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young entrepreneurs

  1. Shubham Hire

    I'm frustrated thinking about business ideas.

    I'm a college student right now and decided to start my own business because it's my dream. Till date I haven't earned a single buck, but I have this mindset that no matter what happens I'll do business and gain financial independence. My biggest problem is that I don't have any business idea to...
  2. jjessec

    17 Year Old Entrepreneur Journey

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to share a little bit of inspiration for you young or old entrepreneurs that are just starting out. I am 17 and I am just like you, scouring the internet for any source of information I can get my hands on to start making money. Trying all sorts of business models...
  3. N

    Let me introduce myself!

    Hello everyone, My name is Navjot, I'm a young entrepreneur with a lot of ideas to put in action. I have been trading FOREX for the past year with ups and downs but finally getting more UPS than downs lately, I am planning to build my brand and make it Worldwide. I think I'm gonna like this...
  4. Jeix

    24-year old from Italy on his journey

    Hello, I'm a 24-year-old guy from Italy who's always gone under the nickname Jeix. Long post up ahead. Enjoy the ride if you wish! My life so far hasn't been special at all. I graduated from university in February 2017 with a degree in translation and interpreting skills. Like every person my...
  5. S

    Can't avoid the Script right now

    Hi everyone, first of all I want to apologize for my english, I'm still learnin and I don't know if I'm writting this correctly. Wanted to start this thread for getting advice from all of you, tell me your experiencies at school when you were 16 years old (like me right now). I just feel...
  6. dougie

    Grinding away, Dropping out, and Overcoming Comfort

    Hello, everyone. I am 19 years old, in the SEO industry, a Linux geek, and have a large passion for programming. It all started in early 2014. I hated school and the path I was set on. Having to get on that prison bus every day and be forced to absorb subjects that did not inspire me was a...
  7. C

    Introduction of myself

    Well my name is Jose, I'm 18 years old, I come from a city that is border with Mexico in the state of Texas, I speak English and Spanish. I used to be like any other person who had the mentality to go to school, have good grades, graduate and have a good job but my journey to start as an...
  8. ytomasch

    18 years old, second venture.

    Going to keep it short, but I'm 18 years old and MJ changed my life. For awhile I had a strong interest in the scripted life, but that changed quickly after reading Fastlane and Unscripted. Since then I have launched one minimally profitable E-commerce site, and am moving into Home Security...
  9. Chx

    15 Year Old Aspiring to Become a Fastlaner

    'ello there! Hey, I'm Chx (No reason behind the name, but if I stick around here long enough, I'll definitely find some meaning for it), and this is my introduction post (!) me This place and TMF You guys Normal Intro Stuff...
  10. D

    Hello from Switzerland! :D

    Hey Guys! I'm an 18 year old fellow living in Switzerland. Currently I'm in a apprenticeship as an electronics engineer. But I decided that this is not the thing I want to do for the rest of my life. Same shit same day working for other guys and so on. I decided that I want to become an...
  11. K

    23 Year Old Successful Real Estate Investor Looking To Influence

    Hey Guys! My Name Is Kevin Ramirez I am a real estate investor in Raleigh, NC I focus on rehabbing and wholesaling (mainly wholesaling) single family homes and small multifamily I join the group specifically to see if there is a group of people who are in my situation or are working towards...
  12. Z

    Hello I'm new, who here can help an aspiring billionaire?

    Hey my name is zubair and I'm 17 years old. I'm from a great city called Toronto and man oh man do I want to be wealthy. My desire to be wealthy came from years of seeing my mom and dad struggle to pay the bills and they even fought sometimes about it. The real trigger for me was when my mom's...
  13. H

    20 year old finding my passion..Pleasure to be here!

    First I want to start by saying I just read Fastlane Millionaire in about a day and couldn't put it down. Now started unplugged. I have always wanted to have financial freedom since I was 14. I started by making some apps and had them published on the marketplace. It was generating ~5 dollars...
  14. E

    16 year old hustler

    My name es Eduardo, I'm 16 years old and today I've just finished TMF last page. This was mindblowing for me cuz I'm a straight a's student and thos book challenged lots of bilieves my friends and family have. I started entrepeneurship when I was 13 years old selling candies haha. From there...
  15. Danweebly

    Side Income for Young aspiring fastlaners

    Just a fellow fastlaner lucky to embrace entrepreneurship and the fastlane ideology at a much younger age. I understand that starting some pure fastlane business requires some good amount of money. As a young college fresher, what businesses can I engage in while planning for a better fastlane...