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21y/o Kid who knows nothing...


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Oct 19, 2017
Hello everyone,
I decided that I would make my first post. I have always been afraid of posting here as I am young and have no real notable accomplishments. But here goes nothing. My name is Jordan I am 21 years old and I am located in New Mexico and I have always been afraid of life. Growing up and seeing my family struggle terrified me that I to would follow in those same financial struggles. I got my first job at 15. Ever since that first paycheck I was hooked. I did the usual highschool hustle of flipping items on craigslist as I still do go back to the basics as there is some money to be made. Graduated highschool as an average GPA kid.

I am doing the college thing going for a associates in emergency medicine. My goal is to work at the fire dept for 48hrs and start/grow my business on my days off. I wish to take advantage of the benifits and perks as well as I enjoy helping others in a time of need. I currently just finished my EMT-B license and accepted a (slowlane) job that allows me to gain experience to join the fire dept and also will pay for my schooling to further my education in EMS. I figured that I should take free school while I can.

What I have done since 02-08-17

I have tested to be a certified vinyl graphic installer as automotive customization has always been a great hobby/lifestyle for me. I started to offer my services and turned $-800 (class/test fee) into $6,243.16 My first real income (1099) that I thought of and busted my a$$ for.

Im no longer doing to much vinyl installs as ill be cranking a 40hr work week. So I needed a new plan. Since I had somewhat of a name getting out there I decided that I would do an online store (basic I know). I have not had a single sale on my site (very discouraging). I do not want to give up and walk away from my first attempt at a business. My thought process is that I need to keep my name and brand out there no matter how little or how big (keep moving forward).

This whole thing has been an uphill battle as it is hard to get business owners to take me serious as I am youger. I will not let that hold me back as I am making calls everyday to companies who may be interested in my products that I know offer and I am trying to market my site but that is a learning curve in itself. I will not accept total failure as I will adjust my plan and re-attack I will not use my age as an excuse as I have some relationships with large companies in my industry so I know for a fact that it can be done.

Now I need to stop action faking.... It finally clicked to me last night that no matter how many hours I spend putting products on my site it does no good if no one see's them but me. So I have to stop thinking that I am being productive when all that I am doing is telling my self I am being productive. I need to get my products in front of people. My plan is now to focus on social media and marketing as that is what's going to put products in front of my customers! Yes I will still add products that I feel are good but that is not going to be my main focus. Im not going away from vinyl completly im cutting out the middle man AKA "me" so customers can still use my company as their source for vinyl graphics but selling them and keeping them simple DIY type kits until I can go back to doing more installs. I know I seem to be all over the place but this is it. No more changes.

I will be soley focused on this ONE website as my first project. No more trying to "get rich quick" by dipping my toe in the water of multiple was to make money I will get nowhere doing that as I finally realized... I have 0 business experience whatsoever so this is all a learning curve to me but I will learn it as I go but I have been doing "ok" so far. I will not financially struggle, i'm sure that I will encounter major road blocks along the way of building my business. If it were easy would I truly appreciate the finacial freedom?

Im not going to let failed attempts deter me from my goal. This great forum has given me breadcrumbs that allowed things to finally click for me. Now that you know my focus I would appreciate any advice or opinions. I'm not looking for a decision from the forum or a "do this" or "do that" path to follow but maybe something my inexperience is lacking. THANK YOU ALL for the breadcrumbs you have allowed me to read and learn from this great community.
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Nov 20, 2017
First, welcome Jordan! Second, don't let age be a factor in your fastlane journey. I am 47 and just now wising up to how scripted my life has been and staring on my path to the fastlane. You have a lot more to offer than you think. You've taken action. That is a lot more than a lot of others in this world or even on this forum.

Keep pushing forward and share your successes and failures. We all have something to learn from each other.


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Oct 19, 2017
thank you! I will keep going until I can finally say "I'm Free".

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