WARNING: Long Post Ahead!
I know the title sounds like the "4 hour workweek" but it is indeed possible to create a business that requires very little maintenance and I'll tell you the exact steps that I managed to make this work this in this post.
It's a pretty comprehensive post so brew yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea and let's dive in! You're in for a treat.
It has been over 10 years since I quit my job and started working full time online.
It has been a wild roller coaster ride but now it has gotten me to a point where I make more than I've ever dreamed of, working less than 3 hours a day.
In fact, scratch that. I don't even have to work 3 hours if I didn't want to. I can work 3 hours a week and I'll bet you if I check my bank account at the end of the month, the earnings will still be the same or higher.
No, this is not a "hype" - in fact, probably like you, I hate hype and fluff.
This is also not one of those "dream" posts where you would be lifted to the clouds without a plan to get there.
This is a real, ground-level, step-by-step tactical blueprint that has been seized through numerous hard fought battles and tribulations.
To be fair, to get to where I am today was NOT easy. It took a lot of trial and error and iterations and a ton of years in the dark.
When I look at some of the facebook posts and "gurus" out there flashing their Lamborghini's, Rolex watches, girls, saying that you can "have it all" if you just press this tiny button on a software, I silently cringe because it's really not that easy as they make it out to be. And if you start out with that kind of expectations, it is 100% that you will get disappointed.
Sure it's always great to imagine the possibilities but those are the end results. Kind of like holding up the championship trophy. But nobody really sees the hours, sweats, practices, work that was done in the dark so I'll take you on a tour "behind the scenes" of what successful internet entrepreneurs really do when nobody is watching so you can duplicate the success as well.
When I first started out 10 years ago what I thought missing was the actual (and accurate) ground level step-by-step strategies and tactics for success so I thought I'd share it with you today. With this, it is my hope that you will drastically cut your learning curve and start making some real cash (if you know what I mean) once and for all.
I've read a lot of books and I LOVED MJ DeMarco's "Millionaire Fastlane ". In fact, it's one of the best business books I've ever read. And I also love this forum and the community. Everyone is passionate and eager to realize their dreams.
But unfortunately I also noticed some people were providing advice from theories that are simply not true and a lot of "blind leading the blind".
So now that Christmas is around the corner, I feel like it's a good time to share some good ole' value with you guys. And since 2014 I've been teaching and mentoring people around the world to help them make full time income and quit their jobs so I think I've gotten pretty good at this teaching thing and at a good place to give back.
This will be a newbie friendly post and if you heed this advice, I'm sure you will save yourself a lot of frustrations no matter where you are at.
And if you're more advanced, you will nod your head in silent agreement because it's the same strategy both me and my millionaire friends employ daily.
If you're ready, let's begin. It's about to get damn good...
1. Killing the "Superman Syndrome"
It's interesting because NOBODY talks about this.
A lot of people seem to have the "Superman Syndrome".
They try to be good at everything. They think they're Superman.
But in reality, you should have 1 or 2 things your phenomenal at, and suck at the rest.
In order for you to succeed with internet marketing, you need to be good at a WIDE RANGE of things. (you need to know copywriting, have technical skills, be good at tracking and optimizing, etc.)
Not only that, you need "soft skills" like focus, discipline, taking action, managing time, etc etc.
If you lack in any one of the (let's say 10 skills needed to be successful) - that will always be your tripping point. You will always run into that wall. Over and over... until you tire out.
When I realized this and finally accepted that maybe I can't be really good at everything, I began to delegate...
And it ironically revolutionized my entire business!
Now I can just do what I'm GREAT at and delegate everything else I am not good at or hate (like technical things) - and then, almost immediately you score these incredible benefits:
Benefit #1. You can make FAST progress and not get stuck (because nothing trips you up anymore)
Benefit #2. Your bottom line SKYROCKETS (as a natural result of #1)
Benefit #3. You have MUCH more free time (because everyone's doing YOUR work while you're doing something fun)
Benefit #4. You can SCALE much easier (meaning more profits into your bank account)
Benefit #5. You spread the wealth instead of hogging it yourself (and you can get it delegated for pennies on the dollars overseas)
There's a lot more benefits but you get the idea.
One of the best places I find workers is either freelancer.com or upwork.com.
If you're thinking,
"But Stevie! That's going to cost me a lot of money!",
think again.
Keep this simple mantra and you will never go hungry again:
"Make More Than You Spend"
If I asked you if you want to trade $1 for $8, would you take it?
In a millisecond right?
Same thing here. Yes you are paying these workers but you will make multifolds back that amount from your sales.
which brings me to my next point...
2. "There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
EVERYTHING'S an investment.
You might think it's free if you're doing all the work yourself. Not true.
Our time in a day is limited.
Our time in a week is limited.
Our time here on earth is limited.
If you are spending hours and hours in a day trying to figure out how to set up your Wordpress site even if you hate it or doing data entry (which I can get it done at $3/hr), You are missing out on the most important resource of all - TIME.
You are missing out on other things you can do such as spending time with friends or family, your hobbies & passions, or traveling.
So unlike before when I was trying to be a "Cheap Superman" - I do the opposite now - I spend spend spend! Like a BOSS...
I see everything as an investment and try to simply make more than I spend. Later on, everything becomes an investment game.
One of the BIGGEST mistakes I made when I was first starting out which got me spending wheels for years and years was spending too much time consuming information and not executing.
I was consuming information after information and taking notes. It was mental masturbation.
It was fun learning and I thought I was going somewhere but it did just the opposite.
I became overwhelmed, confused, and stuck.
I didn't have a solid direction or focus. I was getting distracted everywhere by the next "shiny object".
And one day, it got VERY bad. I got so frustrated and sick and tired of being stuck.
So I decided to do something that TOTALLY went against my norm.
I decided to get a mentor. (i.e. coach)
And my life immediately changed for the better. And it has never been the same since.
Because check this out.
These days, anybody with a computer hooked up to the internet can type and give advice. Even a monkey with half a brain.
Robert Kiyosaki, the financial guru, says "what's worse than no advice is BAD advice.
When it comes to business, you should be VERY careful who you are listening to.
Your key job will be to figure out who's the 5% to listen to and ignore the 95%.
But if you find the 5%, who have walked the walked and been in the trenches and not just spitting theories, listen to everything he/she says.
Because everything he will be saying will be something that is derived from experience - the truth. (hint: when you listen to truths, it should have a 'heavy' feeling in your gut)
And applying just a handful of these "truths" that is distilled from hundreds of trials and errors, your income will take off like a ROCKET.
That's why you'll rarely see anyone who've made it do it without a mentor. We all need help.
In order to achieve success, one must always be humble and be open to learning all the time.
4. Freedom vs. Another Job?
If you want to be free and not have just another job, you need to be in an industry with a PASSIVE INCOME model. Not earned income model.
Warren Buffett said,
"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."
I see a lot of guys who quit their jobs and start doing something like graphic designing, web designing, and programming and can’t get out because they’re making some money.
That's why you gotta pick business models that spit out passive income, not earned income.
One of the business models I love is Amazon Kindle publishing.
Because all the books that you publish become a "mini-asset". It's as close to "set-it-and-forget-it" as it can get.
In fact, I have books that I've published 5 years ago that's STILL making me money today (and I haven't touched it for years)
Imagine what will happen if you have HUNDREDS of these books?
Yes, your "internet marketing dream" might be indeed possible if you play it right...
Because since it's passive income, it will make money with or without you.
5. Pick a BIG niche that sells well.
Here's another key mantra to remember:
"Sell What Sells".
A lot of writers come into this industry writing books they know a lot about or they like. Big mistake.
Sure, you might have a passion for candlemaking or Labrador dog traiing, but how many people in the world shares the same passion as you?
Thing about Kindle is you need to sell in volume.
If you're selling nonfiction, you'll make about $2 - $4 per book.
That means, if you want to earn SUSTAINABLE income, meaning $3,000, $5,000, $10,000+ /month,
You need to sell these many:
$3,000 / $2 = 1500 books per month / 30 days = 50 books a day
$5,000 / $2 = 2500 books per month / 30 days = 83 books a day
$10,000 / $2 = 5000 books per month / 30 days = 166 books a day
That means, you need to be in a BIG niche. Small niches won't have the traffic to yield this kind of sales.
What are the BIG niches?
I'm glad you asked.
Anything that is related to:
-diet/weight loss
-mass media
-make money
...will be a good start.
6. Create An Irresistible "BAIT"
You don't have to reinvent the wheel.
In fact, this is one of the biggest reasons I see guys failing.
I know we're all entrepreneurial and enjoy creating new things, but when starting out, this is deadly.
I tell my students until I'm blue in the face (in a loving way of course)
"Don't reinvent the wheel... just make it CHROME!"
What does that mean?
You see what's selling in the marketplace.
Specifically, under Kindle Bestseller Rank of 20,000. They're selling around 10-15 books a day.
Which means potentially,
15 books a day x $4 earning per sale = $60 a day. Or,
$60 a day x 30 days = it's making $1,800 from ONE (1) book!
Can you see how this can get profitable very quickly?
Now, you will want to MODEL this book.
Or, you LEARN from this book. What works and what doesn't.
Take a look at their reviews. Especially 5 star and 1 star reviews.
What you will be doing is take what people are raving about, and improve what people are complaining about.
For example, let's say you’re looking into the cookbook niche.
You find a cookbook that is under 20,000 Bestseller Rank. Let's say it's called "Easy and Delicious Paleo Diet Recipes"
You check their 5 star reviews and it says:
-Loved the pictures!
-Really like the clear instructions
-Found the grocery shopping list incredibly useful!
And you see these 1 star complaints:
- Formatting was horrible
- Grammar and typos were everywhere
- Couldn't careless for stories - just give me the recipes already!
So, jot that down on a piece of paper. All of it.
What you'll be doing next is totally ninja.
You will now keep what your customer says they like and improve what they don't like for your own books!
So it'll go something like this:
- Formatting was horrible >> Have proper formatting for YOUR book
- Grammar and typos were everywhere >> Have correct grammar and spelling for YOUR book
- Couldn't careless for stories - just give me the recipes already! >> Just give them the recipes and not stories.
And once you publish your book strengthened on your competitor's weakness, you will have 0 reasons why people will give you a negative review for.
Remember, on Amazon review is KING.
So if you have all these 4,5 star reviews and very few 1 star reviews, you will be GOLDEN.
Your book will eventually get more and more sales than "Easy and Delicious Paleo Diet Recipes" and eventually TAKE OVER its spot.
Meaning, the sales that he gets $1,800 in monthly passive income will now be yours!
But I can hear you saying,
"But Stevie! what if I don't know ANYTHING about that niche? Even though it's profitable, I won't be able to do anything about it!"
Well, I'll tell you what to do in the next step...
7. Have an expert to create the perfect bait FOR YOU.
But the challenge is, you don't know anything about Paleo, dating, or meditation right?
What should you do?
If you said "outsource"
You hit the nail on the head!
What's so amazing about outsourcing is, you can get just about any writers who specialize in all kinds of different topics!
Here's what to do in 4 simple steps that will work over and over like clockwork:
7.1 Just go to either freelancer.com or upwork.com
7.2 Post a compelling ad looking for writers in your topic. (make sure you have it in your title)
7.3 Invite some candidates to get the momentum going (look for guys with hundreds of hours logged and over 4 star reviews)
7.4 Hire and give them clear, specific instructions about your book!
That's it!
They will get to work right away!
Remember, you know you're going to be making $1,800 /month for this book so you can spend anything under this and you'll come out ahead! (For nonfiction books, I usually get it for $50-$100 for 35-50 pages)
Keep it simple. Just make more than you spend.
So while you're at the beach enjoying a fresh margarita, your writers will be hard at work creating your "perfect bait" for you.
8. Get a MAGNETIC Cover That Is Impossible To Ignore
This is one of the 3 MOST important pieces to your marketing.
You will have 0.2 seconds to capture reader’s attention while they're scrolling.
If you can't make them STOP on their tracks, battle is lost even before you started.
All your time and money spent creating your book will be wasted.
Create a MAGNETIC cover. One that is impossible to ignore!
Here are the steps:
8.1 Look for a great cover designer specializing in KINDLE cover designs. (it's different from physical book design) - hint: you can get one at Fiverr.com for $5 and it will outperform a $500 design from a US based cover designer if you tell them these instructions.
8.2 Ask them to make the titles BIG and BOLD.
Thing about Kindle is most people are looking through the titles on their phones.
If the titles are small, it won't be read.
8.3 Ask them to use High Resolution graphics
People associate higher resolution = higher quality.
So if your book uses HD graphics as the background, they will IMMEDIATELY think your book is high quality and they will pay more for your book even though the content is the same.
10. Do a KILLER Promotion
Here comes the fun part.
Now you just have to do a KILLER promotion.
And here's what to do shoot your book rankings higher than the freakin' Empire State Building. You'll love this.
Here's what to do:
10.1 Right after your publish your book, your book will be ranking high for a keyword for a brief period of time. You will want to get downloads in SPIKES because that's what Amazon likes.
So in order to get these spikes, enroll in KDP Select.
10.2 Promote your book to as many promotion sites as you can. There's tons of Facebook groups. Just search "Kindle Promotion" or "Kindle Free". You can also get people at Fiverr to do it.
Another good resource is this: Free Amazon Kindle Book Submission Tool | Author Marketing Club
10.3 Set your book on a "Free Promotion" in KDP Select.
10.4 If you have your book in a series (recommended by Amazon), link all of your books together inside the book and the product page and as soon as the promotion is over, set the 2nd book on the promotion. After that's done, set the 3rd book on promotion, etc. This will cross-promote your books and your sales will have a compound effect while building your brand.
10.5. Continue to do this and you'll have generated tons of sales across your series!
NOTE: Keep on doing steps 1-10 as many times as you can. The more you do it, more cash you'll make.
11. BONUS: Automate Everything
Get a Project Manager that replaces you.
And your entire book pumping FACTORY will be rolling non-stop with or without you!
12. BONUS: SCALE It To 6-7 Figures
If you have a project manager working for you, sky becomes the limit how many books you publish.
After the project manager starts managing about 5 books a week (or 20 books a month) he'll start running out of capacity. That's when you hire another one 😀
Final Step: Sit back, relax, and watch the MAGIC all happen.
By the way, you could've stopped at Step 10 and still created a 6 Figure business....
But if you want more... and you want it done FASTER... then follow all steps to a T.
Well, it took a LOT longer than I thought! Haha
But I hope it was useful for some of you guys.
Try it out, and let me know your results!
I know the title sounds like the "4 hour workweek" but it is indeed possible to create a business that requires very little maintenance and I'll tell you the exact steps that I managed to make this work this in this post.
It's a pretty comprehensive post so brew yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea and let's dive in! You're in for a treat.
It has been over 10 years since I quit my job and started working full time online.
It has been a wild roller coaster ride but now it has gotten me to a point where I make more than I've ever dreamed of, working less than 3 hours a day.
In fact, scratch that. I don't even have to work 3 hours if I didn't want to. I can work 3 hours a week and I'll bet you if I check my bank account at the end of the month, the earnings will still be the same or higher.
No, this is not a "hype" - in fact, probably like you, I hate hype and fluff.
This is also not one of those "dream" posts where you would be lifted to the clouds without a plan to get there.
This is a real, ground-level, step-by-step tactical blueprint that has been seized through numerous hard fought battles and tribulations.
To be fair, to get to where I am today was NOT easy. It took a lot of trial and error and iterations and a ton of years in the dark.
When I look at some of the facebook posts and "gurus" out there flashing their Lamborghini's, Rolex watches, girls, saying that you can "have it all" if you just press this tiny button on a software, I silently cringe because it's really not that easy as they make it out to be. And if you start out with that kind of expectations, it is 100% that you will get disappointed.
Sure it's always great to imagine the possibilities but those are the end results. Kind of like holding up the championship trophy. But nobody really sees the hours, sweats, practices, work that was done in the dark so I'll take you on a tour "behind the scenes" of what successful internet entrepreneurs really do when nobody is watching so you can duplicate the success as well.
When I first started out 10 years ago what I thought missing was the actual (and accurate) ground level step-by-step strategies and tactics for success so I thought I'd share it with you today. With this, it is my hope that you will drastically cut your learning curve and start making some real cash (if you know what I mean) once and for all.
I've read a lot of books and I LOVED MJ DeMarco's "Millionaire Fastlane ". In fact, it's one of the best business books I've ever read. And I also love this forum and the community. Everyone is passionate and eager to realize their dreams.
But unfortunately I also noticed some people were providing advice from theories that are simply not true and a lot of "blind leading the blind".
So now that Christmas is around the corner, I feel like it's a good time to share some good ole' value with you guys. And since 2014 I've been teaching and mentoring people around the world to help them make full time income and quit their jobs so I think I've gotten pretty good at this teaching thing and at a good place to give back.
This will be a newbie friendly post and if you heed this advice, I'm sure you will save yourself a lot of frustrations no matter where you are at.
And if you're more advanced, you will nod your head in silent agreement because it's the same strategy both me and my millionaire friends employ daily.
If you're ready, let's begin. It's about to get damn good...
1. Killing the "Superman Syndrome"
It's interesting because NOBODY talks about this.
A lot of people seem to have the "Superman Syndrome".
They try to be good at everything. They think they're Superman.
But in reality, you should have 1 or 2 things your phenomenal at, and suck at the rest.
In order for you to succeed with internet marketing, you need to be good at a WIDE RANGE of things. (you need to know copywriting, have technical skills, be good at tracking and optimizing, etc.)
Not only that, you need "soft skills" like focus, discipline, taking action, managing time, etc etc.
If you lack in any one of the (let's say 10 skills needed to be successful) - that will always be your tripping point. You will always run into that wall. Over and over... until you tire out.
When I realized this and finally accepted that maybe I can't be really good at everything, I began to delegate...
And it ironically revolutionized my entire business!
Now I can just do what I'm GREAT at and delegate everything else I am not good at or hate (like technical things) - and then, almost immediately you score these incredible benefits:
Benefit #1. You can make FAST progress and not get stuck (because nothing trips you up anymore)
Benefit #2. Your bottom line SKYROCKETS (as a natural result of #1)
Benefit #3. You have MUCH more free time (because everyone's doing YOUR work while you're doing something fun)
Benefit #4. You can SCALE much easier (meaning more profits into your bank account)
Benefit #5. You spread the wealth instead of hogging it yourself (and you can get it delegated for pennies on the dollars overseas)
There's a lot more benefits but you get the idea.
One of the best places I find workers is either freelancer.com or upwork.com.
If you're thinking,
"But Stevie! That's going to cost me a lot of money!",
think again.
Keep this simple mantra and you will never go hungry again:
"Make More Than You Spend"
If I asked you if you want to trade $1 for $8, would you take it?
In a millisecond right?
Same thing here. Yes you are paying these workers but you will make multifolds back that amount from your sales.
which brings me to my next point...
2. "There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
EVERYTHING'S an investment.
You might think it's free if you're doing all the work yourself. Not true.
Our time in a day is limited.
Our time in a week is limited.
Our time here on earth is limited.
If you are spending hours and hours in a day trying to figure out how to set up your Wordpress site even if you hate it or doing data entry (which I can get it done at $3/hr), You are missing out on the most important resource of all - TIME.
You are missing out on other things you can do such as spending time with friends or family, your hobbies & passions, or traveling.
So unlike before when I was trying to be a "Cheap Superman" - I do the opposite now - I spend spend spend! Like a BOSS...
I see everything as an investment and try to simply make more than I spend. Later on, everything becomes an investment game.
One of the BIGGEST mistakes I made when I was first starting out which got me spending wheels for years and years was spending too much time consuming information and not executing.
I was consuming information after information and taking notes. It was mental masturbation.
It was fun learning and I thought I was going somewhere but it did just the opposite.
I became overwhelmed, confused, and stuck.
I didn't have a solid direction or focus. I was getting distracted everywhere by the next "shiny object".
And one day, it got VERY bad. I got so frustrated and sick and tired of being stuck.
So I decided to do something that TOTALLY went against my norm.
I decided to get a mentor. (i.e. coach)
And my life immediately changed for the better. And it has never been the same since.
Because check this out.
These days, anybody with a computer hooked up to the internet can type and give advice. Even a monkey with half a brain.
Robert Kiyosaki, the financial guru, says "what's worse than no advice is BAD advice.
When it comes to business, you should be VERY careful who you are listening to.
Your key job will be to figure out who's the 5% to listen to and ignore the 95%.
But if you find the 5%, who have walked the walked and been in the trenches and not just spitting theories, listen to everything he/she says.
Because everything he will be saying will be something that is derived from experience - the truth. (hint: when you listen to truths, it should have a 'heavy' feeling in your gut)
And applying just a handful of these "truths" that is distilled from hundreds of trials and errors, your income will take off like a ROCKET.
That's why you'll rarely see anyone who've made it do it without a mentor. We all need help.
In order to achieve success, one must always be humble and be open to learning all the time.
4. Freedom vs. Another Job?
If you want to be free and not have just another job, you need to be in an industry with a PASSIVE INCOME model. Not earned income model.
Warren Buffett said,
"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."
I see a lot of guys who quit their jobs and start doing something like graphic designing, web designing, and programming and can’t get out because they’re making some money.
That's why you gotta pick business models that spit out passive income, not earned income.
One of the business models I love is Amazon Kindle publishing.
Because all the books that you publish become a "mini-asset". It's as close to "set-it-and-forget-it" as it can get.
In fact, I have books that I've published 5 years ago that's STILL making me money today (and I haven't touched it for years)
Imagine what will happen if you have HUNDREDS of these books?
Yes, your "internet marketing dream" might be indeed possible if you play it right...
Because since it's passive income, it will make money with or without you.
5. Pick a BIG niche that sells well.
Here's another key mantra to remember:
"Sell What Sells".
A lot of writers come into this industry writing books they know a lot about or they like. Big mistake.
Sure, you might have a passion for candlemaking or Labrador dog traiing, but how many people in the world shares the same passion as you?
Thing about Kindle is you need to sell in volume.
If you're selling nonfiction, you'll make about $2 - $4 per book.
That means, if you want to earn SUSTAINABLE income, meaning $3,000, $5,000, $10,000+ /month,
You need to sell these many:
$3,000 / $2 = 1500 books per month / 30 days = 50 books a day
$5,000 / $2 = 2500 books per month / 30 days = 83 books a day
$10,000 / $2 = 5000 books per month / 30 days = 166 books a day
That means, you need to be in a BIG niche. Small niches won't have the traffic to yield this kind of sales.
What are the BIG niches?
I'm glad you asked.
Anything that is related to:
-diet/weight loss
-mass media
-make money
...will be a good start.
6. Create An Irresistible "BAIT"
You don't have to reinvent the wheel.
In fact, this is one of the biggest reasons I see guys failing.
I know we're all entrepreneurial and enjoy creating new things, but when starting out, this is deadly.
I tell my students until I'm blue in the face (in a loving way of course)
"Don't reinvent the wheel... just make it CHROME!"
What does that mean?
You see what's selling in the marketplace.
Specifically, under Kindle Bestseller Rank of 20,000. They're selling around 10-15 books a day.
Which means potentially,
15 books a day x $4 earning per sale = $60 a day. Or,
$60 a day x 30 days = it's making $1,800 from ONE (1) book!
Can you see how this can get profitable very quickly?
Now, you will want to MODEL this book.
Or, you LEARN from this book. What works and what doesn't.
Take a look at their reviews. Especially 5 star and 1 star reviews.
What you will be doing is take what people are raving about, and improve what people are complaining about.
For example, let's say you’re looking into the cookbook niche.
You find a cookbook that is under 20,000 Bestseller Rank. Let's say it's called "Easy and Delicious Paleo Diet Recipes"
You check their 5 star reviews and it says:
-Loved the pictures!
-Really like the clear instructions
-Found the grocery shopping list incredibly useful!
And you see these 1 star complaints:
- Formatting was horrible
- Grammar and typos were everywhere
- Couldn't careless for stories - just give me the recipes already!
So, jot that down on a piece of paper. All of it.
What you'll be doing next is totally ninja.
You will now keep what your customer says they like and improve what they don't like for your own books!
So it'll go something like this:
- Formatting was horrible >> Have proper formatting for YOUR book
- Grammar and typos were everywhere >> Have correct grammar and spelling for YOUR book
- Couldn't careless for stories - just give me the recipes already! >> Just give them the recipes and not stories.
And once you publish your book strengthened on your competitor's weakness, you will have 0 reasons why people will give you a negative review for.
Remember, on Amazon review is KING.
So if you have all these 4,5 star reviews and very few 1 star reviews, you will be GOLDEN.
Your book will eventually get more and more sales than "Easy and Delicious Paleo Diet Recipes" and eventually TAKE OVER its spot.
Meaning, the sales that he gets $1,800 in monthly passive income will now be yours!

But I can hear you saying,
"But Stevie! what if I don't know ANYTHING about that niche? Even though it's profitable, I won't be able to do anything about it!"
Well, I'll tell you what to do in the next step...
7. Have an expert to create the perfect bait FOR YOU.
But the challenge is, you don't know anything about Paleo, dating, or meditation right?
What should you do?
If you said "outsource"
You hit the nail on the head!
What's so amazing about outsourcing is, you can get just about any writers who specialize in all kinds of different topics!
Here's what to do in 4 simple steps that will work over and over like clockwork:
7.1 Just go to either freelancer.com or upwork.com
7.2 Post a compelling ad looking for writers in your topic. (make sure you have it in your title)
7.3 Invite some candidates to get the momentum going (look for guys with hundreds of hours logged and over 4 star reviews)
7.4 Hire and give them clear, specific instructions about your book!
That's it!
They will get to work right away!
Remember, you know you're going to be making $1,800 /month for this book so you can spend anything under this and you'll come out ahead! (For nonfiction books, I usually get it for $50-$100 for 35-50 pages)
Keep it simple. Just make more than you spend.
So while you're at the beach enjoying a fresh margarita, your writers will be hard at work creating your "perfect bait" for you.
8. Get a MAGNETIC Cover That Is Impossible To Ignore
This is one of the 3 MOST important pieces to your marketing.
You will have 0.2 seconds to capture reader’s attention while they're scrolling.
If you can't make them STOP on their tracks, battle is lost even before you started.
All your time and money spent creating your book will be wasted.
Create a MAGNETIC cover. One that is impossible to ignore!
Here are the steps:
8.1 Look for a great cover designer specializing in KINDLE cover designs. (it's different from physical book design) - hint: you can get one at Fiverr.com for $5 and it will outperform a $500 design from a US based cover designer if you tell them these instructions.
8.2 Ask them to make the titles BIG and BOLD.
Thing about Kindle is most people are looking through the titles on their phones.
If the titles are small, it won't be read.
8.3 Ask them to use High Resolution graphics
People associate higher resolution = higher quality.
So if your book uses HD graphics as the background, they will IMMEDIATELY think your book is high quality and they will pay more for your book even though the content is the same.
10. Do a KILLER Promotion
Here comes the fun part.
Now you just have to do a KILLER promotion.
And here's what to do shoot your book rankings higher than the freakin' Empire State Building. You'll love this.
Here's what to do:
10.1 Right after your publish your book, your book will be ranking high for a keyword for a brief period of time. You will want to get downloads in SPIKES because that's what Amazon likes.
So in order to get these spikes, enroll in KDP Select.
10.2 Promote your book to as many promotion sites as you can. There's tons of Facebook groups. Just search "Kindle Promotion" or "Kindle Free". You can also get people at Fiverr to do it.
Another good resource is this: Free Amazon Kindle Book Submission Tool | Author Marketing Club
10.3 Set your book on a "Free Promotion" in KDP Select.
10.4 If you have your book in a series (recommended by Amazon), link all of your books together inside the book and the product page and as soon as the promotion is over, set the 2nd book on the promotion. After that's done, set the 3rd book on promotion, etc. This will cross-promote your books and your sales will have a compound effect while building your brand.
10.5. Continue to do this and you'll have generated tons of sales across your series!
NOTE: Keep on doing steps 1-10 as many times as you can. The more you do it, more cash you'll make.
11. BONUS: Automate Everything
Get a Project Manager that replaces you.
And your entire book pumping FACTORY will be rolling non-stop with or without you!
12. BONUS: SCALE It To 6-7 Figures
If you have a project manager working for you, sky becomes the limit how many books you publish.
After the project manager starts managing about 5 books a week (or 20 books a month) he'll start running out of capacity. That's when you hire another one 😀
Final Step: Sit back, relax, and watch the MAGIC all happen.
By the way, you could've stopped at Step 10 and still created a 6 Figure business....
But if you want more... and you want it done FASTER... then follow all steps to a T.
Well, it took a LOT longer than I thought! Haha
But I hope it was useful for some of you guys.
Try it out, and let me know your results!
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