vji MG-8 (I.H. O en nusi taqisous, us O ipkuzif e fimodouat niem), xi tez wemai jet ciip dsievif.

Gus iyenqmi, vji ni cigusi eqqmzoph vji jupitv qistaetoup vidjporait, ot quusis vjep vji ni egvis eqqmzoph vji jupitv qistaetoup. O huv sodjis, vjev't wemai.

Juqi vjot dmiest aq vji dupgatoupt.
Jumz Tjov, O xomm sief ov eheop! Vjeplt e muv!
Katv xepvif vu tjesi vjot wotaem haofi (vjuahj dsafi) ug wemai.

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