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A Book About a Guy Who Figured It Out Without Books, the Internet, Etc.

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Jul 19, 2017
Solving Pain
So you like short, sweet, books about raw uncut entrepreneurship...?

Well, this book is about Cyrus McCormick, the guy who made the mechanical reaper usable. This was a pretty big deal. It cut out the problem of having to cut your wheat by hand with a scythe. It was useful to every single wheat harvester in the world. This allowed the world's population to boom and labor to specialize even more.

But, even this wondrous invention didn't sell itself. You can take notes on a guy who learned it all head first. Which is extremely interesting since he uncovered all the fastlane CENTS principles. He went from humble demonstrator of his machine, to owning factories and dealership chains while fending off vultures in the courtroom.

It is free over here on project Gutenberg(a free internet library of out of copyright books). Read it and leave yourself no more excuses.

PS: It is a little old-timey and corny, but you can still spot all the principles in play.
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