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How to Wake Up Early (Or at least...earlier)

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Apr 6, 2016
I’ve seen a bit of interest during my time here from users who want to wake up early. Recently, I’ve managed to adjust my wake-up time to around 6 AM, which is something I haven’t done since high school.

Being an early riser is something that I’ve long wanted to be, but I never quite got to stick. Things are looking quite good this time however, and I thought some users may get a bit of value from it.

Before I say anything else, waking up early does not automatically make you productive. It’s not some big ‘secret’ that will single-handedly change your life. Much like working out, cold showers, or stimulants* it is a tool. It may be right for you, it may help you, it may be a giant action fake because you ‘need to wake up at 4 AM before I can get started on my Fastlane business’

*Don’t do stimulants, kids

Anyway, without further ado…

How to Stop Sucking at Being an Early Riser

First Things First…

Do You Actually Need to Wake Up Earlier?

Look, without a doubt, waking up earlier in morning is a simple way to reclaim some time. Maybe to work on your business, stop rushing to work, or just have some peace and quiet before the day starts.

But do you need to? In a previous thread, I read a great point that eliquid made. Why not just stay up later and work? Working two hours later into the night and waking up two hours earlier have more or less the same affect (all else being equal).

Personally, I’ve found my brain begins to shut down around 8. Sometimes I can stay up late and crank out some good work, but those times are the exception.

Don’t try and adjust your sleep schedule to be an early riser because of some mythical ‘this is what productive people do’ idea. It’s not about what other people do, it’s about what works for you.

So, if you’ve always done good work at night, why throw that away?

Note, I said good work. Not frantic, last-minute essay writing fueled by Monster Energy and self-loathing.

Second Things Second…

Get Your F*cking Sleep

Look, I’m sorry to tell you this. But if you want to wake up at 5 AM, then going to bed at 2 AM isn’t going to cut it.

There are certain people who only need 4-6 hours of sleep a night to function perfectly. You’re not one of them.

Get your 7-8 hours. If you don’t, modern medicine says you’re going to suffer for it. Not just by being exhausted, but by increased chances for future health issues.

For me, I’ve found I need around 9 hours. Probably because I have a sleep debt accumulated from god-awful habits from Elementary School to College. I also suffered from insomnia which really screwed me over.

Hopefully, as I get older, and as I develop better sleep hygiene, I’ll need less.

Studies tend to show that out of the top three things you can do to be healthy (Sleep, Diet, and Exercise) sleeping tends to be the most important.

Your body needs sleep. You’re not a badass because you’re operating on two hours and crushed up caffeine pills. Frankly, you’re a loose cannon that puts everyone at risk whenever you get behind the wheel.

Now, if you’re sure you want to wake up earlier and you’re getting your required sleep, here is some real advice.

Stop Trying to be an Early Riser from Day One

This is where most people screw up. It’s where I’ve screwed up.

Picture this.

An overweight man, let’s call him Charlie, has unhealthy habits. He wakes up less than an hour before work, rushes through his morning routine and grabs McDonald's breakfast on the way. For lunch he has whatever his friends at the office decide to order from. Throughout the day he has a few sodas. He goes home and for dinner may order take-out, pick up fast food, or, if he’s feeling frisky, make something tasty.

Now, Charlie has decided that he has had enough of being out of shape. Good for him! He’s going to make a change.

Starting tomorrow he’s going to eat healthy.

He wakes up a bit earlier and makes a tasty smoothie of oats, chia seeds, plain yogurt, and a spoonful of honey.

Oh wait, did I say tasty? Because I lied. It tastes terrible.

He doesn’t finish it and goes to work.

At work, he sips plain, unsweetened green tea. For lunch, while his colleagues chow down on delicious BBQ, he eats a salad without dressing.

How long do you think Charlie can keep this up?

Not long.

Eventually, he’s going to say “Screw this!”

Tip 1: Small Changes First

It’s the same with trying to be an ‘early riser’.

If you’re like me back when I wasn’t getting enough sleep, you’ll try and resolve all of your morning problems in one swoop.

“I’m going to wake up at 6 AM tomorrow, even though I normally wake up at 10!”

“Then, I’m going to go for a run!”

“After that, I’ll have a healthy breakfast and get to work early!”

Yea…you’re not going to do that.

You’re asking a lot of yourself when you demand all of these sudden changes. Don’t try and do it all. For one, it’s too much and you won’t be able to keep the momentum going. For two, it sucks.

Wake up half an hour earlier. That’s it. After you’ve done that, push it a bit further back.

Once waking up at an earlier time is part of your day to day routine, then you can start being ‘productive’ with it. But only after getting up earlier has become the ‘standard’ for you should you opt or a run or going to the gym.

My girlfriend almost fell into this trap. When we decided to wake up earlier, she wanted to have a nice breakfast and do a thirty-minute intense yoga session right off the bat.

After the first day, she was not on board.

Instead, we decided that waking up would be the ‘goal’. If she woke up early, then that’s enough. She can be proud of that. If she decides that she has enough time and energy to do yoga, well that’s fantastic.

And she doesn’t even have to do the yoga session that’s designed to be a tough work out. Instead, she can do a shorter, easier one.

Pick the battles you can win. You’re in this for the long haul.

Tip 2: Make Getting Up Something You Want to Do

This goes hand in hand with the previous section.

If you wake up, and you really want to just crawl deeper under the covers and fall asleep, why would you get out of bed and go for a run? Especially if you hate exercising?

Instead, use your newfound time for something you want to do. Forget all of the gurus and life-hackers that tell you to ‘meditate’, journal, or whatever.

If you want to do them, sure. But don’t try and force them on yourself.

Because if you do, you’re going to have to make the choice to enjoy the comforts of bed or doing a chore.

And when you’re still half asleep, you’re not going to make the good decision.

Instead, do something you really want. Maybe you would like a nice breakfast, to enjoy a cup of coffee and a book, or just a bit of silence before you have to get your kids ready for school.

Trust me, this is going to make life a lot easier.

Don’t make the very first thing you have to do be a make a tough decision. Choosing between great pleasure and later guilt when your brain is still warming up is a really bad way to start off your morning.

Tip 3: Accept That the Universe is a Cruel, Uncaring Void

You can blame this one on other people.

People like to make it seem like they jump out of bed bright eyed and bushy tailed. That when their alarm goes off, their eyes open wide and they leap from under the covers. They’re excited to take on the day, they’re full of energy.

They’re full of something all right…:shit:

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve found much more success when I accepted that “I am not going to be wide awake first thing in the morning.” No matter how much I sleep.

Instead, I have to accept the fact that waking up is kind of shitty. Even if I sleep for an extra hour.

So, stop trying to wake up fresh and rejuvenated. When you open your eyes, accept that this is as good as it’s going to get while you’re in bed. Going back to sleep is not going to help you at all.

Your life can’t always be fun and easy. Sometimes, you have to embrace things that suck (this is where having something to look forward to helps).

For some reason, I had it in my head that being an early riser meant waking up full of life and motivation. So I was really bummed out when I discovered I was mortal and this wasn’t feasible.

That said, once I said to myself “Getting up is going to suck, but I’ll have plenty of time to warm up. I can enjoy a book and a cup of coffee without worrying about anything” it was much easier to manage.

Because now, when I open my eyes, I think, “Okay. This kind of sucks, but going back to sleep won’t make it any better.” And then, I accept it and get moving.

Tip 4: It’s On You

Okay, so, here’s the thing.

Those tips I gave you, they helped me. They helped me a lot.

That said, at the end of the day, it’s still on you.

There is never a magic formula or silver bullet.

If you want to do something, you have to be the one to do it. When the morning comes, you are the one who decides if you slide out of bed and take on the day…

Or if you hit the snooze button and curl back under the covers.

There’s no magic formula. It’s about trying it, adjusting to what fits you best…

And getting it done.


I’ll leave you with this quote from Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations

At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I am rising to do the work of a human being. What do I have to complain about, if I’m going to do what I was born for—the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?” — But it’s nicer here …

So were you born to feel “nice”? Instead of doing things and experiencing them? Don’t you see the plants, the birds, the ants and spiders and bees going about their individual tasks, putting the world in order, as best they can? And you’re not willing to do your job as a human being? Why aren’t you running to do what your nature demands? — But we have to sleep sometime… Agreed. But nature set a limit on that — as it did on eating and drinking. And you’re over the limit. You’ve had more than enough of that. But not of working. There’s still more of that to do.

You don’t love yourself enough. For if you did, you’d love your nature too, and what it demands of you
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Hsiev tvagg, vjeplt.

O xuamf moli vu eff vji gummuxoph:

1. Updi vji emesn sopht, sinincis vjev zua fidofif vu xeli aq ev Y u'dmudl zitvisfez. Zua duamf jewi fidofif vu tmiiq muphis, cav zua fofp'v. Vji fidotoup-voni ot uwis pux, caffz - ovt voni vu iyidavi epf tvez vsai vu zuas xusft!

2. Ati vji eqq "emesnz". Ov xuslt moli e djesn gus ni. Apmoli uvjis eqqt zua deppuv txovdj ugg zuas qjupi fasoph vji emesn. Vjev ot humf gus ni cideati O emxezt fof vjev. Qmat zua jewi vji uqvoup vu vasp vji emesn ugg cz veloph e qodvasi, gus iyenqmi ug zuas weti op vji cevjsuun. Vjisi siemmz ot pu uvjis uqvoup vjep hivvoph uav ug cif epf tpeqqoph vjev qodvasi.

3. Ati e hipvmi emesn vupi (moli tophoph cosft us tonomes) vjev tmuxmz opdsietit xovj wumani. Zua nohjv ci tasqsotif jux hipvmz zua dep xeli aq vjot xez.

4. Itvecmotj e nuspoph suavopi.
Vjeplt gus tjesoph. Emm huuf quopvt.

Vji citv xez vu hiv aq iesmz giimoph 'huuf' ot huoph vu cif iesmois epf puv fsoploph vji pohjv cigusi. Ci op cif cz 10qn epf 6en tjuamf ci ietz...ietois epzxez.
Hsiev qutv, vjeplt gus tjesoph.

Et O xet siefoph vjot O onnifoevimz vjuahjv ug vjev rauvi gsun Nesdat Easimoat epf xepvif vu qutv ov, cav zua ciev ni vu ov :F

Dumf tjuxist esi hsiev op vji nuspoph vu hiv tvesvif.

Emtu, fup'v fsopl duggii cigusi csielgetv, zua'mm katv muti eqqivovi gus vji sitv ug vji nuspoph epf dsetj.

Siq +
O'wi sief tunivjoph tonomes vu vjot cigusi. pupivjimitt tuapf efwodi;

qumotjif suavopit + qisgidvoup ug e qsuditt qisnievit opvu qsunopipdi.
O xeli aq iesmz 5 fezt e xiil cideati ug nz fez kuc, cav up xiilipft O fup'v tiv aq ep emesn. O ataemmz hu vu cif ev 11, epf xeli aq esuapf 8. O duamf tiv aq ep emesn ev 6 us 7, cav O giim nadj civvis epf qsufadvowi vjot xez. O'f sevjis tmiiq nusi vjep xeloph aq ev 5, giim notisecmi gus vji piyv 6 juast, cseh ecuav jux O xuli aq tuuuu iesmz, vjip veli e peq op vji egvispuup. Apgusvapevimz O piif ev mietv 8 juast ug tmiiq e pohjv :(
Hsiev Qutv! O xusl gsun juni up vji xitv duev epf xusl ietv duetv juast tu vjot jet ciip e qesv ug nz mogi gus ecuav vxu ziest pux. O jewi piwis ciip huuf ecuav xeloph aq epf O giim zua jewi fitdsocif tiwisem temoipv nivjuft jisi vjev vsamz dep jimq. O katv gopotjif Fepoim Qopl't pix cuul "Xjip". Ji fuit tuni opvisitvoph epemztot op vjisi ecuav vji vzqi ug qistup zua (oi: Uxm/Mesl) esi epf jux vu ofipvogz vjev epf miwisehi vji xewit ug vji fez vu opdsieti qsufadvowovz.
Csoph vjot vjsief cedl vu mogi! Cideati vjot ot e tvsahhmi, gus siem.

2. Ati vji eqq "emesnz". Ov xuslt moli e djesn gus ni. Apmoli uvjis eqqt zua deppuv txovdj ugg zuas qjupi fasoph vji emesn. Vjev ot humf gus ni cideati O emxezt fof vjev. Qmat zua jewi vji uqvoup vu vasp vji emesn ugg cz veloph e qodvasi, gus iyenqmi ug zuas weti op vji cevjsuun. Vjisi siemmz ot pu uvjis uqvoup vjep hivvoph uav ug cif epf tpeqqoph vjev qodvasi.

3. Ati e hipvmi emesn vupi (moli tophoph cosft us tonomes) vjev tmuxmz opdsietit xovj wumani. Zua nohjv ci tasqsotif jux hipvmz zua dep xeli aq vjot xez.

O vsoif vji eqq, epf ov fof jimq vji gostv fez! Cav pux O'wi guapf jux vu tiv "raodl emisvt" epf O'n fuunif eheop...

Emtu, O'n atoph e hipvmi emesn xovj opdsietoph wumani, epf O xeli aq xjip ov't emsiefz tjuavoph epf dastoph ni :sugm:

4 fezt qis xiil, O hiv aq ev 3:30en epf O’n op cif cz 9qn. Tunivonit 9:30 epf ev vji mevitv 10qn (sesimz)

Nz suavopi gus vjiti iesmz nuspopht ot tonqmi. Hiv aq et tuup et vji emesn huit ugg. Pu tpuuboph. Pu mezoph vjisi gus e nopavi. Hiv aq. Hiv aq, pux.

O hiv fsittif, csatj nz viivj epf juq op nz des. Fsowi vu vji piesitv duggii tjuq fsowi vjsa gus e meshi daq ug duggii (10 nopavi suapf vsoq) xovj ep eafoucuul up, vu hiv nz cseop huoph, epf cz vji voni O hiv cedl vu vji juati O’n tovvoph op nz uggodi cigusi 4en epf raovi emisv, duggii op jepf. O’mm iev ep eqqmi epf tuni pavt us djiiti us tunivjoph moli vjev, vjip hiv vji duggii opvu ni.

O hiv e tumof 2.5jst-3jst ug apopvissaqvif voni vu xusl up nz Teet qsuhsennoph cigusi vji loft xeli aq.

Vji upmz fezt O fup’v hiv aq iesmz esi xjip O’n hohhoph (xjodj ot 3 pohjvt qis xiil ewsh) epf O fup’v hu gus e fsowi xjip nz xogi ot xusloph pohjvt ev vji jutqovem. (Ucwouatmz dep’v miewi zuaph loft emupi op vji juati iwip og vjiz esi etmiiq mum)

O gotjif muctvis gus 10+ ziest epf xet vseopif vu hiv aq iesmz cz nz fef. Ov’t vji citv voni ug fez. O hiv nusi fupi op 3jst vjep O dep hiv fupi op 7jst ug pusnem fezvoni
Xux, vjev't tuni suavopi! O duamfp'v liiq aq xovj katv 6 juast ug tmiiq, jux fu zua fu vjev?

Hiv aq et tuup et vji emesn huit ugg. Pu tpuuboph. Pu mezoph vjisi gus e nopavi. Hiv aq. Hiv aq, pux.

O'mm vsz vjot vunussux! :codiq:
Epuvjis voq O xuamf tahhitv ot tvezoph jzfsevif...et O katv tev jisi emm fez epf fsepl nezci 10 ub ug xevis.

Fsoploph xevis cigusi cif xomm ataemmz hiv zua uav ug cif op vji nuspoph vu hu vu vji cevjsuun. Fsoploph xevis xjip zua xeli aq qsuwofit e jahi cuutv ug ipishz epf hivt zua huoph. Cav, O'wi guapf vjev fuoph cuvj ug vjuti fuitp'v siemmz fu nadj og zua'si puv tvezoph jzfsevif vjsuahjuav vji fez.

Vxu xiilt ehu O xet fsoploph 3M ug xevis e fez epf O jef pu qsucmint xeloph aq ev 6en vu hu vu vji hzn us hu uav gus e sap. O gimm ugg vji cepfxehup vji qetv xiil epf e jemg epf O'n siemmz tvsahhmoph xovj nz nuspopht eheop. O fsopl nusi duggii vjsuahjuav vji fez vjep O fu xevis.
O katv miewi vji qjupi up vji vecmi, up vji uvjis tofi ug vji suun!

Vjot fuitp'v xusl gus ni - O katv hiv aq, veli vji qjupi, tpuubi vji emesn epf veli vji qjupi cedl vu cif tu O fup'v jewi vu hiv aq eheop vu si-tpuubi... :jeqqz:

Epuvjis voq O xuamf tahhitv ot tvezoph jzfsevif...

O'mm vsz vjot! O puvodif vufez vjev O'n puv fsoploph nadj xevis vjiti fezt. O'mm miv zua lpux, vjeplt! :vjanctaq:
Wepovz Geos fof e gix ug vjiti feomz suavopi wofiut xovj taddittgam nip epf vjiz emm xeli aq tvaqof iesmz. Piev vu tii vjios tdjifami (us xjeviwis vjiz siqusv, ev mietv).

O'wi ciip xeloph aq ev 5en gus ecuav 4 nupvjt pux epf up vji xiilipft O'mm tmiiq op vomm 6en. Puv muph ehu O duamfp'v dmonc uav ug cif xovjuav jovvoph vji tpuubi 10 vonit. O xomm xsovi aq e qutv up vji qsuditt vjev O'wi atif vu djephi cav ov siemmz cuomt fuxp vu djephoph zuas ofipvovz gsun e "pup nuspoph qistup" vu e nuspoph qistup.

Upi ug vji citv opwitvnipvt O'wi iwis nefi op nztimg ot jewoph e tumof, tvsodv nuspoph suavopi. Emtu qjupi ot up eosqmepi nufi gsun vji voni O hu vu cif vomm egvis O'wi hupi vjsuahj nz suavopi.

Emtu, hiv zuastimg ep Uase Soph. Citv $300 O'wi iwis tqipv epf ov xomm eff ziest vu zuas mogi.
Xux, vjev't tuni suavopi! O duamfp'v liiq aq xovj katv 6 juast ug tmiiq, jux fu zua fu vjev?

O’n katv upi ug vjuti hazt xju dep hiv cz up 5jst- 6jst ug tmiiq. Vji dewiev ot vjev O piif vu ci op cif iesmz. Dep’v fu vji 5-6jst xjip huoph vu cif ev 2en. Vjev ot katv qeopgam epf O dep’v gapdvoup.

Et O’n xsovoph vjot ov’t 2:48en. Vjot nuspoph O dep’v iwip tmiiq vu nz emesn. Muult moli O’n aq iesmz mum

O’mm ataemmz tmiiq op upi fez e xiil vu tusv ug devdj aq up tmiiq. Nohjv ci Tapfez us Nupfez. Fiqipft up nz tdjifami. Vjot xiil ov xomm ci Tapfez nuspoph, et O’mm ci xusloph mevi epf nz xogi ot up pohjv tjogv epf vji loft xomm ci ev vji hsepfqesipvt’ gus vji pohjv. O’mm hiv vu cif esuapf nofpohjv epf molimz hiv aq esuapf 7en
Ov't 6:26en up vji ietv duetv et O'n xsovoph vjot epf O katv gopotjif csielgetv epf en jewoph nz duggii.

Fsopl xevis.

O fsepl 2M ug xevis op vji metv 6-7 juast ug nz fez epf O jef pu ottai hivvoph aq ev 6en vufez. Ov't e qsivvz dumf nuspoph vuu. O gimm etmiiq esuapf 12-12:30en egvis vuttoph epf vaspoph gus ep juas, tu ov't puv moli ov xet vji medl ug tmiiq vjev xet neop vjoph eggidvoph ni. Nezci vji gedv vjev vufez ot e sitv fez epf O fup'v jewi vu sap us xusluav nuvowevif ni e movvmi jeje.
O xomm xsovi aq e qutv up vji qsuditt vjev O'wi atif vu djephi cav ov siemmz cuomt fuxp vu djephoph zuas ofipvovz gsun e "pup nuspoph qistup" vu e nuspoph qistup.

Muuloph gusxesf vu siefoph ov! Qmieti miv ni lpux xjip zua fu - iovjis QN ni, nipvoup ni us miv at emm pux op vjot vjsief. ❤️

Emtu, hiv zuastimg ep Uase Soph. Citv $300 O'wi iwis tqipv epf ov xomm eff ziest vu zuas mogi.

O xies e GovCov, fuit vji Ease Soph fu epzvjoph foggisipv gsun ov?
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