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Sep 3, 2017
Hi all,

On most websites, there's usually a "Subscribe to our newsletter!", and this is also a good way for companies to collect visitors' emails, which we can then use to send them newsletters to market to them monthly etc.

Problem is, what do you guys usually put in those newsletters, besides new products?

I was thinking if my newsletters are all about my products, it might turn off people?
Or is this normal? It's like you visit a company's FB page and all you see are them tooting their products.

I thought of writing content articles (e.g: if you're selling shampoo, you can write hair care articles in your newsletter), but that seems like re-inventing the wheel because there's so many other blog sites that have such content, and they do it way better, because that's their main business.

Also, for some niches, it might be quite easy to run out of content.
So, for example, in MJ's case, where he owned a limos business previously, does he blog about limousines in his newsletter (imagine if he had one back then)? LOL

Any thoughts?
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Tiger TT

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Dec 25, 2015
You know what problems your customers have. So write about those problems. Teach them something in every newsletter and also offer a solution to their problem. And those solutions are probably gonna be the products that you're selling.

I sell in every single newsletter. But 99% of the letter contains really helpful information about one of their problems and only 1% of the letter is about my product.

Anuj Raman

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Nov 1, 2017
The best way to know what type of content your audience wants is to ask them directly:

For example-

Let's say that you are running a website where you teach freelancers on how to do freelancing and get clients etc. The product you are selling is a course called "17 Ways To Get Freelancing Clients".

Now you have a lead magnet on your website where you might be offering a free cheat sheet on how to get clients, which people will opt-in for.

Now that you have their email set up your email auto-responder in such a way that the first email would be the free-cheat sheet that you promised to give them and then the second email should be something like this:

"Hey I hope you received the Cheat-Sheet On How To Get Clients if not click here ....

When I started freelancing it was really hard because I didn't have a proven way that I knew for sure would get me the success I wanted with freelancing (Story Tell Here).

What one problem would you have solved currently in your business, if you knew you had a magic-wand that will be able to do it?

Write me back I'd love to know, I read each and every email."

Do this for whatever product service you are offering.
When you ask your customers directly and personally (via email) they'd be more than willing to tell you about their pain points.

Once you know their pain points, create content around it.

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